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<br /> = the pre.n�tutav rc.�yufrcvl to r►u�intein��K�rtgpge in�urance i��effect,�rri�►pravidc�lus�rr�e�ve,untel th��cyuircn�n�ii�r�r►c�rtQap�,. ` -
<br /> - iyisnramcc cnd.r•iu ur�:ur�l�nce with anj�wrltteis��rcc�►icnt i5etwc�en T3oxro«'er u��J I.�ixlei'or a�pAruhlC la�v.
<br /> f� 9.tns{terflan, Q,ct►dc►�nr Its a�tnt m[ry ntakc rc�I5pll.ihlC Ci1.iS'ICS Uj7p11 U11t{�IIS�;�;t1011w o`L�1C Pf�t�Klly. l.�.nder nIlBII��VC
<br /> 1�on��necr n!rtl�c at thc iimo of or�ri4r tn nn ins�s:ctlon,.�cifyfn�rcason�blc cauu:for ehc iauEY�ctinn.
<br /> —___—_� !0. Cn�crlem��s�llon. Thc;procccds uf us�y aw;�'d ar clnl►n far d(l6l11�;CS, clircct or canscyiceiittn'.� in.conncctiu�x with nny __
<br /> -------_._---� condemnat�nn or other I�kin� nf nny pait of Uie �ropeny,ar ior eonveyuizce in li�u of con:�emn�tion. nre;,..�by as!�i�nec�cnd �--
<br /> - _ shaN be Naid to i.ciid�r.
<br /> ��- In thc cvent af a total taking of th;,Pro}�crty,li�c procevds s�mll bc�pplicd to thc:;ums sce�rcd by this Sc�urit�r Iastrument,
<br /> --�� wl�ethcr ar not then duc. wit➢�a��y excess paid io IIorroivcr. In thc cvem af s,rartinl takirsg of thc Properry in which thc fair —
<br /> ----= markct vulu�of the 1'roperty imme�latcly bcforc thc taking is cqu�il to or greater than the ai»ount of thc sums secur�;cl by this
<br /> Sccurity Instrumcnt immediately beforc tho taking,�dilcss Hormwer and Lender othera�ise abree in wredng, cl►e sums secureci t�y ,
<br /> this Security Instrument si►all be reduced by die nanount of the proceeds multiplied by [he following fractian: (a) the tn[al
<br /> - - -� t►mount of the sums secnrcd iuru�ediatciy be�ore ttic taking,divided by(b)the f�ec t��esket valite of tl2A pm�rty immodiatcly
<br /> �� before ihe taking. Any balance shall be paisi to Rorrower. In dte event of a partial taking of /!ic Praperty in which the fair
<br />�_ri� rnarkct v:due of tP�c Property immediaccly before th�taking is Icss thun the amaant oF tl�e sums secured immcd.�ately bcfa�n the , —
<br /> -.-__-_- - ---� taking, unless Botm�ver and E.en+3�i oElierwise a�ree in writing or unless applicable la�v othenvisc providcs,thc procceds sitall __
<br /> �°,wudi�ai�4i� Rc app3icci[a«�e su►n�acxwcu by :iii5 w C;li SLj Yi�3tTi1��12:�:'hCL�:cr or��I St2�3tlAl°9i�*.�tai!�CC. - �
<br /> ----�==�`'-'�=! If the Property is Abattdaned by Borrower, or if,aftcr noticc by Lender to F?orrowr.r that the candemnor oft'ers 2o make ar�
<br /> =���;,�; uwatd or seule a cinim for daniages, ���nuwer fails to respond ta Lender within 30 days after the date the notice is given, _
<br /> - L.�rder is authorize�l to collect and apply the pmceeds,at its option.either to rrstor.ition or repair.of che Property or to the sums
<br />�=`-' sccurcd by this Sec;uritp Instrument,whether or not d�cn due. --
<br /> "'�� Unless L.ender and Borrotivcr othcnvisc ugree in �vriting, uny application of proceeds to prtncipal shall not extend a; _
<br />�,*�;u�►�,l�,�i
<br />-_=�.-�,��,�.�.,� .,�,�rnnne the due date of dte moutlily navments referced to in para�raphs 1 and 2 ar cliange t3�e nmount of suci�payments.
