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<br /> •••,••--�� �,,r G,mq1'IC6.'flt4�De�J Of 7r��t 19 frin:y n{� 1��V'i� S� y.s , m 11g t .
<br /> .
<br /> ,_, , '� t/ ha Cimniflr,!- --
<br />- - '-- ,,.- ........ u o 'R'�+L..l.��°" ._____.
<br /> ------ a.avcJ� �'1�.��._:'!_%_�__S,_(cfn��.�,I� ........��--- — • ^� . _ �,� 'BeffOwer')
<br /> -- -_=� ,r,,.�/...N� �,';�;��s /�,�.,,rk • � � —
<br /> --''��� whoso residt+nca addrBSS I���`�`/^»�� �^`"'�t `a.�a�y,//h_ County.h�braska("7N9►oo•).dnd the Ftonefkiary, -
<br /> -__ ._._�•o.•�- d.{�,.-�a„�------- . �cornorbtion arganize�
<br /> ____ ---- -= and exyting untler ttw tutva ot,_,;�e�fn::' whase address Is /��A i�t, S��s.�`_°-„f�!1,�`�.,,L°�=°' _ .
<br /> ('lerfdet'). ,
<br /> — COHIiEYANGk:Yar vaq�o rmceived,HOfio4�af L�aVU�:Buly{j(ni�U Ai�d C:.:SY3j�'10 7N�t��,in tcus*,:�:tIII QM�!B�OT P'7�41�ihH rsel grouedy,nt vAii�t� ___
<br /> Fiurrower h lawfully se!zad,dastribedjdalow and a1!bulldingS� ��xturo3,and axistin�y and futuro impeovements thc�reon end aU rlphts•�o���y,aasQmants,
<br /> 'W rents,Issuee,profita,InCCmn,tenemenis,heroctitemUnts,prf���}es and eny nppurtenances thereunto beiony.ng(all calbd tha" ro
<br /> -_:����_.,� y .- �rG��3 �-�
<br /> -,�,`_v_�w.'+�i , ..f ���rw,��c1f Tr�a,�r� J.f/F"�c� , Nr�flraska r✓ ' — - �
<br /> ----^-� �°�'SCre:t�^�!.�.L �_�•�I� , _.. ._ ._ _.. _ ._ .
<br /> • (BCDN) (CIt� (T�YC�wI •r.c-
<br /> -T c.;� �- I.EGA6tIFSCEIIlYt10N: ,
<br /> �it�.�
<br /> -.y„��„ •�' �_.
<br /> `r=�'���'�' ' The N'orther.ly Twelve £ee (N�.2' ) o£ Lot �'our. (�) and
<br /> �:,::�:�:.�� a.11 o� Lot Two (2� f.n B1o�k Twenty�four (24) 3n �[Iu3.ver�i�y __
<br />-:,;�� Place, an Addition to th� City af• Grand Island, .T•l�11 Countiy, '�".
<br /> ' �L_��Lr . .. ��_
<br />._ --- -- . 1\GIJ1OAni�• -__..
<br /> �:a�wiia • .
<br /> __-��� __
<br /> �y��.:;;���,� , : UKIIiTI�RL UU�i:�ivici�i
<br />:=�-��— QdlIt3LAND SAVINGS� BANK �-
<br />=-.�rr�:°' . � , - - - ---_
<br /> .'�'.�1X• - ' . . ---_
<br /> - +if(7lvY =xa
<br />'"`��`;�; ` loc2ted In ,���l� County.Nebraskn.
<br /> -- ,:•., �r-.
<br />-y'-���� . TfRE:8orrower cwrenants and wprrants titlo to the property,exCept tar T ---�
<br /> .-R a��tr t�''� � ' 4�
<br /> - °�"~�d���� SF.CURED OE9T:This deed of trust securea lo Lender rapayment ot the socured debt and lhn podormance ot tho covanants end agreemonts ";
<br />---•'u?TV�'�":' contalnad tn this dded af trust and In an othe:documont Inco rated hereln.Secureq dabt,ns used In thi8 deed of imst,Inciudes any amounts --
<br /> Y R� r.�...
<br />- r::+%;ir';�.;� Burtmwor owas to l.endar undor tAls deod of tNSt ar under any Instrument seaured by Ihls daed of Wst,and all modificu4ions,oxtonslons�nd renewely
<br /> =�M-+rt� thor3nl. �
<br />-=�`"'�'�� The secured debt is eviderxed bK(Ust ail Instrumoms and agroements secured by this decad ot tru��t and t o datos lhereof.): .
<br /> �r�-u-.,..� -s � ���=
<br /> - f_'�� 1�..1.� tii/„�i•--��!/.�fe�v� Co�✓1'rF�ra�lJ 1�CU+'�f"u u��."..r-,.?�`!1' !J',w7't�� .�,7 7�S y�l.� ;....
<br /> -,-,--: y
<br /> "',�:'�';^�.:� , r ,:..,�.
