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<br /> - -•---- ---- - �---�--- ' - —•------------- . „
<br /> 'I'fiL�_.I�Tiii7 OF 1'RU��'�('�ectitiry Yr��[r«mr.ni 1 is macic�»i . .._r]6cy ��lt- 1`!� , - .
<br /> iiiciaiiiil'.:{,� � ..�v r �.r.ne�4M1 . ; -
<br /> AFiF.7�ttri i, viiiySi-,�.i., rt a�rf�c.c r�..�.......
<br /> . • � {"f�ruwcr'1.
<br /> '9�e.l�•ua�c�P; � �.�-;��EAt,. F�:L'E�'".l,. kieNK; :4 �F�RAL ��YiNt�1SS�13A�lIK . .,
<br /> . ("Truutoc"1• .
<br /> .
<br /> . . . _ ..__..._...--
<br /> 'I'hc�:nef iciary is �-t�U,`�i 1=�RAL 5AV i IVG� HAivs�: - -- - - - _ .
<br /> ' whicri is orgcuiizsd and exisdng undcr tha luws ot ��A�p,cK{�
<br /> and wtrosc address is �371 26TH AVENUE . ,
<br /> pp1,t1�US, N� 58601 ..
<br /> ("Lender"). Boi7ower owes Lendcr t(te pcir.c;p�l su�n of
<br /> __-_�..___----�....____-�----..___ ..,.
<br /> Thi rty°F ive Thousand 7Y�ree Nandrsd and No/t 0�i •
<br /> � Dollati�(i],S.$ 35 300.00 . �'• ' _
<br /> This debt is evidenced by Bon•ower's note dated �he same d�te as tliis Se�;urity Insuumens C"Notc"),which provides��'or,;
<br /> mondily payment5,�v3Th 2he full debt,if not paid earlier.due and�iayable on June 1, 2025 '
<br /> This Se�curiry Instrumcnt'secures to Lender: (a) th,e repnyment nf the debt evldenccd by the Noto, wiEh ititcrest, und all
<br /> rene��als, cxtcnsions anJ modificutions; (b) the payment of all othcr sums. �vitli intcre��t,ndvanccd undcr paragraph b:o
<br /> prote�t tfxe security oF this Secu�ity Instrument;+ind(c)the performance of Bnno�ver's covenants�nd agreements. Por this
<br /> pmpose, Bonotivcr irrevocably grants and convcys ro Trustee,in trust,w•ith pov•er af snfc,�he foll�wing describcd propeny
<br /> losate;d in �L� County,N<ebraska: ,
<br /> '1'ME EAST FIffY-�DNG F�E"1' (E51') 01=�THE SOIITFi �EVElV1'Y F�EI' (S70') t� LCT SIX (�) OF
<br /> I3L4GK `i'HR�F (3 j i N l.AKEV I EYd, At�1 AL�D I T I QN 70•�?iE C 1 TY OF C�RI�ND I S1.P.ND. WALL OOl1T1TY.
<br /> NEI3RASKa. ` .
<br />; whicl�has thc nd,dress of ��q �y SCHI�EFcct�r�E� C�itAND��I SI�AtJA
<br />� rv����� ("Prouerty Address");
<br />_ -•------ �7;�R$�',;(
<br />= TOGETNER WITH all the improvement:� no�v ar hereafter erect�d on thc propc:rty, and �ill e:�sements, rights,
<br />'� appunznances,ren4s, royalties,mineral,oil ond gc�s rightv:ind protits,wnter rights und stock nnd nll 6xtures now or hereafter
<br />_- a pa�of thc property. All replaccmcnts c�nd additions sh,�it niso bc covcrcd by this Sccurity Insuwr�ent. All of th�foregoing
<br /> ° is r�fcn�cd to in this Security Insm�mcnt us thc''Property."
<br /> BORROWER CUWEiNANTS that C3orro�er is iawfuily aeizcd of the cstutc hcrcby convcyed and hati�he ri�ht to gr�mt
<br />,� .md convey the Prope.ity and that the Properiy is unencumbcred.except for encumbranceti of record. Borrower wnrrants and
<br /> - witl defehd generally the ti[le to the I'roperty agai��st all cl�ums and demands,suhject to any encumbrunces of record,
<br /> - 2l9i
<br /> � 1'H[1.NIiIlRAS6A DLt:➢7 UE TIiUST Grttl lJklS BuS��tsS Fo�mS.Int.�
<br /> - tTEAS 6670 (83001 (Poge 1 nf 4��nges) To O�Aer CaiC�•800•590-9393 OFa■618-79t•t�3t
<br /> ------==-�--
<br /> � . .. _..------- .- ..._�...-,�e,nw.o�-i+-aru::;�.;i�va.n�.u.v.evc..r�.w,.��.L.:.,,.,e��.::_-�:�..��_:�-_. .
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