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, <br /> � <br /> . <br /> "'-. __ _ - <br /> YL .. _.. .... ._ —' ' .. . <br /> ;:.d . _... . .. . .. " .. _ �_ . .� _ � <br /> . . . . . . . � � .�'.. _ " .. <br /> ��,►� f�95- 10319'7 __ . <br /> 1. Paytn�rcb. Borrower eprses to make ap peymeerts on ths ssaxed deAt +R'hen due. Unlest Borrower �nd Lendx ap►de otherwise. �nY <br /> �ay^wrtt• l ender rmtaives firom 9wrovrsr or fw Bonovrec'a bensfit will be oppdsa Rrst to ury amounts Bonows►owes on ths seafred dsbt <br /> ...�c} ^aest�prineipai,s�nd to�tsresL srx!tt�n to prt�cipal.It partiN Prspayrtront ot tla�cured detr:occurs fa any rbason,h wiM <br /> �� .��: •cus�:'rY`�►+sduisd PaY�++�ert�1!tM Ka+nd d�bils�d kt fu1t. <br /> 2.Clsum Apewct T!tls.Bonower}�vIN pay sN tsxes.�rt�nb.and fotfier chergs�attrtbuLabie to ths whan dua�d witl deM�d tltSs <br /> to tlte orooriv,�,.�.,�....,.,,�.�.:•w.r-•;:cM' .,._.«^.�y.^.�.�..r«,�..Lender may require .owa to assiqiz enY�tOhts.dsirtu or <br /> defensia wMch�orrowe►msY haw sqahtit P��vrtw suppfy UAor or mata�iets to fmprovs or rt�ah�d�r+M.e P►oPortY. <br /> 3.h►s�xanet. $xrowx wUf ksap ths ptnpKty tr�sesed urde►termR ac�Dte to Lender st Batowa''s exp�nss and for Lsr�det's hanetit.Ap <br /> inaurance poildss ahaN lnckide a sLandnd mortgepe dws�in f�vor ot Lender.Lerode�wNl bs nem.ed ss bcs payee w ss tha Irnured on arry such <br /> insurance poticy.My insurance proeeeds may 6e a�,wkNn Lande►'s dtsastlon,b eYthe�r ths restoratbn w rapak af the d�unagsd praQerty <br /> x to the secwed debt.if lsnder rsquMes mortpapx nce,Bwrowe►sgresa to mshrtain weh irours�ce for as bnp es Lender requkse�. <br /> 4.PropMtp.Borrower witi keep the property in good eondit)on and make sil repafn reasonably r�ceasary. <br /> 5.Ex,�enses.Bonower a9rees to pay a!!Lendsr'a e�cpanaes,inchidirx'reasor►nbte attaneya'feea,if Bwrower breaks ar�y covanants in this deed <br /> of truat w fn erry obfigaibn secured by thls dead ot trvst.9arower wiN pay these amax�ta to Lender st ptovided in Covenant 9 oi ihis deed of <br /> trust <br /> B. Prior S�cu►tty hrtarrsta. Urs:ess Borrower flrat obtai�a Lender's written conser.t, Barovrcer vrFlt not make or permk arry charges to any prior <br /> securiry fMeresta.dw.rower wiU perfwm eli of Borrower's ot�'igaUorn tmdx any prior moRgaOe, deed of Vust ot ottxx aeci.nity aqreement, <br /> tnc4udinq Sorrowr�'�covsnartts to maks paymsntt wMn dus. � <br /> • 7.A�{����,�t f1�rtN snd ProlEts.Barrower ass{pna to Lender ths rortta snd profits ot the propsrty.Uniess Sortower end Lerxix have spreed <br /> otherw�se M viri'�rtg Borrower may coitect snd rrtain ths rerm as Icnp as Borrower ia not in detault. If Bortower detwits, londsr. Lxdx's <br /> agert, w a c.aurt appotMed roceiver may take possession and mansQe the proporty ared oopact the reMg. Arryr rorrts lsnder oo8scts shall be <br /> sppped fNat t� the �oats of manapiny ths praperty, fncludI� cowt costs and ettomeys' t�es, commissbns to rsrttsl s enp ts, �rid �r+y othe� <br /> r.ecaezxp rdet�d�xReroet.Tha rsmaMfnQ�mourtt of rsnb w�tf�n apply to R:aym�nb on ttM par�d Mbt a provid�d In Cawn�nt 1. <br /> Q.LesseF�olds•Condomir�km�a:Pl�d UrAt Drvalo�r�ertb.Barovm��s to compFy wkh the provlafo�s of eny tease H Uils dssd of Vust b on <br /> a leaaehald. tt this doed ot truse is en a unh in a condom6nlum or e planr�ad wdt davebpmsrrt. BoROwer will!serform stl of Bortowsr's dutbs <br /> under r�s covenarrta,by-laws,or reyuletionc ot the condominhm�or plannsd unit devsloprt�ent. <br /> 9. .Wlthrxity d L�nder to P�rform for Borrowu. Ii 8orcower isits to perform eny o9 Bo*rowar'a dutks urtder this deed of trust. Lender may <br /> perf.