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<br />'�""�,'� '`� � ' nppltcoblo lae� may spscdty for n:instatement)before sale of the Prop�rty pursuant to any potver of sale containca an this
<br /> � �nditions:u�:that�orro��cr; (al � ..�
<br />-�"`='�.�=��' ' Sc:curiry Instn►menr,or(b)entry af a jadgment enforcing this Seeucity Instrum�nt. Tho..e c
<br /> .��--��.°�N=:�� n:cys I.endcr all surs which then �voutd be due under this Secu�tity Inswment and che Noto as if no ncccicnt:on had ���
<br /> = a�cittred:(!�)cures�ny d�fnuit uf nny ot��er cnvenants or agreement�:(c)paye all expLnses incurrad in enfarcing tliis Security "
<br /> --°-- ` Instn►n►en� inclu�ing,but not limltcd to,re�san�ble attorrteys'fees;and (d) e.�kcs sttch ncqion as i.ender may reasunu'uly
<br /> E��_
<br /> _� -r' r.,quire to assure thut the Ilen of tliis Security Instrument,LenAer's rights fn the Property und nnaower's obligaCion to pay the
<br /> "•-=-"�s� sums secumd by this Sea�urity �nst�umcnt shall continuc unchanged. Upon rc�nstatemeeit by Bonowcr, this �ecurity ��_
<br /> -- Inserunient and ttN obligations secured hereby shall remain fuUy effective as if nu a�ccleration h�d oecurred. liovlever,this
<br /> ' -'�'"�` risht to reipstat�sl�all not apply in the case oF uccelernttun undcr paragmph 17.
<br />=�'•�� l9. Sple oY Note;Cncu+ge uf Lunn 3erv(eer. T'iie Note or a pacual InterGSt in the Nate(iogether with�h�s Security —
<br />�"'f"-°''-'g�`� Instsvmcnt)may bs sold ane or more times withaut prior nodCC to Bocrower. A sale may result in a change in the entity
<br /> _��
<br /> __v_�-��� (known as ehe"Loaa Servicer")ihat collects mon[hly payment��1«e under the I�iote and this Security Inswment. �here also
<br /> - may be one or more changes of the Laan Scrviccr unr�lated to a sale of�he Nate. If then:is a r,liange of Ihe Loan Seevicer, _
<br /> :�°:r1���� Borrower wlll be given wrie�n notIce af the ch;sr.ge iu accordance with para�raph 14 ubove and�pplicable lu�v. 'The notice
<br />�"'�,� �vill state the n.une:tnd address of the n�w Laan$�rvicer awd the adclress to�vhich payments should be made. The notice cvill
<br /> - also con4lin any othPr information requirecl by app�icaUie law.
<br /> ----=-_— Z0. Ha�nritoue Subst�u�ces. Borrawer shall not cause or pemrit die presence.use,disgasal,storabo,or nlcase of any _
<br /> „�.,.;i„�;� Hazardous Substances on or in tt�e P'rapecty. Borrower shall not do,nor allow anyone elsc to do, anything affecting the
<br /> ``"'""_��+�*� Property that is in vic�lation of any Environmensul Law. Tfie p�eceding tcvo 6entcnc:s s_hsll nat u�ply t�n th�s presenRae,iis�,�r __
<br />-�""��-''�"`-� storage on th�Yro�erty of small quantities of Hauadous Substartces that arc generally recognized xo be approp�iate to normal --
<br /> .�.-+y^-y�� residential use�and to mtintenance of tho Property. `Y,u
<br /> '�'""'� Bunower shall promptly givc Lendcr written natice of any investigation,clnim,der�and,law�uit or othxr,actiun by any
<br />-_ ... gov.,:�„ucni�o:.:.gutu��ty�g;ncy c:pri•rs:e�».-t;�involving ihe Pro�rt+►an�n�y Hav�rdous Suh:tance or Enviro�inental
<br /> '�i.�,�•;,-;;�� Law of which Borrower tias actuat knowledge. If Borrower le.�uns,or is notificd by any govemmental or rer,�latory
<br /> -~--� authority,that any removal or othcr remediation of any Hazaidous Substance affecting the Property is necessary.Bmrrower
<br />''%��''�°�R� shall promptly take all necessary remedial actions in accordance with Eoti�i.r�nnmental l.aw.
