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<br />" 7. Condrmnation. In the evxnt the Property,or any put thereoft shall be tokea bq eminent domain,the Aiort�agee�
<br />~ is empowered to collect rnd receive dt compenaatSon whfch may be paid tor any pmperty taken or tor damaFes to p�roperty
<br />� not taken,and MortQagee shall sppiy such compenaadon,at ia optloa,either to�ndnction ot the indebtedAeas decured
<br /> hereby or to repair and reaton the property so d:una�ed•
<br /> f; 8, performanee by Mortga�re. Mort�aQee may,but shdl have no obli�stlon,to do any act �vhich the Mortgago•
<br /> haa agreed but tails to do,and Mortpgee may �1se do any act ft deems necenary to protect the lien hereoi.�Mort;aQor
<br />,'� a�ees to repay,upon demand,any suma ao expended by the Mort�aa�eee for the abrn Qucpaeea,and any sures so expc:nded
<br /> bq the Mort�a�ee ahall be �dded to the Indebtedneat tecuTed hereby es�d become�ubject!o the Uea hereol. MortaaQee
<br /> �hall not tncur any peeu�nal liabillty becauae of anythin�It�nay do or om6t to do heteunder.
<br />� -
<br /> 9. De?ault;Ass4`nment of Rents. Time la of the eaaence hereot,and upon Mortp`or'c de[ault in any covenant
<br /> or agreement of this Mortgage,Including covenanta to pay�vhen due the sums secured by this Mertaage,theMortat�ee ahall
<br /> be entftled,at its sole optfon and wlthout notice,to decJlare all sume aecured by Lhia Mort�age to be immedlately dne and
<br /> payable and may commence toreclosure oi thia Mortga�e by judielal Pr�ceedfnp;tnd,ptorided turther,t6at upon�uch
<br /> default the Mortgagee,or a tecetver appotnted by a court,may at ita option�nd wfthout reptd to the adequacy ot the
<br /> • aecurity,enter upon and take possesaion oi the Property tnd collect the renta,laauea and prott2s therefrom�nd apply them
<br /> 5est to the cost of collection and opention ot the Property and then upon the tndebtednesa eecured by thfa Mort�agee;
<br /> sald renta,iasues and proflts bein� �ast�ed to t6e Mort�ee as ttiuther �ecurity fer the payment of the Indebtednesa
<br /> �ecared henby.
<br /> 10. 'IYar►sfer ot Roperty. It all or any part of the Property is sold or tnnsferred without the express written con-
<br /> sent o[the Mortgagee, Mortgagee may at!ts so!e option,declare all aums eecured by thta Motteaee to be immediately due
<br /> nnd payablPo
<br /> 11. Futun Advencee. Upon request ot Mortgngor, MortQagee may make additlonel and future edvences to
<br /> Mortgsgor.Such advances,wlth tntetest therevn,shall be secured by thfs Mortgage when evidenced by promissory notea ,
<br /> stating that said nctes are securnd hereby. At no time shall the pdncipal amount oi the indebtedness secnred by thls
<br /> Mortgage,not including aums advanced to protect the secudty oi this MortQage,exceed the original Tdote.
<br /> �� 12. Misceqaneoua Provfalons.
<br /> ,�
<br /> '� (a) Any torebearance[n exerclsing any righi or remedy shall not be a wefver thereo[.
<br /> �
<br /> � (b) All remedies provided herein are distinct and cumulative to any other tiQht aiforded by Iaw or equlty,
<br /> and may be exercised roncurrenUy,independently or enecessively.
<br /> + (c) The cuven�nta and agreements contained hern(n shell 'bind, and the rights inure to, the respecHve
<br /> auccesaon and assigns ot the MortQagor and the MortQsQee.
<br /> (d) �,i;cavenants and agreerr,ents of the hiortgagor sre jofnt and serQ:al.
<br /> . ,
<br /> (e) The headfngs of the paragraphs of thfa Mortgage are for convenience only and shali not be used to inter-
<br /> pret or detine thz provistons hereoL ,
<br /> _3. Relea:z. UYO:� peyraeni of s�� aat:u�:.::rcd by t�`.is'furtgage; ?dottga�ze ahall dische►•ge this ?.Iu�►gage and
<br /> shall execute and deliver e satisfactory release therefor. •
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Mortgagor hu executed thls Mortgage on the 15th day ot May ,1995,
<br /> . � � � �
<br /> - . ois . owse, c a ois :�oper sanow�:�
<br /> r �
<br /> A�� e
<br /> ' ( 3R1 . 82 � Borrower
<br /> 3tate of Nabraska, Hall County as:
<br /> On thia 15th dsy ot �y , 19��`._,betore me,the uuderstgned,e Notary Publlc
<br /> I . '
<br /> j duly commiasloned and qualitled for uld county,penonally came LOiB I DowBe, f/k/a Lois I. Loper,
<br /> anci William B. Dows�� wife and husband , to me known to be the
<br /> � Identical peaon(�) whae nYme(�) are subscrlbed to the tore�oln�In�trument and �eknowledQed the executlon thereof
<br /> + to be their voluntary act aad deed. �
<br /> �
<br /> � Witneu my I►and �nd notuial�etl at Grand Is�and� Nebraska in uid county,the
<br /> i .
<br /> , date atoresald.
<br /> ' My Commlaalou expfree: �����
<br /> � NotarY PubHc
<br /> � Mro�a e¢ �a�
<br /> � (bDate S�low Tels Lln�R�rvM For L�nd�r�ad R�oord�r)
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