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<br /> --- �f,�� i�,;,!.:4• 4:�p�ir��•,14�r���ic��•:;r�u;�u incm-r.r;iflpr��rcd hv q.�rxtc�u�:s'rs hrc��ntice xvailat+it uiuJ ls r�u.aincd. &movy,er xh�ll py
<br /> -.. . - - SF�W�ICCUI�UI]L9 YC(iUlf/�L�111tpT1Ti1iT1 liK�[Y���u h�,.i�.�.`+'..��3 r::���..U"�,�'°••!'Id�.;�tµ�,.�'1•�.41�:, lifGlf Q�IC 1'CUiltttqM.°�f 5�.� itt�•R�,1'!I�j'� , _ ._( -
<br /> insu�a�xY tnttn in ucctrrdance wieh any writttnaKrc�nxnt bS�t+xepn Borr���var urKl lxnder�u.aR►Pficub;e luw.
<br /> 9. ictsprctSan. li:�xtt:r u�•i�s tigt;nt may ruak4 re.��;un.qhl�cntrics uixm.antl i��+(+�'�riou�+ �1f tt�i'roperty.I.�ndrr�hell �ire
<br /> � g3c�i�ra�wrr nuticr,at thclitner cil'cr pti�r Ro un in��etiun spei:i�}iug reav�nuhlc crusr!'ur tiia f�tisE�cx:i�in: "
<br /> l0. ��sndtmr►�51un. 'Phe;pr+xcrils u1'n�y awurd��r ci•ri+n t��r dan�age�, �Eirce:t�r con�yiicn�i;�t.xa conrxxtion w�rh �n�r .
<br /> 4<�mlemnxtian or nther taking of an}•paii�f the l'ru�rty,ur for a+na�ya�xc in lieu ut w�xicinnudn��: ;irc licreby assi�nesi a�c!
<br /> st�all be paid ta L.t�:ictGr. _ - -
<br /> In the event of a total is�king of the P�a�eriy,the pecx:cals shull be a}�p1f�:t��tlte sums securc+,i by thi�Sc�curit��iaecru►neat,
<br /> w1ie��}.r�r nos then due, witl�ony exccss paid to I3orrowcr. �n tha .vr.nt of a partia! tuki�4�uf the Fra}xny in which the fuir
<br /> markct vafu�of thc Prop�ny emn�e.diatcly l�cfore du:takiisg is equa!ta or g�cat�r�han the anwuut of'the sums s�curcd by this
<br /> Securlty Ir+struncuf iimncdiately before thc taking,unl�ss Borro:vcr ancl i.cn�t�r othciwisougt�e i»writing, th�su�»ti�:cure�!by' „ _
<br /> • this Sccurity� Instrumcnt shall be reduccd by the amount of thc procce�s mu�tiP[�ccl by tkie f+�llowing fra�.Kioi�: (n) thc total
<br /> anwunt c►f thc sums�secured immediately bcfaec thc t�►kiug,divideci by(t�) tlie faxr��xta�ket va`ue o pthe Propc►ty t m;►ediatrly
<br /> befor4 th�eaking. Any balnnce sF��ll 6e p:iid ta Bor[ower. 1n the evcnt oi u�,a�.iat :.�a..b o. tl;�.:�F_--, .n ..li:.. rh4 fsir
<br /> ' market vulue of the Property immaliately bcfor.:the taking is less than�he ctmount of the sums�.::�.+ietl immc.�liatcly lx:fur�ihe
<br /> n,
<br /> •-�_---- talcing, unlcss�3onnwcr and Lender other�vise agrec in writin�or unlcss a��lic.nble law athcrwi�provides,the prucceds sh�li
<br /> - � be appii«i icu fiic sums sccurr�i L;�dil,Sa-u�ry'Irsi:um�nt v,hptt�*or n�t t`�e�r:ms°re tl�en due_ � �_
<br /> ` ��-� If the t ropt:riy i:;nba�idonca bj� i+u�►v�ti°ni,C:'if,after��nti�by Lnt�!:r to R"'�`"wtiT that die condeiunor offecs to maRe a�� ___
<br /> -- award or settle a clai►n for damages. Borrowcr f:uls to rFSpand tu l�nder within 34 days aRcr ths d:�tc thc n�tice, is given, `
<br /> -- L.ender is authorizr.d to collect�nd apply the proceecis,at its optin�, cither to resroratton or repair of the Property or to ihe sums _
<br /> - sccurul by this Securi�y instrument,whcth�r or not then due. �
<br />� Unless Lender nnd Borrowcr othcrwise pgr�e in writing, any �pplication of procecds to principal sl�:�l rtot extcr.ci or
<br /> - - postpone the due datc of the mondily payments refcrrcd to in paragrophs 1 and 2 or chan�e the amuurit of such payn�ents.
