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<br />.. ry,-�-�-�. F'�'y!w"'��'r�[+"'rA!�e�'RT�^�piv.'�'°.�n`��T'�rw�.� ..n-. . a,�arar�,�.,.c�mc :w ..��...�.�....��.r�.r. o .-. .._ .-__' �, " . _
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<br /> _---_.__ .,. .'—_-_..
<br /> -._..iwy�L[.�:':..:. •• ' �`"e�y�-�'.
<br />.�__c_ ,'Y•�"�' '.� —-__....
<br /> '�... _ r. M �;�W .
<br /> _,-=•:r.9;7-r;�":`i,[_ '� , ..._..�._.
<br /> � � f' IYA*Q#i�, 6°i� -�._�.
<br /> xaav�t.�eit_�,;_ , �p��"'�'l F�E7/Rw421..ti. �.-:--
<br /> --° ---°�:i� •
<br />�ri��%�t:Ai,YsiVL:F'.'��� ��
<br /> �;��,���,,:_`�: G.A5SIGM1+:�sNT OY�I.�Bh�1�S. Upon lrcnder's reqeisst,Barrowcr sliull es�..ign w Lemicr�71 lcas��af tho �
<br /> �y.�,;��::; Pro�ty a�d all securdry dr,po� rnadss!n cAn�u�cUon with kases of ttw Property.Qpon asz essl�A 1.�'� ��_";_
<br /> - . shaYl hmva tho dght w modify,extend mr tcm�it►atc tho c�cisting 1eac,es and u�eAec,uW ebcw M,ases.�►3.u�dei's sob �`,r-
<br /> �����'= � dis�rction.As u�ed in�hls pxr�graph(3.the woad"kasa"sha11 meau�°su�►1aa4o" if tha Securiey In�maxt is un a R�T.;�!_
<br /> ���; �� �_ le�sclwld. L -
<br /> t'�'�� ,1 H. AICSICNMENT aF_ R1�3VT�i AP�WTMEN'! OF RECFIV�R; L�NAE�t IN POSS6SSI�N. -
<br />---�'=--_:�-�.,an���i . n „ r;_..
<br /> _ - y� -�,_: 8o►mwer absolutsly and unsondition�lIy assigns and transfers to L.r�u ell the eenis an�rovenues(Rcnta)of Ihe -
<br /> ��.��•r . .�.�.__
<br /> �� ��!F��'�y4;' Pcope:ry.nega�dtrss►�f u�whom the ftent�of the Pnnputy� r,�(�aya6le.BmROwrr authodzw I.e,��der or H.cndrr a ._
<br /> _,���..; uus to onikct the�Yeaus.sirrd ag�ees thaz each te,nant of aha iProperty shsll pay the Rent�m L.en�kx a I�x{er's
<br />--.���:�z_ ,� �S rr
<br /> _�_..= egrnts.Hawevu.IIor�wer shaU rcreive th�Rents until(i)Y.,enda has givcn Bom�wu raodce of dxFAUltp�usuaut w �--
<br /> �;�.���:.,z��---. p.�[>h 21 of ihe Sccurity Inurumer�t end(ti)L�cnder hsv given naticn to 1ho t�nt(e)that ttaa Rents are w b o - --
<br /> '�,,�'�.`::. pafd to I.ehckr or L:eiidar's rgxnt 11iis as-s�gnra�:nt of Raits consd�us an ebsoluto assignme.�t ertti not m� -�.
<br /> -- ""-...�".." psytignmeat far addltnonal�ctnrity en1y. �.=�:-
<br /> .�.=n:;;,�``**," -._-
<br />- .', _,:.,n If I�:nder givcs notice of 6re�to Borrow�;r:(ij all Rcats roceived by BorrowEr shaA bt hcld by llormwr,r as
<br /> _'�---���=�-,��. on�sue for the Ix�eGt of LR,ndc7 only,te bo�pppiied to the sumw seciurcl by uye Se�curity Ia�cu►�iecet;(Iij T.�dar shall �'y".Y�'
<br /> "'. .r' be eni�tled W wliect and rec�ivo aIl of the Kents of the P,ropeety: fuij uoaawer eg�nees u�ac�n u�ani oi uie
<br /> ,, una t�,�
<br />",�-li:•"'�„"''�`,,. ; pc�q►exiy ahal!QaY all Rents due and unpaicl to Ls�ultr or I.etsder's ageate upon I.enda's writtr.a detnarsd t�the �'"��'.�'
<br />._'IRw:����.J. '1 � -_
<br />:��"�,T�', �� _ �r(iv) unless agplica�k iaw provides othetwlse.at!Rents colkcYed by Lender ot Lender's ag..�ts st�l be ---
<br /> . applicd fust w the cotz9 of taking conmoD of and managing the Pcopercy and�collocting the Rcnis.i+ticitxlir.i,iwt not ��,.,-
<br /> �=;2a,,'.':;t IlRi11t[i[0.0[tA1i1Cy8' fCC3�I'CCC�vQ'9 fCC�.PtWl(llRL9 OIl['7CClvE�'8�NNI(19�ICj�l[8ild f1121DICU1a11CC COSL'��:��iidCC `--
<br /> ""�"'�� premiums.taxes. s�ssessments a�d other ct�ges on the Propesty� and ahen eo 1he si�cns stc►ued by the Se��uity =__.
