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<br /> ~� p�ya�e�tts may no tonger i�requirr,�i,a�tho optEon of Lender, if t[wRgage insur�t�cQ c:aversge:(iat.tii:.ai�;uuut un�! 'r'r+r tr�r.�e�i,,.t
<br /> `s"�`t- �'--z, rt��,t It��?�?er f£.(�31ICa.)providcd by;u�lu�:a+res��pE,rc�vcd�y I.e��d��r c���i�z bccomes nv;�itat�ic r.nd fs ohteiy,cti:�rrr,wer sh8fi�y
<br /> . —
<br /> ------------- • . -�! `r`� .q... h('Pr ti�r,.YY�a�vr . --
<br /> — the premiums reqsired io maintaiit mortgnge insuranse t�etiect.(7i[0 pi(1vxt�C'.s x17»L'�n..•,.:,ua�i+ �r".` 1t1;.W_3._� --
<br /> insurance cnds in nccordance with any written ugreement betwesn Iiorre�v�+er a�xi l.ender ar ap�ficuble law.
<br /> � �� 9,Inypection.C.endcr Ar its�gcnt nu�y make reasonaUla eutrics upnn and inspccdons af the Propc�. 1.cn�icr shali give
<br /> ...��i� —
<br /> �ortower nottce at thc timc of or prior to an inspectiQn specitying n;asnnable cause for ihe�ns�ectiun.
<br /> -- - 10. Cor�aeninAttun. The p�oceeds o'`°"-v award or claim for dti�ages, direct or cor+sequential, in cannection wiEh�zsy
<br /> �,�ndcmnation ar utiier tzking of uny pare of t1�e Property,or for conveyance in licu of concl�mnuxion,axe hereby atsi�ned at�d
<br /> r�w'���u shult�e:p�id to Lender.
<br /> - __-= In die evet�t of n total klking of the Qeoperty,the proceals shall Ua applial to th�snn�s securd Uy this Securi.y�iutturnent,
<br /> �-�""°'° whcth�r ae not then due, with any excess�suid to Borrower. In the�vent of n pa�zial caking of the Psoperty in whi�h d�c fair
<br /> -°-- � market value of thc Prope�rty immediately b�fore the takin�is equal to or�reater tl�un the amaunt of the syms secured by this
<br /> -'� Sex:urity instrument immedintcl}before the taking,unless Batrower r�nd l.e.nder oihcrwise agree in writing,the surns s;curafi by
<br /> -� this Securit Instniment sh�ll be reduced di the amoant of zhe pracecds multiplied by the follc�wing fraction: (a) the toral
<br /> Y Y
<br /> - - - - - = auwu�«of iho sur:�s secured lmme�int�ly befnrs the taking, dividcd by(b�•the foic market vAlue of thG Property i�nme�iatety
<br /> -- �-�� b:.fore die tnking. Any bulance shall he paid t�Borcower. In iha event of A partial teking of the Yraperty !n which in4,iair�
<br />- �����==- _-� ma;ket vnlue uf the Property iriuuediately t�fore thc tuking ls less than tha nmount of th��ums secured immexliately before ihe - ---
<br />_. .u:iv�rc�su� •..». �_....:ev :d.,c tha s�mrs�a�lc chnU - ,__._
<br /> r•'r;'---°• �---
<br /> ���---y�=s� takiny. unless Barsower and Lender otl►envise agree►n vmting or u�uess appua:auic �n.� ���«_•.•�..^ .-•------- _
<br /> , ^.M�,�; -- ,be upplied W the sums secured by thas Sext►rity Instrument whether or n�t u�e su��u s:c then due.
<br />`"=��'�_-��'� I�d�e 1Property is abandoned by Dorrower.or if,afier notice by Lender to Borrower that the cazt3«:nnar oficrs to make ai►
<br /> �,,,-,;„,a,,� � � �w:vd or sett�e a�claim for damages, Borrawtr f.vls to respond ta Lender wiYhin 30 days after the da+.e t1�.e goticG is givcn, ,, _
<br /> --`'"'°�� IPnder is authorizc�ca collect aud appty the proceods,at its option,either ta restoration or repair c,f th:.Pronercy or ta thc sums �
<br /> -_"�.,_,�.�
<br />-°°'°'°--- - secumd by this Securiey Irtstr«n�znt,whethee or not then due.
<br />-_±--_�=--� •T.,�__.. r,,..,�e..,.,,� A�►r��unr nthwrwica A��l'P, in writ'tt10.. aS14 3DD11t;�tlUn of U:O:RCd3 t0 pil1lC�DaI ShAU Tiot CRteQ(I OC _
<br />.-�=s.a�,Ei��r�� v.u.,ao .....�..... .,..... .........._. . .
<br /> pustpone the due dnte of thz mand�ly paymea�u referred to in paragrophs 1 and Z or change the amount of such payments.
