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<br /> =� n:;rt:a�or;,-;,)th•��.i(n,:unl�Pr.�*th�vc::;�!,c.:11i �u tins o1 c�n I':o�r.:fiJ� �r hl�,�.y t�.�°.I��.tar.;d i .:,nv�1 t ;
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<br /> :_..��a.�.,�rn� n�rou�Y duo und�sr n�nor r�o���asi�«��:�,;,:...,.--:�sa c_'-:.;--��.;.,..,....�_.=,. _
<br /> ___..�,_.�._a.a�r._. . n raeut�nt�of Utto"fruat Uc�d,thmi Lcu�lnr n,�y at'lts o�tlanl�ads��':'����SnteuY It�ri n'iai�t�r4lthunt vr.rvlr.-�c��rir���ei�b�•�t�n 1�t t���fn•�a�e r r inln��u � ��L.�
<br /> � �
<br /> --"� •�nti diaburcB such�:unts and take SU0�1 UOLaOII Ci9II SZ�81718 IIEOb39::ry Io�
<br /> . -�r,�..�v^� Rlld t1RC0I6fA1�CIIH d��9L 90Cll:ed f10fE�7y OHt7t174 Of Iltly EUCfI}6IIUt�d�lit0 k3orrowcr. Any anaartt�eo tli9buseed�y the Lenrlar ahMR c.ou�rlt��� -
<br /> =`''`="='�_-���"=3 edditianal In�ic6tcdrio:��of Qdtrorlor cocurc8 6y thi:r TnRet�nad nnd ehr�il boar intauat from thn dnt�oI dik8urenmon!ot the rat6 pnyvAh�urvl�r�hs .
<br /> _-----_---__-- -- � �, an, ��eh dleh�trsento��ts ur t..ho Ct��r.cSlao t•+h:i!stiuvcr.
<br /> � --- -� P1ote. Nothinp oonta!nod In this pnroprnpi�s.��:;1 r�+e;�,:�L��:�=�t4 m-•� r,' •- -
<br /> .�� �;r� p, Lendac mpy maka n1 enijse ta bo mnde reusorabio entdes upon ond in±peotlon o1 the Property. '
<br /> .—�_,� 9. 7he proaaovo of anyv oward or claim tur demaQea,dlrent or consoq�+antlai,In cunnaotlun wiite uny condemnutton o�dlhor takinp of the PropertY. _
<br /> __� t,�,, or part therao},or for ocnvoyenao in�lou of oondamnutiqn,nrehetoby assi8i'+od r�id eK�11 be paid ta Lerxinr to Rh�eztent of the lutl amount of the
<br /> `_� remalninp unpnid Indobtadnesa cecured by thfs'�rust Deed•
<br /> - -'�cr.�
<br /> - _ _-_='? If tha Proporty fs obandoned by 6urrowor,or It,aftcr notico Ly Lender to Borro�rer that tho aondemnor offero ro me�„an eward or�atUe e clw�t+for
<br /> damaQes.Borrowor fefls to ra5pond to Lender within 30 days ei4ter the date suoh notiee�s mefled.Lenderle authori:ed to cofteot a�v1 sap�y tFa prac�:d�
<br /> --�-� to tho sumc secured by this Truat Daod. ' .
<br />--=�-����
<br /> ` '-'�,"""°"``:' Condomnntion pr000ada or awnrdo ehall ho areditod to tho last mnturit:g Inotallmente of tho fndo6tedness Bocurod and ohall not exoead or poat�one
<br /> -'�'�05�='�°-�°-°:� tho duo dato of tho Insxallmonta roforred to In purspraphs 1.�nd 4 hornof or chan�o the amcunt o}such In9tallments. _
<br />--:�
<br /> ----------- 10. If tho Lendor fnseos o partial rulooae ot t h ia Truet Dead, tha proeeeds recefved tharefor shpil ba aredited ta the Istt maturing Insteilmenta cf tha
<br /> -` iodobtodnass aecured heroby.
