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<br /> _ _�,y gorn�,�rer i�Iewtuiy oeizad, de�erihed balow snd all DuItdinps, fiM��r�s, and exfsur�p 0nd t�ltura Improvemsrm fnsruu��s�n,c7::t,,,-�a':��:,
<br /> -- enemdnts,rann, iscuAS,protito, Incomn, ten�m�nn, Mraditamen'Gg,privik�a4 and anV ePW��na��cea tt�oreunta bsbnytnp (s11 catted the
<br /> � ""F� •proporty"f. + --- , t3RRNCl rG�.nuro _ .Nebroske �ie�na ---
<br /> .,� __�—""�'!��� pitflPfR7YADDAESS �515 N tnFAYF`,',��. ��iM (LipCoda; .^`.
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<br /> -- DSIZI(3 �1 PART OF 'fFiB 60L�PHFIBS'Y° 9LTART�R 0't�' T�18 SOTT�F�T15T Uf►RTFI2
<br />`�r 3:��'- ��,, (SW1/Q SEl/�!) OF &FsCTION �IOFiT (8) , TOW?�91iYP IiLBVSN (il� NOATH. RANOE __-
<br /> `�� NINB (91. VIEt3T OF Z'HE 3IX'i'H P.M. � C{RAND ISI.AND� FIALL COUNTY� N6DRASEi�L. -�`
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<br /> �� '�` �a* loce�nd in �go;*}+ re+*++v+ un*.r. Gount/,Nebraska.
<br /> ,r�,�g-� . '�:`
<br /> �` ��_;.,3 �. TIYLE:Borrower cavanante und wareants titio to the property,oxcopt tor . - _
<br /> , �^�x+} , ' _
<br /> �.ua•^��xYr.�; SECWIEO DEYT:TNB dOBd of trust securoa to Lendn•r ropaymant of the securod dabi n�id 4ts,;�crfarrtsa+er of th^ r,evensnta and aprodtnen4a
<br /> .•-?�-.� cont�insd(�this deed of vust end In nny othor document incorporoted heretn.Secured deb�as used{n this daed af trust,lnctudee eny emounte [ � �
<br /> 'r•,�;° • �..;�r;,, Boreower owe�to Lender undor thfe deod oi trust or under eny InstNmeni securod by this deed of trust, end eil modiflcatians,oxten�inns cesd �,
<br /> c•_. . . ..R renowafathcreot. ,,, .
<br /> ""x;t:.'�!�`',`:��" � 7ho aecurod dabt Is evidenced by Wst all Instrumemta and epreemente sacurod by Mis deed of truet end the dates thsreai.l:
<br /> :T'R': m qR 'iq7TY Af3RRRMT�'NT flATFD MAY 10 19Ati - M'`
<br /> __ � _„t, ��H�I�IIS.S��SYSIQTF5.If3, `�
<br />,x.�s,.-i=..s�:ti"'�.'c.�.,�,'':., ..
<br /> �Futur� Ndvaaat: The ebove amount is seGUred ovan thou8h eil or paR of it may not ye4 De edvancod. future advances are .
<br />_ "` "�'�"��r�..�' conternp!atnd and will ha secured tathe samo oxtent es if mnde on tha datn thio dood of trust Is axecutod. .
<br /> J ' � � ,witt�initial ennuel intetest rate of �• ��''`�
<br />-vr ti.76. .'�t'�. . ..
<br /> ❑ Revotving Iine of wedit agreBment datad '`'"°'
<br /> the agreeme t eee co templ t d entl an 1 bo sacuteddto the somo flutn t as If made on 4ho dato thfs deed oi trust is exoautodunder
<br /> ,,.-....
<br />_.-....�� _ ,;�
<br /> if not patd�a�tiar.
<br /> � • ��• The abave obllga4ion ts duo and payebie on
<br /> � � � ^� '; The totnl unpnld bala�co socurad 6y tMs doed of trust at any�na timo shnODoliare 19 d a,,2n n O rinctpal nmount of � ��us intoroat,
<br /> ! �� " �� Covenants eo:tta�ned in�this dead of truet6with intor�est on such disDu samants tho oocur(ty oi this daod of trust or to porPurm ony o4 tho
<br /> � �Vwd�6i�flat�:Tho Intorest rato on tho oEUpatlon socurod by this dood of truot mny vary acco►ding to tho torma of that ablipation.
<br /> •• • :n � [� A copy of tho loan agreement contaWnp tho tcrms under which Mo intorost roto mny vary Is ottochad to this dood of trust n�d
<br /> �� mndo a pert horeof. �° .
<br /> RtDERS:❑ Commerciel � ASC2G*TM'n*T'n nr nF*rrC ❑ - _��
<br /> �� DE9IOHATtON OF HflMESYEAD --�
<br /> Purttuant to the Ferm Homostead Protectton Aet,doslgnation of homoatoad ❑ Ic nttnchod to this doed of trust nnd mado a part horoot
<br /> � . ❑ 6as bosndi�cicimod;the disciatmer fs nttechedto this ducd of trust end mado a pan hnreai.
<br /> ' SI�NRTURES:By n�np 6etow.gotrowu e7r��to thm tnrm�and covannnYe contetned In Ws dts�04 trust,lnciudinn thoso on paQa 2,end In
<br /> , „ y-a dRrs e tih�d abovs sTanad by Borrow�r•
<br /> - - =---� � _ � l . �,1 �,.� �-�.,�.,�_.�.� �
<br /> ----,. � �
<br /> ' es c �ua�vsr�x sn��r,.—�x�xs's� �-
<br /> iq A�� uai�. COUnty 63:
<br /> ° fl�CKI30WlEDti��4:STA1'E OF NEBRASKA, r3A3� MTV �aqK
<br />_ '.. Tho tera8elnp instrumnnt waa ncknowiodpod haforo mo on ihis 1 n�u __ day of �'
<br /> py mucun
<br />�. , � �� INrn�al CorDOra�cn a PxtnNnN;l �_
<br /> CorG:�a:icr 0� .— .
<br /> �s�NUU� on bolialS�f tha corporatlon or partnorshlp. '
<br /> .. - - .. Acmovr•ocm�,m� e . �
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