<br /> --����� ai.DurTBrifi L:r� ��«`��iS����w nr�t�.;.1�N�t�WMiv�r.�Y�nsl�.��f r�,e�imr.for nayment or mochticatton
<br /> �� �^ of amortiz�ttian of the sums secured by this Security [nstrument granted by Lendcr to any sucoessor in interest of Bonower shalt
<br /> �'�.r �� not operate to release the liability of the original Borrower or porrower's successors in inter�st. L�ender shv.11 nat be requirc;d to �:-
<br />?r':�;r,t-';'�:+;.�• + commence mceedin s a ainst an successor in interest or refuse to extend time for payment or nthenvise modify nmaitizatton
<br /> ""�.,.� P � S Y
<br />`_�r»:;....:�r
<br /> ;.. x..;��,." .•,�,. of the sums secutc�d by this Secwriry Instrument by reason of any demand made by the r-iginal �orruH�er or Borrower s
<br /> y�,.;
<br /> J�'-����'�����:����.� succe.gsors in�interest. Any forbeaa�ance by Lender in er.ercising any right or remedy shall not be a waiver of ar preclude tlte -
<br /> •'�1�j0-�^�p�'�` exercise of any right or remuiy. —
<br /> ='�:'1'�::�°�� 12. Successvrs and Asslgns liound; Jofnt and Severnl Liabil[ty; Co-signers. The covenants and agreements of this ___
<br />:.:..�1Hw.�rts irt.�7'n"�v.r
<br /> �'- - Security Instrament shnll hind and benefit the suceessers and assi ns of Lender nnd Borrower, sub'ect to the rovisions i�f
<br /> - �'"--'=_,�.::i S J P f�:sv_
<br />__�_._�_� .- �. paragraph 17. Borrower's covenants and agccements shall be joint and sevcr.tl. Any Borrowcr whu co-signs this Sccurity v_•_
<br /> ..W���� Instrument but does not execute the Note: (a) is co-signing this Securiry Instrument only to mortgage, grant .tnd convcy that �
<br /> =`=`�-""- - Borrower's interest in the Pro ert under the terms af�this 5ecurity Instniment; (:b)is not personally oblig�ited to pny the sums ��.
<br /> r.'.,�-���_�,�:i'.� P Y
<br /> - _`_'°-��'�`'� secured by this Sccurity dnstrument;and(c)agrecs thut�.ender and any othcr Borro�ver ma,r agree to extcnd,modify,forbear or ";•_`:=`
<br /> , *��� make any accammodations with re�ard to thc terms of this Security Inctrumcnt or the Notc without thnt Borrotiver's conscnt. �';�
<br /> �i.�,,�r iIr':r�
<br />:- -,-�.-..- . } 13. Lc�A�Clinrges. If ehe loan secured by ti�is Security Instrument is subject to a law�vh�ch sets maximum loan charges,
<br /> .,�. Tv.l:b-''�1�,��.�� "
<br /> ..?=j�
<br />: .-.�:�� ;�•.;�, and that law is finally interpreted so that ti�e interest or other loxn charges collected or to be collected in connoction with the
<br />: .- •• " loan exceed the permitted limits, tlten: (u)any such loan charge shall be reduced ny che amount necessary to reciuce the charge ,
<br /> �'.-�� '. to the permitted limit;and(b)any sums already collectal from$orro�ver�vhich exceeded permitted limits will be rafunded to , -
<br /> Borro�vcr. Lender may choose to makc this refund by reducing thc principal owed undcr the Notc or b�� making a direGt
<br /> ���� °_'�.� payment to Eorrowcr. [f a refund reduccs principsl. thc reductio•n will bc treated as a partial prepaymcnt without nny .._
<br />� '�` " '' � prepayment chargc under the Notc.
<br /> ��"` ~� - "°' 14.Notices.Any notice ro Borrower provided for in this Securiry Instniment shall be given by delivering it or by mailing
<br /> _ _ ..:.,.,..�.,.,� ,
<br /> -� � ." it by first class mail unless applicable law requires use of miother method. Thc notice shall be directed to the Froperty Addrcss
<br /> � _';��:.�.� or 1ny other address Borrower designntes by notice to Lender. Any nutice to [.ender shall be gi�•en 6y first class mail to
<br /> Lcnder's address stated hcrein or any other address Lendcr designites by noticc to Borcowcr. Any notice provided for in this
<br /> � . •�'� . Sccurity Instrument shall be dcemed to have been given to Borrower or[.en3er when givcn :u provided in tliis paragraph.
<br /> • P ��' ••'� 15.C.overni�� Law; Severnbllity. This Sccurity instrument shall be govern� by fedcral luw and thc law of thc
<br /> � ' '�° jurisdiction in which the Property is lo�ateci. in the event that any provision or clause of this Security Instrument or the Note
<br /> '.:'':. °:.,. :� � contlicts with applicable law. �uch conflict shall uot affect other provisions of this Sccurity Instrum2nt or the Note�vhich can be
<br />'':?s..,. :°,, •.��i� ' given effect without the conflicting provision. To this end the provisions of this Security Instn�mcnt and the Note an:decla�•ed
<br /> "� ' to bc sevcrablc.
<br /> „ . 16.Borru�ver's Copy. Borrowcr shall be given one conforrneci copy of the Note and of ihis 5ecuriry Instrument.
<br />- ° � Form 3028 9/90
<br /> ,+
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