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<br /> I,� i - •4�.,d.��'�. . � . . . �:4fi{�i - 1`J �` �f,s}l�����.���, :��1$ J�-ti��s�7s7A1
<br /> .I�t t . � . _ ' , . 16:- --, � � - ,[ ���'tt� �£'�.i'Y
<br /> 1 �11 ; 7 HI �. , . •... .. . ,. � _ . _ ,..�..�.+r. �.�,yr�' . 1 � 1 � �1)�7�GN1 "�SI�SRI�T�'
<br /> f �,��'.�.,."w �`"'~ .�L . i � >> ��� ��4�,r, r• -
<br /> _ ���� -wtiL4�1.�1►/dSiI:.1�71Wi1�[lkC.hYZ�iLSl_'�SY�M+IN���w-'S'C�LA✓« L.:::.¢.�„�t�e,�..._1:Yk��?_.`!__._ -�-�r- ���.`.rv�..
<br /> r
<br />__•�'�".-R�P�7•-'1� w , y V 4./—� �`+�G7Al:��.M ���.�.�.�-'—
<br /> � � � � ����o «s��;c����c°to`�E���9��9G�G I�DVG'�Pd�G� �� �,
<br /> TM(�tS�CD 0:="i'G1U�'�',I�F�l:Ci�C�d}liiU...�.�3....(I;IjJ 09............._._._...,.____.. �L.�� , 192�,by nnd urnon�
<br /> ----___�_...-- thaYr�uator, �.OhCklO�ftil.ffl� Ys0.C. �-°-----`
<br /> T��� ��huuo mallUp addro;,slo..��.S.��QQ�,Q Sl.��n�� • it��n�.nne� i�li:(haroln"Trustor;'v�hether one or moro),
<br /> �nrs�� - ' �.,.. "_..:.t'aC_ .
<br /> �'��y •r 4 tho Tru3to�, Fi�a Poinco I�anlc� A Npbresokn Go��o�t�Cion , � �
<br /> � '
<br /> `''."�,°'" g P.0 Hox 50 . �,,,,�. _ (herein"Trustee"),and ^ -
<br /> ?;.�.w�,�]� whoso malt�n addresals • i 7 G�.�nc9 Yslund NE 6D8�2
<br /> ..,, ��.'�t�°�°;• . �,.a,�
<br /> .1 `�� thaBenoilctary, �iv� Pn9,�s Aan + A Nebr�k�Cor rn ,�an , r ,,,;���-
<br /> Y I rTr- ll! ' • �•
<br /> ,�����'���f���{' ��'E�f°�'�.
<br /> - ' whos�malUng address la— p•O. Hox i507, (�ranc7 Ialntxd� NE d8�02 (haroin"�endery. �:=��'.,.t •:_
<br /> `C- ..�L.'�
<br />.. " ... . � 1' -�_�.'J._.i�5_�:-
<br /> FOR V�1LUA8l,E C�JN319ERAr10N,Inctuding Landar's exte�slan oi orsd{t Idsn4liled hereln to ``,;` �.`7�'
<br /> ,� ,.n
<br /> ;o.` ' ;:3.• ;;5,{F�t;;-•``_'
<br /> ';:�':,:�.�.. ;, .•�. s%..,:�::—--
<br /> I.ebeaesaum Inc. � :�;4;; .
