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<br />� � . • � �i�:FnFlh�t C(�V�:NAlUTS.F3orrawer nnd Londcr cuvoc�ant arrd apeca r�s biiae�c: 4F - -,
<br /> �- ,+ , 1. P�tymen!a1 Y�tnc lp�l an d In t�rsa i.E l o r r o w c��' c l j a l l p r a r r�p t�y p�y r 1 l i c n c i u o i h u p r i e�G�a l o l�s��l l�te���3 osi Ui� � '�_
<br /> _,�._R.�Y,,,:;`�°��`�' indet�tedneasevldena�dhytheNata,prepayrncntandlgt�cRargeaeaprovidedinlneNote.andtt�epslncf�ialafentlinteseetan "
<br /> __- .:,, ,,. '. < a�y S�uluva�:di�ances�QCUrcd 6y tt�o DcLd of T�usl �•-----_
<br />�-��-.�:�,�ia�.,r�,�.: 2. Futadetor'ian�a�endiniweatico.Su�sw:toap;�lic:.�l�Inr:ortQa�:�it!^n�•l�iv�r'�y�Rnd9�.Horrowwrc»RlfpaytaLundor �-- -
<br /> """��� o�ithedsymotiithiyfnatal�mont�of pr:nclpa�Andinteraatare+payebleundertheNoYU.untllth�Notelsy�alt9inluli.at�m(hereln
<br /> -_- �,
<br /> --�����'-t�`���`=�".: "Funds")eyusl to onA-twelRh of tAe yea7ty taxoa and aasesements which mey attelre priortty over thts�of Trua�an�
<br />- X�'� � � groundrentsonlhePro�erry,ilany,ptusono-tw�lPihotYeariyQrelmluminsteltmentatoehaxerdinsurancr�,plusorte-hv�FNha!
<br /> �`=ti ' � . I+ �ti°� yeeriy premium instailments far mnrtgage fnsuranae,If eny,eU ee�eaaanet�ly osti�te�t INtially and�rom time ta Nrns by -
<br />_'�'':•� ` Lander�sn tho 6asis af aeyessment�end bilis and r�es�mabie eatimete�thereol. '
<br /> � x� �'� TheFundashallboheldi�aninslltutlor�lhedeposileoracC�untsotwlilcharelnauredor �earanteed.byoFederaloreta*.e
<br /> ;;:.,:,
<br /> �a :�'� agoncy(i�ciuding Lender it lender is such�n InstlMition}.Lender eha�i npply the tunds o pey aeid texes,aes0aament�, _�_
<br /> - `'� `• Ins�ransoprcmlumsnRflgroundre.nts.l-AndermaynotcE�argeforsohotd(ngr�ndapptyir.glheFund�,analyxingeafdeGCOUnt __
<br /> '� �' '�^ orvedfyfngnndcompllingsaidassessmontsandbllt�,ursleaslenderpays8onawerinterestor�fae�und�en�ap�IIa.�.C.�la�l �---
<br /> '� ':'. ;i` '� permitsl.andorromnkesuchacharge.BorrowerandLendermayagreeinwNiingatthetimeofexecutionolthiaf�ectotTrust ___
<br /> • � that i�tereat an the Funds shail be pstd to F3orrower,aRd unlea�such agreement is made or applicalDe law roquirea s�c�h �
<br />- .. ��. i�terasttabe pa!d,Lendershallnotbe�oquirsdtopayP�rraw�renylnteres4orearningfi�ot{,eFunda&ndthe pue��oseto} __
<br /> ' Borrower,without cht�rg�e,an annual accountirtg of the Funds showing credits nnd deb R ---.
<br /> • whicheachdebl4tatJ�aFundswasmado.7heFundsnropledgedasadditlonalsecuri.yforlhasumseecurntlGythlsDeedo ____
<br /> �`�'�� � ��'N�� �r 1 tha emount of tho tunds held 6y Londe�,togother wilh the tuture monihty inatallments of�unds paya�la prior tc►the dus �
<br /> h'�:-�.1.' :'_� f?K =-
<br /> ���-- ... i'�.. dnte3 0?*.axes,us:.easmenta.Inss:rance pramiums end ground rents,shau vxceed the amount requlrec!tu pay sald tBxe�, _
<br />�°"`�..� „�� c easessrteents,insurenae p�nmlu��s�nd ground rents as tiiey iall dus, eucl vttecrs sha�l�,et Borr�we�Ps optton,ofihor _�,
<br /> ,�. �� promptly repatd to Borrowe�or credited to Borrower on monthiy[nsteltments�f Funds.U the amouM ot the Fands h»Id by �„�..,,
<br />-,-; ..� �r � Lenderst�allnotbc�sutlicienttopaytaxos,assessmanu,insurancepremiumsandgroundrentsastheyfallduo.BOrroweoahall
<br />_ �"-�� - ':=-:�-- ° dy IG L6if�oi niS�'4i7i011fl�:;�c^ss°'Y t�m�ke���►ti�eAAticfmncy w�thin 30 days from tha date notice Is mailed by Le�e�er Y� �,`
<br /> _ =-- - - �..�We���,�aatlnnnaymen4t6►ereot. ���?
