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<br /> G��717�:,''�tiziu7ti:'i f f C;lj71IG!S�ta IC)C7�CIG:]I Iii„1 I!J C7 C1F77U�Y Qi O�(YI'Ge-iILSC'J i[tD 2�:=cii;c�3 irP eny ct:Uit it(�:�i C!1 lC-i;�',,:1I:.,
<br /> �)YOGUI61S�181i2 G�IfiOilTAIIG@�DY�11r��lnf(17@771ftS l�Xq�OY O1�IQY II3)S�Ot C�lPtYQP,!!G7j'O��Ti�lt?tEli�11111J9{]fl A V:Fi1i37 ti1G.Hii;.c�;'u t i�ryi�tts�t
<br /> �� �t�aolerait�tl����lat��rit�f�f tr�e intt!afe�r.t?:�GeUarctl E�ylS�'9 F9o[�cl oi 57ust.
<br /> �d)H�r..c��ra:�r:�1 A,s.�g�ra�r.�nd;�!a�3 ans�.l�::era!!_��r�;7 r'�.°•'!!2+!�.TftgChvArtat;ta flftd agr8M910e1tY h�fB111�SJfi-
<br /> taUed eh�[II hlnrl,Attd tfle�Iph?s hereu�ad4�-ehr�ll Inurp to,the rsepactive�ucce9sora�nd maEi�ns af l.endar r.nd�'ru�tQr,l41{
<br /> .��•w �-�i ,�.� - �r��Nne rnd E!P'.'f1t1�9�}lllff 1°4'�qlB�3ii9 OP UiIH I�at9E�tl Gt
<br /> �r.�+ia::�d�::.�.:_a-.:.:�Y:.L1 T:i... 7 S,i.! $.. a.Rt GS1i9 L.::S7�t.'(�S 1'f � �
<br /> �'ru�!uu(a�con'venlonce anly and are not to t�s uwd to Interpret or dsflno B�e pr�avlstone hereof.
<br /> {c)q�quMlOa�NtriFcw.The partre�hereby nqueretl4i�4b�opy nt qny nuticeo4 ddtv[t hereuRderand a�co�yal any nodc�
<br /> Af aale hareunder be�malfe�d to eaCh party tolhla Deed of 7ruot st the address eet tar[i�ebave In the mannenpra»crif�od ty
<br /> epplieabte la�w.Exespt t�r mny otNar notiee r6qRdreci under appllw►bte ie�w t�be Qiven le�anoUier manner,�ny natice provided
<br /> for Iro Phi�Ot+ed ot Truet ehal I he Qivon by m�lllrtp e�ch n6tic6 by aert{1led mall addreabed to the other partles,at the addreu e�et
<br /> fo��bova.Any notfce�rov(ded for In ihls pohd of Trust shali be efteclive upon mellfng In the manr�+r doalDnat�ed h�reln,N
<br /> Tn!stor le more th9n ene[�nrn�n,n�ticA e�nt tc,the addreas set torlh ebcv�shell be notice ta all such peraona. _
<br /> (Q In�prctlon.tender may,mako urceuae to be mede reasonable�ntrlea upon end inapeceor.a ot the Pro�Ay,pruvided
<br /> that Lende.*3haU give Tru�tor notice prtar to any such Inapectlon apaclfyinp reaaanable caasa therefor related t�I.ender'$
<br /> intereat iri tho�roperty�.
<br /> (y)Rec�nrsy�nco.Upon paymeni utaU nums secured by thia At�ed of 7ruat,Lender ahail requeart Truatee tn rc+convsy the -
<br /> F'roperiy anc!eh�ll eurrender fhls Deed Q1Trust dnd all notes evldencing Indebtedne�esecured by thle Deecf ufYQUe1:Y6Tr�ttes.
<br /> 7'�usEee mhall reconvay the i�r¢�erty without werranty en�wlthout charge to the gaaraon or peraon�leqally ent�tied th�etr�.
<br /> Truator ahatl pay ail caab of rocordaUon,it eny.
<br /> (�)R:r.�„-�:��:�:�t���:c:c.;A�;�.�a,:.-.Q.Ac:.�ditto�l�,��r(h�►ar tHe�eyms�t of the�Jofq Tr!�atr,r hnrwhy nrana�
<br /> Lenderunder the Nebraska Unitorm�ommarclal Codo a security Intareat in ell fixWrea,equlpmeni,and o2her personrl property
<br /> ueed In connection with the real estate orlmprovemonta locatod tharmon,and nat atherwiae dgclared or deemoa io i�a e peRO!
