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'�RlA�7x'�'�+"R'^'r'*`�'�'^� �.r�InWJi�.4.�NILtly�N.����•�..+�w .rw�•�r+..... -� �------�arsscc�n-t .� <br /> �.....y.,_,,.._....�..e.r�u1 - .... � ..._I.... ��_ __�anr3�5i[t�-- �r _ <br />�ax;!�sm{r•��uTr. � s..�.�'�u� �- � - -..== .�5._.. -,:.a-_tir�i_"�'°;'eiT'"::','°�"::x:.�,a�:6ir����.,��, <br /> -_-- - -_�..,;..w..:....:.�_�a.;,r.� _-- - - - - _ -- - - - - - — ._.�-.�—_ -_�__ -_a._ <br /> ---- -- - -- - --- <br /> ---- ---- ------ - ---- <br /> r.__....,_. ..._..�. - •_•..-�-- �. <br /> �-�',�t-cn�c9�a... _=�..-=__ -_:..-, _ <br />.. , . ' ' ^ <br /> ,. E �14���i�i, � <br /> r," � �� � i <br /> �ii -- n onm�. u.�._t...�.... �s�uotc c1DG 0Y�k^PCiiftcr crc�iccl on th2 prop�C�y.(If1[I 1lU CBCCIII�.il1'I,i?�S�JUYi�U�:'liC2'i� � <br /> .- . .-_ IllUC1f1GR v741�e i�n u�u.u�r�..:......_, i.�l� 1....1�a.�.....�..JL..nW.. ��.....�:o. � °-_ <br /> i "''� At1tI(I)LSUICS Il0\'1 Ot{iCrCilfiCt a(11Ci O�l�.0[YfOpCflgl, All repincem�fll9 t►RU tt.luiftGn;,..+..u..w••v��+�,7 '"' •"''•ef'•`� w„ �, <br />- -__ - - Insuumcnt. All af tho forc�aina 1s n:fcyxcd to m thia 3ecudty ln�iinuncnt t�s thc"l�opcny." �;_,_�� <br /> ,; -�-��...•-. : �UY.P•OW�R COVC?NA.NTS that ElarroEtier i9latvPul{y setscA of tftc e&tate hcreby c:onveycd attd has thc right to grant .�a <br /> ..,.... ' �w -:: <br />,,,,,- -�a;m;;., and co.^.�:c;the Fcon°rry nnd Wnt tl�e Froperty is unencuntb::ra@.exce�n for encumbranees of cecord. 6or.a�ver�vas=ancs r:r.�. <br /> wiil defend genemUy the title to the PropeAy against nll c]aims and de�jiaitds,r;ubjece tv�uy e��c��r���:���j�w�of rc.;ord. __ _ _ <br /> " — THIS SECURITY IN5TRUML�NT co�nbines unifo�•m caucnants for nntionnl use nnd non-unifurr+n covennnts wlth <br /> _�=%�►� limlted variatians by jurisdiction to constitutc a uniSortn sccurlty instn�ment cavedng renl propecty <br /> -----��_�� [TNIFQRM COVENANCa. Borrowcr and Leiider covenunt and narcx ns Pollows: __ <br /> �--=�°���-��e'�� l. Fayr.�eat of Principal snd Interes4;Prepay�ent an�I.�te Charges. Bottan�cr shnll Pxomp�ly paY wh�n due tlio <br /> �--•--�•.•- re a mznt nnd late charbe�due under the Nate. <br /> ==�==���� principal of and interest on the debt evidencerl by the Note and uny p p y <br /> _ °-_ - 2, I�unds tor Taxes nnd Insar�pca, 5ubject to applicable law ar to a written�laivet by Len�ler,l3onowcr s}tall pay ta <br /> � : :�u: <br /> —V � Lcnder on the day monthly paymenss are duc uncler the Note,unul the Note is paid in il�ll,a sum("Funds")foT:(a)year]y <br />�'� JM�� taxe�anri nssessments which�na.y nttain priority ovcr tiils Sec�lsity inswme�t as u licn an d�e Propesty;(b)yeaily lcasehold <br /> ==���.��� huz:ud or ro n insurance premiuins; (d) yeurly ftood . <br />-_��_'��,:�,;� payments or �cound renGS on the Pmperty, if nny; (c) Year1Y u' P Pe Y , <br /> insur:tince prcmiums, if any; (c) yearly mortguge insurance Rremlums, if any; �nd(� any sunu paynble b;� Bonower t� , <br /> ---����: Lender,in accoraance with die provisions of paragmph R,in heu of the payment�f mort6u�e i�isv.rance premwms. 'fhesc <br /> �.,��. <br /> �-_� <br /> ��:�...._ <br /> -•:��.��� it�ms ar�culled"Escrow Iteros.' Lender muy,at any ume.collect and hold F1mds;n�n amount not to cxceed the inaxsumm <br /> - --.•-v= <br /> -....._..�.�.� — <br /> _==-. a,-nount a lert�isr for n fedcrally re�atr.�l mortp�ge Inan may rcquire for Bom�wt�'s escrow nccourrt urtd�r the feci�:ral <br /> � nnn n <br /> •�'��'�����..�� E:.iate Settlement IDrocectures Act of 1974 as nrnendcd from ame to time.12 U.S.C:.§2oUt er ser;.t'Rc.