<br /> 1-�<�� ��" + �� Upon payment lr,!u�l��.ni�g�!;��ggCUfBfI G}I[iii9 GtlBG dT I tUat,Lest}de_sh::!gresnntly�efund to Barrowerany Funds hold by .�__
<br /> _ � Lander.if under paragraph 18 hereot tho Property Is sold ortho Propert.yIsothen,v�se acquiro� by Len��:,tcna�r ss�i�owAiY, ,� _
<br /> ,f, nolatarthanimmedlatelypriortothe�aleofthoPrapeRyoritsac uiait(onbyLender.c+ndFundsheldbyLenderatthr�tlrmoof �,y=�;
<br /> spplic�uon as e credit sgafnat the sums sacured by thls Deed of�rust
<br /> ° •��:i;' 3.AppllcaUan of�aymeeu.Unless applicable Inw provid�otherwlse,all payments received by Lender under lhe Note �_
<br /> •r end parttflrephs 1 end 2 hereof shall be appUed hy Lender first in paymentof emounts payableto L.ender by Borrower under ---
<br />- •:� paragraph 2 hereot,then co interest payable on the Noto,then to the prirs clpel of the Not�.erd then to Interest and prfncipal on �,,;
<br /> any Future Advances. �t"`
<br />-•-•-�--- 4.�hOiG�!•Wn�-Borrowersshwunavou►oxo= 000000manfawodothercharpes.finesandimposftiansattributabletothe a,,,_,
<br /> �—a . - - - •------..._. ._ -
<br />-- ± . , Prapert�which may attafn a�riority over lhis Deed of Trust and leas�e��d�pwArnmakino�g avment�when due,direcUy to ihe
<br />__ providesi under paragrapn 2��cicai�r,#z��aid!si��sh msnnQr,h, __. _ �_
<br />-� � payee thareof.Florrowrer ehall promptiy tum�5:.�o Lender all notices ot amounts due under 4i►ia paragrapn,eno m the evani �,
<br /> i; � Bonower ahall mafc� paymant directly,Ba�row�r sh�ll promptly fumish to Lender recnfpts evidencing such payments. �
<br /> Bor�ower shall promptly diacharge any Ilen which hea priotiry ovar 1hES Deed ot Trusk provcded,tha4 Borrower shall not be �
<br />-- • recpwiredtodischargeen1f suchlEonsolongasBorrowershallagreainwritin�4othepaymen4otthevblfgationsacuredbysuch
<br /> Ifen in a manner accepteble to LQnder,or shall in good faith contest such lien by,or defend entorcement ot such Ilen in,legal �.J;
<br /> � proCeedings whtch oporate to prevent the enforcement ot the Qen or fodeiture of 4he Property or any part thoreot �•,:
<br /> 5.Hazard(a�uranc�.Borrower shail keep the improvements now axisting or hereatter orected on the Property insured �'_�_;
<br />- • ' � againot losa by fire,hezards included withfn the term"extended c�versge",and such other hezerda es Lertder may require '_�,
<br /> and in such amounts and tor such periods ea Lender mey require•provided,thst Lender ahall not r urget that the ama�ant of
<br /> "' � suCh Covorage excec3d that amount of covernge requf�ed to pay tho sums secured by this C�eed ot�
<br /> �
<br /> �- T hl s in surance cr.t�rier Frovlding the insurance shal l be chosen by Borrower subjoct toe roval b Lender;provided.that _
<br /> _ , suCh approval sh 2 he eo}or,Ii notpa'dyn such�man�ner,by Borrowersmak ng payment,w P g a o i d ectly to the insurane
<br /> under paragrap
<br />-�- carrier. g
<br /> All insura�ce pollcies and renewals ihereof shall be In torm acceptable to Lender end shall Include a standard mort age
<br />_:� clauseinfavorofandinlormaccep4ablRtoLender.Lendershallhevethenghttohotdthepoltcfesandrenewatsthereot,and �
<br /> ' Borrower shall promptlyfumish to Lender all renewal notices and all recelpts of paid premfums.ln the svent otloss.Borrowar
<br /> • shallgivepromptnoticetothelnsurancecarrforandLender.Lendormaymakaprooto}IossifnotmadepromptlybyBorrower.
