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<br /> ToG�Tfir.��•;rrx�t mt�pr�v�no..��«+e�caa ca me prv�,acy.�a sQ«�ts,�uua�s,ana
<br /> fizr�rcs c�ow or ha�ftu : p�ct ct t6e ProP�Y. Al! �piaoaae�s aad additions s�ll �1.eo h� caven�d by tlris Security
<br /> , Inauumrnt.All of tr,c fo�e�oin6 is nefannd w m this Smaity f�mq as the-propeztp.-
<br /> $�RxowEx cQVEKwrrrs m�Borrowr�g��y,,�oa of a�e e�ate t,�sby c�v�v�a ma�cl�e righc m gcanc aad
<br /> conv�y;.�,e acoperc., r�t,a,t�su tbe�opaty is�.exce�c for enc.vnucanoes of recoad. Bosrower wareants a�ll wi11
<br /> defmd gcneral!y ttx;it�ta the Pco'perCy�a11�az�d d�ncls.snbjeci W azty�of tt►�%d. a
<br /> THIS SEC(JKITY INSTRiIMENT oombines mr`�'orns oov� for�[ional ase and noa-uaiform mv�uants w�timited
<br /> ' variations by jurisdi=tas�n m co�stiwte a nniform soe�raty iasuument afvtring real pcopeity,
<br /> � UNII�ORri�t CQV�NPtl�I'i'S.Banrnvrr and Lader oover�ant and argnoc as fotlows:
<br /> I. PSYw�l4 0�P['�D[�� 9Dd jS�l� � �l� �� Cbh[gES. $QinyWlT �I18II
<br /> prin.-ipa1 of a.-�d imacr.,�-*on t6e dcbt ev�d Sy�Notc and anY Pi'�and late charges�Y �w6ai due the
<br /> � 2. ��mds for Taus and j�, �ject to�iicabk !aw ar ta a wrimea waiver by Irnder, Bor�ower shall pay to
<br /> L�sder on tEie day r:sonthlY PaYme+ets a,�dne undcr the Nooe.a�il t,'r:Note is peid in fu[l,a s�c(`Fmda')for:(a)yearlY taxes
<br /> ar►�asuuments which may attain priority a�ar;l±is Secarity Instnmxat as a:i�ai tbe
<br /> or gmuncl�nts on thc Pr�ertY.if aray:(c)Ye�ly ha�n;^r �Y:@)Y�Y te�ehoW�rayment3
<br /> if any; (e)Yearl mort �y�p��(�Y�Y�00�ittcurance pcemiums.
<br /> Y 8�insuruke pcecrritua�, if aay: and(fj�±y sums PaYabl�bY Bonvcver ta I.�der, in accadancc with
<br /> . the provisioac of paragraph R. in liea of tl�s gayme�t af martgage iasnr�pceminms.'tl:ese it�act called 'Eccroa Itemt.'
<br /> I.ender may, at azry cime. callect a�ed hnld Ft�cls ia an a�no�rnt not to excetd tbe a�n amoUnt a le!nder for a federaily
<br /> relatal Trartgage foan may ragurr. for Borrower's escs�w accou�m�der the federa!Reat EstatE Setyemmt Procad�r�a Act of
<br /> 1974 as amendod irom ti.�ne to cime, 12 U.S.C.Saxioa 260!a se�q. ('RESPA'),�soot6er law that applie3 to tbe Funls
<br /> sets a tesser amoursi. If so, T�ea6er may. st mrp time. colIect md hofd Fars�s in an amoaut rmt to ezcad the le�er amou�_
<br /> Lender may actimatc the amou�of Funds dus on the basis of car�rat data and rea�oneble atiarnes of
<br /> Fs��w Items or othcrevise in aecortlaace with ���o:future
<br /> applicablt iaw.
<br /> The Fund�. shall be hcld in an insritu�on w}mse de�siu are insured by a fede�l I
<br /> &S�'• �1iry. or entixy
<br /> (including L,ender,if I.errler is such an instihrtion)or in any Federa!Hcxr�I.oan Back.I,�ader�all appFy the Fimds�pay the
<br /> E.�crow Items. I.ender may not chargt Sortovver for holding and applyin�the Fnrds.anooaDy anslYzinB the escrowr acicouM,ar �
<br /> verifying che Escrow Ite�u,un]ess I.ea�kr pays Bormarer int�rst�ttx Fnnds m�d�Plicabie 1aa±Permits Ler�dc to make such
<br /> 1� E charge. However. I_ender map reqi,ust Horrow�r tn pny a ax-time r„�r,��e For sn i�t tra!estaze taa rtpo�g service
<br /> us�d by I.erxier in comiaxion with this la�sn. �less applic�tc Isw pra��ides t+t�tirwise_ Unless an agrnrrxr�t it made or
<br /> applicable law requi�es i�t to E�e paid, Lender shatl rnx be roq�itrd to pay Bc�rt�owet a�r itnaest or�rnings on t�Funds.