�ra).::htc��:.r� =r <br /> °-- ��'O1'j'� law that applies to the Funds s.ts u lesser amaunG If so,Lender any time,catiect and hold Femds in an�ount not tb <br /> � �`� ��c exceed the lesser �unount. Lendtr m�y estimate the nmount of �Unds due on the basts of currcnt data and reasanablQ . <br /> ..;;�;:.i�25�t't''.:�vi�tf�-:. <br /> cstunates of exp:ndihues of future E.scrow dtems or otherwise in accordar�ce witl�applicable law. <br /> _R��i� ',, •�'°�• 7'!te Funds snal[oe neid in a�, iusututic:s�:1:���d°�s�ta arc�ins►uesl by ts fed�`ral�gsncy,insW37tent�lity, or entity .. _- _ <br /> ���`j�'`� (including Lender.if Lenc+cr is such an insdtuHon)or in nny F�:deral I3ome[.oan Bank. Lender sl�afi appiy tne r'unuy iu puy <br /> _.• t���� . <br /> `°,, � the Escrow Items. Ixnder may not charge aorrower for l�olding und apglying the F�nds, annually analyzing che escrow <br />'--'��`�:• aceount, or verifying the Escrow items, unless Lencler pags Borrower ittterest on ths Funds ar�d applicab)c law permits — <br />:.::�.,•;•�, .� ._(. . <br /> -:•uL'A�.yu��,� Lender to make such a charge. How�ever,Lender may rec�uire Borrower ro pay a one-dm.e charge for :ut independent reai — <br />--- ."�m—i��;_ <br /> ��,.,.,-a,�-�;� esta*.e tax reportins service used by Lender in connection w�U�this taan,unIess applic,able law p��av�des otherwise. ,Ua T�s�a�ti� , <br />� `�?r;'�;'�".��'',;� agreement is made or appiicable law rcq►rires intenst to be paid,Lender shall not be required to pay Borr4wcr any <br /> ""� !�' .ae�..,.�z n�R�wer and Lender may agree in writ3ng,however.diat interest shall be paid on the�unds. Ltndcr <br /> .:x �-��'� ctuu��igo v:........»�. a.---_-'......a:....,.�.i dnhitF in�1C�llI1d5 Silld t�16 - - <br /> '�y, ,� � shall gtve to norrowcr.WI�IiVUI i�riSt�c.8SI aSii U.'LZ����o!�T tRP_.t'ILtu�.5nu�.wa raw�w«»---' - - <br />;"�t{��„� purpose for which eacb debit to the Funds was made. The Flmds are pledfied as addirional security for rsll sums sectu�e3�ry s <br /> �:,: <br /> ��s�:,n.;��:,.= r- this Security(nstrument. <br />;'' '� ""``°' '� If the Funds held by Lender eaceed the amounts permitted to be held by applicnble law. Lender s h a l l aceoant 2a, <br /> .:�.,,_ � <br /> `="�=����� Borrower for the excess �'unds in uceordance with tlie requiremen�s of�pplisable law. If the amaant of the Funds hr.ld tiy', <br /> °,..ic::�r�+�;ar�° <br />-='; �-s-=--- � I.ender at any tlme is not sufficient to pay the Escn���Items whvn due,I�ender may so notify Borrower in vsriting,and,in.'`. <br /> :�,:y� .,., {�, <br /> - such case Honawer sht►ll pay to Lender the nmount nec:essary to niake up the deficiency. �orrower shali m:ik� up ee <br /> ' � deficiency in ao more than twelve monthly payments,nt Lender's sole discretion. __ <br /> t '``�.ti�:��:.� Upon payment in full of all sums secured by ehis Securiry Instniment,Len6er shall prompdy cefund to B�rrowcr any <br /> a�.,,_�_SfY2'�C•� Funds held by I.ender. If,under para�mph 21,Lender shnli acqvare ar sell the Propert-�,Lender,prior to the acyuisiuon or _ <br />_��r:=u�:.'.�...""!� _. <br /> .,,_,A.� �+� sale of the Properry,shall apply any Elands held by Lender at the ume of acquisidon or s�le �ts a credit against the sums <br /> :�;��_.���::;� secured by this Security Instrument. � p�yments mccived by i.ender under <br /> __�_._:�,.��":�, 3. appllcat[on BY Fayments. Unless upplicable law provides othenuiss, <br />---:y.l_,_�&,r";._g:;� paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be applled:fust,to any Qrepayment chnrges due under the Ncrte;second,to nmounts payabie und�;r <br /> __ �a,,:_��.