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<br /> Gxtures now or I�ercal'tcr n pw:t of tho �t�,�►erty. Al! re�ylaceiixntti tux?� u�ldltiur�v s1�a11 aly�► !>e s:uvrr��4 by t1ri5 Se-c��l�ty
<br /> :�_�`:-�"°�' ���,••,�=r�n► AI!�f t�s fi�3:.r�oiiz��s rcfcr►��tu irt tt�is��;ci�iily I�;;t►umc�it.1��tlte"Fr���x::ty.'
<br /> - • • ,.�.,. .
<br /> BQKRqWER 4'UV�N.AN'i"S that t3orex►wer is lawfully n,:3�.of li�c cstata herray cY�uvcyC�l+.��1;dn:;�� ;,a...+•- a=.-=,..-..� - -
<br /> coc�vcy ths Prc►periy t+ncl that thP Fru��e�'ty is bnen�uinhc:cct, r:xcept fur r.ncumbtbncec of r�<ird. f3�n'ruwer warr+mtx urri will =
<br /> � defcnQ generally cl�e title to the Prb}xrty agiiinst nll clafnts:z►e,l dc�nanQs,sultiJect t��uetiy c��cumbra7��:cs n1'rea!r��.
<br /> " -- Tl-1[S SFCURITY 1NSTRUiVIl�1NT c9mFii��es unifonn covcnxnls fnr�iatlnnal usc atki u.im•unifurtn rnve►wnts with litnita8
<br /> �� VA!'�111Q1K�ly,�UfIS(�lCllRJ1(0 C(il)Slllll[C II UI1II�OI'[ll SOCUCUy Ill�.lflliitCLll l'i1VCCltljy IC}.1I�11'o�Caty. ;•
<br /> -- IIN1�AkM CO'JI.'NAN7'S. Ilnrrpwgl'0.N�Il:ll(I�C COVCIl3i1�il1HI U�jCCL•.i19 AtII(IWy; „
<br /> ---_ - -
<br /> 1. �'aymcnt ut Priixtpw{ �and lnEerest; A'�•e�y'Itl�fll QA!(I A,xte t:iu��e+u, i'srirniw•c�� ����1{ �;�r.mi;tly n;�y ::�l��n�!�P �u, ----
<br /> princip:d af«ixl in►c-rtst �m titc dcUt evidcnccd by thc Notc iuxl aieY prcpay+��rut u��l i,ita cf�arkrs,dur.wxlKr tha Nu�r,
<br /> �. �'Qllt�` tOM ���NXi.W Qi!!.��Pl?IiP8Ii4l'. �IIW,�C�:l l(►(Ir1�1��C1h�L` �i1W Of lli {11H[IllCtl N'aiv�r hy I.c�i�Jcr, �'SIIrI'OWfY��131�� �My fl�
<br /> [.cndcr oE�tl�c�1ny nwm�ily p:ry�ucntti arc duc�indcr tFic N��tc,uuti!�E►�Nutc ik��ai��iu('�ll,u�am►("I�uirlk")ti��:(;r)yc�rely Iaxeti -
<br /> ltqll Uti5�:S3i1R014 WII[{:II i91ay iittaiu prlurfty ovcr this S��cucity l�tititrtwk�nt av u Il�:n un th� 1'r����i�y;�h)yrar�y icasrlinl�!�+�yir�rntv -
<br /> c►r groum!rcu��nn tho[h�npCrty. if nttiy:(cl Ycarly h;ir.�ird or pru�x:ty in�uraiKe�+rc�nluie�v:td)ycarly Ninxf Inrusu►xa prrq�lum�s,
<br /> ----- h�ny:i�f y�.-��Dy r.�or.n;gc Iaz�,G:a�r�pr,�:nie!i�s. �f'r!ny: nnd(q uiiy sun� gaYuhl4.hy 1i+un+wcr t��l,�cxicr, in ucM�r�uxc wfU�
<br />- -= 1hc provisionv of�:ar;�bca�h 6.in licu oP thc paymcnt of mo�tsnsc inst�raia.�^prc«tlums. 'i'hcw f�c1»�+urc c�lled"li.sct�,►w ltems; _
<br /> ,_„�„�„A I.cndcr may, ut uny timc,cullect and holc!l�unds in an amounc not to exc;tt�d ttic muxinium u�r�a,unt a Ic�xler for i�fixleraliv
<br /> - --- relatcd moiyg<ige Ic�am m�y rcquire tor Borrower's ecr,row ncc�unt utulce elic fedcnil Rcal Fstnte Sctelement !'nocedurcs Act of
<br /> --�� i97A ns mnendcd fron� timc to time. 12 U.5.G. Section 2601 et seq. ("It�SPA"}, uul�s5 an..�tha�la��iha.a�,pli�s ta tlze Fe:it.� --
<br /> _.�:.._�_� .,.. �o« . ,,,.� � .�.�
<br /> - scts a lesser nmount. If S0. T.Cf1dC[ Itl:ly, at any time, W�iCC[All�Iltlld I�ands in au:.iai'viiici fi'v4 eG CnC+�;! S�.°..�°. °'•�"�•` —
<br /> Lendcr mmy estimate ttie amount of Funds due on the b;4sis of current dam nnd rr,usonaCle cstimatr,s of cxpendiwres of futurc �
<br /> Escr�w Iten�s or oshenvise in ac:.ordance with a�pplicable iaw.
