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<br /> --� o no� wr�t� in, �h� a��a�:e �bQve_ - _:- .r.eeer��r�ci�,��,,,_f 9�1i nc�da�a; "
<br /> - " �h� --
<br /> _ ��— 1()33*'�1 aroxr�ar z�etr�ne�r �xa��aa�x�r �x�a . , . �
<br /> � Gtephan �. Raa.n��rth and .Tanet L. R�i.nfoxt�, husban�i and�rai€e,
<br /> -- GRA�7TORS, in cozasidex�atian of 7.�ve a�nd ditP�ct.ion� aonvey to atephan .
<br /> --- - -- L. Rainforth and Janc� L. Rafn�Q�tY�, �us�a��+ a�� �r-i.f�j as �iai�t .-
<br /> --- t�riants and not as tenanta in Lo►nmon, aRAN�'�I�.S, the fol]:awinc� —
<br /> d�seribed real es�ate as c�ef�.ne�d in Seetion. 76-z01 nf Llie Revas�ci �
<br />--_== �� �ica�u��b ui Neb:rasZ:a, �9<3, �it��are� �*� �!a�1 c°���ntv: N�bx�aska: . __---.
<br /> - ---,., ---._ _
<br />- ._�:�� .
<br /> The WesC One-Half of the Southwe;3� Qi�arC�r (W . '
<br /> -- 1,�2 SV7 1/4) o� Section Thirty-On� (31) , •: -
<br /> °�' Tnt,�rn�hin Nine (9) NOrth, Range TYri (10) � WGf►t
<br /> --- of the 6th P. M. in Hall County, Nebraska, ' �
<br />___. _._= subject ta cov�n�nts, con�itipn�, restrictions, reservations,
<br /> �1, easements of. record, visilot� ea�ements and�2,o�.ing laws, �ru�.es and _
<br />- "v`R`��' � rec�ulations. '
<br />=�:��'� '
<br /> .... _.n._a,�;:
<br /> ---=�=�=��� GRANPORS cnvea�ant (jointly �nd severally) , with d�'Z?1TEES a a �
<br /> ��-�`"�� fol lows: • .
<br />—__���,�,.�- �
<br />.���:�{�"����%���� 1. GRANTORS are lai�fully �eised of the real estate and the real. ---
<br /> `�``�`�^�-=? estate ia tree from encumbranres;
<br /> _,__._,��„c-�.
<br /> ....::i.�.'.�t.4-�`.7 . . - .
<br /> � _-___ _ 2 . GRANT0�2S hav� lagal power and lawfully autYaority to convey the
<br />_-.��-�-:-�� rea�l estaCe to GRI�ITEES; and
<br />=_-�=,,.�,�-���,a
<br /> _--_-c�•,�,� 3 . GRANTORS warrant and will defend title to th� r.ea1 estate =__
<br />_-_�_-��;' agaa.nst the lawful claims of all persons.
<br /> .:�=��::.
<br />�:�,� � 3 � --
<br />=:����`�-� Executed: . 19 9 5 . ---
<br /> .�;'���I�,,` . E .u;
<br />: .,.4;•r•..'-.�1i��. ��.,.
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<br /> ,��a�r- el � �,,;;..
<br />�""..+a;�.,,�.�i...Q.. S1.—
<br /> �•r J-� �r• (�tephan L. Rainfo Ch) anet-I;.1 Ra'nfo h} �
<br /> .,;�..._
<br /> .;:
<br /> „�:
<br />- "� ' � STATB OF NEBRASKA,, COUrTTY OF HALF�: �
<br /> ;, . . . :,i
<br /> 1- .. � The foreg 'ng instrument was ackraowle�ged before me on
<br /> T;;;�" � "+. � , 1995, by SL•�phan L. Rainforth and J'anetc L.
<br />- ��• � �� Rainf , husband d wife, GHAN'PORS.
<br /> - - ,�7 ,
<br /> . ..,,•u:" ' � � �t€A�llltlTi{AP��}� .
<br /> .„ , ...� �iR��'=�F--- KENNETH Ft.E cl„�yH
<br /> Notary Publ ic �{ � �..,� �r�,"��►• DL i��j �
<br /> na.e nnmmi c c i nn oveli rcac f~r �p'� �t�/1
<br /> .N�s:-- ..j ......_..�....r-_" _-r---- - � ��� '--- ..
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