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<br /> - cht�t Ixiuicr r4yttires)��rnvidetf fty an inc�crc•r n�prove�!by I.trn9erbg:�in Fxco,ney nvailaUlc u�H1�; obtai�tr.c1. }k��r���ti•c�' �f�uli )ti�Y _
<br /> .. �— _ �L � . . .
<br /> .:. .,. � • w i�r,�3t.uc,;iu ctf rt nr�u,pr,wi�.F•n lu�5 rc:f:rv�•, rir�lil tlic rtyuirr.nx�it for rrnirteage ,
<br /> _ � ��...tzp;�t7rf�te�S C("!tilf�'(�LO 12'.:li:iT:.�i2�i.J1;IjJ.iti�' t ' . t' � •
<br /> insuraiue e�xis in accerclance wi�h any writte�x agrecmc�i occu•cen uarrower�rd i..cnurr ur��ppli�u��i,=���:. ,.
<br /> �.Ins�/ian. 9.c:�ic!er ur its ag�nt may makG rcasonable entrfes u;wn a��d insixc[iUns�f ihe Proptr4y. Ltnder shxl! givd
<br /> _:�,�� Barrowzr natic•c at thu timc of or pria!•ro an ins}xction spcci�'yin�;reusn�uiblc cause farthe ins�ctinn. •
<br /> 10. t',ondemnakio�i.THe�rocceds of any award or claim foe damages,clircct orc�tisequ4ntial, Ili CqI1tleCtiOA �4ith Afly
<br /> --- condWinr.ation or otJier takiaig of tiny pact of the Ptcrr��ty, or for canveyanc.:in licic of cond;:mn;�tion.zire i�crcby�assignr:3 a�id
<br /> _ --- �� sh�li iti:�.�'sd to Lc��si2t.
<br /> Ir�the cvcnt of a rotal talcin�;of thc.Prapcny,the procecdy shal[Ne 7ppticd to thc tiums scru�e.1 by this��curity I�►s.trusi:_iu, -- -
<br /> ---� �vhctl�cr ar not thcn due, with�ny ekccss paic�to Borrowcr. In the cvcnt of a partinl taking of the Property in which the faix
<br /> maricet value of thr,Progcrty immcdiately bcforo the ta}un�is cqual to or gr��ntcr than tl�c amo�nt of the sums secitre.d by tt�i4
<br /> Secority Instrumcnt imrne�iiately itefere the taking,anless I�rao�ver and I,�nder otheiwise agrce i��vriting, the sums securecl bv
<br /> th+s Security ir�strunient shalt be reduc�d L�y the�imount of the procee�s muitiplied by th� fotiowing fraction: (a) tfie total'
<br /> umount of thc sums sccurcci immcdiately before tler;takin�, dividecl by (b) the fair marl:et va(ue of thc Propert,y im���ediately��.
<br /> --- = b..fore ii�c u�ki��S. �rry L•wf;s:ce shall h�� p�id to Rnrmwcr. In tho event of a partial tnkin� of the Property in which thc fair
<br /> aiarkLt valuc of thc Propcity imi�icdiatcly bcforc tfic taDcin�is less.tha.*�the ar,iount of thc sums securecl immcdiatcly belare chc
<br />__.,,�,��,��ID t�akin�, unless Borm�ver and l..exider othenvise agrec in writing ar unlcss applicable la�v atltcrwisw pxovides,tho pmcc;eds shall
<br /> _----
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