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<br /> ,�....�., ., „� ti_�,.�-,,,�.�,.
<br /> ,- - °j"':�•,�'= W PI`E�all tho lmpravements rA;v or lsc7Cat�*�ctcctcddi3liong�s eYl s1se1 ba c.�v�reQ b�thls��r,�wFty�[�y�t�urr�:a�u �fi�r��_'_
<br /> ' �_ . o•:� �U rc�Iaccments ar.d eQ w �F�-r r-,� .
<br /> � T6GII
<br /> r�_.�_,.:..,.�.�.� ��u��:,�c.�:r o:F--e^a�n?r�rkt�a o f�prr��t t t y. va ou arv.�4tas Iho dgfit W gM����;K. -
<br /> �,«.�,",�?'��:. All ort t;ie forc-goirg La nfemA ta in�h�Sawity U��uu�u.��3���"�':����" �$�ax► y -
<br /> ..z�,� �- SORFCOW1fsR CO'VENA*�T�ttu�t Sorrow e r l s l s w f aU y seisad of the estata _
<br />- '� ' ' •�, �' is unencumbe�d, cxcept for cncmntArancca oY racor c 9.n a ro w a r w a n a n t e�n8 wtlT
<br />.=.I'':�. "' �` canv�y �ho Pro�ertY w�d tbat th�ProPes�Y ��"''°=,
<br /> :� e 3 n s t a l l ciaims and cknuu►d�,subjnct�o any encwnbratw^es of recar0. -�u
<br /> ;';;: �.. �;���,,; defea�d gcncrallY tht dt4a ta t h o P in p a t Y e B �,���`. F
<br /> .,;., � combi��os uaiform covenant�for nadonal �sa a n d«on-u n i f o x m c o v t�t a nt�with Wroi
<br />„�;_'�__:-�.,r.,y THIS SECURTI'Y IIVSTRiJND6N'T instnunent caverinB n,a1 RroP�Y• p�„,,�
<br /> : '�.. ;. �,,.�`;. v��'�tiun:,by j u r L�ls fton t o c a n s t i t t t t e a u n i f o r m s o curt ry e3 fo L►owa: F'�,:r��:��
<br /> =�;?!��Y�'�:i p���s��� . [JNIFdRM C�YBNAN'i'S.Boirower and Lender coven��e�usd«ace9 IIoirower s�raU Dra�mPt1Y PaY �en due tY� ��_.�
<br /> aF,�r;;:�-_-
<br /> - �: -�'"�. :•' ��' i.I'ayntent uf I'riuc[p�1 tend Inter�ti��D�Ymeat AnA Late Ce a��eot an�l�ta chargcs due under the Nota e:�=�.��.
<br />,,'� . `,. the Nota und anY P D Y�'t -
<br /> ;,..";: ,, ,, principal of an�inte�est on tha debt evidcnced by l�le law or to a wrltten walver by Lcnder.HOTi'1DW0Y�,P�Y� e��'_
<br /> d in full.a sum("Funds")f4x:(ej Y y ents !;r�r?�"��:
<br /> •' 2�[hmds for'��xes end IQS�an uro due u�nder tho Note.until the NoW is pai ca�i leusetaoid paYm
<br /> . . .�,� � ,� Instr�men�t as a Gen on il�a Pr�p�Yt @)Y y tum�,i� �`�°`.._
<br /> •:��....° ' �.r.,;:.�v b; �xier on the day monthlY paY �or� over thi9 Sccurity ea�l tlood insucancaPr�► -
<br /> . "° �., mmiumst(d)Y Y
<br /> _-, ,_ �;::`�"�=:. ' and��ent�whi�:ti may atiuln p ty �1 hazard�rpmp�ty insue�au�ce P �`____
<br /> _ ;. .� : .:� or ground rerns on Qie F:a�y�'•"LY.if eny:(e?Y y sum9 paY+�te�Y��rmr:�r t4 LA�±t1cs'.in ecctir�►ce walh th�a —
<br /> --�,t„ •. etul cnortgage ins�uance premtums,if anY;and(��o insurence Pre�miu�• '[t►ese items Are ca11r�1"Bscrow Items: �W�.-
<br /> _ , . � �j � . rury;(�)Y y h g,in lleu af the PaYn►ent of moctgag _ �- ;
<br /> , � . ,. ' provisior�s of parc�gceP �'""`
<br /> - �� Lcudei may.st any dme.collect and hold Funds���t ander ahe federa�R�.1 Es�S►lemcnt PraccAurestA�ct��1974�as
<br /> � r~ �• �' -_�_�i
<br /> �`".•�f�-�'"-�"��' ����aity+$'•:^-,,..�•-�►ap mauiae for Borrowu's escio =icc�rH')�'°wuw�:.......'�'laui th_.at pm1iG910!hE Fili1d3 SEi9 a I�SSC� _•,�.
