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<br /> -°--=:.�.s,(Sti;_L x� l�tAt I.CD'i�Ei I['G�ilIPL9��}YGi1tdI0tI6J►AIF fYtSlit�;f if�i�iCu1 c:Q�i3y L�.:tHit7 R�,AIIi PIfiCG(1:C91'iJdIL1�}S��ld�9 G�ixjili;�.�.1t1dfJS��Lt S.ti='.�2�ba j'i�tt: �„"•"
<br /> — =_ �i"ms rc;���J[� �r_*tnt•;!t r*±!!st�aga inner�ne��.n rffec>s�c� to�xov� a k�� r�ecw.until tt�requaesr�►1 far nuscl�a
<br /> :�jra Y�'SSri'T�'Y� t t,� y�,,,t,.� .
<br />. ._"_.~1�a__.�._"__._—'�;,� Z`F�••wn�cnp�eln!'1 f'^R�s►lI�.T�9'LJI��j�!��l N?r11JP(1 L�aTt}!?�CI231r�4�U.T��I1i�SYfi:CYSi.►{�Lta�6Y..I dTii�(S1�'.'l�J�jd`�'1. �p:.�.;.:.
<br />� !.I�eAior. L.a�,x dr it�+�geat mty nuke tr�on�bb��iee upon ancl inspoctions of tho�'roperty.�s4�rl�ivu ' _-
<br /> _`_",�""...�;,-� klamwa no�ic+�at the lime oE a pr�ar to�n ins�cttan apecETying x�sa�abb c�u�e for the insp�caon. —
<br /> `° -- l0.C�u�tk�. Ttia procaeds of any aw�d a clum fcor ��s,din�t or r,�nsx�c�nwil,i�c:ucecwxtk►n wilfi any
<br /> ` canclrr�nneticxi or Athcr talcing of any p�uY of 1he t'mpesty,or for conveyenee in Iku of conrSemn�Si�x�,a�e t�sreby�s9i,gnaf peuD
<br />_-_:�,=��,;�; ai�[1 bo psid tt�Le�ulcr.
<br /> ==`1"�°a��-�:a� �n�hr evc�tt of e to!al u+king of the F'm�rty,the pQOCOC.d�shsill bo�p1icQ W tho sure►�se�urcd by this St�e►uity Inst�wnent, ,
<br /> _. �.�.-.-l,'�
<br /> —_—---�===a—y�A whether or aoc t+tien due.with any cx�e.*a paid to�anawa.In the avent cf ap�tis!tekfng of iha prapaty in w�ekh the f�irm�rket
<br /> a,�„n��,°��`° valx af rbe Frupaty immmodiately befose tha talcin}�t�ax�ual to or g,ocater lhan tho amount of Iho sums eecurcd by ihis Saew�tty
<br /> im
<br /> -:=���� Insomnseat irnrtx,diat�ly 6cfoTe the taldng. unless Bo�rower wzd Lander othuwisc ugrce in wrating, the sc►ms securo�by tMs �
<br />,::-��=;1�.;",�.�� Secu¢it3r Tnst[ument shall 6e re8ucc@ by the amcsvnt of tho proceeds multipilad by tlfe fallawing ftactiocj:(a)Qk wtal amot�n.t af
<br />--��-+w�'�:��
<br /> ,•,�=�T�,�•..�_•.= the sum9 socwEd imcnediateiy before tt�e taking�divEcied by(b) �he fair marYet v�►lue aF the Nro{x�aty imrr�odi�tcly befae tbe
<br /> �'���� W��inng.Any ba�sioce sP�U bo paid to Borrowa.In th�evait of a�utial taking af tt�e PYOparty in evhic.h the fiir snxketit vxlue of the
<br /> n�'ci_=^riv�t��t!� • c.,_� 4i.. Wn a1�M � �f1It711YZf1itP.� .f �
<br /> _ .:;:�r�:::�ar��,� F:��.y �,�u��w:tii'� tas�� i�n; �.,,�g �l.;..3 tl.:«� L��r:r.�• i cf!�e .s e�i�3 � be..� �!s t,tr ng; uaksi ._
<br /> _:':�;;��, �oranwtx and Lender othelwise agtee in wddng or unlr.sa applicab�law ofhr,�wssc provides.the proeeeds shall be agpti�d u�d�e
<br /> -;: � _��- °��' r s�ns secured by if�is Secudry Inst�'t�ment whelhc�or not Ilte swns sie thea�due.
<br />"�•;• � >- -�s l�iepc�y ix at�au�doned by Bo�rawer.or if,tifcer reodco by�nder W aorrower that the condannar oflFers to�iCe am —.
<br /> -lA�- �L�r '—` '�ai n"fi'°" �SO 5.,.,`^""`"••«��.�.:....°':`w°.S°:7St:�i!?Q davn aRwr tf�w A�teS thC IfI1t�CE�3 Q�VC�.jtlll�Cf �
<br /> '�-.�_"'i.. r
<br /> r � ,..'y� HWBiII l➢l'Dct`4�ts u a�i�iuu�vi �u�w�..� v..w r --+_ _--..
<br /> .,� ��-•hr. • . 3 i�uuttx�rIzed ta oalleci and sppiy the pnx;eeGs,at ib a�tion,eithcr tn restnrstion or c�cpa�r of the Pcoperty or to the surns socured ----
<br />,3�" �`�- •� try tGis Sc�curity IrASUUmwab whcther mr nai then due.