<br /> C�:,�
<br /> '`''�"���"`-1•---� 11, If Londar uithar voluntedly or involuntari{y baoomoa a porty to eny euit or legal proaeedinp roletlnp to tha Property,Nuto or thio i ruai Gaeu,i���.: �
<br /> ��r`�+M or topal procloed ngsAand snid aumershall co�tituto udditfonaf indebted o'ae�s au ed by this�'Arust Daed nnd beer in ereat et the tnte paysblQ und�rtYe
<br /> -�=���'.��- � Note,until paid. •
<br />..-
<br />,:,;,,,
<br />------ �� �_.
<br /> -- � . o_.. ...e.a..00���reey�ssian.trnnafar nnd sot ovor tn Lendar,in oasa of default in the pertormer.ce of eny ot the terma or
<br /> �������(���n: 1Z. i�9Additiunai ooGu�.o..�..=..-• -'-.. .._�.�....nse ..v�ru�ao and atw innnm9 O�Ef1V�tYAtf
<br /> � -a�.�...�-..�cci;;::e�� y,6�.... �.._._..__..
<br /> : . �, canditior.n of this Trust Dood,the Noto, or tho to�ms of any Indobtodnoss socured i�araL •
<br /> r.:�!'r�.�` ,3`,� whateuevor tQ bn dodvod from tho Proporty,including lend cont►aot peymnnte. Lender,in person,by agant or by recetver, without rogard to thr�
<br />-°,ri��•4 c solvonoy or ineolvpnoy of tho 8orrowor or tha velu9 of tho Propeny,ohall be ontitlod to tako posaossion of, r�pair,ront and manage the Property ancf
<br /> ,;jf�y,;�G;r+ ' �, co aolloot tho ronts,rovonues and incomo thorofrom und it may pay out of eafd Inoome al!oxponses of tepalR and coate incurrad in rrntinp and monaying
<br /> n • th9 Prupe►ry nnd ooliecting vontals and for poyment of insuranco premiumn with any rnmaininA bolance to bo opp�led to thn last maUirinp poymants
<br /> '"'�+�1' ' � '�� of the debt seouwd hnraby. Upon ptosontfng a copy of thio Truet Ooed end demand to any.leesee,tonont ov conlreot purohasor of th�t�roperty,suoA _
<br /> , . ,-, .' . ____
<br />-�._=.• , _-;� ', " pnrson shall pay r+li rants,payments and proflts ncctued or thoroaftar accruinp to the Londor until further notloo irom tho Londet.
<br /> , -__ _ _ __ _._,_.�_ _:_:_ , ,,, __„�,...:.,.,_,,,,...,,.,,.,,.tio.,.aeo rt�ovw��d.Alienated or turthar ancurr�hered . _
<br /> .�A?7-' . - ...-.. Id. 11 eil ot any pmi�t ino P�vNvii�uG.s.q�.�......w.�....�.�..o..�ww..,..�....��....r........."-' -- �
<br /> ofthor voluntarily or involuntarily withoui 4ondor's prior written aonsont,or if thv 7rustot la�a corporatinn end there le e ohange In ownerahip of 60R6• •
<br /> � "� i�"`,� � or moro of tho corporatio�'e stook, or if tho Trustor is o partnorship and thero ls a ohanpo in the membership or a disaolution of the pe:tnnrship,
<br /> oxcluding(a)o transfor by operatfon of lew upon tho doath of n(aint tonnnt or(b)tho g�ant of any Ina�?hotd intetost not oontafnlnp en optlon ta
<br /> :.,:.',.p,;., ` purchaso wfth n loaso tarm of two yeare or loss,or lo)tho oroution ol the purcha�o monoy security intarast in household appfiancea,th.en tander may,
<br /> • . at fts optlon,doalaro ail sums socurod by this 1"n!st Dood to bo immediatoly due and payablo. In the ovant tho Lender aonsents to any suoh ohanpa