�,-� paragrsph interest due;founh,to psincipal due;and last,to any late charges due under the Note. � <br /> � 4. Churges; Lfens. Borrowcr shall pay all taxes, assessmc.nts, churges.6nes an3 impositions nmributable to thc • <br /> �",��►� property which may uttain prioriry over this Security Insttument, and leasehold payments or ground tenu,if any. 8otrower _ <br /> h 2 or if not aid in that mam►er.BQrrower shall pay them on <br />_.`ryy�;,�.s, � shall pay these obligations in the manner provided in pnragrap . -- <br />'�`.�"•.'!�'•�::;t dme direcAy to the persan owecl payment. Bomower shall promptly fumish o Lender all nodces of amounts to t+e paid under �;A <br />""`-=�'' •`-'"' this ara a h. If BorrotivEr makes these payments direcdy.Borrower shall promptly fumish r.o Leader receipis evidencing <br /> �� p� � P �''- _ <br />-:::'i-`.P��=�� the paymenu. r='= <br />-�H=�,� --- <br /> . .._"`�:�5��„�: • Bonower shall prompcly discharge any lien which has priority over this Security Instrument unless Borrower:(a)agrees �__ <br />�,'�R���i�.� � P Y <br /> � "° in writin to the a ment of the obligation secur�d by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender.(b)contcsts in good faidi e _ <br /> �°"=�"- �� lien by.or defends against enforcement of the lien in,leg�l proceedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the �-^' _ <br /> -�-�x"" ` ' enforcement of the lien:or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an agreement sadsfactory to Lemder subordinating tl�e lien �`�:; <br /> - _ . rY,�,.,....`�� ��?_ <br />:;;,��'4'�r"�_;• :;: to this 3ecariry Instrument. If Lender detecmtaes that any pa�t of the Property is subsect to a lien which may attain priority _ - <br />.=''^'�-'-'-�'�- �r� over this Security Gistrument,LRnder may give Borro�ver a nodce identifying the lien. Borrower shall sadsfy the lien or take <br /> __-,z.:9.L..r��..i<C_: ,� .. <br /> -• • • one or mure of the actions set fqrth above withln 10 days of the giwing of norice. <br /> _,°�°*��--� -=�` S. Razard ar P�+operty I�.sar��ce. Botrower shall keep iht improvements no�v existing or hereafter eracted on the <br /> �!"�� •'s� ., Prc►perty insured against loss by fire,hazards included wiUuu the term"extended coverage"and nny othet har.arcis,including <br /> `;'�'� '• t floods or flooding,for which Lender requires insurance. '1'his insurance sh:►Il be maintained in the amaunts and for the - <br /> _ . � . <br /> ,, .:. . . Fnrnt 3Dt3 9/40 (Page 2 of h pagts) . <br /> �� ( F'. <br /> ,�Y. ., � �� <br /> , ,)� .� <br /> � -�. , <br />._. ..._�.Y:.- . <br />_ . .. ^_ T _,_._ <br />..��. . . ___.._.-.�--•-'-��'r_ _'�- ....�-.r ----:T•-- . . <br /> ^. . <br /> . . . ... t,�...._� :.. a. <br /> . , . .. <br />. � � � - . . .. ., . . � ,� . <br /> .. , .. - .. • + � �� .. . . . . -.��., . . � � .. . ' '� .. . � <br /> , � � . ., .. ., _ .... <br /> _ .. . .. . . ., . .. <br /> - .. „ . � - „ ' - . -' , ' - . -� , - � <br /> .� . .. - . �- .� �� ' � � <br />..-„ .. . '•' .,. � , .. . . " . - . . <br /> .. .� f, .. . • . � . • .. . . <br /> _ . <br /> ,. .. „ . <br /> .�. .. � . . .. , <br /> . _. .,. .. , , . . � <br />_ , , <br /> . . .� � . ., .. ' . <br /> .._ ., .. . . .. � . . ,. . .. <br /> .. -. .. .,- -. .. .. <br /> . � • „ • . ... �� . + . . -� " r <br />- . . . .. � ,it . <br /> _ .�'. " _�� � � ` .. . '� ' . ., � .. ' . . � � v � .. .. ., , , � <br />. � e, , ' �� .. ., . , ., . . � .. '- ' ' ., , i <br /> , . <br />�.. �� . �. . ., . ... �� <br /> , .. � <, , ... . <br /> . <br />.�� .,, '' . _ _ <br /> . <br /> . � .. . ... _ - ._' '____�__`___.__"'__. ' '_: <br />