<br /> '!:_ ��.: .>':. ---
<br />_�:::�... .� Unle�I.tixkr and Harrawer otherwis�agne in aritui8,anY ePPlicaoioa af proc�eds t�princapai st�all cwt exxxxl dr poat�one
<br />�;;�=,ra'';•__�:,.:`;:'`�, the due date of the munthlY F�Ymcats�ferned to in pazegrLpt�s i end 3 or change the amount of such paymeats. _=-
<br /> ......,�,',, 11.Bocmwer IVat Rek�std's Fosbe��aoe By A.et�dtr Flot a SVaiotr. l3atension of ti�e�ime for payrt�cnt a nwd3fi�c�edon =Y..
<br /> ,. , ..
<br /> ""= '^-- .- -� --- of amort�tion of the sams sacured by�his Sacurity In�aument�anted by[.ender to emy success�r�inare.0 of 1Bormwa sTwll
<br /> - M.� w��w.et^�-�__--•�.� o j����fff thn�ainnl R(1tM�IP7 a�r ARtmWPl'9���rrr¢cnTn ID 11i��'-�T-LEDILFd S�il[wi oo�uicli[u�iu ---
<br /> ..'-:�.J�•r: S�ll�'".�' � M\�jM�V MI Nvirv u��Sili�ii GQ
<br />:•r . :.ry:,�.,. cotnmeace pxoceedings a�qainst eny succt'ssor in interest or cefuse to eaeteced time for paymettt or otherwise modity tunordzsdon of _
<br />:"-y` .. f{;;i?�. tha swns seLVr�by this Sxurity Inswmrsnt by reason of any der�and made by the origL�sil Baxrowei or aoia�nwa's successore __
<br /> .;;';;f�" in intcrtst��forbearance by L.endes in caencls{�g eny d�t or r�medy shall nol be a w�iver of or preclixie ths eaercise of any ___-
<br />- .;: '' right or r�emec3y. �;;�,"=
<br /> . ,;� Y't.5necessore and,��Bound;Juint aad 5e�sral 1,t�64tity;Ca�sfgncnv.�e covenants and e4gs�cnac�n3s of this r�_;_
<br /> �•`•>:� ';: • : Sccurity Insmiment shall bind and trcnefit the succe�:sora md assigns of I.enQer�anA Bonrower.subjxt ta tye provisions af °�--
<br />;`;_�r:,�.�.,,.:.,_,�, , � L:�:
<br /> . �,._. _. parag�E; 17. Borrower s covenants and sgree�nents shall be,joint and scsvesal. Any Borrnwer who co-signs this Ss�urity � :,
<br /> Instrument but does nai eqecute the Note:;a)is casigning Ihis Secauitgr Inst�ume,nt onlq t9 mort�age.gcant and canvey th.�t ��`_ _
<br />.. .. . . �,. � Bo�rowa's inter�t in the Pcoperty ietsdex t�e tems of ttds Securlry Insuume�i�(b) is not personaliy obligated w pay the sums C.=;:.
<br /> � •• scxurul by this Secuaity Instaumen�and(c)�,qees thai Lereder and any uther Bmrawer may agre�t�exte�d,modify.fcrbtar ot _
<br />`�;'�. � � " mako any eccommodations with regard w tiie tenns of this Security Instrumeat ar the Nute with9ut that Boirower's consent .
<br /> ; � -�.o � ,, � , 13.I.nan Ch�r�es. If the Io�s�cured by this Securi�ty instrument is sub,f c�t to a law which sets tn�imum loan c,6arges.
<br />- :_.,F: ,.; _.- ...., - and�hat law iv finally inte�g�eted so that the intenest or other lonn eh�g�v co�lected or w be collected in cannecuon with the toen -
<br /> " . . ' exeeed oht3 permiued Wnits,then:(a)any such loan charge shall be reduceA by the amovnt necess��y w c�eduoe Ihe chazge to the
<br /> . ��.� . �itted limi�and(b)any sums already collected ffaom 8orrower which excecd�d�ued limits wiil be re8�,nded to�orrower.
<br /> p} Lu�d•„r mey choase to tt�alc�this refurtd by ced¢��1he principal owcd under r,'he Note or by making a�irect payrne�t to
<br /> '=.,;' Borrowtt. If a refund ceduces�iacipal, �he redacUOn will be treau;d as a p�vtinl Prepzyment wittrout snY PTePaYmeat charge .
<br /> - _ ;'� unda•the leTote. --
<br /> . 14.Nalic�. Any rtodce to Bomower provided for in thls Sxiuity Ic�strament sS�atl txi giverr by deHvering it ar by�c�ail:n�it
<br /> - by first class n�isnless epplicable law requims use of another raathod.'Ihe notice shull be d€rect�d to the Property Address or ' °,
<br /> ,�� � ,, any othzr et9�mss Barrowcr designates by notice to Leader.My nodce W Lencler shaU be given by fust class nuW to Lender's
<br />.- .. add�ess stat�heman or any othea addmss Lendcr designaies by nouce W Borrower. Any notice provided for in this Sccurity .
<br /> • Insuu�t�hall be deemed to have bcen given ta Sorrower or Len�e�when given av proviQed in this paragraph.
<br /> , 15.Gvaerniag L'sw;Severr�6flity. �fs Security Insvument shall be govemed by fes��ral law end the law of t�e
<br /> - , jurisdiction in wiuGh Uie Property is tocated. In tt�e evrenc chat any provisIQn or clause of this Securiry Instcum�nt or tho Noto
<br /> � eanflic�ts with applicable law.s¢rfi conftict shall not s�ect��h�a pmvisions of this Security Insmunent or thK Iolote ahieh enn be .
<br /> �iven effect without the can�licting pmvision.To this end the provisions of this Security instnQnem and d�e Nat�sue dec]amd to
<br /> . be severab7E.
<br /> � ^ Form 9Q28 �l�0
<br /> ��BH(PI�D (oao>>.o� CF�(07/84j vapoao�o inwau:,�l� �•
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