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<br /> ?f,-unertv 5v pub�l6e ee��:±y°��'�C4:�c i+l aQ Frit�d�r�qc�t?�icli pl�.^e af t!rr;��+�•rttn,�,4y ni�«���+!�', 1.�*�w•�r.Ita�F�a cna�
<br /> pw�rclwR!Y4 P�t�rxt�rl�nY.�AIEt. . - - .
<br /> .i U� realpt +�f �x�nt ot t�e �iee bid, 7lYcesRte�1w� de��r to.Ri�e �rrbaixr 'frratee`r �1�1 oo�'re�'3�;,� '•, .,
<br /> !'�'operty.Tl�t re�fWpc ia the'Cruetcr'� d�a9 �}ialL., � p+riw�•�i�k r�rkknc� alf tl�z traEf�'d'tb�e rR.aten+eats ��M.
<br /> .. 't`rwt�e ria'tl v�pp't�ihe ptc+cex�is af tl�e ala d she i�Itr+�rfo� ard�er:(�)I�s��cmbs��wd expNeModw.n�F,�'i�faq[�9���'�.
<br /> �e��A1d tINE SI17lr fAC�t1dU1�th!p�y16�CY1t iI�t11!'�'(qUtE!'bt�te8 S[t�s9'�IdCtItTR�d�M<1E tp 1�COE1� .y 3-000 eXr
<br /> at t,�e g�ri�►clip3t�aaoav�t al.t6e aole at tD�iiaee of tbwe derJ�ratlo�d c��a�,aa�1 C�a�ubLe�t�r+•naps`,��ea•su pearaatitMd by ;� • _
<br /> lfiWi(b)4a�R eurN��eurad•bY Wi{�lriiily E1181i`�l11t�3W(C}A1�y'hdS�fo TIIR pm�a�s ur�i!t,lici�i n.�aua Ly�w«���'.,.: '�
<br /> ill.Recanveynace. (Xpan payma►t Qf all sums tu�r;uro�by thin�ecurity Ia�tru�r�ent,�l�x{��tt,q:x�w�tc['1"nw4atr fct m�oc�!e�:. ' ;
<br /> t}►e Propesty anci ahall surrtnde�'tx�is 5.caerity znstroment and �ll notrs o'videncing dybt�cu�ulliy ts�iti.sarun's�;j:in�tr�mn+7r 1u.•
<br /> 'L'rustoe.'Itustoe shal!reconvey th�I1rop�tY wittwut waTanty �nd without�hacge'ta tlie�'scm or�asa�tA kr�al���k`r�m1�d uY i�
<br /> � Such pc�san e�C�'�ons sh�ll!�►y uny eacorslu:lan co�s. .. . � '.
<br /> 19.Sab�'t�le'�r�e�. Le�der.at iis opl�on.�nay ican time tv dmorcmov�'iYuscee�nd appiniu�t a�s�ac oruaic�e.l.9 wdY .., .
<br /> . �ni;��� �,���r�rt �urn��nrlP.r�y an inctnvtnen[reco[d�d "u�Ih�courilY u��h�;h ihi8 SeC111ity Insttumdti is rex�Grdead.W�1ilf7;�,
<br /> cunr•ey�u�ce of thc I'►np�rty,ttie sur.ecssor trustr,e shall succad ia a�l the title�power and clutics c�ferred upon irusNx b�arcii►'tAti!
<br /> �y a�rpli�csbie la�v. ' . ,
<br /> 23.°�s��.t f�*Ii��`'_��. Borsower i•cqncsts t�at co�air�of the notl^e� of default und salQ;�o srnt ta H�rrovrer's�address :. _
<br /> .. `which i�the lPta�ty aduness. :.�.:`.� . -- - "---:--�..`---� -
<br /> :ti.Riders to this Securi4y iastru�ent. If one or mora rldc.s a,�c caocntcrt b� IIdxrowu and recordcd tc�gcshor with this , -
<br /> Securisy Inmumet�t,the cavenants of cach such rider�shaY1 be incaporaletl inlu As�d shal!arnet�and suPPkxrx.ttt ttse cc�vu�►ta
<br />- und agroen�nta of thLs Sccurity�nswmeat as if Q:e ri.�ler(s)wer�a part of U�is Sc�.uriry Insuument � ,.
<br />- �C'turk analir.nb2e twxfc;,)1 , . _.
<br /> C�CauCcxninium Riciec U Gradaaud Paymen�t HId�c l���[��fF�
<br /> �'1 ot..nnnA f Tnit iluvnk�nmp.tlt JF�II[Y C]Growit�g�quity Ridc� mORTGAGE ADOE1�piJm �
<br /> ,r,.........._------ -. �
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