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<br /> r�ay�w��at:�a;y no lonves 5�reyuir�d,at th�o�tion af l.endcr, if mor�ga�.. insur•_nr,�covera�`Yiri��c anta��nt ucd foY th�pe;i��i �
<br /> 31�c:t Leet.i�••r r�quir�s)y;•ovided by cu�in,uecr appravcd by I,�stticr 4�ain I�econt�.s nvn.ilabfe nnd is ai�ttinc�i. Ha��ro��e�cSi��ll Er.�y _
<br /> thc prcmiums rcqvireal to n�intain mortgage insueance ln cSfxt,or to provide a loss reserve,unNl thc rc�uinment for mongs�gc — -
<br /> insui�mtse en�ts iit cccc�rdaaice�likh ra�y�vr�4ten ngecemLnt I�s:tae:�s?�rrower ojtd L,cnd�r ur a�ltcaUtc la�v. '—�-
<br /> 9. Ye�spedJt�n� �.tidcr or iGS agent�»ay msk�n;asonable entries upon an�inspections aF Qi��'rop�izy. Lcnder ch�11 give =__
<br /> Brar�owcr natice at thc di�ie af�r pr[or to:�n insUcction Fpecifyang eeasonab4e cause for the inspectiura.
<br /> lU. CondeznnaHon. The procceds of any uwnrd or cl�im for damQges. dir�ct or core:equcntial, in cannection with any ��__
<br /> condemnation or ��tltier taking�f any part of the Property.or fur convcyuncs�n licu of condemnatton,ctra hereby assignecl and --
<br /> shall bo paid to Lcnctcr. _-__,
<br /> In thc eveat of a total t:,k3ng of thc Property,the p�nceeds shall be applied eo the sucns secured by this Security[rshument, __
<br /> �shethar or nAt then due, �vith any excsss paid to�3ormwer. In the event of a partial takin�of the I'rogerty in which¢he fair
<br /> markct valuc�f thC Pru�erty immediatcly before the tnking is equal to mr greater tfian the amount of ths sums secural by this _._:-
<br /> Su��rity 1'nstiument immesdiately l�efarc lhe taking, unless Horrower and L.ender othenvise agrce in writing,the sums stcured by —
<br /> diis Security fnstmrrdent shall be rr�ucerl by the amount of Yhe proceuls multiplied by the followin� fruction: (a)thc total ;�;:
<br /> anwunt of the sums sccured immrAistely before tha taking,diviAed by(b)the f�Ir market value of Qie P�ropeny immedia4cly
<br /> befora tlie taking. Anp halance shall be paid to tionower. In the event of a partial taking of the Propeny in which 1he fair —
<br /> m�,c��es4ss_oE'sl:e!�:o�t?y imsu_�i�t�ly t�efot�ilZP Ia.k.ina is less thazs thp�n�unt of the suans�c�red imsapdia.te4y Ltefnre d:e
<br /> taking. unless Borro�v�r and Lendcr otfiervrisc n�rec in ariting or unless ap�licable law othenvise pmvidcs.tlie proc,eeds shull a��:~
<br /> be applied to the sum.secure�by this Scciuity Instrument whether ar not the sums are then due. --
<br /> If the Property is abandoned by fiorrow�r,or if,aiter noxice by I.endcr to Honower thai the candemnor offcr:o to make an �'u
<br /> a�:-�rd ur settle s c!s'sm for dwma�es, Bo:�ro��er f�+�ls tn resp�nd to Lender within 30 days�fter the date the notice is �iven. ' _
<br /> Lendcr is autl�orized to coflect and upply thc proceeds,nt its opuon,either to restoradon or repair of tha 1Property or to the sun�s ��`;__
<br /> secunxl f�y this Se.curity Instrujn.ent.whether or nM then due.
<br /> Unless l.ender ztnd Botrower oil►erwise agree in writing, any applicut�an of proceeds to princiPr.l �'hall noY cxtend or �"'�'
<br /> postpone the due date of the ntonthly payments re�'erred to in pa�agrapiis 1 and 2 or change the amount of auch payrrtents. °=���
<br /> 11.Borrower 1�1ot Released;Forbearance By Lender IoT¢,t n Wnf�ver.Extenslon of the timc for puym2nt or inod3fication -
<br /> of amortizatiun of the sums secured hy this Securiry Instrument granted by I.ender to any 5uccessor in interest of Borrower shalf -_ -__
<br /> . ._ . - -
<br /> nn!�nPrntn Qn rr[eacE:thr_.linhtl�t3+t)t thr nn�tn�l 6ararrncuaT nT Ftnp�wP�g v�u�tt•gw�i,.'y.:jn:�rr.i, :r..�;r� r��wi=.u.i:u-�.,z..�s.,_�n - -.