<br /> Borr�Rar and I.endzr may agree in writing. liowever. that iraerat shall be paid on t�F�cmds. L,erdrr shati give to Borrower,
<br /> without chnrge. an anm�a! aocoanti,�g nf tf�e F�rds, showing atdits and debits to the Fmfdc and the putpose for,nhich eac�
<br /> debit to the Funds was made.'Ihe Funds are pltdged as additiona;socurity,fvr all waB s�by th{s Sxnrity Tr,.cuumrnt.
<br /> :`the Fsnd.s held ;�y Lender acca.�the amouraS pamitted to b�heid by:.ppJirab(e faev.Le�er shall accouirt to Ei�rrower
<br /> for the ezcess Funds in accordance with th��qnin���f�����aw. [f the amoar.t of the Funds hetd by Lender at atry
<br /> time is�t sufficient m pay the Escro.v Itetrts when due.I,pxier may so naqi{y g�rtowef in wriGng,and.in such cxse gorrow�r
<br /> shall pay te i,ender.he amoum na�+ to make up the defua�. Borruw�r st�all�up t6e d�iciency in ao more than
<br /> twelve monthlY PeY��.�L.ender's sole discretion.
<br /> L°pon p�ayment in full of ail smru scacr�d b}; i.his �,y�, i��� J�� p��iy ��� to Borrower zrrv
<br /> Funds hefd by Ltnder.If,under para,graph 2�. fi.a�r shall aoc}uite ot sdi the Pcoperty.Laider.prior to the
<br /> of the Property, shal! apply ar,y Funds held by Lcder at tbe ti�of d�������it �°i1 or sale
<br /> tSus Savriry Instnlme�rt. �s� a�i�t ti�e s�securai hy
<br /> 3. App[kaHon of Psyments.Un'ess apgticable'aw provides atlksvvi�.�l!payRrrts r�ooeived by Lender�P�araS�ptu
<br /> rooa
<br /> 1 a:id�sh.all be applied: f:rst. to anY�ss�a�'�cf�s due arsder tf�Note; xcaad,ro amour,•,s abk ur�r
<br /> !hird.to interest dne;fwrth,to princips�t aue:and ls�to any iate �y p°��y"
<br /> 1 d�*g�s dne urdc ttse Nute.
<br /> 4. Char�es; Lirns. Borrower shell�ty al!taus.ar.�,saoeaaa. ci�arges. ftnes and 'unRo3itiarts amibutabk to ihe Ptoperty
<br /> which may attain prioriry over this Security Ins�r�rt, ����y�,.��� �,. if any. Borrow�er sha11 pay
<br /> chese ob)ig�ti�ns in!he manner provided in par�2.ar if aot paid in thu rc�ma.Borrower shall pn than on tane dinoct)y
<br /> to th-person owed pavmrnt. Borrov�eer s.hal!prcm�tty fnrnish to L.erd�sll notias of amoutus to be
<br /> If Darmwer makes these �n�����'-
<br /> Pa,mcnu direct;y.Borrawa�shall�ramptly furnish to i.ender�eceipts evi�encing the peyror�_.s.
<br /> Borrow�r shall promptly dischatge any liett w�idt has priority o��r thi3 Sewrit�,I���g�roa�,r,ta)agre�in
<br /> writing to the pa}•ment of th;,obligation secured by the�irn in s amrtntr le to l.enda; b c�i�s in
<br /> by, or d�fends against enforcemrnt of'tlx: lirn in, 1 � � � g��t���
<br /> � P�»gs wfiith in the I.ender's opiniun aperate m prcvent the
<br /> enforcement of tht iien; or(c)stcvrcs from the holder�f ettt Iirn an agr�t sapsfactary to Ler.dtr subordirn�ting the lirn to
<br /> this Security Instrument. If?,e�er Jetermiixs that arry part of the Pr+o�erty :�subject to a!irn which may attain priority over ,
<br /> 1 this Security Instrument. Lender m.ay give E�orrawer a nc+teet idencifying the Iien.Bormwer sha!1 sc�tisfy the lien or take one or '
<br /> j more of the actior�.sct forth above within IO days of the g;•�ing of notioe.
<br /> ,
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