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<br /> . �ait�r �iving su�h nQtice, elr�tioz�, dem��d or rcquest. �d sriall be dciive:red persunitllly, by ,
<br /> t�lcgr�m� or sti�x by reg�st�rCd. cc�tlf'�ed.or Fxpress Umitod Statcs�ail,postage prcpaid�or by —
<br /> Fedcrel�cpns� or sirr�ilar service nquirir3g a receipt.to tt�other�arry at the as�lress�et fnrth .
<br /> �►bave,ox ta su�b�ther pArty and at such other a@dress �uithin tbe Unixed St�te�nf� �.s =
<br /> .i_ !__' •.t .t t. �f'ir�. s�� e�r wff✓��PiM♦ f�t�11 Hn�.�. v��� .n..h'. '
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<br /> demxmd or r�oouest ahall bc thc earliast of(i) the datt qf a�wal seceipt, (ii)tlur�(3cy d�►ys a�Ftcr
<br />-- - = t�e c�ate qf anai�ing by r��' �resi or•c�*���Q�nail, (iii�one (lj rlay aft�r t�e date of mail�g�y . _._
<br />-W.. -_� Fte�.+.cc '�1R�i1. nr tiv_� �9r_tive!ry (fnr mielivetrtl tn FCdex91 �IAI+GSS OT JlllDti�T 51�71�T SCMCR: ' =
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<br />-_= requiri�g a rx�ip�, or (ivj t�e dmte of g�eersonat cl�livery► (or r���sa1 upon presenta�i�n for —
<br /> delivery}. • —_
<br /> —= Assignor hereby at�thox��s NI�TI.IFE to give wriuen norice of th�is A�aiganient,which
<br /> may incIude a capy laereof. at any timc to any tenant under au�►of the Leases. �
<br />_�.__-�, . -
<br /> -- .. T5e tsr�aas "Assig�or" and "METI3FE" s�.�tll Ue constiued to includc the legal
<br />- _-- rsprasc�R�?3ves. succcssors and assig�s theitof. Tbe gesxler and n�nber uscd in this Assignmant , --
<br /> .�`�;�; arc u5ai �s a refer�nce texm ox�.�t,� sand shall apply with the same eff.ect wlaetta�n the parties ar� . �
<br /> -- of t�e masculine or feminine p�ater, corporate or other form. and the singuiar shall tikewise ' ' F--
<br /> — inclu�a the plural. . - :
<br /> �g`,'''
<br /> _-�v.�a '�'l�is As�ignmcnt�taay not be amended,modi�ied or changed nor shall any waiv�r of any ;.,;:_;
<br />----- . pzovisions Y►er�o�be eff�ective, exc,ept only by an is�..tmment in cvcieing and si�,med by the party •-
<br />— - against r�vhom �nfoir.ement of any waive�, amendnient, change� modification or discb���;e is `'�,-`_
<br /> sought. . . �c'�`
<br /> �
<br /> ���.�
<br /> —' Notwit�standing anything containsd herein ta the contrary, ia nc� �vent sha11 this �=--`
<br /> _���9 Assigament be de��mal to reducc the indebtedness evidenced by the Note by an�nn¢ount in excess ���:=_
<br /> __ ---= of the actual amau�►t.u�f cash re,�eived by M�TLIFE wider the Lcases, wY�ether before,during 's rs
<br />==�-� or aftcr thc occw�cace Af an�v�cnt of lAefaul�,and Assignox aclmowledges tla�s in�o�vent shall -
<br />: "'='�''�` . the indcbtedness securod hereby be reduced by the value fr�om time to time ar vhe rents, income -
<br /> :-�---�- and profit� o�oa firom the Property. Ia adclirion, METLIFE c�serves t�ae right� at any time, '}
<br />