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<br /> — ����"�.��;�c,"'��
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<br /> ��s This ind�nture, marla tDzis ,�,�h a�ey q� Mt��', is95, by and
<br /> —____.=
<br /> T,. �;��.�s��� �r��.e Do �i��.?��e�n, a° z���., in �ha Coun�C�r ^*' fl'I��'�� o r�?�,.
<br /> -=--=,_.,
<br /> °---- --_�...
<br /> --_— State o� A�rizonay pa�ty �� �he SirRt peer�, �nd i�ar�nX L. and Alic3a
<br /> — �i. Haeaagler, oE Gx�nd IsY�nd, in the Coun�y of Ha7.�., SC�t� �f
<br /> Nebraaka, pa�tie� of �he secand part:
<br /> WI�E&F�iS, �he said Myrtie 8. i4fi1.'.•.i�an, party of �h� P3r�t
<br /> _�- part, did, on ox about tk��e ]�7th day of Nov�mber, 1963, pxecute to
<br /> -,=,-,�,�L.���:� the part:ies o� the aecond p�xt, for the conai.der�tion the�s�.n ��
<br /> - F-�a-.-
<br /> F � ��= ,nAntinnPd; a Convnvance o€' �he cer�ain lands, ai�ua�.ed in .Hall _--
<br />-=.±�xe�i xa� "" '
<br /> -= Couaitgt, 2deb?^aBka, and h�r�fnafter more partic�llarly d�scr�.Ioed,
<br />— -= which e�.id canveyance is roca�ded ixathe offic� of the rer�ister of
<br /> -- �=-� deede af tih� Coru►ty of Hall., an Baok 83, page 006150, e£ tih� __._
<br /> �=:��, recoxde of said of£ice; and whaxeas, in said conveyance, bX
<br />--':'���?`� , .__ ..L_ __�� u.. � � �.a c� �� rsara nmittetl fx'OID bP3lllld =-
<br /> m��i:��, ��.p a.,...�o � �iz� � r__n
<br /> -,, .,�� Myrtic-� �3. Milligan�s nams, and whereas, tn prevent dif�icul�ies �
<br />.._.�''�:,,y-��.�_r�
<br />;��s;;���-�-= her�af�er, it ia expedient to correct said errors:
<br />-_-==�'�=%'.•i��� Now, thexefore, this indentur� witnesseth, that the said
<br /> ...-,�+�r�j�„r5,
<br /> -"" party of the firGt parto in con�idera�fo� of the premises and af __
<br /> -�:�-�� one del].a� to him paid by the party of the second part� herel�y �"'
<br /> -._��`'�'" grants, conveys, relQases and confaxms unto the said party of fihe _
<br /> --=�:�:;..��+� __
<br /> ,.�.�x;,:�r.� . —
<br /> -----_---_- se�s�nd par�, hereby grants, conveys, release5 and confirms unto ttte _
<br />�-_�_�-�"`�"� said partg� �o� the second part, hi.s heirs, and assigns, forever, all
<br /> �:_:_:-
<br />—_�,.:,��,�
<br /> _ . _- _-�, o� the fo11ow3.ng ��act of land sit�aatad in the County e�f HalY, in `��`�
<br /> t�
<br />� ���j��� t�� Stato of Nolorask�, to wit: `�'��
<br /> �:.,_
<br /> ^�u�"
<br /> __:��'-=',� L0� Two (2� is� �laal. Six (6) in Di11 and
<br /> :o.��r.
<br />-�������°_�; Hustoa►�s Additior� to tilze City o� Grand Taland, :__��.
<br />-=__ ',:�:;� Ha11 Cuunty, Nebraska. -
<br />-�_= -:.-�+;�;- -
<br />:; �'Y�'�` Tcgether with all and singular ttx� tenements, •
<br /> ��_ ,.
<br /> _ ..�;.,t���
<br /> •`-�- __.-!_�Mwi .
<br />-=�=i�;^��= hereditamentg anti appwrtexa�nces th�reun�� belonging or ai.n anywise
<br /> �=.•_r�`�
<br /> '��s�b` "� = appertaining. �
<br /> : ;.�. •�
<br /> ���: Tq liave and to hold the �ame unto the said party of the .
<br /> �r=�.�..;
<br /> ,:_.., ,..,
<br /> ''��`��'�;''�,���� seconci pa�t, and ta his P�eirs and aesigns, to the sole anol. prop�x
<br />=..:�;�:.a�-;�:.
<br />----- u��� . u�e, Boenegi� and behomf of the 5aid party of the second p�x�ta has
<br /> _,::�',•;.
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<br /> '�"".��.' h�ir� and assigns� gorever.
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