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<br /> AFFIDAVY�t'
<br /> � Ss. '�95— �n�`Lt30
<br /> COMES NOW Eugene W. Jeffres an3 hereby deposes and states that
<br /> h� is the owner of the foZlowing described property:
<br /> .A �ract of land comprisi*�g a part af thQ South Half of
<br /> the Southeast Quarter (S 1/2 SE 1/4) of Secticn 35,
<br /> �Township 9 Nc�rth, Range 12 West af the 6th P.M. , Hall
<br /> County, Nebraska, said tract beinq more particu�arly
<br /> described as follows:
<br /> BEGINNING at the So•a�heast corner of sa�d S 1,/2 SE 1/4:
<br /> thence iunning on an ass�lmed bearing of N 90Q 00' 00'�W c,n
<br /> �he South li�e of said S 1/2 SE 1/� for a distanc� of
<br /> 574.�0 fee�; thence N d0° 16' 38"W for 490.00 feet;
<br /> thence N 90Q 00' 00"W for 456.00 feet; ther.ce ?� Oa� 16'
<br /> 36'�W for 834.68 feet; thence S 89Q 54' 46"E an the North
<br /> line af said S 1/2 S£ 1/4 for 496.00 feet; thence S 009
<br /> 16' 28"E f.or 386.91 feet; thence S 8�Q 54' 50"E for
<br /> 5?�.02 feet to a point on the East linP of saic� S 1J2 Sg
<br /> 1/4; the,nce S OOQ 16' 38"E �n the East �.ine of said S 1/2
<br /> SE 1/4 for 936.15 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, said
<br /> tract containing 21.841 acres mor� or less, the Southerl�•
<br /> and E�sterly 33.00 feet therec� being Ha12 Coun�y road
<br /> right-of-way.
<br /> Ths Affiant further states there has previously been filed an
<br /> Oil and Gas Lease dated July �.0, 1951 filed July 17, 1952 in the
<br /> Regis�er of Deeds office in Book Q, Page 115 and provides that if
<br /> no wel� i;. commenced on said lot or, or befor� the ist day of
<br /> August, 15�2, that the said Lease shall terminate as to both ,
<br /> parties. Your Affiant therefare states that he has been in
<br /> exclusive con�rol and possessi�r. of the above-described property
<br /> since October 4, 1993 and that no well has been �commenced on the
<br /> premises and therefore gives notice }„hat the Oil and Gas Lease has
<br /> been and nereby is �cerminated.
<br /> i
<br /> EU ENE 6i
<br /> SLIBSCRI�3ED and sworn to befo me i � day of May,
<br /> 1995.
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