<br /> � in ownorehtp,oontrol o�dissolutiun or tronsiot of all or ony part of tho Prop�►ry,then Lendar moy at its option adjuet th6 intereet rate to tho prevu�linp
<br /> '�,r"� ',`, ,q rate of intorost thnt Is ohargod o�noev secured Inene of tt�o typo soeurod by this Ttust Doed at tho timo o(t3�o change in ownqrship,control,dissolution
<br />`; •L,±�;i;��•-.�+•.�! ,, of tranefer and may charga a transf�r tao. ,
<br /> ' ^"^ti. _ -
<br /> , _ ;. � 14. Upon Borruwor's broaah o9 any aovp�ant or agroomont of fSor�ower In thie Ttuat OaeA,including the c�venante to pny wh�n due any aum�socuro d
<br /> by this Trust On�d,Londor at ite optton may doclare n11 ot tho eums secwed by ihl�Yruat Qood to bo Immediataly duo anJ poyabto without turthor
<br /> ' � � ' damand ond may invoko tho powor o`.ealo andlor any othor ramedlos ponnitted by applioablo law including tfio right to farocloso thia Trust Dood in
<br /> - , � ��M , fnouvod inrpursuing such�omedioa i cluding ubut not limgitod�to, andeto hote�ent po m t od by lafwi�mn onnble attornoy foes�o aosto and euponsos
<br /> '�`._ . a
<br /> w � It the powar of sale ic Invokad,Trustoo ehall r000rd a notico of dofoult in oaoh aounry in which tho P�oporty ar some patL theraof Is locotad end provido
<br /> notico thoroof fn tho n-�annor prosoribod by appllna6lo tow. Aftar tho lopso of suah time ns may bo required 6y upplloablo law,Trustao ahnil grve pubtic R�
<br /> °_'_� � noHao ot ea:o to tho porsons and In tho mannnr prascribod by opplicablo Inw. T�ustoo,or tha attomey tor the'Trustoe,without domand un 8orrowor,
<br /> ehali soll tho Proparty ot pablfc euotion to tho highost biddor at tha timo end placo end w�dor tho torms dosignotcd In tho notico of salo In one or mo�a �
<br /> • „ `� paraole n�d��such ordor as Trustoo may dotormino. 7rustao mny postpone salo of all or any paroul of the P�operty by publio announcomont nt tho �—
<br /> � '�% tlmo ond plaoo of flny proviously sohodulod salo. 4nndor or Londor'e doslgnoe muy purchaso tho proporty at any sato. � __
<br /> L'.-r___
<br /> ' �� Upon rocoipt of paymont of tho prico bid,Trustoo ehnll dolivor to tho purohasor a Trustao's Daod,withoui werranty,oonvoying the P►operty sald.Tho '""
<br /> • a!•�` rncitels in tho Trusto�'s Dood sholl ba prima facio ovidonco of lho truth of tho etntomonts mndo thoroin. Trustoo ehall aupply the procoods of thu safo �!":��_
<br /> , in the(oilowing ordor: o)to nll ronsonoblo costs und oxponses of tho salu,Including,but not limitod to,T�ueteo's foos of not moro thao Fivo Hun]rod S`__r
<br /> ` ond NoJ10018500.001 plus 1/2 of 195 of tho e,mount sacurod horoby ond romaining unpaid,and oo�te ot titlo avidonaa;bi to ali sums socurod by this F.�..�
<br /> 7rust Uood;and c)tho oxcoss,if any,t�tho por�on or porsons laflally ontitlod thoroto.
<br /> 1 �� 15. Any forbonranao by Londor in oxorcisinp any right ot rom�dy horoundar, or otharwisa atfordod by spplioablo law,shail not bo o waivor of or ,
<br /> procluda tho axorciso o}any such right or romody in tho ovont of continufng or futuro broachas by tho Borrowor. � .
