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'1 r+-�. ,� <br /> 1 � <br />-:d. -�� 7 � " j^' �n C.el <br /> �-�r.- '! `• � � � � c � �,.,,y � :c h? � =- <br /> a.7�m/h�" 44y�.'L� � �.. �� ",' --- <br /> �.,��,��^���Lh�ie�� � � � � � ..,...... . rr �-- <br />`����_�qc Q� � t7p `� .�G � _- <br />•-3o-7'�-�['�`�+''v. . � � � -- <br /> i+�'-�-":�'_ ,,t,hf` <br />``��i.-Yc���St `�a <br />.. ^�. Y'��..�� "�� NEBRA�BABEED OF TRU�T =- <br /> � � RA <br />�`��'�`��f,, (�f►i4h Pawor of 8wle) —_ <br /> -_-'��� � ..-R <br /> -�""'-�`_���� � - <br /> �.:.i•"�=:^^+�. `� THIA AEED ON TRUS`H',nede tL1n�d�y of t�av �,,19�?, �C�, - <br /> •�;•:� .�::�. � ���� Ofilia Avi1a, a sinAle neraon , =-_ <br /> __ I'�•p,�, -_ _. <br />�''� whanemniEi�gsddreeei� 903 E. 5th Grand Island, NE 68801 , <br />-`;�.��s__�Z�, � ���n��Nat3ona iiC2a Insurance Cnm»anv __ _ _ �` <br /> ' - , �����.�y� fi800 Co1�.�aA Rlvd_ SGe 7tt(? Gtvzi2ai�d Part:. K� SS2LI„�_, <br /> ' u�wt�,and Nonre�R FYa�ncfsl NIebrukn,Iac.,whoe0 mailin�addrw€s 2319 N. tJebb_itd. �-_' <br /> � ° �' P.O. Box 1373 Grand Island. NE 68802 as 16eneHdaty �:` <br /> . yf . � ' rN���+_-� <br /> . '� WPPNE'.39�I'H.Tivatoie denby irc�evoc�bly,�berQain,aell,and convey to�ntetee tn tn�at,�v5th mower of eale,tt�e followlvg disscritsed r� <br />• ';� p�perty{a HAll Couniy,NabneYa: "'""' <br /> `�.:� <br /> ,. .,,.1� _`� <br /> - Ta. .. <br /> . ,:--r. ::; � Loc 5, B3.ocic i�i, nu�ana addition ta che Ciiy oi urand Island, �iall Cvuniy, F`�'` <br /> ' Nebraska. �` ` <br /> r:.: ,. <br /> . . �e �:.�, <br /> �� �,:- <br /> . ir- <br /> .� ... � "r`..t <br /> � " . Zbgether with tenomente,hereditamea�v,and app�Lenaacee Woreuato belonging or in a�ywiee aPP���B nud the mnts,i�aues Rnd <br /> pmSts tho�of. .. <br /> , �� "' R�i�wnveyeaco is fatonded for the p�ar�oee of eecuring the paymont to Beneflclary of 74ustare'prominaory nate of evea data ta!he nmaaaS - �. <br /> �' • �,p=183��y,,00 (Rbtal of Pqymente).Ssid Zbtal of Pqyaients i�s�eysya6le acc�s�ing to the te�o?said aote. Peymont mty be made in <br /> � advsnoe in aqy Rmount nt any time. Default ia mddag any payment ehall,et the Benefidu�s�ptlaa euid without nottcs or demand.ssnder <br /> ' the eatire unpaid balance of eaid loaa ae once due ead payable,lesa aqy requirod rebate af charg�:a. • <br /> Rb pmtect the aocurity of thin Decd of 7lruet,RYustor coveaaate nnd agreee: <br /> ;. ° • 1. 4b 1[eep the pmport,y in good coaditton and cepair to pormti uo waata t6esceo4;to complete any building,etructure or improvcsment being <br /> � 6uflt or nbout to 6e built thereon;tn rerrtom p=ompt(yr aqy buildiag,ettucturo or improvoment thenwn which mey be damaged or deaYroyed; <br /> .. ,. � end W coa�p9y with all lawa,ondinnncas,reg�uatfons,wvenanto.condition�and reetsictlone nffecHmg tho pioperty. <br /> _ � 2. Zb puy befono delinquent ell lawlftil tav:a nnd neseesmeute uyoa the propRrty;m keep tho pmperty fnw nnd cleer of all othar charg�ea, „ <br /> , , lfona ar imgatriug tho security of thfs Deed of 7lvst <br />. �;;' � �: S. Zb ka�p a1D buildIngn now or heneatter orected on ths property de�albed'neraia coatfnunuely ineured ageinnt lnee @sy 4:+e ar otdier ha� <br /> �,,�„' in en amount aot lene then the Putal de6t secux�ed by this Deed of 21ma�All policiea ehmll bo hold by the Beaeficlaiy,ead bo in eucb wmpeniee <br /> ,. ae cho Bencficiar9�Y ePPtave oad havo lose ps�ya}ta�teet�4ke�ene� inteaeae mQy appenr aa3 thea to tho Truetor. 