<br />:...r,�,:1 =-,„ ; : ' �(herel�"Borro�rer",whether ono or more)and the truet herai�creat�d, ,;;,+.«z
<br /> '�' << + the resceipt p1 which fs hereby aaknowlo�ged,Trustor hoioby Irrovocably aranto,trnn�!ora,convoys und ae�igna to Trustes, IN ��:. � �.•;;:,��.r-
<br /> � � ''. '.3;.;;: TRU�T,WITH PQWEFi OF SALE,for the benetit and seaurlty of Lender,undor and eubJeot to thu terms and canditlone harqlnaftar s3at �`�` ;r�,.%-
<br /> .,. ;� ,•r,y forth,the ra�l pr�porty,deaerlbed ae followa: , �;., ��:=
<br /> i ,„
<br /> "' ` � See AttaChed �xtltblt "A" �`,F" -,�
<br /> - •;1: P.��:�ifrl,ii�--
<br /> _y . ::o�k.' ,. . .�s.,.:
<br /> n�° �;�t�•",::'t'�ai.:
<br /> "�:!�, � � ,'.�',�= ��i�.�;-h
<br /> , ToQother wfth all bulldinfla,Improvemanto,tixtures,etrc�ote, alloyo,passn�o►vuya,onsementa,riahts,prlvilegea and appurte� �^
<br /> ,, � _,,,�' nance9 locatod thereon or In anywlee pertalning thareto,and the rente,Isouea end profite,reverstons and remalndere thAraot,and ' _
<br /> ��� x_. .riu_ _ BUCFI QB►BOf1III�1fO0AJtV 1F1A1 IR A1IACFIAd fA fhH IRIDYOV@MHD}A 6d AR fA Qf1fI8U�Ut9 A�IYtUlB,Includinu,but Rot Ilmlted to,hesUna and '�f��'�=y
<br /> ,i�,�'yltu:Jin:•i::,.
<br /> -� �.:.:. r,00ling equlpment;and topc�thor with the homestead or mer(tal Intar�ste,If any,whlch Interaote are hereby releaaed and waived;all .�f,f�,,1;.rL
<br /> ' `�=�i'�'.,� of whlch,Including replacomente and addltfone thereto,le hpreby declaresl to t�a t+part o}the real estate secured by tho lfen of thia �•��'x::__
<br /> Deed of Trust and alI o!the fore ofn beln ret�ried to hereln ae tho"Pro e � �� '�'
<br /> . . 8 9 9 P ►�Y�'• .>,.:;�,�,�.::''
<br /> ,.y_,,. �� ;j� Shis Deed of Trust eh�ll socure(a)tho payment of the princlpal eum and Interest evldanced by e promissory noto or aredft � "r(;"���•,,�,�
<br /> : '� agreementdatnd May 17. 1995 ,havin I9ay 15,2010 y;���`:'"�-0���—
<br /> � ,;.>:;•.,:-
<br /> - . - g a maYUriry date ot t/�,�.��>::.r;;r;.
<br /> ._. _
<br /> •� �`Y`' in ths ori�lnal princlps!amount of$ 79�•000.00 ,end any and gll modfflcatlone,oxtenslono and renewals 'V�t S%��
<br /> .�. �� *� thsreaf or theroto and an and all future advancea and readvancee to Borrowor or an ot thom If more thnn one)hereunder ,��?s�'i �
<br /> Y ( y �� �yd�+��- -
<br /> � '. pursuant to one or more promissory notas or credit sgreomente(herein called"N�te");(b)the peymant ot other euma advanced by ,:7'�s�.j,;?4��;-:-
<br /> '.y" „ Lender to protent thA b�ecurlty oi the Note;(c)the pQ�lormance oi ali covenante and ag reomente of Truator aet forth hereln;end(d)all •�`,•;�.:,.,�;;1;��f��^
<br /> , � present and iuture Indebtedness end obllgations of Borrowar(or any oi them I}more than anb)to Lender whether direct,Indlrect, "��'�`��;y1iy''?:"
<br /> ' e6solute or conttn ent and whsthor arisin b note, uaran overdraft or othorwloo.The Note,thls Deod o}Trust and�n end all ;�'t�-�.::���°�;..'
<br /> 9 9 Y 8 �Y, Y . .�.,..�.,�,- ..
<br />,��:���;o��"„ : - other docuentsthatsecure the Note or otherwise axecuted In connectlon therewlth,Including wlthoutllmitotlon guaranteos,securiry ' ,�>���^��.
