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<br /> � . �.r., c.�:.�. ..�a.�...-...�_.o
<br /> �MN �� ---___—_—_—
<br /> ..m'.-__'____,.i=��S� ��.^�f_T_'!�H�'�P_'!'�.r.s�'�c7p"��rnnsF rr.�.._�. _� �. _ . �._.-�5��-r*?a�?c�w'.'7!?= _�... � R.r
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<br />, �. j ... f`.,� ,. , , , '; . . �.� . ... ,.
<br /> .. � �.,o�..,�...a �a:u�cv ulwU k:vn f:l�C�u�e?,li�It�:'fl�:]Hi1fI C�:..;:{6i.7 fI�:;S'i:�;Ctl,t.�f;:;t)y . ,_...
<br /> ;'ll`:::"nr'i `' � '
<br /> _..._"_!`-'f5.,...�:� iit9crJP�'gr7r�li�i:Gi°,'r.-,S�.,�.,:,.....n....,�._....�... i<��e.�s�.,i.•:.e:.tC�LI::.:J ---
<br /> ;,.,;.,.J�--- aftnrdKdur,tl��ti�►er�tiAI11RI�f.b9I9Q�C�E7H�fiilEP.;+IilQUYbC:Af)j�IFIIIf;UilYl�;ilqtll'JIf;1CU�nFSUir�::',o�vfni,.:�,:�•••••••_•-
<br /> n� „`
<br /> __�,-s�„rw_;•�,3 htiPfoliy Cl110E 1P1 lill�:fl�i'f.�CP El3I.GIiL�Ef fii(1y tiCl2Ciit111tQ�OP UJ�1�a�Y��IC�t�i1P101 pfU�C(:f.�3l0IPit1E174�Q�E53fiI1�11fi1t01 f3Y.Cr��G tf)�1"'.�}��:C ,--_----:
<br /> --- Propart�u�nn au+�N cniZdldqna ae Lend�r may cl�torrntno.Any aPP .
<br /> :r u•= �9 lh�clua cia'.�a1 nny r�Ayments unct�tr tha Nola,ar curo nny datAUft iheru�nder or hereunder.Ilny unuppllad/undn e'��!�tte��Id to '-�--
<br /> ---- �1NStOP. � �.t_be rc. - _
<br /> 8. t�Niorn�nco by I.�n��.Upon tha accur�ence o!an�venU o9 iiAfnuli i�8�a�i�Jri�,ur!3 cr�y��t,_°. n�xr IQ.,�1�racc�edl�zp
<br /> commen��ici whloh materlallY a(t�ots L.a�d Tru�tor and'wit outrn1eaeing 7rustor�trom�eny ob!tpst utr�d�r any act wbfch Truetnr t�as
<br /> sa,end wl�houl notice to or dem�nd upa��
<br />-=� epreed but falls!q do and may e�so do any�ther act it deams noceaeary to protect iho aeauriry hareof.lYustor ehnil,Immedlatti y —
<br /> u�ae�n demnnd theretar by LAnder,pay to Londer all cost9 enci expennea incurred and sums expended by Ler�der In canrts,�tion witt� �
<br />----'- add d tolthe yndebtednoss�eecuDed yeraby. Lende�ahe0 not Incur�any Ilab Ilty beecauteotelA ythl�nfl It may�de ari+�m t to'do
<br /> herounder. in corn Iiencn with a11 eppllcable lewa,ordl�ance�and��guiutir�ns
<br /> 0. Hezardoui lnatad���.Trustor ehall keep the Proparty P
<br /> y �� � retAting to Industrlal hygiena or onvlronmental p►otecticsn(collectively retorred to heroln es"Environmental l.awe")•Truetor ehel —�
<br /> hereln ns�'Hazardrous Ma or�ials'�1 Trust r her by�wa ents and�epre enta to Lender fhat tharo arepno az.�rdoe st�Mnt reags o�e o�
<br /> under tlie Properry•Truator hereby sgrees to Indemnify and hold harmlos�I..onder,Its dir�ctors,oNicera,empt�yee�nnd age�ts,and
<br /> - any nuccessors to Lender's interes�irom and agelnst any and all clalms,damsgos,lossos and Iiabtiftles arising In connecUon wib:h
<br /> tha prc�snce.ue�,d�Aposel er transport ot any Hazerdous Materlala on,under,trom or ahout the Properly.
<br /> =
<br /> -�--�--�- •�-� 10. ARS►pnment of Rente.T�ust�r her�by as�lgns ta Lender the rents,Issues and prolits o1 che Property�p
<br /> �-�-,�,«,.:..
