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<br /> , - — rc1l-�ihran,,:rara.fsva�uttrsFZ_3.f�k'�aE�ii_.1�a;1.t�.Lailc..tLe,t��.�.r,t�d!_LLZ.t:�..� ..j.. I-Si.__._....----_ .. .. .—._ `� �-- .- �_
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<br /> '' QlNAriYI[tlf �tY,GtdBfi�by 8�?pNC�?Jfp lKYI�al�efl n+�i k,a e.wa'.uhY Ui�Ci7 p18GIt1(1P?:E19 43xer:,i�17 Q4 ptl��4t:T"[iytit�Fa���+6+�� nR -
<br /> '"^F�cf�,1'x� �Y�CUfFit'�1Ei���011175SW1911CD�.lYliib{}ay1tilG�li04164X6���Ot�iCf�,�§1'tfll'C{�Ni�69�1;f.e���.lar��t�a�llrit�tk6V9RW9i`:d�C�?�.�t�:U[rfYl�y�ti�t;t _
<br /> se;ce�rate!fis maYurity at ttw incf�btMdn�a wcurod by th�x i7wd o4�'raiY.... �=�
<br /> __= _;:.;.�xa (r1) �►scGewttsrt�dnd P-�!�nn!�«und;dqltt't�nd Egvotr�l�.Ia9eMNy;Q�rGrit�n�s,l'hH r,ovartbnta�r�cl npr�r►rnts h�►aie r.on- , _
<br /> �_u
<br /> _ , .- r+..__�.......���,..�a...p,.R'j"�urMy.1�� `
<br /> tlllnetf 6inni{Uind,anei iite riqiif�narew�uw feiawll��iti�ir:v�i�.o��.r+...�.w.:u�.:,;::-�.�...::r..�.;�.�__._.^ ..._. _ _
<br /> Ctew�n#nSi and�rwmantp oi TrNOtOr�hRtl,b�palnt antJ�+rsrAl.TM capUbnt and�sAdln�s of ihe pe�sgr�n ol thl�KTioei a!
<br /> v= • 'Tru�c are tor convenlence on�y end are not tu b�u�d to Inta+prat or cMftn�trif{�rarr:dlons hersm(.
<br /> (�) �1�!Qar MvMe�,7he pRrtla�her�Gy raque6t that a eapy of�ny noNGe e4 delmult heraundar enct�Gup�y of enb nofdiw,, . _
<br /> .___„� ot aate horaundsr bs mallud ta ench p�itjr to�thlw DeecJ af Tru�t�t tMd addreaw 1at lorth atr:�o i�s N�manr�r pr�crib�d bY
<br /> eppticpbts law.ExceAt tor any other a�tics rac=uln�d ur+der dppltcabte law to ba�iven In arwthet m�nnK,�n�lx�p+��
<br /> (cr In thla Dead of 7ruetthall 1�plven by malllnp nuch natic�by cartlflec!rnall addrasAed4o th�othdr p�rtlap�t ths�itNU�ut ,
<br /> -� S��t�a�,�a.Any r.o;lwa pTOVlS�tor!n thl.Q�Of YPll�1�hEll CM E�If�!!'.fIVH l�nqfl 111�II111�Ip tlle 711iRfldC,f�lap�1�1KS MIt'¢�L H'
<br /> Truetor ta mvre thrn a�ne perwn,s�atice sent to tha addrMa so1 tarth ebova elull be n�tce to all auch p�Kiris. .
<br /> (Q (r�lkx�.L�nder moy make ar cause to bs ne�e reaeanable entrfes aDora and Inepectlona a�th�F�mPKhr.p���
<br /> -- that L.and9r ehall�Ive Truntor nctice prlor to e�ny such�nap�ectlon apeclfylnQ r6e[sonnbte c�ausfl thprefor relxtQd ta Lender'a '
<br /> - tntereet in the P��ope�3y.
<br /> (pj R�conrr��+fc�.UpAA pdyment o?ell surne Qecurad by thla Deed of Yrust,Lende�r sh8ll rea�uaat Trust�e tn ree;onvay riie
<br /> Property and ehnli eurrande►thla C1sbd ot Truat end ail nqiei avldoncln�Indeb4edneaa secured by thls Ussd oP 1'rwt b TruaM�.
<br /> Yr��tea ahal!reconvay the PropQrty without warranry end wlthout chqrpa to the p+erson or psrwns tpally eniitl�d thKMo• .
<br /> ----- :;ts:tCC���!pa��!I ta;.L:o!r�x��:lin:�B er:,.