'I4io nmouat <br /> . •• oollxted uader enyr fnauraace polley m4y be applleel�ir een$ned in euch orclas ae the Benofictay eLnll determfao. <br /> . `%.� Bueh applfca!!oa by tho Hear,fidary ehall aot cause d!�lA��pm�;ge�to forecloso this Deed of'llrust or cura or eaive any <br /> , dRfault or notice of defeult orinvalidaW any act do�{f�hsh�f�d'�e�f''doti� theeveat of fomciceuso,nll righta of tho 7Yvntor ia ianuraaw <br />. polidee thea fa foroe ehall pme to tho purchasor nL the forccloaui+o anle. ' <br /> „ " " 4. 'Ib obtaia tdn wrlttoa wnsont of BoaoBclnry bofom aelling,coaveyiug or othorwize•imanforrtna tho px+nporty or nny part thereof nad ce.ny <br /> •• auch enlo,swavoyanco or tirmnfcr without tho Boneflcinryre arritton coaennt eLnll conetltuto n dofnult uader the torme hereof. <br /> " , G. Rb dof�nd nayr action or proceeding purparting to tt@'ect the security hemaf or tho rights or poweis of BEnefidnry or 1lwtco. <br /> t3. 8hould 7lruator fall to pay when due eny Wzne,aesesamente,insuranos promiwne,Ileae,enc�unbeancea or other chargae agaiusi the <br /> • pmperty heninabove descrlbed.Seaeficlnry mey pny tho anmo,md tfio amount so paid,with intomat nt tko rnto oot for�h ia tho noto secumd , <br />- . hareby,ehall bo added to nnd becomo a pnrt of tho dobt s�aurnd in this Deed of Ztust os permitted by law <br /> , , IT 18!d[3T[JALLY AQRE�D THAT. <br /> �'. � 1. In tho ovent nny yortion of tho property ie tnkea or dnmaf;ed ia an eminr,at domnt�a proceedina,tho cnt(ro nmount of the nwurd or auch <br /> ' � port[on thsmof na msy bo necessnry W li�Ly sntis�r tho obl{gattoa eecumd hereby.ahnll bo puid W Bonaflcinry to ho nppHed to enid obligntion <br />, ' 2. By nccopting pnymont of ciqy sum eccumS homby nttcr ita duo datv,Baneflcfnry duea not�vnSvo ite right w requiro pmmpt paymcnt when <br /> �:� ' duo of nll oLtux eums ao secured or to dcctnra defnulL for failuro to so pny. <br /> 9. Tho 41 uatcw attaU reconvoy nll or aoy part of tho pmporty covered by tLis Deed of'ltvet to tho poraon entlEled them2o,on�vritten request <br /> of'tho'14usLor ond tho Sene�irinry,or upoa out[afaciion of tho oAliguttoa cecumd nad�vritten rcqueat for�+cconvoynnco mndo by tho Boneficinry <br /> ----—-�--= or Wo pe�oa enUtled thcrew. i <br /> —-- -- <br /> B'Jt 10194(NE� I <br /> Z ,. . . , ,.. , <br /> y. , „ , <br /> .� � ' � <br /> _ _ _ <br />, _ _ -- — <br /> . . <br />,. .. , . ., _ � .. � , , � . ` <br /> , • <br /> , <br /> . <br /> - „ .�:..:..�"""�:�, <br /> , —� ----- <br /> . _ ----�---�---��__�.._....__...,.,...,.._..,..�.�,.. _ - -- ..... -- - -- <br />