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<br /> � ��rie��i�il�fo:•Ac�e3e�dtinai uf l�rf�2.
<br /> _._. ,�.r_a ��a�ktMtrll. l.endcr may,except as limited by r�gulationr issued by ths Secrctu�y lu ii�e cnse of payrr:rzt u:.fault�,
<br /> -_-�-�:•�ai�;M� icc��iic�,;iiimu:Qiau;�t:iymciit in Gdl uf all suiire scc«�r.c!ny thi�;Sccurity Lnstr�amcnt if:
<br /> _- - _ -_ (!)tzc�ira�vcr dclaults by faiiing to pay in tuit a�sy monthly paymcnc rcyuircJ by ti�is 5e�a��cy I;:�,in�:��ati�„''lu�
<br /> to or on!he @ue cla�c of!hc nex[manhly pay�ne�zt.or
<br /> (iiy Borrowcr dcfnulFs by fnilin�,for a periocl of thirty days,to pc�fo�tin any other ohligndons conmiiic� iit tl2is
<br /> � Security Instrumcnt.
<br /> {b)S�le�Without Creilit Ap�provAl. T.�nder sh�ll,if permitted by uppllc.lble law nnd with the prior approvat af.thc
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