<br /> . e�e�Cd from timo W dme�12 U.S.C.�eclion Z601 et s�q. l ��.:�� _:
<br /> � :#;:� ccillect and hold Funds ia an umounY not w excae�ih� lesse�amow�w Lendea m{►Y
<br /> funounG If so.Lcnder rc�y.et anY tim�. �. ; .
<br /> ti L�.
<br /> . .`•� u timmate the ernount of Funds du�e on the Uas i�of cmrent data suid reasonable est�msirs of eapenditures of futum Bscrow It,ans or ':�ry
<br /> � a Hcable law. mc1u�nB
<br /> odierwisa in accardance wi�h app •',;.;'`
<br /> •��'..„ 1 the Funds W paY���'Ow .'
<br /> The Ftrr►dc sha11 be l�eld in en inst'studon whose depos'sts erc insured by u federal a�enCY,instsumr,ntality.or endtq ,;-�
<br /> �' � Fed�ral Homo Loa�►Dank.Lender �g�escmw accoont,or verifyi�8 '!,��
<br /> .. •� ..�• ie.n�:if Lettder is sttch an instiwuon)or in any w..a q.,�.��no rhe�unds.annuailv t��al _ -_
<br /> _ � R_1JL.� �:
<br /> � I�Il9.I�QCr n►a�iai'`,.�'r.•o=�r.rrnwel ttn u�iw+�g w,....rrv^o- ��tv lem�rtnit9�dCi W tnBkC S1NGl ft tatni�v. � ,-- ;
<br /> s Boirower interest on tnc i�anas an3�'"' •.._..�-_.. ��aued DY
<br /> .. , the Escrow Iterns.unl�ss 1.�nder�ay R one-tune chazge for an iadepend�nnt mal estsua tax reporting �:P�..-
<br /> � Iiowcver.L�ender may mluire Horrower to PaY vfdes otherwise. Unless an.a8ceement is mt�de or app8cablo Paw �.:.-=
<br /> ,. Lender in cnnnecdon with this loan,unless eppllcabla l�w P� �::.. �
<br /> to a Borcower any intere..�t or eaRUS►Ss on tt►e Funds.Barrowu aad �:r
<br /> ' cequires intrrest eo ba Paid,Lender sbaU not be retluiced P Y ��.�:;;�:
<br /> ee in writIng.ItowavQS.thaL lnterest shflll be paid on the Fnnds.Lendcr s�nll Biwt►ich each d b�it to�the Funds wa9 �'r,`g:-�Y
<br /> i,:;�. .�. �. Ler►du t�Ray ogr .�,r :
<br /> , „ �.,:��w'.':.�. annua!sacoundmg of the Funds.shn�v:mg credlts t f��a161��iim�s�urecl b ihis S unty st�uument .;,
<br /> msctse.'I1ze Tunds are(�ledged as addiuonal security u�l to be held by nPpllcable 7aw�Lender shatl accaunt to Barz�wer for
<br /> �. m
<br /> If the�nds held by Lender exceed�he amounts pem�i �.+��,:
<br /> licabla luw.If the an►ount of[l�e Funds held by I.et►der at any tune ia
<br /> ' , �,�.t�.0 Fr•-,.