<br /> .' [ii�.{S6RLi -
<br /> �`��~�•�a []Future Advanc�r.The above amount is sor.ured evnn though eu or pntt of it maY nut vat ba advanced.Futurn advancos aib .
<br />-�-=R��� , contomplated end wi!I be secured to tho same extunt an if made on tho date thla d9od o1 trust(s executed.
<br /> �� � '" ,with INtial snnual fnterost rdto of %. ' ' `J
<br /> �,.��f�ovalving line oi cradii ng�ecm7eni datod .�s,�
<br />-�~"�� Afl amounts owed undor this agroomont are secured even though ell amounts may not yet bo advanced.Future advancos undor Iha �• •
<br />`t ;��.� agreement are contemplated a�id wfll be secured to tha same axtonl as II mado on the date ihis deod of tnr�t Is oxecutcd. •
<br />��t�
<br />.,:.�. -
<br />-�,�� T ho a b ovo o 4 l ig a t i on i�d u o a n d p n y a h i e o n �u n�G / O G.s I I n o t p a l d e a l er. ;;J�,-,
<br /> ,;�Sr',e���� The tutal unpai bala ce seturod 6y thls docd o}trust at eny ono t►me shall not oxcood a maxlmum principal emount of �~ o� ^' �
<br /> ��';�_,,� _, �y1. I�v�.��t�s,,�%r�wo %a+ Dollars(S ��'y•�v ).91uslnlorost,
<br /> ���T�;�''��"'., plus any amcunts dlsburs d undar tho t¢rms of thls�ne�of trust W protect the security of this deed oT trust or to pedarm any of the aovariants
<br />, �a;;�;;=� contamod tn this deed of trusl,wlih Intorost on such dlsbursements.
<br /> _;_��a���.i�,� _.
<br />•'?;7;�y,�._;�, ❑YaHabla R�tr:1'ho Intoresl rato on tho obligation sacured by Ihis deed ot trust may vary according to the tarms at thut obitgation.
<br /> �+•-'-� ❑A co„ af the loan agroomcnl contalnfng tho tomis undor v�hich ihe Interest rete mny vary Is attachpd to this doed oi trust ond made a part '+.
<br /> �
<br /> r 1 �:t4°� h8f@ . ,
<br /> � <".r'r• ��• .. RID�85: ❑Gommercial�� . � ti .
<br /> =`-=:'�rc"::.�C - �- -M ��SSItlNATiON OF IWV�ESLFAD
<br />-_,�t?�t y,,�•r:�'�: Pursuant to tho Farm Homostoad Protoctlon Ao9,designeHon of homesluad ❑ �s nttached to thls dmt�d ot trust and mudo e part
<br /> ?'�'�a �' hor��(� has bnen disclalmad;tho di�claimcr Is ottucAed to this deed ot trust nnd mudo a part horeof.
<br /> _ . _ "�; diGN�l7URL:S:By stpnsn�boiaw,tlorrower agro2s ta tho torms and cnveaants containad In this deeai o!trust,Includtng thaso Gn p�r,¢2,and
<br /> . (rt nny rldera�!elscnlMCl epove stgnad by�orrorrar. I
<br /> _ .�1_ _ QAI-,, � c � _/1 /1D. Q l� i_ '
<br /> . _ -.�:. � . - _.. _ 11�^'—���T"�tn^t�.N" y%'S�9f �`— (,l��Z�y N '�i<��r y� —
<br /> % frrs�
<br /> ' ," ' _ -NlrL_� lsa��"��nl =_ C�JPrdor� s �lorMr;.-�/
<br /> ' v •�� ' AGKNCIV4L[9GIYIE�3Y;STATE DFNEBFUlS1CA,�F'�� � • Countyss:
<br /> {�' � 1rio�f5oiugo!ng Instru�men!vras ncknowlod�sd bsforo�no on thls��5�'� day ot���%� ���._.�
<br />- �� ; . by�,.0�,,.�Gr � V•�^_•'tC�n•�GuJ f/.`t-a6��i S Gr�rn::.n� �
<br /> �, � + --�� (Titicl�))
<br /> ��' Co�rRO Cr (Namo ot Co.�po+ation or PMncch'.p� '_
<br /> . P4rtnunh'P O�'
<br /> ., ����� A ,,, on bohalt of the co ►utlon or partnership.
<br /> �'�1,':� " Mycomm�ssionoxp�res: �J � �� "
<br />- - " (Scaq CV I � (Notnry PuNicl
<br /> . Thf�in�4rumcnt erns proparcd hy `��'�� — ------ —
<br /> ^ [�e�ea,e���1[n
<br /> OtQC70AtiN.ER5SY6TEkS,inC..6T.CLOUD,fl145t�91(t�ppJa)7•�t�FOR610CP-R1fGd�E 6/tOrt)7 .G,',o.� /pigolclt) n W� w���ti
<br /> 'I.
<br /> . _ . . _. .. _.---^_.._�_"-^----�-'-=�-u-.n�-u._,--.nr..�s-s-�r�:r......—.��...�._..__.-.
<br />