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Ili QIIa cvc;,t t!i1t any <br /> ���c�vtsSon or c����!�oi ti�i.s�a^o€ity lnstr?uncn!or tho RIotC conil;r.Gs tvitte c�zpt(t�blc lae�,su:h cn�fllct chall not aifcu uth:r�n•ovis3oas of ti�fs -----' <br /> Sccudiy Instruit►eot or thz Note which�n he gtven effec¢withoiu Qie conflicttiL�ravi;ion,arrd to this e�td the pravislons of this &r,cadty <br /> �:r.iaJ��i..�i::u:7 a,.JI`��.iti iu�:4ir'+iuL�I ZG V�uGrcl�iVlc'. �—••`• <br /> ' f _ _r <br /> F. 'iRANSE�I QF TIiL�'PR03�ER'!'Y OR A�EtdF.PTCI�4L 7tV�'�RIiST 1lef 881YROWER k�-.- <br /> �.,-._-� <br /> C�nliorm Caver��tnt 1'7 of the artcuri¢y insttument is amendal to read se foiJnws: <br /> 17. 'Cnwfer ot!Me Prupe�y ot s�eneflci�l Interai tr Bo�rarrcr.if all or any part ot the Propeefy cr an interai th:r�ia 19 sold or trensfern� ����.. <br /> (ar if a beneficlml interat in•�Aorrower is so1Q or tretufcrred and Borrower is not u naparel q�ersop)wtthout Lender's pdor wdtten conscnt, - - <br /> ' I.ender i.cnda's aptiGU,declare uEl theswns sxured by thls Secuiity Instrument to be immerliatdy due And payab!e.fiowevet,thty <br /> opti�on ahall not!se excrcdstd by Lcnder If exercisc is not authorizcd t,y Feclera!law.Lendr.t may waive tlte exexrist of this opNon if:(u)Berrow�r - <br /> causrs to bc�utm(ttal t�r l..cndcr�n[ormadun reauired by Lcnder to cvciluate the intci�dai transfera as if a new loan wero being made to the �'� ` <br /> Ransferae;a�xtil(b)I,ender reason�bly dstem�Inca that Lectdcr'�fecurtty will not Le Impaital by¢he loau assumption und that the risk of the �- <br /> brcach of any covenu�t or ag�Yement in th[s Secudry Instrument is acceptablc ta LendGr. -- <br /> Ta tft+e extent permitted by appltcable law,lr;nder may chnrge u reasdnable fa a9 s cortdltio�to Lender's conseat to tAe loan assumption. _ <br /> I,ender nay atuf.tequira thP gcanafrrer tn kxp P��lllt p?omis!�end e�•eemants m�d:in tho i4'cie art�in this w.�ctadty Ios�-um�t. --- <br /> "If Len3�xle:cn4�lsts sucti eption to accelerate,I.ender shall mall Qorrower notice of naeterntion in a�corc�ance with par�aph 14�ereof. ""`- <br /> 5ucb notix shsli'�r,t�yide a perkxi osno[!as than 30 days from the data tiu��otice is mailed wtahin wliich i�trrxowcr ma�r pay tUe swns declaaea `- <br /> ou�.ii`Ftorrowec fails to a• such sums prior to thc ex iration of such �`'''��' <br /> P ! P period.[.ender maY.without xurthe,r notice or dcmaud on Born,wer. 4�_:r;-� <br /> inv�leanyrstnedlapemtitt�edbythisSecurityInstrun�ent.°' .t�4�Y: <br /> "Notwi�hstsndfng asale or uansfer,Bonower wtll condnue to 6c obliaated under the Note and ttus Seci�rity Instruruent unless Lender has E:;_',_ <br /> rr3�assd Borrowerin wdting." , . �,-_- <br /> P. ddyMi CF3AHCF14 . [., "' <br /> if the lo�n sesured tsy We Security Instrumens Is subject to a law v�tilch sets maxImum loan charges,and that law is finully interpseted sa �---= <br /> �_.r.�. .� . t- -''--._.e.�.�_.. ��. <br /> "»�a�nc iuicricSi�ri'visici{lA4ri 1,/1741b'i.l VVIfGbIRI li/IV VG VV1l0.1611�!A tVtt}tGLtWU�IINI u�G tV011 Glb1:GU jlcaLpLICU LI[UI'J�LI[PI:(ij auy sut,i�itAtn <br /> _ C118IYZ 6hd11 hC ICdL�td hV Q11e em�tat nMxa�rs tn rctturr_.thr_.rha�aw t�hg�,+?,I�tt°�' I�L;«S!!�(?)9Ai 9l7SL'°.����«�..°3 fSaii:�SiO:� <br /> which exceocled pctr�tittesi ltmiu wiII be reiund:d evBorrower.I.entler�nay choose to rnnke this refLnd by reducing 1he princlpul owed under the �� <br /> Nofe 4et Ty mafriag�t dlrect payment to BorroHer.If a refund reduces pr[ncipal,the reduction will,be freated a5 a partial prepayment�nder the <br /> Note: : .. � . <br /> . '.�;�_ <br /> �_:_� <br /> IPI Wf'i'NESS I�LRFAF.Roero�ver ha9 caecuted thla Adja�GtBle R�Qc Ridcr. �-'- <br /> �.•M--. <br /> . . � f_ <br /> � ��. R�':_._ <br /> , G ACD . E f� <br /> 60RROWBR «� ����� <br /> �, _ <br /> , /� , + . �5�� �_ -_- <br /> CAROLYN HEHNK BORROWER - <br /> .�-. <br /> - —- - c�n <br /> ' BORROWER <br /> (S101�5 OkIC31NAL aN1.7n <br /> I <br /> I.. <br /> � <br /> I <br /> I <br />