�rm the dutfes or cause them to be performeoi. Lender m°�aiyn 8orrower'a name orpay any amounS if necesaary for any <br /> co�is±ruction on thep►aperty is discoMinued w rrot earrfed on in a ressunable marmar,Lender may do whatever is necessary to protect Lender's <br /> sr.cur'�ty trtterert in the property.This may f�duda comp�eting the corestrttctlon. <br /> '�ender'a failure to pe�4orm will not preclude Lender irom e�cicinp amr of itt other riphu urr�der the law or this deed ot trust. <br /> A.ny amnunts paid by Lender ta protect Lender's securky iMerest will be secured by this deed of truai. Such amourtta wilt be due o�demend <br /> � and will hem intereat from the date of the payment ucrtil paid in full et the krterest rate in affect on ths sseuresf debt. <br /> � 10. D�teuh u�d Ace�adon. if Borrower fafia to make arry peymerrt when due or b�eaks arry covenants undu thfs desd of trust or env <br /> � obligation t;ecured by thia deed of truat or eny prior mortgage or desd of trvat, Lendx may aecsbrata the matixity of the secured dsbt and <br /> demand imr,nedfate p�yment�nd m�y Invoke tt►s power of ssls�nd srry athsr romedi�s pnrnftted by eFoBcable isw. <br /> 11. Rsquest for Notlu ot D�fauk.It ts hareby requested Lha2 copies of tha notices of detauk crd sala bs ssM to each penen who is s party <br /> hereta,mt the address of aach suah person,as set fcxth hereln. <br /> 12. Povru�o}Sale.I!the Lender inwkes the powsr oi sab,the Truatea sheii first record in the offiee of the register of dxda of eaeh courtty <br /> wherein tfie trust property or same part or parcel thereot is skuated a ratice of default eantairo�p the informallon requhed 6y law.The Tnls!ee <br /> shal! aiso mail copies of the notice of de7autt to Lhe Borrower, ta each person who is a party hxeto, and to other persons as prescribed by <br /> ap�licable law. Not less than one morrch after the Truatae racords the noUCe of default, or two months if the trust proparty i� nct in any <br /> incorporated city or village and is uaed in farrring operations cazried on by the trusta,the Trustea shall give public notice of sale to the peraons <br /> and in the manner prescribed by appplicable law.Trustoe,witfiout demand on Borrower,ahall se8 the property at public auction to the hiphest <br /> cidder. If required 4y the Farm Homestead Protection Act,Trustee sht!!�!fer the prcperty in two aeparats asles aa requi►ed by applicrbb Iaw. <br /> Trustee may postpone aale of all�r sny paresl of the propecty by pu4ttc arxiocmeemerrt st the rime snd placs of sny�evlousty scheduled cab. <br /> Lander or its desiQr�ae may purchase the,�uoperty at sny sslu. <br /> Upon receipt of payment of the price bid,Tnistee ahall dp;rver to ih.^psnchaser Truatee'a deed corneying the pro�erty.The rschials con*e'med in <br /> Trus;ee's aeotl shall be prima tacie evidience�f!�,o uvcr:of the rtatemerrts contained if�erein.Trust�e ahall apply the procesds�f the Cale in the <br /> following order: (e) to all expenses of the sale, ir.c!udirp, but noY timited m, reasonsble Trusteo's tees, reasorubb attorney's tee� and <br /> reinstatement feea;ib)to a'tl sums secured by this �ed of trvst,and(e)the balance,ff any,tc*J�e persons tepafly entitled to receive k. <br /> S 3. Fwsclosure.At lender'a option,thls deed of vust may t�e forec:los�d In the manner provlde by applfcable Iaw fo�}oreclosure of mortprpes <br /> on rea!proporty. <br /> 14. tnapectlon. Lender may enter Lhe property to inspea k if Lender gives 9orrqwer rmLice befwehacd. The notice muat atete the reasonable <br /> cause for Lender's ins�ection. <br /> 95.C�ndsmn�+:m.9o�rower assigns to Lender the�x oceeda ot any award or cltim tor damages conn�cted with a candemnatlon or other taking <br /> af aIl or any pas�t ot the property.fiuch proceeda wi11 be applied ss provided in Gavenant 3.This asslpnrnent is svbject to ihe