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<br />-�:�^fJ�,�,�`-�"°,4c�;S�:• IL9t! Ihifl .i0 t�iyy P�c:m the d�t�f1iU IIG11G0(3 df?iV6i'dt1 f!7 f�lttKft�tYfih�fl�1�iS�h �:_;i�7i'i&7 I�:llSI p�y r.Y tii:,;tJ 6"_C:J!'C:� b'iy ih!'!�y ���Yx� .
<br />.:,,�,�r..„.,.,,�::.;�=i� 3e�utk�/IertmmMtl. tf 8urr�wK Q�Nt to pMy thac�sum� {xfa ta th� �'�tkxi o} Ihln p«iad, l�dw�n�ay k�voks auay ns:wriia���` w --
<br /> ._—__.�..._,:=�.� t"��h:[?r�c9liy fl�.a:'.tlGiA(FIy(rt�itiwiztat v:ilhg:i!A:tit.�Ef ISGS�CQ I:i urtr:��i�d cs�t'�,r�r��u�. � _
<br /> n�
<br /> -- --- _— 1�. DA�f+QW�Y'e Filyht to R�I��tllt�r. If Dorrcwr�r mNdl� c�Srit contfitbnt, NoRaw�shaii hNVO :i�r�iyi�i 40 6«va v'
<br />:°;-;,�;";�-------- [�niacemsnt of�hN Sdcu�lty InRtr�m�t dl�cont!huod �9 my tlm�prlar so tha arqet ot: (�) 6 d�ya (a wch Ath�r pwfod wi �
<br /> � �ppN�.:�bk►law nu►y op¢cily ta rs�{natat�mxsl)duforo eats N tho l�opwty purwanl ta any Fovrei af u►1�conUk�1 Nt thh Baaxfcy
<br />_ _�'_.� Inehumanh, or (b) mtry of�Judyn�r►t mPuctno this&+aurtty InaUUment,YNoa�candkbn�tn ttut 8arrowu: (�1 WYs Ltlneia a�N ;,�
<br /> ==�_- --a euma �vt�(ch tha� wo►aId be dus undfr thl� S�cuiity fnn�ument Rnd th�Nat�ao If r.��cc�leatSon h�d occun'�d; tb)ejua�ueY
<br />-_�_:��,"'"�� dehuR ut any o!hx cov�sant oP�prs�mmt�; (o) Peye aY exp�nsea tr.currod In entarck�p iR1e 5ec�urky InsUVmw�t,Inaiudkiq,batt —
<br /> � �-.'�,'��� wot Hmited to, raiaonable�ttommp'ferrs; wid(d1 G:�ea suct�ac�:a�aa Len�'es:nny re�eonabh►raqu(re to tasure that th�p�n et •--_
<br />��:�c�..�:�'r'
<br /> thh Surxi�ity Inetrum�nt, Len�'o dghte En ths Property end BarowK's obN�Con to ryoy� the auma e�und by thFo Seaxity
<br />,,>=�-�. ��' ' � I�et�umont ohwti conUnue unch�n�Kf. Upon retnatatemvnt by Bo:rower, thte Bocurlty Inatrumx+t and t�t� obNpodono secur�cl —
<br /> '"�����`'`'=�+,� haeby ehRN rwnafn tuM/eftactNe ae if no acceler�t{nn hed ocouna➢. However,Ihfa dght to relnstate ahRN not a�py fn the case
<br />.c.%+t�.,�'�+�M'�GtV''•, ---
<br />' ,.t_-,;��.�:±��'`,; :,. ot eccoiarE4bn u�der pRn�graph 17. _
<br />—�'������ 19. S�1�o C� Not�; CFYal1p� Cf LQ�11 �a��vlCCr.The Note or •a pa.�thtl h�tere�t In tba Ncta (tapetha vMh thts
<br /> _..,?;�'':` ' �acudry Inatrument)may ba eold a�e or more t{mes wrihout prlor noUce to Borrowev.A eo!e m�y rttuR In a chanD�1n lh�mnttty
<br /> ..,'._: :.,i.„q�: �known aa the`Lo�n 6aYicw'):�.4 acrie�rr.arthy R�yrr.�ef�e4ee enc�a the�otA�nd thln 3ecxi�tqr Inehument. Then aho may
<br /> '-c:,,.�t,J be arte or mor� chanyes of fhe i.osn �avlcer urtret�ted to A aale ot tho Note. If there le • chanQa of tho Lesan 5frvicar,
<br /> z',_ ,�� Borrower wAi ba glv�wdtte�noUce o4 the change In nccordance v�rih paragraph 14�bovo�nd�pNceble law. The r�oticr wAY _
<br /> etate the nnrt�e and[tddress o1 the naw Loan 3erricfv w�d fi�o ad��s to�+i;tafi p�y�rcnt�shout�b�me�1e. The not!ct wN1 s��ao �
<br /> �:::Y=`.r;��;�'"'�� conhln�ny otha+r Intom�Uoa requlred by�ppY;.�bio kw.