<br /> ,. , - the excess Funds in accotdauce with the require�der mny so notifY Bomowe,r in writicag�cuid,in sucl�ctise Bormwct sha�l puY _-.
<br /> cu
<br /> �. not sufncient tn pay the Escmw I�make t pu tlts deficiency. Borrowea shall make up the @eficiency in ao more�ht�m twelve :
<br /> �;� ' w Lender the amount necessr�Y �;.',,.
<br /> _.. . .. - montlily PaYments.at Lender's solc discretian. Instrument�Lender shall PmmP�Y refund W Borrower nr�y Funds �
<br /> . „ Upon PaYme�t in ka�lt of ell sums�ec:ured bY this Securiry Lender,Prior to the acr��sidon or saka of tha
<br />_'�� -' � h 21.I.ender s'l�ll accluire or sell the Propcc�y� st the sums secured by thls
<br /> •� � w held by Leaider.If.under paragraP
<br /> .. ' � `' pmpetty,shall uPP1Y�Y�ds heSd by I.endet at che dme of sccluisidon or sala es a cm,dit again .
<br /> �� �-'- � Securicy Ins�'�� hcaole lew pmvides othenviso.all PaYments rec.eived by I.ender under p�rn�raP��
<br /> . 'Y_ . 3.Application of 1Payffients. Unless eAP� .
<br /> second. to amounts payab�o undes par.sBmP
<br /> c-�'` I�e�l: first,co�y I��PaY�'l�t charges due under the Notc; .,
<br /> ,-� 1 find 2 shall be apg� �:c al due�and last�eo anY Iate charges dao undea the Note.
<br /> �-- . � third,w intcrest due:fourth,w p � � taxes,assessments�charges, flnes and imposiaons euributable u�th�PropenY
<br /> ..,, " 4.Ch�rgesi L�ns. Boirower shr,ld pay cnts ar gcound rents,if any.Borrower she11 PaY these
<br /> �� which may suain priority over tfiis Secu�i�Y ans�m��°nd leaseho:d pay�
<br /> ' . obligadons in the manner provideA in paragraph 2.or if nut paid in thut manner.Bo:rowrs s7�all pay them on dme dirixt�y to the
<br /> � owofl ment Bomower shall prampily fumish to L.end:r all nodc�of amounts to bo Daid undes thi,paragral►h.Ig'
<br /> !, person PaY �ts directly.Boa�tiver shnll pmmPdY fumish to Lender rece�p�nen[ar�iless��3o�oWer:(a)08��
<br /> _ :;":1 Borrowe,s makes these PaYR► �h�a any lien which has priority over this 5ea�uity contests in goocl ft�ith U�a llen
<br /> . ..i-;r:<�:;.:.;,...i;:,;�.;�.� Borrowcr shall gmmpdy the llen in a munner cucePtable to][.ea►der�(8) � to p,�vent tho
<br /> � �''�' ment of tho c�bHgadon sccured bY which in die Lender s opinion opera
<br /> .. � . ,'.:�t;� vnitinB to the psy
<br /> ,1i �'�' by, or defends agai�►st eN'o�+cement of the llen in. leSal p���8� ment satisfacwty to Lender sultordinntinB th�lien w
<br /> cnforccment of the lien;or(c) secu�es from the holdec o�of t�P o�is subject ta a lien whicti mfl��ntFein pdor'.ty over�his
<br /> , , ihis Sesur�ty Instrurc►ent If Lender determines tlnat onY P �0 g�.Ho�rowcr shall satisfy�e�en or taka oa�o or mora
<br /> " 3ecusity Instnunant,Lender may give Borrower n nodcc3 Ideretifyfn8
<br /> o�the ucdons set forth nbove within 10 dsys of the��8 of natice. Foren so28 9ioo
<br /> � '' InIllaft:
<br />_ Pnfle 2 0l 0 '
<br />_ �s����; . �•OF!(N�)toz�s�
<br /> ------=�----- m
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