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<br /> �. -_�_---- � �` DIk�G OF TRllS�' r' .. —
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<br />"�=�""='="'"��'' .' P1IRTIE6:Zhis Oeed of Tru�t ts mndd an��nY ?-0.��A�„___5._,_ �..�.—.emonfl thn tlr�ntor,,,,gp��,?�_n__*tiSSJ[1[...�tii— �
<br /> .�:��.iy::,.�"�ee�' (•8arower'1, � �
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<br /> ����.� �
<br /> -'-_`._rn � Y� , A�lRN� AAACK
<br /> �`-zs�`�'�""'�`S� '�'�' whose residenGe sddrese ia en Anx aan [1ranA Twl�nB, u��. County,Na&aske('Yroet��"1,�nd!ha 9+neHciMy, {Qn___
<br />-';..�.:=.i.:�. ,acorpa�tidnorprni�d ���"
<br /> :�..4.!.�...,,.,s�r. HAMB FSi)RRAT. 9AV,z�$,.&L��'N AfS,�j'2ATI�N --^ .
<br /> ' �5!-.�A� :
<br /> �}�;";�.� � - end exiitireq unZer tha bevs of� tsz� a�A whoee addroi�ia � -t Rf�3�CiIST gTr�RS�'- -
<br />----=``_c 41r6•�~ .(�.SSTa�.� �.�nn*_c,.vn _(SBH(12-1(]OA __.. -- __. .. 1��.0I1f�1C"�.
<br /> 7
<br /> �A'�t K� CaRVE1tANC[:For vatue rac�ived,Borrc.wor irrevoabiy pranu and com�ay�to T�wtee,fn Vu�t,with power oY ule,th�re�:Fro�asrry.01 w1►fr,h
<br /> - ��: Borenwer is lawfuly seixsd,doacribed betnw and ati twitdl�ps, tlxtureo, ena mxistinL e�w iuut;'v{r;��:,o�s:.::-�:re-n=^�d} .ua,ra.�►.way,
<br /> �:�k�f_, _� e�aementa,rent�, Icauea, profits, irtcome, tenemants, horaditament�, prhrllepsa end any appurtqnance� tiiereunto balonginp leR called tha _
<br /> -� ~�~ 'pfG(MrtY 1•
<br /> :; FR�PEAYV ApOfl��S:. �A3��i��1i'Nf Y�� _.._. ��3�n,Nn =st._ t�_ � .Nebrackm F AR[f'� �—
<br /> "�,.-.�%�►*' !�A!DESCAiPTiWVi: tstr�eu
<br /> cw co:w
<br /> "' . l,pT �L�VE2ITLED? (17}, nT,ar.K Tk�F3 l3), LE HtsYC�k'1S 3�(:�ii�D SiJBDM��O?1. —
<br /> ,. HpLL COUNrSI� NBBRASFtA� BBIN(3 A PART pF THS NO2t7Ct�Ht��� Qliwlci�uIt OF a"�if.,' �.-..--._
<br />.j�r' r' �'�'`��'�' NORTfiWBST pUAR�'ER (NWi/4PIA71/9) OF SBCTION ELEV�PY (11), TOWNSHIP SLSVF:N _
<br /> . ';ii: �' (11) NORTfi. RANGE 7'BN (l0I� WBST OF TAB SIXTH P.M. . HALL COITNTY,
<br /> NBA!?ASItA. _-
<br />. . . , ., :`��`N, �
<br /> , {
<br />. -- _ _ 1'" _—_. .
<br /> �,(',,'`r� �: —V.
<br /> I..: _ '_
<br /> �� ������." : 1�'mr
<br /> ` locatod In „ aR ^� Y�.**^' anr.r. Couniy,Nebraske.
<br /> �`":f
<br /> ` ��!tr, � TITLE:Borrower covenente end�vanenta titto to the propeny,excopt for . -
<br /> �-!r.:r.:s.. .. ' �>
<br /> ••. }..���,�r----• �_
<br /> '�� ';�� �° SECUiEa QEdT:Th"is deed 01 Wsi encweo t�Lar�3a�raa-yri:acst at th:,sceured eScbt end thA nnrfarmance of!ha covenants and opreements �. ; ,
<br /> • � %'^"f••�••• �� �on4�Ined in tAlt do0d af truat end in any oYt►er documa�t i�corpotated heroin.Securod dob4,es usod fn thta deed of vust,tnctuQoa eny emounv� .
