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<br /> _- ��_--'--' {��C;1,!":�Pr�;:.=`:L+.TfU.OP�E�re�y�gressss4olndemnityandholc�has���los�L�>�tti�7��w1d�:�CiL'���ICy���•7"1,��^�•twarvlP�W:ln�tild <<_--
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<br /> ,• ,;i'.T=�Y�''�'A ony cur;ces�t�i5 ZO d.Cf�','.f'a Intsr�9t,f�c�m t+nd c���fns!sny and elt clYlms,ct?m�gea,le�$e5 c�r.d Iteb!l;tias Rrlsfr�g In crninnctl�tn wifh _
<br /> -
<br /> �_._--.._. _. ... _ �- n,...._..... r��wrr,�cxe�nth4i2 _4.-._.,-.
<br /> -- the pre�iancQ�ll�H�G{8f,1PA8�O�fiaii9�0�i G{'d�1�iiui.�{(��711u T:�.�:.��::�r'OR�U�i:�.,�� iiy�:. V(�:.°.::�.:+.... .��.'.-�y. --
<br /> - '�' 10. A�b4�nmtnl of�4ant�.T�u�tor hereby ass9gnsto Lendar t4e rents,I�suos and profitr.al tha.property;pravided lbat Yrue+tar
<br /> �m._ shall,unNl theoccurrenoe o}an Event of Defaulthereundar,hev�the rlgt�t tn collect ancf r4ta}n auoh ranm,teau�and proYta s�th�y
<br /> _ _ - btrcoma dse artd payaale.Upon the occurrenco ot an Event caf Detault,Le�der may,Qlther In R�raon or by a�enf,with or wltho�t --
<br /> _ bringtog any a.tion or proc�alc!inq,or by a racelver Rpgolnted by e court end wiihaut reparsl to tha adeq�ac�of tts a+curiry�sr�ISr
<br /> - -- °� uppoa�dt�Aapa�:c��tonolthlProueriy.orany�±a^Ci�raol,InlisvwnnemeoNnlhenemeo}thc+Trunt��,enddoenynCt�whlohft _ -
<br /> deams��:assury or dealrr�ble t�pres�'+�e fhe value,maricetebllity or rontebllity of tlio Property,or any peft f��arenl or interest tNereln,
<br /> increasi,�.t1(� lncome theretrom or�t;�';?c4lhe eocurity horoot And,wfth or wlthout taking possesalort of tha Property,aue toe or
<br /> ---�. ,,,,,� otherwi:rsG���zct the rant�,issues c�^.d�rTOfIt3 th9rent,incfudina���se past due and unp�afd,and epply the aam�,less cmaf�and
<br /> _,�,�,.�, expens�a�4:�aara!len c.^-�c�sllectlon t:�cluding attorneys'fee�,upo►�any indebtedne9s securod hereby,ati In euch qrdar aa Lsrtder
<br /> _= may determine.Th�c��_�r��g upo►i and taking poss�sstort ot the Froperty,tha�collactfon af such renta.lssuea�nd protit�anA the
<br /> � epplicailc�ti'ierpoY sa afvre9aid,shall not cura or»;�;ve any datauit or nntiae of detault hereunder ur invelidato any aCt dor»in
<br /> �::,�,�. resp�r:u�t��uchdetaultorpursuanttosucbnoticeafdofaukand,�otwtthatnndingthscAntinunrtcelnpoa3aeafmnofthePropertyor
<br /> '�""'.""�� iha cv;;r,:�,'t�:1,rc�lpt�nc!��Qlicsi�ot;^4 ren!4.I�gae�or.t�rotfta,����i Ti��a�e An�t Anc�Ar Rheil t�a enttUed to exerclaa everv ripht
<br /> ---•°•�_= pror:t�a":r,f�psnyofihoLnanDecumen�orbylawuponoccurrenciiofanyEventofDolauit,lncludingwithou411mitatlantherlghtto
<br /> exE,r•u!��39A powsr ot sate.Further,Lander'E right��nd rerriedtes under thfs paPagreph shail be cum�lative with,nnd in nu wmy s �
<br /> .:-:r��._�::.,�� Nm(istionan„Lendo�rsrfghtsandremedie�underanyc:ssignmontofEeasesa�drEntsrecordedagalnsttbePra}?r,tty.l.entler,7rustee
<br />--- --=-==3 ond the reCei�er shatl be liable to accoun4 only ti�os?rent�ectually rscatvad.
<br /> _------_— 11. kvenn of Odautl.The tottnwing ertatt Gonsqtutfl Rn Event oi Geiauii unsini t��is Ge�d at T-u�t --
<br /> _:�.�:��� (�) Fallure to pay any{nctaAment of princlpal or interest of any other sum secureci hereby when due;
<br /> (b) Abreachofordetauftunderenyproyisfonconteinedin4heNote,thisDeedofTrust,enyoftteeLoanGsrcumenl&;orf�ny
<br /> " oihar IFan or ensvm6mncA uAOn the ProPe►hr;
<br /> W.�;�.ti� (c) Awr(t oS oxc�utlon ar dttachment or any slrr�ilar proceas shail bo entered agalnst Trustor whlch shali becomo a Iler�on
<br /> ---='m'� tha Proporry oi any Poftion thereof or Interost i'�erein; -
<br /> ---- — (d) There snal!S�e filed by or egeinst Trustor or Borrower en actYon Undor any present oe tuturo fedar.al,ctete or ather
<br /> --'°-���r+��:+� atan��a 1aW er reautation relaUna in bankruptcd.Insolvency or othor retlat tor debt<�rs;or thero shali be�ppofntal eny trusteo,
<br /> --- -
<br /> . . _
<br /> - -==��.�+�i�� recelver ar li4uld8tor ot Trustqr or Borrower ar of all or any part ot the Propor[y,ar tfle renta,18aUe8 or proitia inerier�i,'vi otiiaa,i =-
<br /> ^T==-��—T� or�Bor�ower shali make any genoral asstgnmant tor the tsonefdt of credltors;
<br /> (e} Tha,sale,t►fln9fer,leaso,aselynment,convc�yance or further encumbranae of all or eny part of ar eny I�ter89t in the
<br /> _
<br />