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<br /> l. -"`"" ,"r ��i;�.te_x na�th�Aay r,�ttt`��y��ycttr:nr of�dru;i�rl wAr.l IntercMsi a��:(,�yafilc o�Kirr 9he N�K�<u�titii ttu:�d�Kr,iv pxid.to�.f'utl,�
<br /> -_-'-,�'.4i?'.":-'��,¢_.� suR�(�xreia"1'�un�b.�")t'4u�1 lu����e 9We1Rt��if.�he ytu]y p+x���tral+�sPSS►S11C111ti(�.U�:�:IQ�II,�Ctlti(Jii113l1iji�llP iitiill[iI1JLb7�kCf4! s'�-
<br /> �_.-"..'u"°�'F°.�"' � �l�vet�►�n}er.t assessn�ants�if Hny)whi.h n�sy Hti�lrc �xi��cy�ver this Q�1 t►f'f�ust.�nal prrnuxl rra��em th�Prc�ty.if
<br /> _,_=....:.,_.. ...:.�.... . .�. _r......, � .r . .r . _., .F i�._...__. ;�.... ., .way ,n9�.4..r10 r...a,i�..w�y+:tirSl��w�d.�
<br />....---- --�- -----"'-�- �Ut,����iii86iii2-tiit�auil» j��iu��l�/lV/�HMUI��Yf�NtH�Y1RMT:: •�..�.iv " .+...5:'.:��.,._ �.._ �.�
<br /> _-_.__-.______,�.,,. n..wwl+�r� a'^'.'v r.:'. . _.___.
<br /> ° _= for�n�o i�w,rxncc. �t�any. au a�reaxcenaMy t�timaNdu tni:ir.l�Y .�a rro�n am�e w duae hy I�naor a�e sbe b�efs of
<br /> -_�r:���:M� assess-�txnts Artcl bills e9xl reasoni6I�esdnutes tlxr�oP. Borrawtr�11 not 6e ob�lg�atod!tn mdce such pa►�meut�e�f F'u�6s
<br /> ---- - ¢a�endcr to tt�cxte�t3�at Borrc►weY•�u1►es sucl►�aymetx9 t��ttrr ho�r af a prt�►r uwrtg�e ar�SeKCI uf trusc of e�x:U i�Cder�
<br />-_ —�'"�"'�.'�. is au inultttt�c�nal I�ixkr.
<br /> ��- ��;:� ::Bcinower pays l�u�xlw to Leuder, �I�e Pund�sh�tll bo I�el�l in nn institutit►n thc d�►si�.s a►r accauus of w�h�Ch u�e
<br /> � ,0..� insured c�guar�ntecd by a Fnlczal or swte agen�y (I��;tu�iii�I..e�xie;t�I.e:�:Ia s:•�ch:�ir�;ti:�:ti;.y). T.er�.�r�.�-51 c�.^rly _
<br /> r'=:::.;ir:���; the Fu�s to p�sy said taaes.�ssessmems, insurnr�ce premiun�and gmseattl rents�Ltnder m�y not ch�r�e for so t�nlding�i►i
<br /> _,. � -.6,; , �-
<br /> y° �`= �� a 1 i the �runds. anal z3a sald �ount or veai ing�nd compilin �aid a�sses,smsnte and bills� udess i.tn�r pxys
<br /> ;:-�:���..`�'.. ' Pp Y�B Y B �Y� S
<br /> n-��..... �;�.,.:�:. 8o:rower intcxest nn tlie Fu�ls and appltcable 1ow�xm�ics Lendar to make such a cEaargc.Bnmawer an�1 Lccxler rnwy+�rce _
<br /> °r:ti: '� -��.a� ice writiog�t t�e dn�e of eaECUSic�n of this Deed n f''l Y u tt t h a t in teres s on t U e F u tt d s s l�l l t�e pai d t o B orra�rver,u�urdess
<br /> o:ei�-'�xpji�� '�._
<br />__ ��':�t; �„ such�grc�ment is a�ule ar�gplic�bDe liw reyulres such inte�rst to be patd�Lender shtll not he rcqulrcd to pay Bo�rcuwtr
<br /> '`="�,:'°'���'�': `�, any interest ox cunings oa t1�e Funds.lxnckr sfull giee to Barrower. with�ut clurgti,an anmsal wcccwntlnS of the Furds
<br /> ' � �- ;�`°'�.' showiag ccedits a�deblts to the Funds ond t�e purpos�for wt�cl� each debit to tbe Funds was made.`Iife kunds sra
<br /> ;-
<br /> �.: t�,>-�-�.:.
