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<br /> flxca��:s u�>;ti' oe�l1c:r,::�i'�cr a Part of the prop„riy. AU YCQI(iCCilTCilt9 and �dditions shall nlso fae cn��ered Wy �hic 3LcuryYy �{.:-.,,_ ,
<br /> lustjumcnt. All Uf aSic forcgi�ing ls rcfcrral to in�Ids 5r.currity�rist�-u�nent as the"Pro�rzrty.° E���r_�
<br /> .�.:-_-
<br /> flOR ii n 1 V l?R COVL�NANTS that Bon�o�vcr is In�vfully scisec!of the estnte lir,r�by cAnvaycd and h�.y tltc riglit to grant a�v1 ° �
<br /> ronvey 1'rcu F�uFn;►.y und ti�ac�A:: t'rap:.rty is en•'.ItCDI11�iP.YEA, rxccpt fnr cncuniE�r2r,ccs af rccord. IIorrowcr wnrrant��aaid�vil! ��-„__�_. :
<br /> stetend generaUy the title to tlie Yropert,y ugaiust�Il clnims und deinands,suFiject to any encumbranCes of rccord.
<br /> TIIIS SFCUItFfY IN5'CRUM�NT combines unifarm envenants far natiannl use and non-ur�ifarn�coven�nts�vith limited __
<br /> variaitons by jurlsdiCtion to constitute a uniform s�iuity instrument covcrfn�re�l property. �-_°^-•
<br /> UTVIFOIiM COVEtdANTS. 13a•rowcr and l.ender covenant nfld t�gcee as follo�vs: ______
<br /> 1. Pay���e�vi of �'rir.Gi�mi s�nd InteresS; 1Prepayment nnd Latc �harg�.s. F]arrower sl�all promptly pt►y when due tha ��-_
<br />' prineipa[ut a�id int�rest on the debt evidesiced by the Note nnd any prepaymcnt and late chugcs duc u��der the Note. Y__:__
<br /> 2. �+ads for'Caxes a►id Yoisura»cQ. Subject to applicable!aw or ro a written waiver hy Lender, Borrower shnll pay to _
<br /> Lencler an the day etionthly payments are d�ee under the Note,until'the Note is pa.id in ftdl,a sum("Funds")far:(a)ye�lrly�a�ces _.-_.._...
<br /> und asscssm�nts�vfticii m�y attain priority over th'ss Security Instrument us a lien on the Propesty;(b)ycarly l.:asehuld p�yments =
<br /> or ground mnts an the Property, if 1ny;(c)yearly haaard or p�operty insurance prerr+iitms;(d) ye.v'ly flood insurance�renuums, - _
<br /> if pny;(e)ycarly mortgnge insuranoe prcn�iums, if any: and (�any sunts payable by Dorroivcr tn i.ender, in nccorclance with �
<br /> the provisions uf paragraph S,in fieu oF the payment of mort�age insurance premiun�s. These items are called"Escrow Items." _��
<br /> Lc:nder mav, at any time, cnllcct vid hold Fuuds in su� ar��ount :�ot ta c;.r;,�i the in„.Yimu►m amount a Iender for a fedcrally _.—._
<br /> rr,la+.ed mongage toa�. may n.ui�• for H��rower's escrow account under the federal Re:11�stat�Settlemcnt Pracedurzs Act af ��;^
<br /> Y9TA as amended fresm timc�o timc, 12 U.ti.C. Sc:ction 2607 et seq. ( ltESPA"), anless.�nother (aw that applies ra the Funds „Y-
<br /> sets a Icsser amount. If so, I.ender may, at nny time, collect und hold Puivls in an amount not to exceed the Iesser:imount. in"''=�,
<br /> i..ender may estimate the nmount of�nnds due on the basis of current data and�easonable estimatcs of cxpenditnres of future _____`
<br /> Lscrow Iterns or otherwise in uccordance with applicable la�v. �'�������
<br />- The Funds shall bo held in an instiwtton whose dc}�osits nre insured by a federal agency, instrumentality�or ent�ty ��-_
<br />- (including I�cnder,tf l.endcr is such:u�instituteon)or in any Federal Home i.oan Bank. Lender shall upply thc Funds tu p�y the _.�N
<br /> Escrow Items. [,ender muy not chazge Sorruwer for hoiding and applying til�Funds,annually nnalyzing the escrow acco�nt. or �,'<,'°
<br /> vcrifying the Escro�v Item�.unlcss L.ender�ays Borrower interest on thc Funds and applicable Inw permits L.ender to make such �.�w
<br />- n_.....,..�e.���o..n nrn.�i��n rh:�ron.fnr�n indenendr.nt reul estatc tax reportinK scrviCC ��_�.
