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<br /> � ` i.��h�f:t:��xo.� tr�rr;f:s,r-,ss°A �.�.t �at�t�;� o�, b�r..u�s°r �
<br /> ~� e . _ .. .. . . . .-_:,. ,__....n_,, .._�.._ , �l i)F.r � .�i.`;;a::�F' :
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<br /> ._1 . �- -�- -° ° :::.� :.n_,t. _��,: ec n�,,.,�, ,tlg._ t�� L::c] � - -
<br /> -� —.�, LE'SA� ei•i:aci.s�ui. tio� �i>mvr ��e+ v« - r r^ o . '
<br /> ...,o'` `� �c�hwean FYVI�,e0lid�iS :��ny wlioc�c c?ailirii� adcit;e�c► in �'.U. liox �50�,^Cbn�sQ F���''
<br /> �.`'.e..,':w:�� Yel.anci� Ilclsr�eka 6€1f;0?. (laarcir�nfC�s "I.�Si(�01;��), Ct�o c�srr�c�t: �tizcl taolc�cr; �►f ��.M:
<br /> - �-�--�=�- the cextain �romlecory Note tor $25,020.r0 da�c;d �e�cs��er l:i, I9�!s, �--° �
<br />-``:_�'"-:'==� �i.��e� h� R+•9.c i,o T.n.sr��r� end An�im Lor,:n�rt(he�ei.raa�Coe "Ilo�r:owc;a:o°) csc�d �.r,��-.
<br /> sec��xed by ehe c:ertaiu OQed o£ Trust of tho cerCaiu xeal �st�ste tii��ein °_
<br /> __� desc�ibed. situ�ted, iping and being iu Ht�13 Cuunty� Nebrasku, amd more
<br /> - particularay descrfb�d ao follot�o, to-wit:
<br /> �� Lot One (1), B1oGk I�ive (5), o� ltuasel Wheeler's AddiCion to the
<br /> -�° Ci�y ofc Gr.and Island, Hull County, Nebru�ka.
<br /> ------- wl�ich said need oF Truot i� dQP.Ed the 15�h day of December, 1994�
<br /> wherei� a7�.ve PoinCs Bank ie fleneficiary. and xecorded in tho Offica of _-
<br /> r,,he Register of Deeds of ETa11 Count}p,� Nebraska, ae Documen� 1194-110048 '=_
<br /> �= of Mortga&ea mn the 19t1i drzy of D�cember, 1994: �
<br /> ----= WiTi1ESSL•'��, t�at said partfe�, for Ch�mselv�es and tl�ei.r hPiro, __ _
<br /> --- executor�� adminietrutQrs End aesigns, l�oreby mutually agree that tYce •�-
<br /> _m-_.:o�;;�� time for ths� payment of the prin�ipal. and in�erest on er�id Promissory �. ,_.�,
<br />__. :_�-���,� �ote d�ted Decee:�er 15, 1994� shall be as £ol�.ows: �°;�
<br /> ��u= =---- tlC;o Conaumer Not� dated O�i/18/95 for 527,999.88 with gayneatd of = a
<br /> _�_�_�„� prinaipsl and interest due aacording to Che terma of eaid Note, with a -_
<br /> ,��� fiasl Ualloon �z3iment of re�aining psincipal and intereet 8ua on ._
<br /> --- 04/15/2000. E�taturity datn of eaid Daed of Truet is hersby ext.ended to "�'
<br />---- _ -- 04/15/2000. . __.
<br /> --�.� -
<br /> 6 � �_ Tic $3,:�'��aro �S�Z';�� f�rthHr r8t1f� nnr� r�i�firm all Of the te�m6
<br />_;���;�� and condi.tions contained in the Acknowledgment of Deed of Tru�t and Deed _
<br /> _ �:..�,� of Trust oE Borrowere ta Lender date�3 December 15, 199�i, ae referred to '--
<br /> -- - above o�ad said Borrowera will in all respec�e faithfully comply �nd �'��_'
<br /> . � ➢ �. perforoi rsll the �ovQnauts �nd pramises in the Aforesaid Deed of Trust. �''�"-
<br />---____��,.� I"'"
<br /> -�--T�# It io expreasly undersCOOd and a�reed that the �foresaid Deed of ' "
<br /> ---- Trast shall remain in Eull force aad effect in all respecte and that �����''�
<br /> =�'��*►�� uothing hereia shall affect or impair any righte and powers which the °`-.
<br /> ���'��"`''_ Lendc�r may have tlie�ceunder for the recovery of the said debCs securad by '
<br /> 3sid Deed oE Truet, with intesest, in cas2 of the non-fulfillmeut of "
<br />— ---= this Agreement. ��:.;..
<br /> -----_�� And �tie eaid Borrowers her.eby covenant that they wili pay the sAid '
<br />-_=�� principal sum and interest as provided by the Promiaeory Note re£erred ""
<br /> ----- to above at the times thereiu specified and tbat they will pesEorm and
<br /> _��,� observe ali of tha covenente, agreements, stipulstioas and conditions on -
<br /> -- - the part of the Borros•rere caaCa��aed in said Deed of Trust in all
<br /> - - , .
<br /> -���=-� respects.
<br /> _ _.,.�,.-,:,Q.�,. ..
<br /> =����'-`� IN WITNESS WHERCOF, the partie� have hereuato s�t their haada and
<br /> _�::=n.•."� _ seals the day and year firet above writeen.
<br />�s_-__ _ FIiIL� POINTS BANK� Lender, °
<br />., =vr�� , gy � • �``Y
<br /> -= :=:=_-�;��
<br /> - ___ _ Jody L. erhard�� Loan OEficer
<br /> _ -- _��"'��
<br /> ���� '
<br /> -�� �'� --�„�,.---�
<br /> "�- .� �ric L. i.ammertS� ..
<br /> ;:�r_�1::' ` •--^
<br />_.- ,:��{�� �e, y�r�
<br /> ' �.I«��=°'�^� . CAngi�}Lamnert) _
<br /> v Hnrrowere
<br />- u V ., ��� ,
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