<br /> , ' - ,3rk..�-
<br /> agreemeots and asaignmonts of leaees and rants,sholl bo referred to hdreln as the"Loan Documente". 7�•;';:z`r%��
<br /> '"'��rJ� �� t Truator covenants+end agrees with Lenderae follow�: ,;,f;;:;"'
<br /> ' "�r� 1. Pmmmt ot Indeqtedne�a.Ail Indebtednosa secured heroby sheil be pald whon due. k'!�''s,",`i��k
<br /> '�"� "''�° ' `�� .a 2.Tltls.Trustor is the owner of the Properry, hea the rlght and authority to convey the Properry,and warrents that the Ilen ��)�����`�'• �.
<br />-,y^ • � .. ��ItT,�'�•.A'.'.•'�;.: .
<br /> ,. �� •. crea4od hereby Is a tirst and prlor Ilen on the Propetiy, except for Ilene end encumbrances set lorth lsy Trusto�In weiting and ;••,��;:�.;�, ,.
<br /> delivered to Lender b Af ore e x e c u t l o n o f t h l e Dee d o f Trus t,an d t he execu t lon an d de l lvery o t t h ls Doe d o t Trua t does no t v fo la te any `;;:'�:;`. �_
<br /> "-'°"" '' � " contrect or ather obligation to whlah Trustor is subJect '_�
<br /> "� `''`�'`"� 3. Texas,A�senm�nt�.To pay before delinquoncy all taxes,apoclel essessmonts and all other churgos agalnet the Propertyr ���' '
<br /> ' '�"""'' now or hereafter lovis�. 3,'j;t`{,"'*,��r
<br /> . �'"'.`'�'� 4. Infurancf.To keep the Properry Ineured egalnst damage bylire,hezerde Includad�vlthln the torm"extended coverafle",and ,/�,�;�'��°'!�:�%✓`�`�
<br /> ` ��Y such other h8zards es Lendar ma ra uire,In amounts and with companlea acce tebie to Lendor,namin Lendor as un addltlonal `���'�������'
<br /> �K1�jli.l.� A
<br /> y q p 0 t t:•.,...r.•.�+,
<br /> • �.,:., nemed inaured,with loss payable to the Lender.In case of losa undor euch policfea,the Lender le authorizod to adJuat,collect and �7�'�f'�` ,• • �
<br /> • compromlae,all Clalms thereunder and shall have the option of applying ell or pert o}the Insuranco procaode p)to any Indebtednass ''�•";����`:'. �•�
<br /> ,. ° • socurod hereby and In auch order ss Lander may detormine,(Iq to 1he Trustor to be used for the repalr or restoratlon of the Properfyr •�'��i�+•�����' '' '
<br /> ;,,,;;tt,, � _ ':� or(Ui)tor any other purpoee or obJect satisfactory to Lander without eHecting tho Ilen of thls Deed of 7rust for tho fuil emount secured `';��i!j`:: .,''. '�
<br /> '-,.;�,,:rt ,, hvreby before such paymont evar took place.Any eppllcatlon oi procends to indebtedness eholl not extend or postpons the due ';';:;:�;,`;�� t"
<br /> �.. �:..:,::�:...,., .
<br /> ' ""� date oi any payments under the Note,or cure any default thereunder or hereundor. ,��,r,•.e� •
<br /> - '�' `"'`' • b. Eecrow.Upon written damand by!ender,Truator shall pay to Lender,In such manner a8 Lendor mny deslgnnte,euHiclent �.�,�;,;�.'�:.:..
<br /> ��,.,:„''�i' ., � • .,- :r .: -.
<br /> ._.,. aumo to enaale Lender ta pay as they become duo one or more of 4he following:(q eli taxe3,assoasmvnte and othor charges agalnst `���;..:.••,.:•.::
<br /> �'�•�,,,.., � the Property,(Iq the pramluma on the propertyr Insurenco requlred hereunder,and piq tho premlume on nny moRgago insuranco �t;.• '�`�""`
<br /> ��,, ,', requlred by Lender. ������, ;
<br /> 6. M�(nt�rt�rtco�Repein ond Comptlanc�wlth I,ewi. Trustor shall keep the Property In good condltlon and ropalr; ehall �•� .;;:;'
<br /> _ ' � promptiy repal►, or replaae any Imp►ovoment which may be damaged or deotrayQd;shall not commlt or porrrolt any watrto or
<br /> . , deterloraUon ot tha Property;ehalF not romove,demollah or substanttally alter ony of the Improvomsnto on tho Proporty;ah411 not �;.�:,��.