<br />= :l Cflaf$C. tiOWCVCi,1RIIl1e[tii"ay ia.yiiiic.i�w+v....• p.-� --==_
<br />_ used Uy I.ender in connection wich ihis iva,�, ���iws a�sl:.;�b�e I:�::' Fro"lst== ^L�!'wice. Unless an aerecment is made ur �,�,.;.
<br />- applicable luw requires interest to be paid, Lender�h�ll not be reyuired to pay Boreower nny interest or e�lmin�s on the Funds. �;-.,„.:
<br /> florraKer and Lender may agree in ariting,ho�vever, that interest shall be paid on the Funds.l.encler st►all give to Bonower, p�,.
<br /> ku�_.:,:.
<br />�= withoi�t churge, an annual accauntin.g of the L�in��s,shov�ing credits a�d debits to the Funds and the purposc for which each �_
<br />-- debit to the Funds vla�made.The Funds are pSodgecl as additional security for all sums setured by this Security Instrument. ___
<br /> v If the Funds held by [.ender exceed tfie amounts permie¢ad to be held bp applicabie law. Lender shall account to Borrower °,�,ti
<br /> for tha excess Funds in accordance�vith th�requirements og applicable law.If the amount of the Funds held by Lender at any �"
<br /> - time is not sufficient to pay the Escrow iienw when duc, Lcr.der rn•rp so notifp Borxower in writing, and,in such casc Honower --
<br /> ; shatl pay to Lcnder the anlotmt necessaty to make up the deflcicncy. Borrower shaU make up the deficicncy in no more than
<br /> - twelve monti�ly Nayn►ents.nt I.�nder's sole discn:tion. �:.v'=
<br /> U�n payment in full of�II sums secured by this Secudty Instrument. Lender shall promptly rc:fund to Borrower any �,:
<br /> �,�'.�
<br /> Punds hcld'uy L.ender. If, under paragrnph 21.Lender shall acqiiire or scll the Property.I.endcr. prior to the acquisition or sale � r:..
<br /> = of�ixe Propc:bty, sf�all apply eny fiunds held by L.ender at rhe timc of acquisition or sale as a crcdit against the sums secured by ��j`.
<br /> - this Seturity Instrurnent. �_- �
<br /> - 3.Applfcafimn of Payments.Uuless ap�Iicabic law provides othenvisc,ai!payments received by Lcnder under paragraphs
<br /> � 1 and 2 shall bc applied: fir�t. ta uny prepayment charges due under the Note;second,to nmounts payable undet.��ragraph 2:
<br /> '� third,ta interest duc:fourth,to principal due;and last,to nny latc charges du�undcr the Notc. ,
<br /> � 4.Chai�ges;Ltens. Borrowcr shall pay all taxes, assessments, charges. finev and impositions attributable to the Property
<br /> __ �vfuch may atfain priority over this Security Instrumcnt,nnd leasehold payments or ground rents, if any. Bonowcr shall pay
<br /> - Ehcse obliqatians in thc mam�er providcd in paragraph 2.or if not p:ud in tliat m��nner, Borrowcr shall pay them on time directly .
<br /> - to the person owed payment.Barrower shall prompily fumish to Lendcr all notices of amounts to be paid under this paragrapl�.
<br />_a If aarrower makcs these payments diT�ctly.Borrower shafl promptly turnish to Lender rcccipts evidencing thc p:►yments. ,,,.
<br />� Bonowcr shali promptly dischar&e any licn which has pnoriry over this Security Ynstrumcnt unless Bonawcr: (a)agrees in ;•
<br /> - wciting to�he paymcnt of the obiigation secwed by the lien in a manner acccptable to Lr.nder;(b)contests in�ood fnith the lien
<br />,-'� by, or defencls arninst enforcement of the licn in. legal pro�:ecdings which in the Lender's opinion operatc to prevent dte
<br />- enforcement of the licn;or(c)secures from the holder of the lien:u�egreement satisfnctory to Lendcr subordinating thc lien to
<br />�s ti�is Seci!ritp 3nsi;ument. If I.t:ncter dciermines that any par�of thc Property is subjcct to a licn which may attain priority ovcr '
<br />:w this�ccurity Instnia�ent, Lendur may give Borrow�cr a noticc idertifyinb t(ic lien. lloiYOwer shali satisfy the licn or take one or
<br />-a morc of the acCsons se4 forth ubove wit6in 10 duys of tho giving of notice.
<br /> form 3028 9190
<br /> PagO 1 of�
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