<br /> 20. Haz�raiou�Sul�stsmcsa.Bortower sha9 not cauae or parml:tho F.resenao, use, d!sposdl, etoraga, or rdeaee �f _
<br />•��x=�• '` "-':�'�� �ny Hu�rdous Substances on or In the PrapeRyr. Borrower shaN not 80, nor a11ow anyane dse to do, �+nythln� at!ectlnq 4he -
<br /> ^ i, ,•,;,� Roperry that ta tn vtoleUon ot any Envlror+menta! Law. The pracrniing two eantences ehaN not appfy to tAo preeence, uae, �t
<br /> , atorege on the i'roperty of ema�11 quanUtles o} Hezerdous Substances thai are generaNy recagr:[sod to ba epproqtate to nom►d �__
<br />_ .,. .,.,
<br /> ,-�r tesldenUel uacs end to n�slntm�nce o1 the Propeny. —
<br /> Bnrtower e�eY pru�nptlY atve Lender wdtten notice of sny lnvesUgallon, ctakn, derrund, Iawauk nr o2her actlon by any
<br /> ~'� � govemmental or�eguletury agmcy or prNate parly InvoNing tha Proparty end eny Huerdouo s7matance ar cnvvirarwimeniai i.aw .,� �
<br /> .,� � wnich donower oia acivai imorrieu'ya. t� �:..'�:.a�:. � �n��°'!n� �ny aovemmentel or re�ulntotY authority. that eny
<br /> " � �� "' "� rcmoval or othe4 rer��ed(atlon o1 any Hezudous Substanc� atCactfng Praperty Is nscessary, Borrower aha11 prompty t�1ce aN
<br /> , ;� nacessary remed[a!nctlane In nrf.ordance wRh Envlronmr:ntat Luw. �-
<br /> . �, As used In thta p.uegraph 20, 'Hazardaus Substnn�s` are those aubstanr,as deSkied as toxla ot hezardoua subaUncea by
<br /> • Envlronmentat Law and the fatowing subatancea: gasollne, korouene, other flnmmable or tox�c peiroleum products, toxto
<br /> � pesticides end herbicldes, volatito oolvents, matedale contefn(ng asbestoa or tomiuldehyQe, end radloacUve mdtedels. l�s used Ni �.d.
<br /> �"t � pareomph 20, 'Envlronmentel Law' means tademl Isws and lawa o1 the judsdcUon whsre the Properly la located that rekte ta ,,�
<br />��`"^�'� '�'4 '�� hedth,ontety or envlronmentel protectlon. �
<br /> ��� ' PiON•UNIFOAHI COYENANT9.Bortower end Lender funher covenent and ngrae na follows: ��P�s
<br /> -�....:�,� � . t-`•--
<br /> � 21. Accolara'dlon; Romsdts�. Lender shali g(v� notice to �arrower prior 40 �ccefsratton —.
<br /> ... .. �:.:r,;
<br /> ° foltowing Barrawer'� breach of eny covanar►t or a8reemertt In thla S9curity Instruenent (but not :-
<br /> � � � •� � , prior to accelaratlon undv paragraph 17 unless appllcahle law provldoa othenwlse). The nottco '
<br /> Yt,`.••
<br /> " ' eha11 epecliy: (a) ths derhuR; (@) the aetlon requlr�d to cun th� d�fa��lt; (c) � dat�, no4 leas than
<br /> � �F � 30 days froQn the clate the �atice Is �p(ven to Borrowar, by whlch the dotauft mu�t bn cured; �r�d _. .