<br />-°�`>�u�°� �� a,,.;.�„��nr�r ttpl�aced:For6earance By I.ender Not m Watv�r.Bxtension of the time for payment or modifecadon�
<br />__'-;-_�3�� of.unoetization of the surrxs secured by this Secudty Instrument granted by:l;ender tb any successor in interesc oi�vrraNa's9udi ��
<br /> _�:s:.�_;°, noi opernte ta release the liability of the original Borrower or Horrower'e sttecessors in interest. Lender shall noi bs trquired to
<br /> _;`':��,�� c.omm�nce proceedin�s against any successor in interest or refuse to extend time for puyment or o4herwise malcfy amortizatian _
<br /> __�,;;�, of the sums sec;�red by this Secunty Instrument by rcason of any demand made by the orisinal Bonower e�r=°.or='ower's
<br /> --==3����� . successors in inter�st. Any torbearance by Lender in exercising uny right ar xemedy shall not be�waiver of or pm,clude the .. —
<br /> �_��"��,'� ex�rcise of any ri�ht o:remPdy. ' -
<br /> -����s���±a��fl 12. Succ�sors �ncl As.qlgns Bound; Joint and Severa4�,iability; 3Casiguere. The wvenants nnd agreements of ihis
<br />-_ '-"y..7i'��.� Security Instrument shall bind 1nd benefic ahe successors and assigns of Lender and �3orrower. subj2ct to the provisions of _
<br /> -'=��=�'��� �aragraph I7. Borrower's covenar+ts and agreements shall be joint and seveml. Any Borrower who co-sisns this Security �
<br />��m°��+'' Icistrumcnt but does not execute the Note: (a) is co-signing this Securiry �nstrument only t�rnortga��,gr:u►t and convey t�hat _-
<br /> - - '���� � Borrower's interest in the Property under the terms of this St:curity Ynstrument;@) is not persontilly o6ligat�i to pay the sums . ,�
<br /> _,�:._,�
<br />--�t=;;�;r,--�;�� secur�;d by this Security Instrument;and(c)a�rees Wat Lender and any other Horrower may agrce to exten d, m a di f y, forbear or _
<br /> ��=u.:-t="='�°`.�r...� ntake any accommodations with regard to the terms of this Security Instmment or the Note withaut tAat Borrower's consent. �-==•-
<br /> __-=-°--=�� 13.Lossn Charfir... If the loan secured by this Security Instrument is subje�t to a law�vhich se:s maximum�1oan charges, ���°'�
<br /> _ �,,.
<br /> - --= --�� and that law is fn.x�F''y ineergreted so that the interest hr other loan ch�r�es collected or to be collected in connection witl�the �,_!�
<br /> �,.�c�•� loan exceed the�u2ranitted limits,then: (a) any suc3�loan charge shall �e.recluced by the amount necESStuy to reduce the charge �,�
<br /> : �:�° to the pertneited limit;and(b)ae►y sutns ulready collecYcd from Borrower w�hich exceeded permitted limits will 6c refunded to � �.:
<br /> �'�i::;`�'`.='� " Borrower. Lender�nay choose to make this refund by reducing the principal owed under the Note or b,y tnaking a direct �y-
<br /> , �,:,� �•• � :_
<br /> °` " payment to Eorrower, If a nefund reduces principaS, the reduction will be treated as a partial prepayment widiout any �
<br /> ���'.' �'"�. t� prepaymcnt charge under the Note. �
<br />- .� .'•�r: .'. 1�, �.�-:
<br />--���"�'`F'��"•n' r���y; 14.lelottces.Any nodce to Borrower provi d e d for in tni s S e c u r i t y In strumFnt sh�ill be�iven b y delivecing it or by muiling
<br />'�.....,,;e�......,;�1�;;;..
<br /> �'�K'!�z::��:,Y.�Fi' it by first class muil unless applicable!aw rcquires use of another mcihod. The notice shall be directed to the Property Address �,
<br />_���-� <;�` �F"'�" or uny atiter addmss Borrower desi nates b notice to Lender. My notice to L.ender shall be iven b first cluss mnil to ' „
<br /> .s �e`_:=,�,., , g y g Y
<br /> ---.-:�ti-�.,_�:•�fT' �
<br /> " ��. �,n. • Len der's address stnted herein or any other address Lender designates by notice to E�rrower. Any notice provide.l for in this
<br />- '�� � Security Instrument shall be deemed to liave been�iven to BoiYOwer ar Lender when givcn as provided In this paragraph.
<br /> --� ,:t.:i'. ^�� : ! 15.(�overr�ing i.a�V; 5everub9l[ty. This Sccurity Instrumcnt shall be govcrned by federal law and the law of the
<br />�:'.v-� - '' °"�=�"� ",i jurisdiction in which the Property is lacated. In the event that any provision or clausc of this 5ecurity instcument or thc Nota
<br /> � N!
<br />-_..:: �?:�;.,;�„� {.� cunflicts with applicable law, such conftict shall not nffect other provisions of this Security Instrument or the Note�vhich can be
<br /> _„ = ��' • given eff�ect�vithout the wntlictin�;provision. To this end t�e provisions of thi�Security Insm�ment and the Note are d_clared
<br /> � -����'��:I to be severable.
<br /> � , 1 Y6.�orrotivcr's Co�►y.IIoma�ver shal!be 8iven one conformcd copy of the Note and of this Sec:urity Instrumcut.
<br /> , ' :���'.ti� � Furm3028 9190
<br /> .. -il Pa0obo10
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