<br /> -- - _, shall,unt8 the occurr ab�e Upo�thd occutren'ce oi an Event oi Deta ut Londer may,either�n�po eon or by gAnt�v+�ith o16wtth ut
<br /> �--_� become due and pay. Q��,ta,�h�P�ou►t and without reflard to the adequacy of Its securlty,ont�r `
<br /> -.�_ - �''.:;�� bringing eny actlon ar proceedin�,ur Ly a�occtv�r sR,: •� --
<br />-y� �---��-;-- upon aod take possesslon of tha Property,ar�ny pa�t!horeof,In its own name or In the name af tho Tnistoe,and do niiy u6t�w`���5 t -
<br />`';.!;;�;:,~^� �__k,� deems necossar!or desiratale to preserve the volue,marketabllity or rentebility of the Property,gSOSelon o9 the P opetrty esue tae1or
<br /> _=�.��' incraase the IncomH therefrom or protect the security horeof and,vrlth or�fthout taking P � tho�ame,lass costs t�nd
<br /> �,�,,;;`;:`•t otherwlse colloct the rents,Issues ar�d Rrotiis thereo},inoluding those past due a�d unpald,and app y
<br /> - �Y"�'"�`�'� expensos of operatlon and collecdon Including attomeys'fees,upon any indobtedness secured horeby,all In such order as Londer
<br />.:,..�,.,�.�-� � .
<br /> --_-_����'=� may determine.the entortng upon and taking possesston ot the Property,the coilect�on of such rents,Issuos and profita an t e
<br /> '°-
<br /> _�='�...',- It tlnn IhQ ---
<br />--°:�
<br /> ��-�_ ._ „� a�,M,��,,,,,,_,_rant aa atoreseld.shall not cure or wafve any detault or notice of dofauit hsreundonor Invaltdate any act one
<br /> .�...,o..nn,��nht
<br /> ` r�ssponse to such defautt or pursunni to a�c"n��t�E L�►.,�gta�nt Ana;natwiiiiom��uwy i�io�.�"•�'���••-'°•^nmcessl0fl OHhO PfOpe 01 -
<br /> �.:� �r,,;°�p th8 COIIBCtI0t1,receipt and applicatlon of rents,188U89 Of�f011t5,and Tru3tee und Lender shau de eniitinu�v e�a����..�--•, o°- - _
<br />__��:.��V.•'.:,:, pravided tor In any of the Loa Fur�her�.�Londer's rights and emadles under tht parag aphrshallibelcumulative with,a�nd�n no w Yha —
<br />•-���� 1.'�; t o o x 3 r c i s e t h o p�w e r o t s a l e. �
<br /> ��—��',-.�:'•titf Ilmitation on,Lender's rigflts end remedles under any as3 lflnmen t o t l e a s o s a n d r e n t s r e c o r d e d s g a l n s t the Pro pe r t y.Londer,Trus ee
<br />:�����' 'M �nd the receiver shall be liable to account only for those rents actualiy recetved.
<br /> 11. [ven�s ot Oefauli.The following shall canstitute an Event of Default under thfa Deed of Trust
<br /> •�:.�'.i,..s: (e)FaBure to pay any Instaihnent of princfpal or interest of any other sum secursd hereby when due;
<br /> - --__----=_rt�� (b)A breach oi or defeult undor eny provlsion contalned In the Nota,this Deod ot'frust,eny of the Laan InsVUmente,ar any ��.—
<br />�+,��tiwb?�':��'�`_7 other Iien or encumbrance upon the Pr�perty; __
<br /> s�,=-��es;-_-�7 (c)A writ of executWn or attachment or any slmtlar process shAll be entered agafnstTrustor which shal!become e lic�n on --�
<br /> --'"'�`'-��� � the Property or any portlon thereof or interest therein; °""'
<br /> --��,: ,.; �_�..
<br /> -a-_—. (d)There shall bo fUQd by or a�alnst Trustor or Borrowor an action undor any present or luture fedore�l,�tate or ot er e .
<br /> � � statute,Iaw or regulation relating to bankruptcy,Insolvency or other rellet for debtors;or there shall be appointad eny trustee, r`
<br /> .��s��^�tiT~R recefver or Iiquidator of Trustor or Borrower or of ali or any part of the Property,o-the rents,issues or profits theroof,or Truator �r
<br />_•,;,�y*;,�.'�'.'•'.;_rc_ or Borrower shall make any general asslgnment tor the banefit of creditors; •-�.
<br /> (e) 7he sale,transier,lease,assignment,co�veyance or further encumb�ance of ell or any part of or any interest in the
<br /> _.�r�!��p.� -�t .