<br /> �: u._�_,....��.*?��uaf���;Forbrs�rn��ce T3b Leudcr Not A WAiver.Eatcnsion of the timc far pnyment or modifiwflon
<br /> - of amortization of the swn;secured by thDs Secunty�nstrumem�anieci by Lc���=n:�.z�°�=-F'-�' '�?P"t nt�snrmuer snan � :-
<br /> -- noi operate eo relcase tfie liability of the origin.11�3ar�rower or Burrower's sacc�ssors in interest. I.ender stn:u9 nat be n:qaircd to —
<br /> -.;s-.,,� -
<br /> •'�� commettce p7oceedin�s ugvnst any suceessor in interest or refuse to extend time�'or payment or othei�wise modify ainortiaation
<br /> --- of the sums secured by this Securi'ty�•lnstn►ment by rcason of azry demand ms�e by thc original Borrower or 6oROwcr's
<br /> -� successors in interest. Any fori�ear:inn:by Lender iu exercising any right or remedy shall not be a waiver of or preclude the
<br /> - exercise of uny rigttt ar semedy.
<br /> 12. Successors ai1�J Ass�n��s Bound;Joi�►t �nd Stveral Llnbility; Ca-si�ners.The covenants ami�greemenu of diis
<br /> _ � Security Instrument shall bind and benefit ti►e sua:esaws�.d assi�hs of Ler.der anc�B�rro�*�er, ���hj�ct tn the provision9 of .-
<br /> - parngmph 17. Borrower's eovenants�d a�rcements shali be joint and severul. Any BorrowEr who c�•signs this Security
<br /> _ _= Inst�ument but does not execute the Note:(a) is co-sibning this Securiry Instrument only ta mortgage. grant and convey thut
<br /> -"-- Borrower's intcrest en the P�coperty under th�tcmis of this Security Tnstrumcnt; (b)is not persanally obli�uted te�pay the sums
<br /> - _- � . secured by this Security`ifnstrument; and(e)agrees that l.ender and aay other Sorrower m�ry abn;e to extencl,modlfy, forUear or
<br /> -�:�.�,.��j make nny accommodations witn regard to the terms of this Security Instrunient or the Nate withaut that Borro�ver's consent.
<br /> - !3.i.oan Churges.If dte luan secured by this Sec:urity Instrumcnt is subject to a law whicli sets maximum loan charges,
<br /> �� - - and that law is finally interpreted su that the interest or other loan cliarges collected or to be collected in connection�vith the _ __
<br /> - �oan excc�the permitted limits,d�en: (a)any sacl�loan charge shall be reduced by fhe amount nececsary to reduce the charge � v
<br />__-�y� to the permitted limit:and(b)nny sums already collected from Borcower whicn excec:ded perm�tte.ri limaes will be refunded to -
<br /> =--'-,;� Bonower. Lender may choose to make this refund by �educia�g the principn� owed under the Note �r 3y makin�o dircct
<br /> ='- payn�ent to Borrowcr. If a refund re�uces principal, the rrduction �vill bc tralted �.s a partial prepayment without m�y
<br /> --T�'J prepayment di:srge under the Note. -__
<br /> -�r�q 14�Notices.Any noticc to Horrotiver provided for in this 3ccurity Instrument shnll be given by dclivcring it or by mailing - _
<br /> �--�,,,_�.._� it by first�lass mail unless applicat�le law rcquires use of anott►cr method. The notic�shall be directed¢c�tlie Praperty Address ��,.
<br /> __----� - or any odicr address Bonower dc�ignat�s bry na.ice to L.endcr. Any noticc to Lender shmll be giva��y fii�t class mail to ��;
<br /> __ E.,:'�� Lender's address statcd he�cin or 1a�3•nther address Lender des�ei�ates by notice to Borrcnl�4�. Any notice provided for in this �-S:,
<br /> �_�, Sctiur+t9t�lnstrument s1iaU bo decmcd to have been given to Borro�ver or Lender when�ivcn�s pnovidcd in dtis paragr.iph.
<br />_-_���:� 15.Governing Luw; Severnbillty. This Sccurity instrument shall bc governed by falcral iaw and thc !aw of tlie �
<br /> m'"'�._+ ' jurisdiction in�vhich the Property is located. In the event that any provision or clause of this Security•Instrurrecnt or the Note
<br /> "�`�=;; conflicts�viUti applicable I:nv,such conflict shall not affect other provisions of this Security Instrumei�t or the Note�vhich can be
<br />:.��i_44_�9lY..�.
<br />°�;,�;;•.�.,;` given;.�;;:et�vithout the cunllicting provision. To this end the provisions of this Security Instxument an�the I3ote:ue declared
<br /> .=t�S�fliF to be set•er.tble.
<br />� --•� x6.Borro«�er's Copy.Borrowtr shall bc givcn onc conformed copy of the Note and of this Security Instnrmcnt.
<br /> -�� Form 3028 9l30
<br /> _�:;yet . .
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