<br /> �
<br /> - a��. •..Uwl��ttv o��..in..t.aAw�.iv�efiul�M 1%n�„hL tn urr�auif ffY/1�Y 1210SL` rn-:"_.
<br /> ---j . .-"-_-� IASit�nIIUll�lv)Lwar(�G[.i.oiiv�+a i.�jy-rinm w`a:,i jw.v �-ra^� _._- -
<br /> 7�^� tY''�� Rr�►rs acaoaliy recelveG;and(v� I.ender shall be ai6tkd to have a reoelva apgointea c�rai�e�oi a�i
<br />-�.:",�,..��":,`$,'� e il�e Pcv and oal�eci the Rents and mfits derived from thct Property without any sho�virrg as �the =`—
<br />?`� r.-•. AK�I•, atact�B P�Y n p _—
<br /> .... .;d inat4equacy of Ihe Prop�ty as securiry. ::_:.-
<br /> :�>�:l,,Xrf..r,_..,�.;� , If the Rents of•.ha Pro�rac�r ac� not sufficivat to egver the costs of taicing conLrol of s�nnd man.�ging the �_-
<br />.��;;5�.�"� •`:� . ; :,'.; Pmpc�y end of oollec�ing the Reats enyr Cunds eapeaded by Lead�r for such puq►ases shall bc�come indebtedncss of _
<br /> .:v�:�..+�id)•. :•,(:,,:•
<br /> �,��.��;� : ; :.y.� Borrowu to Lendu secured by�he St�c�uiry Instmmest piusuant W Unifoten Covenant 7. --
<br /> '.. .:,��°.' Barowa repres�nts and wanants ttu�t Bomower da4 not ea�ecuicd suay pric,�assignrneau of�Rents saQ t�as
<br /> -_•°:.:.='��-+� nat and�uill not pe�foFin any actthat woWd prevent Lerxkr dmm ex�ising its cights utx4er this Far�.:z�i�.
<br /> Y : ,,.,�� " Lsader,or Lertdu's ag�ts or a ju6kially nppointod c+eceiva.shall nat be roquind to enter upon.,t�7�:��onuol
<br /> A '����.R+�`� of or maintain tha Property t�efor�or aiter giving nodce of defavlt ta Bomnwc;r. Howevea.Lender,or Lencles's
<br />:.'et.,'.�._:..�. 1Y! � .
<br />:_i�,�"�.�4� � a8crits or a judiciafly appoint,�d�+eceiver,may do so at my time when a defauR occurs.AnY�AP�on o�Rents �:.r��;
<br /> _ �"-" shall not eure or waive any ciefeiilc or invalidate any other right or�emedy of I�der.'Itils assignment o€Rents of --
<br /> ___�;�,;,.�„�}�..�
<br />-�,;-�:"=� -=z-=•-. the Progmy st�all terminate whai all Ihe sutns secured by the Securiey Inswmeat ara paid in full. ..'...
<br />��:���;�,�,i�•� I.CROSS•DEFAULT PROVISION. Borrowcr's default or bm,�ct► tuidu Fny note or agr�„nt in -
<br /> -"'.`` '' � whish Leadea t�as nn intenest st�all be e breach undrx the Security Insncumr,�t and Lcndcr may invoko nny of 13�e �.�.`
<br /> :�, r�'' "'r�; [eax�fles peimitted by the 3ecurily Enstzumen� -,'
<br /> _'`'�,`>:`°'. `� i �rz;�
<br /> ;�„.,....,„ BY SIGNINO BII.OW,Bo:r,nvr��cceptv and ag�ees w the teims and pmvisians cQntaincd in tt9is 1-4 Frunily
<br />`��.';��;, ' �:�,. � Ridet.
<br /> :�,,::1;�'�:.: ..-�_ �07Z.C�l,�C ���lif�� (Se.al) U%��l�Z�t/Z —�Sc�l) .:
<br /> r ��'�'��' ' �' ROPIR�,� R URBAQi •Saerower CINDY L CIi •Borrower ' �
<br /> :=.t::,g, '.�„ �
<br />�.,, ,.,,"
<br />''�'�;?�;`. :. QS�) ($�) ..
<br /> , _ ., -Rorrow« -Sorroeer „
<br /> :, , , ..+�i
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<br /> �
<br /> . .. - ' ;:�, �•S7{a3oq an9ozctz Form 9f709iB9 .
<br /> v �a '' , .�
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