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<br /> -1 w[}� U.qytw. ..5'�t�li�+�111M� �k��w_,.,.- . . . . �P�NIM711�ff�llf, . .• , - .. _
<br /> - 'yrM/�� y,`Sj+ww..rT!aMri. +�A�IN�1�r 1 �Y..,r.--.a . � IT �IY ' •, 1 , . ' [_ _'.
<br /> 4� � I il 1 '�P�.A- L/Ial�y. � ..�_ . . . _ .._ ._ .
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<br /> �i}..�_�.a ._J.�__. i�—._'_`-'� '' ' ••':-n.r'��^�5�97��..z.__-f.��v.r..,ruur�--'-._._. _. .__
<br /> .�..c+�.i�__ __ 2i'_�i�w�.,w.�w.-o[..-��_=..,!3P_P_!w.qP_!°R�°Y�_=_��fl!Y.Tr-p�'^^�^
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<br /> ._ .. . . _.,.-__ _ '"__�.. _��_. .._'_"._ .._'""_---� __. , �. '. ...__'__' .."
<br /> .!� . •�f .9�.._s .
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<br /> .. .. .. . . �..r�'
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<br /> � t;�, P ,; . .. ,. . � ��, � �
<br /> _.-- • ...._. - --`-----.._�`---___. _,. _: ___- -=_- -----. - - _
<br /> . . .. . - , . 611.At' .il �.S�K��' �Y H �� _
<br />- . � ' ., ' ��4�..�� - . , .._.
<br /> „ '.�l►�S A�t:e.�uwz�l: iss �:�c�r� as a� C�ti.e. !DL�S c'lQx;/ e,G May, ' 1!�9�� t:,�. ta���4 , P`
<br /> ��tueen FxV� p(�'�T1TS �JINK, wk►o�s meilin$ adcirnar"i�t.l?.p. B�x 1St17� t�+�rnd
<br /> ?'�l.at�c�, �Ifsbxtluk:i3� •tifJ�U2 (I�ee:s:i.�ltbif.Eiz: "B�G��:iKL'")s- r.h� ��.++��ax �F�I,S H�I��lr.r nF " _.
<br /> ' th� cert�ia Pro�tA�ory Nata fax �ht�tiy-7�h�ra4, Tnnusana n�.+na nunurs�i
<br /> i3o11ara and no/10�---(�33,Q0�1.0t�) .dat�cd D�cea+bar 26. X�91, �{lv�a b�r , .
<br /> Stepheu p;. �udd� a/k/a Stephen �dw�trd �u�A, snd Lart J.- Avrld, t►uph�ad
<br /> eand vi.fe(heroiaafter "l�orruw�ers") and �ecured by ths c*rts9a Dii�d ot
<br /> Txust of the aer�ai.n redl ee�ate Chereiu detsc�ribed, s3tve�Xed, lyiAg na.al
<br /> • heing in Hall GQ1Fr��Y. Nebraeka, arid more� pa�tfau7.erly d��ari.b+�d ar� , _
<br /> '- �allo�e� to-�iCs � . „
<br /> � LaC Qn� (�.), Budd SirUdivision, in �a11 CuunYy� Nebramkd.
<br /> .. which aaid Uaed .of T��est ia dat�d elie 16t1i day �f i�acemLnr� 1�91, �� _
<br /> � � ': wherel.n ifive Pc�i��ta Bncsk in Fseneficiary� e�n� recoxdnd in thQ Uffie� o�'
<br /> • ' ��E ��.��:seyx o:- ,�M��s cf 3irs�.?' Gere�ys NP,}1Y•'A&ti(�; aa Docamant N92-100�0A
<br /> Qf Mo��t�g�ges oa et�E 9eli �a3�;of Janur�ry, 1S92o •
<br /> 1iTTN�'�S�Tiit._ clist tltl7,� Nfik�i!Ca., aGb $�1G+iwG�.'�1w °.^•C� ��:.°.�� �:��P.°_,� .. �
<br /> • exesut�pra� adsiml�tratars and asstg�as, her�hy a�ucueiiy egce� �i�a� �:'.: -- '
<br />- ,� �im�e #dx the paynten� a£ the pz ai�al and l.n�araat �n ssld P�:qmiezory
<br /> Notes dii��e�d Dz�embyr 16, 1991 anu 'ebruery 2. lA9A p eh+�bl be ae fc�I lov�:
<br /> � A new FiMeB Rate Aalloon PrQ�►ieaory Note da�ted May 9, 1995 itk th�
<br /> � �r£uci.pal amounti of S35,OOA.QO Wi�h mouthly psymentr� ia the aaount of �
<br /> ��r � _.a�.. �H,_agFr.,r vitli n final
<br /> �50U.UU oeginning riay io� i»� au., M�»e..-, -
<br /> �aDa��y oQuq� � �_ �a�aintn� n_r.ineipal nlu� aCCrued lAtelCC�t due on
<br />' t�pril 1�'6, 2002. Tha new interest rr�te sha11 b� B.SX.
<br /> The Borrowera her4by further ratify and conf�.rm all oF tha Carma
<br /> ' snd coudieions oantAlued in Cha Da$d of Truec of 13orroWers to I,ender
<br /> dated.Beaembor 16. 1991 � �a ref�rred to above aud said Barrow9re wl.il in
<br /> a17. respeecs Eaithfully comply and perform aLl the covenante nnd
<br />- �romiooa in the aforesaid Deed oE Txuat.
<br />- It ie ex�ressly undaratood snd agreed Chat the aforear�id DeEd ot
<br /> Truet s�all remain in full focce and c�fi�ect in all xeepeete and thst
<br /> mothinq hereiu shRll affect or impair any rights az�d powsre Which the
<br /> Lander may havw thsr�uradar for Che recovery of the said debte eecured i�y
<br />= said Oeed Of Truets with �nteres�.� in c�se of the non�-fu1f�Z7.a�ent of
<br />= this Agreement.
<br /> And tliA said Bor�owers hereb�r covenant that thay wiYi pay Cho sa3d
<br />_ principal �sum and intaxest ae pcovided by �he promissory Note re�erxed
<br /> to above aC tt�e times therein epeci£ied and that they will perform and
<br />- obsorve oll oF the covonants, agreemente, etipulations snd conditione on -
<br /> - the yart o� the Borrowors contained in oaid Deea3 of Trust in a11
<br />- respe�ea. _
<br /> = IN WTTNL�SS WH�REaF, Che parriea hava hereunto se� thair hauda end =
<br /> '� eeals the day ar�d year fixs¢ ub�ove wriCCen. _
<br /> i T�YVE POI E"NK� �,endQr, _-
<br /> ,� _
<br /> � �y � ..
<br /> (Etl .rd M. O B ].e)
<br /> �.
<br /> � -�����.C�,�.�
<br /> CStenhen G. Budd a/k/a Staphcn L'dward Budd�
<br />: :� (
<br /> (Lori :J. Sudd)
<br /> Sorroworo
<br />_,
<br /> ���
<br /> � - �-�-.___�__�.�_�_.�------�-—
<br />