<br />--- --=--��1.•:�•�• Property, elther voluntarfly or Involuntarity,without the express wrltten consent ot Len�±?r, nrnvided that Trustor shall be � •'
<br /> ���'�, ; perm(tted to exeaute a lease otthe Property that does not contaln an option to purchese en�f the term of which does notexceed R�_
<br />"`�'.;�;� one yoar; �'T
<br /> " (�Abandonment ot the F'roperty;or `"_'
<br /> ��`�; (g) If Trustor fs not an Individua�,the issuanco,salo,transfer,assfgnmont,conveyance or oncumbrance pf mare then a totai r 'V
<br /> _ ercc�nt o1 �y�
<br /> ��,,�° `� �, �� N A perce��t ot(if a corporation)its issued and outstanding stock or pf a partnership}a total ot N A p
<br />=_��.���_� . partnership interests during the perlod this Deed ot Trust remafns a Ilen on the Property. abte
<br /> • 12. Romedl�a;Acceleratlon Uu ed he�rebylto be due and p yable andethel same shall thereupon b como due and payd by _
<br /> -�=i+i`�`�:�• . �a w,d e c l a r o e l l i n d e b t a d n e s s s e c '
<br /> �-'"'�.:'���r resentment,demand,proteat or notice of eny k in d.T h e r e a ft e r L e n d e r m a y:
<br /> _:� ,.-���,"; , without any p
<br />-`T�-�'-_.�t:. (n) Oemand that Truatoe exercise the POWER OF SALE c�rantod hereln, and Trustee shaU theraai4er causo Trustor's
<br />__ `'��'a°-� . . inte►es4�n the Property to be sold and the proceods to be dlatributed.all In the manner providad in the Nebraska T�ust Oead9
<br /> ' Ac�
<br /> ,":���w - (b) Exerclse any and atl rfghts provided tor In eny of the Loan Instruments or by Iav�upon occurrence ot any Event of " -
<br /> :,� ,�..:
<br /> ,��.�xr�.: oefa�:�and
<br /> 4,':-,,:..., (G) Commence an actlon to foreclose thls Derfd of Trust as a mor t g a g e,a p P o l n t a r e c o i v er,or s pecftict�lty entorce any ot the
<br /> � �--�� cov�nants horeot.
<br /> �'A'�"° No rom�cly herein conterred upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender Is Intondcd to bo exclusive of any other rernedy herefn,Invon
<br /> � ��' Loan Instruments or by law provided ar permitted,but each shull b�cumulative,shall be In additlon tc every other remedy g
<br /> hereund�r,in the Loan In3truments or now or hereafter exlsting at lav�or In equity or by statute,and may be exerclsed concurrentfy,
<br /> Indep�ndantiy o� auccessfvely.
<br /> �� '� 13. 'I'tuatao.The Trusteo may realgn at eny time without causo,and LFnder may at any tin�e and wi:hout cauae appo nt a
<br /> �uccessor orsubstitute Trustee.Truste�shell not b0''I�II ni8�i Qaoyecklessnor w I u misCOn'duct,tand Sha Ienoebe requfred to tIIk�eny
<br /> ,.� .
<br /> cnf{nn n�
<br /> .-......" _ —_--
<br />._�__�., -. ' '"_ " "'� _�+...e
<br /> ,,.
<br /> purchaser of ttie Praperty�vor any waa v�..a...�e�--•••---- - -
<br /> action in connecSlon with the enforcemont o14hls Doed of Trust unless Indomnitied, In wn mg, or .
<br /> ''",'' " expensos whlchr o}sa ear antad here�n)`postponeti'�'e sale ofeali o9 any portion of ho P operty,as'provldod by aw;ordsell tho
<br /> • a under tha powe 9
<br />- % �.'� �" proporty as e wholc�,or In separato parcels or lots at Trustee's dlsCrotion.
<br /> 14. Feea and Expensea.In the event Trustee sells the Praparry by exercise of power ot sale.Trusteo shall be entitlod to app�Y
<br /> ".�. •; eny sele Rroceeda first to payment of;,11 costs And exp.�nses of enorcfs(ng�ble lav�In the ev'enti Borertower o T u'stni exorclse�anY
<br /> �' and Trustee's attorney's tees,actu�lly incurred to etttent permftted by app
<br /> 4 I cutrr�ed a�ed bo uat�o�Trustor's de}autt, IDncluding without ImRetion`all Trustee'.s a d ttorney'si teos�to the e to t parmfttcd by
<br />• ..a'1, �., �DpUcab,� law.
<br /> �_ ,,�, 15.�uture Advances. Upon request ol Barro�ver,Londer may,at Its optlon,make,addltlonal csnd futura advancos and re-
<br /> ;�:��x•:;:�. •� advancea to Botruwar.SuCh ndvances and readvances,with Interest thereon,shell Bo socured by this Devd ol Tmst At no Ume shall
<br /> ...f the principal amount of tne Indobtedness secured by thls Dead of 7rust,not Including sum�aWhlche or lagreat tr�Q R�curity of thf3
<br /> -- ' Dc�ed of Trust,axceed the orlginal principai emount stated herein,or 5
<br /> . , . ��
<br /> _. -----'—� � , , t��,�,�---..�=��:�_:
<br />