<br /> .' . � (d) tha! fellure tm curs ths dofault on or bgtore ths date epecttl�d in ths natics may resuR In � :•
<br /> '� .;•t;�� accsl�raUon of tho sums em�ured by thls Sacurity Instrument �nd sal��!tho Property.Ths notico
<br /> " � , �. �hal! tuether Intorm Borrowar o� the vl$ht to re9�stats after aaceferat�ora and th� rtght to brin� a
<br /> �.� court �ctton to assert tlre non-exis��nce a! a datault or �ny other defanse of Borrowsr 4a
<br /> ;.:,
<br /> • �•„ �: accolsratlon ond eate. {f tho detault la not cured on or bo7a�rv 4he dete s�secl�ied In th� notl�e,
<br /> � � �?"� Lender at its optlon may requlre tmmodlate paJ/ment In full mf all surns secured by th19 Security
<br />. -� Inatrumont without turther demar!d ei�d may Invoke the paw�r of �ale and any othar remedles _
<br /> � perenitted by appllcable lawr. Lender ehall bo ent�tled to collect all expenses Ineurred In purauing
<br /> � the romec�lea prov[ded In thts paragreph 21. Including, bvt nof Ilmiteci to, r0asonable nttornoye'
<br /> tesa anc! oosta oi title ovldence.
<br /> `' � If thv powor oP eate la Invokerl, Tru�t9e shall recard a nottce of detault In oach ccunty In
<br /> whicb any part a�F t8e Pro�erty Is located and shall mail coplos of such notioe In the manrnmr
<br /> " preacribed by eppUcablo I��u to �3orcower anal to tho other persona proacrihad by appllcabto I�w.
<br /> � After t1�e tlme requlrsd by appllaaafo law, Trustee ahall gtve publlc notice ot sale Eo the peraona
<br />, anr! In tha manner �Oeescrlbed by appltaable law. 7re�st�e, w3�fiout domand on Borrower. �hall sell
<br /> `" �� th� Property at pubflo auc4lon to the htghe�4 f�ldder a3 4ho 46ma and placa and undor the torrne
<br /> deslgnated In the r�otice of sale In one or m�re parcels and In aRy order Trua4ee detormin�s.
<br /> ' Trus4�e may poa4pone ooim of ail or s�ng► parcol o! 4ho Proporty by publlc en�ouncomont at t�o
<br /> :f timo and pla�o of any prevlously echedulod salo. Londor or ite desLgnev may puvclheso tho
<br /> , Pro�orky at �ny �ale. � _
<br /> •�___ �__�� �t � �..� as �i�n nvinu hld_ Truatna ahall dellver 4o tho purchaser Yrustee'e
<br /> , -�r,--T--- ypym �worp� v. ��.:.�... �. ..� r-'-- -•-• ----
<br />_ � , docad coe�voying the Properly. Tho roct4aln (n t�ao Yrus4ee's dec+d ahall bo prlma fecle evldenco af
<br /> `� � ' � th0 tYt�th of the sta�tara�en4a made theveln. Truotoe chall npply 4ho proceede ot' th� eaie In the I ,
<br />.- , tollowtng onder: (a) to nit crosts a�rd expens�s of exercising th� pav+er ot eale, snd the Qale, i
<br /> ;; including the p�aymenQ a4 th�Trusteo'e teoa t+atually Incurred, not to oxceed three ,
<br /> ., �'o oY 4Jee princlpal amount af the i�
<br /> n�Se et the tl►ne of thm declaratlon of default,and reasonablo attarnoy'o fees es pormttted by Isw; I
<br /> � � (b� to all sume securod by thla Seaurits► Ins4rument; and (o) any excoss to tlie pereon or pora�na i �
<br /> , : 14����y Of1tIt10d t0 It. '
<br />�— 7"`_ "�"`r �
<br />- F1316.LMa(10/E4) Pngo 4 c}9
<br />�L.� .� . I .
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