<br /> - ' �'�x`' � pledged as odclidonal sesurity for the sun�s secured 6y tt»s Dea1 of Tnut.
<br /> _:;�..?, :,-�� .., .
<br /> � � . If�e uawuns uf die�ueds lizid by Lendet,togethc-�with thc f�utum monthly installn,euts of Fwtds payable{prtar to
<br /> --�,�-.�'„�-.._.°�- s���:.:.�ses�f tw-�. ^°.�.°,�:_n�w. in.�,:I`,.�ptt�littt�.°����vl r�nnc;�tnnll rsct�thC 4[ri0tIt1R iCQ41►�d tU(fi1Y�id ` - -
<br />' " ' , � taxes. nssess�nts. tasurr�ice premituns and gmund rents as they fsll due.sucb excess sE�all be. at I3onuwcr's op�ic�n. —
<br /> :.;,: „ '.�; either prompdy repaid co Bo:rower or credlted to Qarrower on montLly inst�llme�ls of Fundv. if ths Amount of the Fuixts _�--
<br /> ,`,`'� Y held by Lepder shatl not be sufficient to pay taxes.assessments. insurwcc�premtums and ground rents as thcy fall�ue,
<br /> '"' -� Bonower shall pay to Lender any amount necessuy to make up the deficis��cy in one or more p�yments as Lender may __
<br /> , , ...�;, , requin. --
<br /> ' `x Upon payment in full of ell swas secured by t5is D�of Tcust.[dender sl�aq prompdy refund to�anaw�r any Fwo�ts =
<br /> <,,' ^� hetd hy Lender.tf emder nar�ragh 17 hereof cna Pranerty is sald rn�We Pinperty�s omerwise acquic�ra by 1.en6er. i.�nder
<br /> �„ir,•.; : _
<br /> 't�� st�all apply, no later tl�stn imn�ediately prior to�he sa�e of the Proparty ar its acquisldvn by Lender, any Futxls 6eld bp
<br /> � . � :�.�;.. Lender nt the ame of npplicadon as a credit ag,ainst the�antis secured by this Deed of 7Yust.
<br /> , 3.App[i�aulon oP Praymeote. Uuless appliczble�tw provides othena+ise. all paym�nts retti,ived by Lenrler under the
<br /> •�: Note aad paragr�phs 1 and 2 hereof shaU be applied by I.ender first in payment of a�mo�r�nts payable to Lender by Bormwer
<br /> .;,�;';.; under paragtapb 2 L+ereof,then t4 interest payable�n tfie Note.ancl ttt�n to tUe ptiacipal of the Note. �;._
<br />_,. �•, . � ' ��`-�
<br /> ''':���'� 4.Prlor Mort�ges end Deeds of Trusti C��; V�. Boixower sUall oim all of Sarrowte s obligario��s
<br /> ` L ' nnder any mnrtgage, deed of uvst or otlier securaty c�reement with a lien wtuch t�zzs pdodty over this Deed of Tnut. �a�
<br /> ' '' ' i�ie�ng Borcower's covenants to make payments when due.Horrower shaU pay or cause ro 6e pa:d all ta�ses.asscss�ab `�'`
<br /> ��� � � � � and o�er charges. �ines amd lmpositaons attribe►table to t6e Property wh�ch may ataain a priority over this Dee�of Trust.
<br /> ,`':.� ., and leasehold a ments QT �ued rents.if an . �'.1�
<br /> •'� P Y � Y -
<br /> '�"���U� �•{,'; 5.Ha�ard I�wamoe. Borrower shall keep the improvements now existin� or 6ereafter erected an the Property ��
<br /> � ;; .;,r;�. insured ag�iost loss by fire.ha7ards iacluded within the term"extendetl covecage'. ancl such other harards as Le�der may ��`=�:
<br /> • ;;;�,�;�;�` require und I�n such amounts and for such periods as Lender may requere.
<br /> ,��, Th� iasurance caraier p*ovidin�dte insurance shall be chosen by Borroaer subject to approvsi by l.ender;provided.
<br /> ���'�"' that such approval shA➢E �ot be unreasonably wit�held. All insurance policies ard renewals thereof shall be in a form
<br />';'��(�.� �'- acceptable to Lender and shall iaeclude a stanslard monsage clause in favor of a�fl a�a form accPptable to Lender. 1.endee
<br /> .. • shall 6ave the ri�t to l�old the policies and renewals thereof.subject to the terms of as�y mongage.deed of uust or othes
<br />- •" . securiry agreement with a lien which t�as priority over this De�d of T�vst.