<br /> ' 10. AU romodies providad�n this Trust Dond aro diatinct nnd cumulativo ta any othur right or romody undor thia Trust Doad or t�iforded by Inw or oquity,
<br /> end may bu uxurcisod concurronNy,indopandontly or succossivoly.If FlorroiYOr has givon Londor n chattol martgago,ur socurity aproement on parsonol
<br />' ' proparty Aa odditionnl socurity for tho dobt socurnd haroby,in tha ovon. dofault horoundor or thoroundor,Londor uhull hevo tho riAht end option to
<br /> ';. tirst forocloso on ealcl po►sonut proporty v�Ithout projudico to ita right tc �eaftor sell o�foracloso tho Proporty or to pursuo oll socurity ut tho samo
<br />- " timo or to pureuo tho porsonal proparty uftor tho snlu or foroclosuro o}ti�• Proparty.
<br /> • 17. Upon poyment af all aums socurod by thls Trust Dood.Londor shall raquost Trustoo to raconvoy tho Ptoporty and sholl surrondor thls T�uet Dcsad
<br /> and all notos ovidanoing indabtodnoss socurod by this Trust Dood to Truetoa. Trustoo shall roconvay cho Proporty without warmnty to tha porson or
<br /> porsons logally ontittod thoreta. Such porson or porsons shnll p:�y all coste of rocordution,ii eny.
<br /> � 18. Londor,ot Londur's option,may f►om timo to timo romovo Trustoo and appolnt o succossor trusteo to any Trustoo uppomtod horoundar by an � '
<br /> instrurnont r000rdad In tho County In whlch this Truet Dood Is rocordod. Wlthout convoyanoo of tho Proporty,tho suaaoasor truetoo sholl suocoud tu
<br /> oll titlo,powor and dutiou confarrod upon tho Trustuo horoin ond by epp�icnblo Inw.
<br />' - - "--
<br /> _ -------- - --
<br /> �- 13.Excopt for any noticos,domands,roquosts or othar communications roquirod undor applicablo law to bu givon in nnothar mnnnor,whonovor Lontlor, i-
<br /> Borrov�or or Trustoo pivos or sorvoe�ny notico linclu�ing, without limitation, notiQO of dotoult ond notico of salal, domande, roqunsts or othor
<br /> � communlaution with rospoct ta this Trust Doad, oach suoh natico,damand,roquost or othar communfoation shall bo in writing und shall bo oFtoctrvo
<br /> . only if tho samo ie dolivorud by pur�unnl so�vico or mailod by cortiflod mail,postnga propaid,roturn roco�pt roquustod,addrossod to tho nddross as soi
<br /> fo►th ot r.ho boginning oi tha Trust Dood. A copy uf�ny notico ol dofault,nny notico of ealo,roqwrod or pormittod to bo givon horaundor,shafl be
<br /> mnilad to oach porson who ia a party horoto at tho addross sot forth at tho bopinning of this T►uet Daod. Any party may at eny timo chanpo ite addrase
<br /> _ � • , for suoh�oticos by dalivorin�or mailing to tho othar partios horoto, ns nforosnid,a notico of such chongo. Any notico horoundor shall bo daomod�o
<br /> , huvo to boon givon to Borrowur or Londor,whon c,�ivon m tho monnot dosipnotad horoin.
<br /> � 20. Tha covanants and agroomonts horoin containod shall bind. am1 tho riphts horoundar sholi inuro to tho rospoctivo hoire,raprusontonvoa,GUCCO6S016 ;
<br />- and ossigne of tho partios. All covanonts and aaroomonts uf tho Borrowor shall bo joint ond sovorol. Whonovot roforonca is modo to tho smpular � �
<br /> horoundor,it sholl includo tho plural and tho plural sholl includo tho sirgulnr.
<br /> �-•-
<br /> . • �
<br /> �
<br /> i
<br />� ;
<br /> - . ......_.._- -.__.._..._. ....._•---t.;--�---...�,.n...tim.,���.,.�:::.,�.«a+ai�aa�.iar.n�w�.-
<br />