<br /> . • Borrown�owes to Lender unde►this dead of uust or under any fnstrument secured by this doad of trust,end ntl modiflcatton�, extenaiona end ••e �
<br /> re�eavrotR therecf. .,
<br /> Tha aocured debt le evldenced by IUat all insvumeme and egreemente secured by thle dond of trust end tho dates thereof.l:
<br /> , . " ��ROMTCSORY NOTfi� °1'"�IRR1�'"' nA'11�L MAY �O, t 9as -- -
<br /> i,•�;� "
<br /> . " �Futur�Advenwr The ebove nmount Is secured even�Yhaugh eit or part of it moy not yot bo advencad. Futura edvancoo oro
<br /> „ contemplated end will bo socurnd to tho samo oxtont aa iT made on tho datu this daed of trust is ouecuted.
<br /> �� ❑ Rovoivin�line of cred(t mgroement datod __.,with inttfal ennunl interont vate of � •
<br /> All amounts owad undor this egreomont uro socured ovon though nll amounts may not yet bo edvancad.Futura edvancea undor
<br /> '�" Mo agreement ore contempietad end will bo cocurod to tNa semo extent ea li mado on 4hn deto thia dned of trust Is oxecuted.
<br /> «' .� if not paid oerlior.
<br /> _.. Tha obovo ob9iyatinn is due end payabte on ._ MAY
<br /> ,. � Tha totai urtpatd batence socured by thle doed of trust et nny ona timo sholl not oxceod o maximum pri�cipal amount of
<br /> ��. �••m �,���••m *•m Hn/inn —U�Ilnrs l8 2S-���_n� I,Piue Intorost.
<br /> •- p{�a ony nmounm disbureed undor tha torms oi this deod af trust to protoct tho socurity of thia dood of trust or to Dorfarm any ot thm
<br /> �� c�vonante contalned In thfs deed o4 trust,with tntarost on Euch dishurctomants. • .
<br /> C'Varl�bi�R�tr Tho intorost reto on tho o6lipation socruod by ihls dood of uust may vary according to thn torms of that obttgation.
<br /> ❑ A copy o4 tho loan apraomont containinp tho terms undor which tho intoroat rate may vary Is attachod to this daod of Vust ond �
<br /> mndo a part hereo4.
<br /> - ` RIDERS: 0 Cnmmarcini �.A3 '^"T"AL1"'" n° °Q'`rr'c _ ❑
<br /> GVrsuant tp the Ferm Homostnad Protoction Act,doslQnntion of homnstead ❑ Is attachod to this dood of trust nnd mado o part horoof
<br /> , ❑ hn5 baen discleimod;tho disctatmer la attechod to this dood of trust nnd mudo a part horoof.
<br /> SIC3NAYUR@St By Etpn3np betow,Bor�ower egr�o to tho tertne en�eoe.�cnents eorYda)ned In thts deed of truat,Inctudi�p thnse on peQo 2,and in
<br /> � any rtdon doscrlb�d abovr aTaned by Bonowar. .
<br /> .� - • �
<br /> - ----- —
<br /> i�',�.d�.�.�C�,.�� _ '
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<br /> R S�RT D JU L MfNDI J JU9'rSBL U
<br /> .. U �..-_..
<br />• [3R1�NT1 TRL"*7n HATL �
<br /> ACKROWLE0�I49ENT:STATE OF NEORASKA,_ , _ County ss: i
<br /> Tho foropoing fneVumont wns ucknowtodgad hoforo mo on thl3 iOTH dey of_�Y,_..�`�Q� ,
<br /> by I7ffflRRT II .ttlScet. Ah:. �1iNDI .7 .Tt1S�, uncan�m rrm t�as - �
<br /> . .. IT��ofn)1 �
<br /> r- 1 .
<br />� CND0�3H� (N6rt1P tf CpPd�UOn Ot VIrtMtN�DI �
<br /> P:mweM1O
<br />� ' ' , petno�Y.eEprnCnl ot _�i�� _ ` on bohol}af tho Corporntion or pnrtnarship. • ,
<br />�.Y. �. ,. � // -,
<br />� My Commissfon uttptr�s: 17/29/9G ��.�v"'�'L1��1' � � ;
<br /> � ISe�U �S i. KNANSR INOIerV���el i ..
<br /> Thi9lnsUUmant wa�proparod Dy r�raic t. Hl1SKTR •-- ■i�.r
<br /> ' (Aago I o071 IYe����KQ
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