<br />�;;��!;,,�"° As used in this para�raph 20."Hazardous Substances"are Wose subs�taaces defined4 as toxic or 4ct�:udous substances by
<br />_:;;3;!.4 ` Environmental I.aw and the following substances: gasoline,kerosette,otlier glammable c� toxic petroleum products,taxic
<br />.w���`��� pesticides snd herbicides,volatile solvcnts. materials containing asbestos or fomzaldehyde. and radioactive mat�riais. As
<br />- '�- :::,_� .: „�P�;„thic narauranh 9(1 "Rnvimnmental Lutv"rneans federal laws und laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is located ___
<br /> �f++''���'� that relate to hetilih.safety or er.vixonm�ntal protecflon. �
<br />��4 .� NOIY-UNIFQRM COVENANTS. Barrower and Lender further cove:aant and a�ree os ioltows: --
<br /> 21. Accelerutlnn; Remedtes. I.ender sh�il�ive notice to Dor��n,sver pdor ta acceleraUun followin$Dorrower's
<br /> � '�•.• ,.'• 6reach o8 any covenant or agre�ment In this Security Yt�slruntent(6U3 not prfior Q�8cceler�tion un.der paragrapii 17
<br /> _-':_,��,,'Y`•..___ unlcss app!ta�ble law pravIdes oiherwise). The notice s�s�ll specify: (a)the deFault;(b)the actfon required to��Qe the
<br /> -�""�'�.� defaula;(c)a date,uot less thsn 30 dnys trara the date the nott�e is given to Borro�ver,by s�61ch the deinult must be
<br />`:"�"`��:�..��� cured;tmd(d)iliat fallure to cure the default on or bePore the date sp�si[ied ta the noHe.e�usy.r�sult in acee,eratton ot
<br /> -.-`-�:.�� the su�ms secure�by tliis S�curity Instrume�t and�ule of the Yroper�}. Tl�e notire sbail[urth�a(nform Barruwer of �
<br />_.��.�� th�rigat to retns2ate after accelerntion ar;d QhQ right w bring u court action to assert the non-e:astence ot a defa�lt or �__
<br />;:�J�;.�r�� uny ot6er defense of Borrawer W acceleratton und sale. If the defaWt Is aeot cured on or l�efore the dntc speciited In �___
<br /> ,:.-_.-,�;�_� the noHce,Lender Bt[ts option may nequfre immediate payment in tLli o[all sum�s secui�ed by thfs 5ecnrity Ynstrnment `� �
<br />�,�;.,,;;,,�` ve�4hout furtEter demand uQd may tnvolte the gower of sale and an�y ot�er remedtes (�ermitted bY �PPS«bie law. ,,,�_
<br />_=�=��`��-�_'� Lendes shall be eatitled to collect ull expenses incvrred in pursuing the remedIes provtded In qifs pamgraph Zl, -:_-_
<br /> i;�'',�`'� including,but not limfted to,reasonable ptWrneys'fees nnd costs of tiUoevtd�mce. �%���-
<br /> x�.�: �-�� If the power of sale is tnvoked,'Ilrustee sball reeord a notice of de[ault in each county tn which any part of the � �
<br /> °=�.--°��•g • Prop�rty is lacaR�d nnd s6all m;iil copies of such notice La the manner prescrfbc�si by appflcable law to Borro�rer aad to E=--�'
<br /> =���9 the other persens prescribed by appllcz�ble Iaw Atter rt�hs time required by applicablP Inw,'[t�usiee shall giv�publtc �-'4;
<br />- - =�.:�:�• notice of sule to the p�ersons nns�(u die manner prescr36ed by appltcAble Saw. 1tus��,witla9ut demand oa Borrower, �_-.-,
<br />_=�:,�;-. shall sell tb�e Property at publlc nuct�on to the ht�hest bidder at tlie time and pince und under tb�e terms designated in ��'�:
<br />';.:.;.;a�� the notice of sale in one ar more parcels and in any order Trustee determfines. 7lrustce muy post�ne sciIlc of ull or any '�:f
<br /> _- parcell of tlic Froperty by publlc announcement ut Ehe tlme unr��lace at any prevEonsly xhedQQt+td sale. Lender or its . :;.':`�
<br /> - designee may p�nrlaase thc Property at any sule. ^ •.
<br />.,,,,,,M��,,;�,- „`� Upon rece6pt of paynieut of the price bid,'It�ustec shall deliver to the purchaser 7t�e�stee's deed mm•eyiug the �:!'
<br />- � Propertv Tiie�ecttuls in the'ISrustce's deed shull be prlmn facfe eviden�of the truth of ti�e stn4ements ma�de therefu�.
<br /> �,..�.�.r;::-_�- .
<br /> `Lti-t;^,_�;-�;.�,,. 'IYustea shull apply the proccecls of the ssile tn tf�e fallowing order: (n)to mll msts nnd expenses of exercfsfn�the power
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