<br /> 'r_'_" " _"__' „c;,...
<br /> wmmence proceedings against�ury sucassor in interest ur rofuse to extend time for payment or other�vise modify amoe�ization - --
<br /> of the sums secured by t6�is Security lnsuument by reason a:'�ny demand made by the original Borrowcr or Borro�ver's -_..—
<br /> successons in interest. Any fosl:earance by I.ender in exercisin�any right or remedy shall not be a waiver of or preclude d�e -_---
<br /> exercise of any right or rcmedy. -__-
<br /> 12. �uccer,,ors and Asslgns Bound;Joint swd Sc;veral Giability; Co-signers. The covenants and agrcements of this x
<br /> Security Tnstrument shall bind and benefit the successors an�i �ssigns of Lcnder and Borrower, subj:ct to the provisions of ��+
<br /> garaeranh 17. Borrnwer's covenanu and afireements sltall be.joint and seveml. Any Borrower who co-cigns this Security x::M
<br /> Instrumene but does not execut�the Note: (a) is co-signing this Securiry Instrument only to mort��ge. giant and wnvey that ��-'
<br /> Aorrower's interest in the Property under the terms of this Securiry Instrument; (b)is not personally obliEated to pay the sums Y..y
<br /> �ecurcd by this Security Instrument;and(c)ngrees that l.cnder and any other Borco�ver may agrec to extend.modify,forbcar or ���-�-Y
<br /> make any accomn►adations with regard to tl�e tctms of this Security Instrumcnt or thc Note witltout that Bono�ver's consent. �::.'=
<br /> 13.Loan C�t�t�.If the loan s�cuPed by this Security Instrument is subject to a law wi�ich sets�na�cimum loan eharges. ,'�"`'''k
<br /> and iha¢ lnw is finally interpt�tal so that the interest or other lo;ix�charges collected or to be�:cdlected in cannection with the �'
<br /> loan exceed the p.rmitted limits,then: (a)any such loan cha ba s'hAll be reduced by the amaupt necessnry to reduce the charge �� _�_
<br /> � �,,,
<br /> to thc�rmittal liniit;and (b) any sums already oollected fmm Horro�ver�vhich exce,ederl petmitteci limits will be refunded to �` .
<br /> Borrn�ver. Ixnder may choose to make this refus►d by reducing the principal owed under the Note or by makin�a direct � .�
<br /> payment to Borrower. Tf e refund reduces principal, the eedur.uon will 6e ueated as a partial prepayment without uny
<br /> pre pa ym�nt char�e under thc Note. � ����
<br /> ►• ';:
<br /> 14.No4ices.Any notice to�onower provided for in this Sccurity Instruanent shall be given by delivering it or by maiiing
<br /> it by 6cst class mail unless appficable law requires use of another mett:od. Tiie notice shall be dimeted to the Propexty Address t�;
<br /> or any othcr address Bonower designat�by notice to L.ender. Any notice to Lender sl�all be given by first class mail to ���'
<br /> Lender's address statcd henin or any other address Lender designates by notice to Borrower. Any noiice providcd for in this f.
<br /> '� Sacurity Instrum�nt shall bo deemed to have be�n given to Borrnwer or I.ender when givcn as provided in this paragraph. �
<br /> �S.Governing Law; Sevcra6Illty. This Secueiry insz�i;�ent shall be govenicd by federal law und thc la�v of the � �
<br /> jurisdictioe�iu�vhich the Praperty is locaicd. In the event that any provlsion or clause of this Security Ie►stmment or thc Note �
<br />' wnflicts with applic2ble law,such cunflict sliall rtoi affect other provisions of Yhis Security Instrumea�t or qhe Note which can be �
<br /> given effc;ct without the conflictin�provision. 'i'o¢his end tl�c provisions of¢his Secueity Instrumer�t and the Note are declared
<br /> to be severable.
<br />: 16.Borruwe.r's Copy.Boreower shatl be given one conformed copy of the Note and of this Security Instrument. �
<br /> Form 302a 8/90 �
<br /> PCG�4 Of 0 !
<br /> �
<br /> �
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