<br /> c4mmlt,eufbr or permit any act to be dono In or upon the Property In vtolstion of any law,ordlnanco,ar rqgulatlon;Rnd�hell poy and ••�
<br /> , promptfy dlschargo At Trustor'e cost end oxpenso ell Ilone,oncumbrances and charyos levlod,ImposCd ar aa�e9�ed ngalnat tho { ;,.�'��`'
<br /> . . Property or any part thereot. � ���,; ':::
<br /> . � 7. Eminant Domaitn.Lartdar Is hereby assigned ell compeneaUon,awards,damages and other paymctnte or rollof(horelnnfter
<br /> °. .;,ti,: ,; "Proceeda'q M conneatton�vith condemnatlon or other teklnp of the Property ar part theroa},or tor conveyunco In Ileu of condomna- � . • ,• '
<br /> , � Uon.Londor shall bo ontiUed at Its uptlon to commence,appear in and prosacute In Ite own namo nny aation or proccodlnpu,and
<br /> ;,•j shall also bs enNtled to mske any compromisa or�dttlomont in connoatinn wlth such tekinp or damnpo.In tho ovant any portlon ot
<br /> :•.,;,, tho Propertyr le so taken or demagad,Lender ohall havo the opuon,In ito eolo and abs�luto dlocrotlon,to opply nU auch Procoods. � �
<br /> :� �� .•• ,,.�� �•� eftor doducttng therotrom all co�te aivd oxppnsc�s incurrad by It In connectlon with euch Pr000adt�,upon any Indobtodna�o oacured i
<br /> • ' � heroby and in euuh order ae I.onder mav uetarmine.or tm m�nro au nu�h ara�da nrfa.a,�h���,�u�,�,o fn 1hn rnatnrntlnn M tA�n
<br /> ' . • Propertyr upon su�ch conditlona ee Lender mey determino,Any application of Procr,rdu to Indobtodnos�ohall not oxtond or postQono �
<br /> ' .,. , � the duo date ot ony paymont�under the Nota,or cure any doleult theraunder or noreundo►.Any unappllod lunao ohol�bo pnld to
<br /> 4 Trusior. � .
<br />_ , , � 8. Redorrttance Uy l�ndor.Upon the ocaurronce oi en Hvent ot Default horoundar,or If nny not le tnkon ar IoQpl procoeding .
<br />_ , commencad whicN materially affeots Londer's InteronUn the Proporty,Lcu�dor mny In Ito own diecrot�on,but wllhoul obllpotlon to do
<br />- so,snd wlthout notice to or demand upon Trustor and wlthout roleaoing Truetor tram any obllgatlon,do any aot whlch Truotor has (
<br />��.. � °� apraod but falis to do a�d may alao da any other aat It deoms necsssary to protoct tP�e oocurlty horco9.Truotor eNpll,Immadlatoly �
<br /> upan demand therefor by Lender,pay to Lendor all aoste and oxponsen Incurrod and�umo�xpondod by 6ondor In aonnootlon with
<br /> the oxerctso by Londor ottho foregoinfl rtghte,tapo4her wlth Intor�stthoroon at tho dolnul!rQte providoc!In tho Noto,whlch aholl bo �
<br /> ,. uddod to tho InBobtednaua saaurod hersby. Lendor ohall not Incur any Ilablllty bocnuao of onythlnp Il mpy d�or omlt to do
<br />'' horoundor.
<br /> a.. ,, ,. h.
<br /> �� .. , ,
<br />�= � . - I .
<br />� � �
<br />__ i
<br /> . ..----------m---.------------._________...__----.- -�---_...______ _--------�------ - .. _.
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<br /> � � - —
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<br /> _ --�--__�..�___._.��_�. ---�-�----� =�--- --
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