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<br /> �`:-��r-i��•�';1 ha�hy give Can�mrciel Fexleral 8onk,�Feder�I Ssvings Bank(Commeraial Fodbraf)e mortpsg�ot th�foltavinp property top�thec with efl imprownwnts naw -
<br /> .���='�::��s-�..�?_A a herv�fter erected on U�e proRerry.a�d ail eaaemo�tA riphU e�id epputtetnnc�e th�reto:
<br /> � ,tt: � T TA►Io 9ISI'�.1 �1Sj� F� & H Bf��.VI9IC�1� GIT7L f1F (�2�ND Ie�e
<br /> ���;Y'�•:'� ' HAT�I,�Y. 2�.
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<br /> ;�;.tir -. :+� If morb�han one paraan si a mia moripape.am v;:,�:,'i'..-��.`-.:.' -
<br /> °i; !t� .V�.�(iAi�' g"
<br /> °�?"'������ '"'�'���^ This mortgape eecuren o loan made 6y Commereial Federel•A noto datsrf the eame date as this mortgr�e wntaina the tama for r'p»yrrant of thst lo�i.Ii that -
<br /> �v�•�:_ ?;2:s;:_°.:
<br />-,� ��� , not�ia ever chanpod or replaced by a now note,it v�iil bo aecurod y ii m�rtpeGe•
<br />-_�-.�:.,�•��. ;,:TL''"':. I peomiaethefollowiapthinps:
<br />�<.�'i•'y*i'�•::':;�'. 'v 1. All payrtnent�on any rtou ar mher debt arcurod by thta mortpage will ba peid when duo,
<br /> ... j>.j;p��; :�.,� .
<br />'`�:�'•:• � 2. An inavranca poiiey for firo end extanded eovempo wll bo kept in foeee on the property in en anw�mt�i least equnl to the do6ts aeeuted by this
<br /> "+:':":���?Tl�.�: . mortDage plu�anyothe►mc+nQagea liated in paragraph 8.Ths insursneo company must be eatia4�ctar,rto Commerciel Federnl.and Comrnxcial -.
<br />-=='i�;;�:,,;,;t,c___ Fadural vuiil 6o e nemed inaured on tha poticy. �.
<br /> - ..-..� 3 All tavas and sasaumentd on the P�We►N�il be paid bafae lhey hecome doli�quoM
<br /> ..;:..'.•...�si,rry►+s�+ 4. No wasto wiil bo committod on tno proporty,ond it will be kopt in poad repafr. _�.-
<br /> "^'"" "''`"'�' 6. Tho proporty wili not be eold(includind 6y land conVect),tuesed,and no interest in it wiil ba essipnad in sny vny. ����_-
<br />'•ie•;�:•:. �.�^� ' S�RT1�7C�Ti��L�A�7SRAT �
<br /> ;:};j;�: �,' "' • 4. 1 ov+m tho proporiyfrt»ond clxnr oi any othor mondagos or encumbrance� IXCEPT f��
<br /> ..���> _ :;�. C�`--
<br /> , ,,..:a.. . a .�
<br />�-',iYryi'.R�y:'� ���. �. r__:.-,�.
<br />_.;r�.:�,-,.,.:.,,.,a�;';�; 7. No othor mart,�apo or lion an tho proporry v+nit ovor 6o altowed to ho in doTault or bo foroclosai. t°�--
<br /> r•r;r'.
<br /> � �.�
<br />:;�S°.""""S�':'%t" 1}eny ot thew promisea ero not kept,then Comrrarcial Federel can dcelara ell ot the dn6t immediately due ond paynhlo without advar,co notico.Tho t,.-`
<br /> -% •„ • fntorest rato will incmase to 19.00��or any proaAU roto allowablo by law at:hat timo, end thfs mortpaflo�an bo foreclosed.lt tho debt is eccoleroted,thon 1 _ _
<br />•°'�;���' ' �5� also essign eny mnt or other incomo from the property to Commarcinl Fo�ieral. r_
<br />��-.''<<�.i�.�„1 � r ;..iH,
<br />":��>,,+;:; Certain omou:►ts cnn bo psid ay Cammercinl Fcxlerel end uddnd to the debt aocured by thia mort4apa lhoy ero any taxoe or inaumnce 1 have epreed to , ;
<br /> �' pay but fe!I ta,any ottomay foos or court oxponaas Commerctul Fodoral pays it it ia mado a pnrty nt any lepai acdon brought by aomaon�dso concominp the
<br /> � t �ropeity,and nny ettomc+yfoes or court oxponse9 which tAo la�v miqht cllow if Commorciel Federal haa topo to court egai�at mn to coilaat tho dcbt or i:;�:i,
<br /> � ' :?'S} orectosc+thia mortgaflo.II eny of those th(npa happon,thon tfio edditional dobt will acc►uo intorost nt tho samo rato as tho rast ef tho debt nnd must h�gaid
<br /> �.�; .
<br />_..: . �t�;•,. Immedieteiy.
<br /> �;�. , •,�"�'• If thie proporry le evm condomnod undor tho power ot ominont domain or nny aimiiar mothod ot tnking property icv pubtin uso,any prococds ot tho 4akinp �, ,
<br />� .;�'` wilt ha p�id to Commcrcinl Fodoml up to tfia fuU nmount of tho dobt aocur�. '•
<br /> � .. '�•I�.�t.: �V 1\l�_.1�J�� � � �li'V`h.'•..
<br /> %��,..� Todaye O�to 0o wor ut t�
<br /> . •cr�.
<br /> , rro rs S�g turo �iLY J O'SR�T '"•
<br /> .�..,;\.
<br /> . �
<br /> • � STATE.OF I�l � 4`;,;,�
<br /> COUMY OF I�AT+i+ 1 �
<br />� � On thf� lU�'FI day oT �� .19_25,hotoro mo,o notnry puhiie in and tor enid county, poraortally cama
<br /> J�NNyt Q�� s321d I�E.T.,LX �T 0��2�7 to mo known ro ho tho idonticnl pnrson or porsona whoso
<br /> norvr�is or aro otfaud to tho ntsovo mortgapa,and thoy,ho or cho sovarelly acimowicdpad tho oaid instrumant and tho oxacu6on thoroof to bo thcir voiuntnry
<br /> ::�.
<br /> • eatand dood.
<br /> � � ; . .� WITNESS my hnnd nn ' n obovo. //4a,�_. / � �Q � C,
<br /> --:;`�;,,;.�:�' Ntycommission oxpircx �?�'��� �1Q�/��I�'i ,L�/Y/c �
<br /> _ -.--..- � - vu�v�m.wva.......... :m��.:�,:a�.-:a _.
<br /> ��61��ypjCa7�n,�xg„la�f.28.1L�, �� DN-1U77 (04/94)
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