<br /> -- (h) P�rran�l Proptrt�r;S�cutHy 11q�r.�.Aa eddlilOnal aecurfty for the paymen4 of the Mate,S'ruttor her4by Qran4a —
<br /> � L6n��r under thA NeGraeke Unitorm Commeralal Code e s�ecurlty intereet In ell fixtureo,equl�ment and olt er psr�onat prc��!►
<br />-�--'"-"'�' used U cormectlon wEth 4h9 reat ostate or ii�provemantt►(oca4sd thsroon,er►d not othenivlse dact9red vr desmec!to de a�rertoP
<br /> .� -- ttie rael e�*�t�et�c!�red her�y.Thln Inrtrumer�t�hafl ba r.onsVuad ad e Security l�greerrant under�!d��e,and tSta,tov►der --
<br />�.-:_—`- &t�Btt ORiYtl t7ii u�d iry�nia ai�u�o�:�:���!��°:tsr�!ti!�w!�n�Arauid Cnde In esidlllnn tn the►Inhta anQ rem�dieacr�.un4�' . � -__-.
<br /> - -- and sccord5d the Lender pursvant to thls Qeed ot Truat;provided that Lender's rlghte and rannedto�under this pera�re�sh�hdi
<br /> be cumutattve wl�h,and In no�ay e Ilmltatlan on,Lender's ri�hts and remedles s�nder eny othar aecurky apreem�M s1Cn�d bY.
<br /> 8orrower or Truator. —
<br /> � -- (i) Llen��nd Encumbrar,�cN.Trastor hereby w�rrents and ropresent�thAt thcrQ Is no default urtder!ho�rovtalons at�ny
<br /> = mortasae,deed at trust,tease or purcheae contraci descrlbing sll or any part of the Property,nr ather con{ract,In�trumenlor �
<br /> sgreoment conatituting e Ilen or encumhranco agaln�t eII or any par4 Af t�e Rro�ery(colleativeSy,"Llerta'�,exlatlnp e�s of the
<br /> data ot thl9 Deed ot Trust,and that any gnd ali axlatlrtfl Lldns romaln unmod(il�±sr.ceRt as dlaclose+i tu Lendar!n Tr�stor's
<br /> --- -r..w�o,.. ti��.. r....�n.nhe�l Ilmnlu�nrtnr�n nl)Af Yn�aln�A N�I�nstLi+n
<br />. -- . :iSSS�vii:Ii�.."SQ°.iii�t7i Sf�S:9 EiSL•���uzisitFutt rz_v:-__- "' := : ..: ..—._ i ,— � � , —.
<br /> -- covensnts,represontatione and warrAntles undor any ead all exlslUnp and future Ltena,sha!I promptly torwerd!to Lender espks
<br /> ot all natices ot d�tauit sent In connectlon wlih any�nd all oxlsting or tuNre Ltene,and shall noS v►lthout Lender'o prlor wrlNen
<br /> , --_ - consent In eny mannor anod(fy the provlelon�of or�a11ow eny future advances under any sxlating or tuture Ller�a.
<br /> ::_;�.,��� Q) App�ic�Hon W�aym�nb.Unless oth�erailse raqu(red by law,sums pald to Lander hereunder,Including w1G�out Ilmtta�on --
<br /> -_;�,� payment�of prfnclpal end In.erest,lnsuranc�procNOds,condemnatlon proceeds and rente and proflte,ehat!be epplted by
<br />_"_�::J�,-�,�� Lender to the amounts due end owing(rom 7rusWr end Borrower U such arder as Lsnder In it�sole dlscretion daems deatrabfe.
<br /> (k) 3�rsr�biNt�r.lf any prqvtslon ot thte Dee�104 Trust confllcts wlth appllcable law or lo derlered InveUd or ollierwloe '
<br /> --- unertorceabte,such conilict ar Inva{Idlty ehall not aNect the other provlsona of thls need of Truai or the Nate whlch can be _
<br />_�,-�-�;�� r�(ven eHoct wlthoutthe contltctlng provtslan,and to thls end 4he provlslona of 4hls Deed ot Truut�snd the Nofo ar�declured to be
<br /> severab)e. _
<br /> °`=;;��`- p}YKm�.The terms"Trust�+r"and"Horrowor"shall Include both singular and pluraf,and when tNe Trustor nnd 6orro�Ner
<br />.`,--=A;�� ero fhR same person(s},thoso terms as used In thls Desdo!Trust ahall be In3erchangeable.
<br /> ---=-.:�••�� • (mj Qnv�min9 Law.Thls Oesd of Truot shall be governed by the tawa of tho St�te o1 Nebraska. .
<br /> :��R�!•=�c Trustor has executed thlaDeed of T�ust as of the dato wrltten ova.
<br />.—_.�.'�1Dti41_:� _-
<br /> -_� am e aru e Trustor ue an "`
<br /> -"';���� ,�
<br /> =J'=._� r_•- -
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