<br /> The Fun�ds shall be hcld in an institution whosc dcposits are insurrd 6y n fcdcral agetzcy, instrument�llity, ar entity --
<br /> - - (including l.ender, if Lender is such an insl�tution)or in any Federal Home l.oan Hank. ll�ncYer shall apply the Funds ta pay tY�e
<br /> Fscrow Itenis. I.ender may not charge Horrower f�r holding and upplying the Funds,annually analyxing the escrow uccount,or
<br /> - — �.___.._n�..,.r,:,.�:�.,fpr,������he FundF�m1 aunlicablc la�v permi[s I.eltd�r to in;�ke suCii
<br /> - 'vv'-iSi'j'iR�ZSSC�.°.."iL::Y!lrtii.LSLrw!.�ttM1tL't u..�.� . ..
<br /> " s:� a ch�*ge. However.I.ender may rcquire�orrower to ps�y a one-time charge for an independent real estate tax repar[ir.g s�vicc
<br /> -_�;_:�� asrd by Lcnder in coxmection .with this loan, unless applicablc law provtdes otlicnvise. Unless an agreement is madc or
<br /> "--_- applicable 11w reguires interest to be paid,C.ender shall not be required t�pay Borrower nny intere+t or elrnings on th;.Funds.
<br /> ���- � ��rrawer and Lendcr may agree in�vriting, howevcr, tl�at interest sh�ll be paid on thc Funds. Lenc�er shall giue to Borrowcr,
<br /> -_��.= without charge,nn annua! accounien�of the Futtds, showing credits and debits to the Funds anc!tl:e purpose t'or wl�ich cach
<br /> � debit to the�unds wus made.The Funds are pled�ed as additlonal security fnr all sums eecured by this Security instrument.
<br /> if the Funds l�eld by I..endcr excce.d the nmounts permitted co be held by applicable law,I.ender shall aceount to Boreower
<br /> —"��"� for thc exccss Fands in accordancc with thc requirements of appiicable law. lf the amount of iiiC F�uds hctd by Lcnder ut wy �
<br /> J '�`�' Yime is not sufPicient t�pay the Escrow Items when due,Lender may so nutify Bonower in writing,and,in suchcttse Bonower �,.
<br /> _ �.,,,.���a-- shall pay to Lender the nmount necessary to malce up the deficiency. Bortvwer shall make up the deficiency imno more than �,.,;.
<br /> - ='=
<br /> _--��.�'n twelve monthly pa��m�nts,at L.cnder's sole discrction. _
<br />-.-=-•�f��;;;:��� Upon payment in full of ull sums secured by this Security Instrument. Lender sl�all promptly refund to Bonower any - _
<br /> .y-:�"'+w��._=� Funds hc[d by Lender. If,under pura6raph 21,Lender shall acquire or se!1 the Property,Lender. prior to the�tcquisition or sale i_R
<br /> _-~--- ' of du Property,shall apply any Funds hcld by I.ender s�t the temc of acquisition or sal�us a crcdit against the,swns secured by ��_;._
<br /> -_=_-=W:;= this Security Instcument. _—
<br /> _-i��=�°�'`;;,� 3. Apglfcallon of Paymen�s. Unless�pplicabte Iti�v�rovides othcrwise, all paymcnts received by Lender mider paragraphs
<br />...�o..,��. 1 attd 2 shall be applied: first, to any �mpayment charges duc under the Note;second,to amounts payable under puragraph 2: �;;�•
<br />:.,�;,�'�:�r� third,to interest due; fou�Kh,to p►incipal due:and last,to any late charges duc under thc Natc. �r
<br />'��"'�; 4. Cha�a; Llens. Borrower shall pay all tases,nsscssments, cl�arges. fincs und impositions a►tribus�bl�to thc Property ��,��;-.
<br /> =__``.'��" w�iich m�y a4tain priority over this Security Instrument, und Ieasehold payments or ground rents, if any. Borrower shall pay r�,.
<br /> � �' ��-�!�� t[iese obligations in the manner provided in paragrAph 2.or if not paid in that manncr. Bonowct shall pay them un timc dircctly �
<br /> -- ��y'��� • ��-
<br /> = to thc person owed payment.Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender all notices of amounts to be paid under this paragmpl'�.
<br />=�-f��:'. •
<br /> ,�-.a_s?,�;' If Borrower makes thesc payments directly.Eorrowcr shall promptly Curnish to I.ender receipts�videncing t4te payments. -<=i
<br />`'�:_,�'`�:��,: Borrower shall prompily dischar�e uny lien which has priority over this Security Instrument un(ess Borrower. (n)agrees in =;:
<br /> -•• writing to thc paymcnt uf thc oUligation sec;ured by thc licn in a manner acceptable to Lender;(b)contcsts tin good faith the Ilen �•� f
<br /> �%:��%'�'"�k�`j by, or dcfcnds against cnforcenient of the licn in, legal proceedings which in tl�e Lender's upinion operate to prevent tli� �
<br /> , ..
<br /> '�.tr�=�';�'yt-�;' cnforccmcut of thc lien:or(c)secures from the holdcr of the licn an agreement satisf:ectory ro Lendcr svhorcl�nuting the ficn to
<br />.- ..,;�`;:�;. tl-�is Security Instrument. If L,cnder detennines that any part of the Property is subject to a licn �vhich may atcnin �riority ovcr
<br /> e•;x��,.,.'�"�' this Security Instsument,Lendcr may givc Burruwer a noticc idcntifying the lien. Borru�vcr shall��tisfy the lien or�aEcc one or
<br /> °-'�-'-�f�=��'' more of the actions set forth above within lU days of the givin�of notice.
<br /> - " ' �� Favm 3028 9l90
<br /> _ . Papo 10�6
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