<br /> Unless Lenderand Bor►ower othorwlse agree in writing,insurance pruCeeds shall be epplied to restoration a�repafrof the
<br /> ' Pro�er4y damaged,provldad nuch restoration or repair Is ec�namiCal{y feasfbte and the socuriy ot this Deed ot Trust is�ot
<br /> thereby Impafred.lf such restoretion or ropair is not economically leasible or if the security ot thls Dtaed of Truat woutd be
<br /> i� impafrod,the Insurance procoeds shall be epplied 4o the sums secured by thfs Deed of Trus�with tho exCess,if any,ppid to
<br /> Borrawer.If the Property Is ebandoned by Bor�ower,or it Borrower failsta respond to Lender withtn 30 days from t�e date
<br />- - notice is mailod Gy Lender to Borrowor that the insurance carrier offars to settle e claim for Insu►ance benohts.Lender Is
<br />` •� authorized to collect and apply the insurance proceeds at Londar's optlon efther to restoration or repair ot the Property or to
<br />=� , -� the auma securad by thls Deod of Trust
<br /> Ur.tess Lenderand Borrowerotherwiso egree in w�iting,any such application ot proceedsto principal shell notextend ar
<br />-�i_ postpone the due date of ihe monthly Instellments ref�rred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereaf or changs tho emount ot such
<br /> e ,� �nstsltments.It und�r peragreph 1 B hereat the Property Is acquired by lender,a1I right,tfllo and interest of Borrower in and to
<br /> any fnsurance policiesand in and to the proceedsZherQOf resultmc�from darrage toihe Properry prtorto the sa�eor acquisition
<br />=� ' � • � shall pass to Lender t0 the extont of the sums secured by this Oeed of Trrast immediately prior to such sale or acqu�sition.
<br /> 6. PreservatlonaadMalntonanceolP�opeity:Leaaoholda;Condomintums:PlannedUnitQeeelopmenta.Borrowershell
<br /> �, keep the Property in good ropair and shell not commit wa�te or pdrmit impairment of deterioration of the Property and shall
<br /> -.- " comp�yr wfth the provisfons otany lease if this Deed otTrust is on a leasehold.If this Deed of��ust is on o unit in a condominium
<br /> - or a planned unit development,Borrowsr shall pedorm ell ot Borrower's obligations uncier the declaretion or Covenants
<br /> `-�' creating or govorning the candominium or plt�nned unit dovelopmant,the by-13ws anA regulations ot the condomintum or
<br /> Ts,1�LF �, planned unit developmont,and constituent documents.If a condominlum or planrsed unit dovefopment ridor is excutud by
<br />' :�;� „ Borrowar and re,cordad together with this Deed of Trust,the cavenantsend agreements of such rider shall he incorporated
<br />�•r into end shAll amond and supplerr�ent the covonants and eg�eements ot this Deed of Trust as If the rider were a part hereof.
<br /> -ai � T. Protsettaa of Lander'�Secudty.II Borro+ver lails to p�rtorm tho covonnnts and agreoments ContBined in thfs Oeed o1
<br />-:g. . Trus4 or H any uction or proce�ding fs commenced with materiatly ettocls Lender's intorest In tha Proparty.IncludlRg but not
<br /> - Ilmfted to,emfnent domein,insolvency,code ontorcement,or errengernents or proceedfngs mvolving a bankruptordecedant.
<br /> then Lender at Lender'S option,upon notice to Borrower,may make�uch appearences,d�s4urse such sums and teko such
<br /> actlonas►snecossarytoprotectLander'sinteresi.includfng.butnotli�ltedto,disbursaman4otressonableattomey'steosand
<br /> - " entry upon tho Proparlyto mnke repairs.U Lender reqwredmortgage�nsurance ns o condltion uf making the loan secured by
<br /> the Deed ot Trus�Borro�ver shall pay the promiums required to mamtain such insurance in effoCt until such limo es the
<br />=- -_-_-------- -_ �_., .•...e....►.��v...o�..oro.rt,�nn�ns�naccordancewithBonower'sandlender'swnitonagroemontorappUcalbelaw.
<br /> ._,, - --- .�„�.a...o..........._.....__._.__._..
<br />= i' Borrower shall pay 4he emount of all mortgage insurance permiums in lhe manner prawa�a unaer parag.apn s nmcv�. � --
<br /> Any amounts disbursed by LAnder pursua�t to this paragreph 7, vrith interest thereon, shall becomo udditlonpl
<br /> !� ,;•� „ indobtednoss otl3orro�ver secured by this Deed ot Trust.Unless Borrotiver and Lender 8grc�a to o4hor tArms of payma�n�such
<br /> -¥ amou�ts shall be payable upon notico Irom Lenderto Borrowar raquosting payment hereot,end sh�ll bear interest trom the
<br /> dateoldlsbursementettheratopayableSrumtimolotimeonoutstandmg pnncipalundortt�eNoteunlesspaymontolfnterest I
<br /> at ouch rclte would bo Contrary to applicable law. m tivhich evenQ such emounts shall bear into�est At the highest rete
<br /> ���• perrt�issfblounderappUCablela+v.Nothingcontn�nedinthisparagrephlshaUreqwreLendertoiRCUranyexpenseortatceany ;
<br /> ''tti � actlon horounder. i.,
<br /> � • � 0. (nsprseUon.Lender may make or cause to be made reasonable enfnes upon and inspections ot the Property,provided
<br /> that Lander shall g�ve Borro+ver not�ce pnor to any such inspection spec�fy�ng reasonabie cause thdretore related to Lf3ndor's
<br /> -' F intarost in the Property.
<br /> ; � • . ...
<br /> _� i�. .. /J ',f
<br /> I
<br /> ak. ' '�
<br /> � '�
<br /> �:I _ .,�.,.._,.—
<br />