<br /> tho reel egtata secured hereby.�hls tnstrurnent shali be constru��es e Security Agraersient undor aetd Gocie,snd Che f.snder
<br /> a.*.e!!hsr�¢f�tho riMtw wnd ram�rl;cs of a3caur�d pa.ry ur�dar catd Coda 1��d�itic�to tlta rt�h:s 4�e rem�!e�cwwtr±�:a��
<br />. ����rilr.rllh�l.�e1�n_,�+aunntfn(hi�¢swln}Tn�arnrlful�tw[ithatln►ftlae'arinhttRP�(�rwtffEd�Rltu►KlA►thllD�t�K1f�Qh��
<br /> ba cumulaUve wi9h,end In no way ct Ilmit�tldn on,Lender'o rfphta and remedles underany other s�curity�xgveement a�g�ted b�t
<br /> Borrower or Tru�tor.
<br /> ({)Llsns�nd E.ncumbtancM.Trustnr hereby warrants and represents that there 15 no Aoipuit under the prov(�lon�of any
<br /> mortqege,�eec!of tru3t,tease or purchgse contract describ;ng ntl or arry psrt o}tha Propert}r,or other contract,lnatiumenl o►
<br /> eflrsement conetituting a Uan or�n�vr�brance apainst ell or eny pa�4 0!the Property(callectively,"LIAns"�,exiatlnfl es o!the
<br /> date of thla Deed of Truat,and ihat any end a!0 exist�ng Liens remaln unmodifled except as disctased to Lender fn Truator'a
<br /> written disalesure ot tienm and encumb�Bnces provided(or heroln.Trustor shall timeiy perform a!1 ot Trecator'e oblipation�,
<br />- cwemarti�,rm�raseir�fiuune ni�u mriuia�uer�ai�iu'oi eiw�y nrni tii a�ti�iunp&n0 tUN�e I.�B�lA9f1S�t p70fIiJ3Tfy TQIM►8ft]�IO LBft09f COpl99
<br /> of ali noticea of default aent In connect�on with any and alt c�xiating er tuture Ltona,end�hAil�ot vrithout Lende�e prior wrNbn
<br /> consent in eny mannor mcxf(ty the provis!vns of or allow any future advitnces under eny.exleting or tuture liona.
<br /> Q)A}�pNc�lbn ot Paymanb.Untess othdrwise�aqulred by law,euma paid tol.ender hereunder,Inctudtng without�lmiTadon
<br /> peymente of principaf and lateresL(naurence proceeds,candemnatlon proc�eds and rents and proflta,aha�i be appHed by
<br /> Lenderto the ernounts due and owlnp irom l'Ngtor and 8orrower In such order as Lender in Its sota discrotlon deems deslrabie.
<br /> (k)3w�ritslilty.If any provielon of this Deed af Trust coniiicts wlth applicable law or Is declgred 4nWali�or otherwlse
<br /> unontorceeble,such confllct or tnvalldity s?�all not etfect the other provisono of this Daed o4 Trust or the Note whloh can be
<br /> pivan elf[�ct without tha canniotinp provislon,�nd to thia end ihe provislons of this Deed of Trustand tha fVote are dectared to be
<br /> severable.,
<br /> (i)T�rtrq.The terms"TrustQr"and"Borrowar"shafl include botb einguiar and plural,end when the Trustor ancD Barrower
<br /> are ihe same peraan(s),thnse terms ae used In tirls Doed oi Trust shall be interchangesbto.
<br /> tm) QOVerM►�q Lsw.Yhis Qeed of Tmat ehatl be governed by tt�e Iaws o}the Stata ot Nebrasku.
<br /> T�usta ha�a euecuted thia Deed of T�us!aa ot the da��r!tten akova.
<br /> I.ebc�neraum� In¢. � �
<br /> BY%.... .
<br /> • o ert iesel tor .Presi ent D _�
<br /> ,;� ..._, �.� ,, :.; _:,.� �
<br /> ./_ ^
<br /> ' 'IJr.;.l�fi:;:',.rJli� . Byi � . /LG �(`�t ,
<br /> �i(>" ;";;:.;::?.�•�:>;��:,4'%�•-=:�: Iratr c a . W sael Trus ar Secrotary-Treseurer
<br /> �.z��r,:::a,:r-:s,..i ._. .�.•M-.�r.:.,..•.
<br />_ ,' ' •j
<br />