terms of arry pricN <br /> security a�lree;n9nt. <br /> 15.Welver. By exorcising any remedy availatle to Lender, Lender does not gh•e uP any riglits to iat5�u:;e Ar:y other remedy. By not exercisinq <br /> any remedy upon Borrower'r,defautt,Lender does noi waive any right'.o later cona�der tfie event e defsuk if it h»ppenu egoin. <br /> j7. Jdnt tnd Severd Lla'�; Coal�sn; Succnsors �d Asslpns Bou�d. Ali duties under this deed o! trust ere joint and severel. Any <br /> Dorrower who eo-stpns t7�Ia deed o�' truat but does not co-alpn the urn�fertvin9 debt Insvumentic) doas so only to grant s�d convey that <br /> Borrowar'a in;erest tn the�.voperty to the Trustee under:he terms cf i:Js deed of trust.:n eddkSon,auch s 3arrower agroes that the Lander and <br /> any ather Borrower und�er tfiia daed of Vust may extend, mo�ify a rtt�ke any 6thec changes in il�e terms ofi thE�deeG of trust or the secured <br /> dant whhout that Bonawer'a consertt and wittwut r�basing that Bortowef Irom the txms of tt�is deed of Yn�at. _ <br /> The duties and benetits of this deed of trvst ahall Wnd and banefit tfie suecesaora and assf�r»of Lender e�d Borrower. <br /> 18.ho�Ice.Unlesa otherv�ise roquKed by(aw,any rwtice te Borrower shatl be given by deliverir�g it or by mailing it by certified mail addreseed to <br /> Borrower at the prc �*ty address ar anv other address that Borcowx ha�given ta Ler�or.8orrowrer will give bny notice to Le�ider by certified <br /> mail to Lender'e ec;drea.on page t of tt:s deed af trust,or to arsy other sd.�',+a�s r!hFch Lendsr has:�eslynated.Any other notice to Ler�er shall <br /> be senr to Lender's address as stst.d on pa9e S oF thfc deed of trust. <br /> ; . <br /> Any notice cha(!be deemed to hava beert given to Bo►rower a Lender whsn given in the me�ner stMed�bove. <br /> 19.Tmsler o��.''�e Property cr a Bsneflcld Irrtsnst In th�Borcow�r.It atl;u any part of the proporty or any Interest in it i�sold or transferred <br /> without Lend�ir's prior writte� conserrc, Lender may demand immediate paymsnt of the :ecured debt. Lender may elso demand Immedia2e <br /> ��•yment if the Bor►ower ia not a natsnel penROn and a beneftdat interast in the Borcovrx ir sold or Vanaferced. However, Lender may not <br /> %!�fmand paymerrt in Y.x above aituations if it is prohibited by fsdaral law aa of tfie date of this deed of trust. <br /> 2�. Raeomi�ysncw. When the obligstiort seeured by this dee� .�f trust h�s been paid, and Lerxfer has no further obligation to make advsncea <br /> undar the inatrumerts o�agreements secured bY this deed of bvst, ttw'irvsic- shal�,upon vvritten request by the Lender, reconvey the trus: <br /> property.The Lender sha1l delivec to tM Borrower,or to Borrowar'a success.�r in Irrturest, the trust deed and ttx+nots or other evidence of the <br /> obli��ation so satisfied.Bonowe�shail pay any recordation cosn. <br /> 2'�. 5v,eesssar Trusts�. Lender, �: lender's option, mey remove Truatee and appoint a auccessor Vtmtee by first, meilirtg a copy of tfie <br /> aubstitution ot trustee as reRuired b=�applicable law,nnd then,by filing the substitution of trustae for rscord in the office of the�egiater of deeds <br /> of each county in whic'�the trust ��operty, o:some part thereof,+s situated.The successor trustee,without conveyence of the property,shall <br /> suc:eed to a11 the power,duties,au'�orit�•antl tiL•e of the Trustee nemed in the deed of tnest and of any svccessar trustee. <br /> lpap�2 oI 2/ <br /> BANKEAS SViTEM.S.INC.,ST.CLOIlD.MH 55!O7 11•s00-J97•2341)FOItlM OC?J�tT4NE 6/1YN1 <br /> � i <br /> s <br /> '"�,y"n'•xa�r,�. .`�:M:. <br /> ».,: <br /> y �� � �114.,��'. <br /> ���'iFY .�j E��. <br /> i �X,��' <br /> , �����-�.�� <br /> �•�;�tn'k.'\,'' <br /> . , <br /> ; i�'.zs�__ <br />