<br /> . In the event of loss,Borrower shall give prompt nodce to the insurance carrier and Lender. I.encler may�ake proo�
<br /> ;��;;,. " • of loss if nat made prorpptly by Borrower. %,:
<br /> " , ' If the Property is abandoned by 9orrower,or if Borrower fails to respond to l.cnder vrithin 30 days �rmu eLe date `,�'+:
<br /> •� ;i�}3:�; norice is mailed by Len�er to Borcower that the insurance canier offen to setde a claim for eusuranc�benefits. Lender fs '��'� .
<br /> ° :��•�t.�;,{;' audtorized ro collect and apply the amsursuice proceeds at Lendcr's opdon elther to restoratian�r repair of the Property or
<br /> to die sums secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br /> . � 6, Prese�+ailon and 1Viainlena�oe of Property; Lease�ic9tls; Condo�aQ�l�nns; Planaed Unit Developments. ,.
<br /> • � �� Bomower shall keep the Property in good repair and shall nnt caramit tvaste or pem�3t iwpairment or deteriorddon of the ,;;;':J,
<br />" �� Prope»y and sl�all comply with die provisions of any lease if thls Aeed of Tn�st is on a leasehold. If this Deed of'frost�s
<br /> nn a unit in a conrlominium or a planned unit development.Borrower shall perform all of Borcow�r's obligations under the
<br />- cieclaration or covenants creaang or goveming the coadominium or planned unit developn�ent. tlie�y-laws and regulations
<br /> of the condominium or planned unit development,and cansrituent da:uments. ,:�,:
<br /> . . 7. Protedion af L�eder's 5ecurity. If Bo�cawer fails to perforw the coveuants artd agmements contained in this
<br /> ,%�
<br />- : Deed of Trust,or if any acdon or proceedln�is comiuenced whieh n�aterial:y affr�:ts Leceder's interest in the Property,then �
<br /> « '��;�,J� Lender, at Leuder's option, upon uotice to DoY[ower, cnay malce such appeatances, disburse sach sunis, iuclutling �
<br />.: -_-__.._-_- .."u_ '.�'_��� �" '_� ��_ �t��..��:� _'_'...�....«.�...s f n•.Ans'u lofort+ef If i n'v4.r wm�irtvl�ntfrta�ve �-_-..
<br /> __,---.._
<br /> --,------�- -----• [WSl/l$Di6 AtRIItI6]A aZCJ. GtN wt�F auwl abuvna�m aev�nro�.) .v�...nv.. ..w...w......�.�. " '--�--- '---�'�- r---
<br /> ., " iasur.wce as u coIIdidon of makin�the loan secur�d by this Deed of Trust,tiorrower sha11 pay tlze premiums requlred to �
<br />- ' maintaia such i�sur�nce in effect until such ti�ue as the nequiremEnt for avch in.curance teruunares in accorda��ce witQe �
<br />- Borrower's and Le�er's written agreen�ent or appiicable law.
<br />_ � Any amounts disbursed by Lertder piusuant to this paca�raph 7, wit6 interest tl�ereon.at tice IVote rnte,shalf become i_
<br />= , additional tnite0ted�t°.sy of 6ofrow�r secured by tlais Deed of Trust. Unlcss�orrower and Lende.�aBrt�to other tetms of
<br />�� payment, sucG annaunts shall be payable upon n.orice fron� I.euder to Borro�ver requPSdng payment thereof. NoslrinE ;
<br />= cont:�ined in ti�is paraBrapl�7 shall r��uire Lender tn incur any eapanse or take any acttom hereunder.
<br /> � °' fl�. Irupectto�. Lender n�ay make or cause to 6s made reasonable entries�pon and i�specdon� af the Propeny. ; •
<br /> : pmvided that L.ender s�all give Bomnser naric.e prior to any snsb Ins�ection specifyinE reasunable cause th:refor related to ;
<br /> _ ° .. Leader's interest in the Propeny. i
<br /> �.
<br /> " ;
<br /> ' " nceras�e zae��-�arsa OriginQi(ixecvrdad) Copy(Dra�nah) Gopy(Cuatames) vasc z ura ,
<br /> � - --�1 --- - - :_
<br />