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<br /> „ � " ��Q�C''."1��r��YL��O YUQU,L`3� r�i C�,i��i�. ft Car�3�::.f�"_�:;1 C�i�il CORLt�'.�3i1'J�Q:.'ZiTO�:ii7 OCVi���2;t�J Qii7 r4;�t t0 it�ti�C11`�7��.7�:11Z 0} r` .
<br /> .. E1�7 �:�:'i�f 11�:�'tf,-������C:��C��L��itl�� C.1 G'ljf E���]�ti��7 ��l I1�C��:�T Gr (0) �[t�y� (ar tuab o�:�:t p�rlsd c7 c,�'•-��S�J I_1'�1 fi1�y C(S�EI�j1 �a1 ! - . _
<br /> (i.:d�:�;:G_:�;f����J;J C:'J G}L:�� �=i��3wnll f'iL�i�L'�7�!t� r�zy p�:.�r c?r_c:�oc�:u;ZC3 t� t7t� f�=�ur�ty InCGUrC;tl� d? (f1� G�Uy o9 n Ju�J�:crt �
<br /> ClTi:���23 Go�J ��'..:::��ii�J 11�:�1!�c:�:i9. �L'.".11 CEild:_'�1,� C'J fci�� �.'`Ji7i.:�::7. (a) p.:�a 6rn�`�l fl�) CS�„� ec�tLh tit�;t rrauld is� 4u� urc��r EcllJ I
<br /> . .--- "^"'d"'�t�9 t'.°�t M'„"�.`f.w.t tf>\:ntTw:.�!" �v.b��. Piu�i�:Lvdc.i::+�i v� c1°�.�:°i�C��i? �----- . . __ .
<br /> r:� cr.�stny i�i�aau:�ii C]tU wr�i�'v:�c� o ini c:rw.aas.- �..i �+I i �'+'1 ""_— .—',.' - .
<br /> : � e9 E�;�m�sa t:cuaa9 6i c�siJr�n�ft�F��uril]�tnsWy�nt, 6nelutl6+�,but not H��ed to,recaon�b�attam�ye'l�e;Qnd(d)tzk9a such notion •
<br /> . ., a��on�r may��onoey raqua�ro a��ur�th�t tho tden af Ihl� Securityr trioVumw�l,Londo�s ripbte tn tho Proguriyr and Bo7owefe obL'„�tian
<br /> � ta pay :M aacrts t�urtd by thM &scr�rRy tnOtvmant eh�p cnntinu� unuhenped. Upan nelrutatxr�ar►t by BoROw�r, tht� Fi�urlly In�Wm�t .
<br /> • 1 � G:i� ���Giinjj�i�ii�i Gw"vUCvi���:.�iw�3ji 6�.r�f::�.:.�1 CJ�:J G�:.::i:J GS lt i1D C^�:'.:�N^� �I^_(�Q�S4'!IlPC21. HOPJtiV2f� titH r�;ht to ro;nat4:A 6P►�I not
<br /> ' �ppH h th�cua o1 aao�MPuion und�r p�r�pro�+h t7. I
<br /> + ,. :-.r, 1�.6Yle m}NO►�; Ch:;:�0 O}I.�at1 �lVIC�P. 1?tio Not� or p Pvli�l Irtonct In !Iw Noto lta�lhar wNh thM &�ucity •
<br /> , , � , (n��rum�nq rts�y b�aotd nn� or mon lhwa wkhoul prbr aotic�to Borrowor. A�nt�msy ��tuk In� ohanq h cho tntUy (known Qo 41�e I .
<br />- 'LOan Ei�n6ced') tt�t aoM�Ye morftt�N pay�ta�ste dsw undw tM Not���d thh S�curity Intteumsn� Th� �Iso rruy b�ona or mon ehfn9a I
<br /> ot th�Lo1n S1PViCK unnfaNd to�Qate af LM NoN. 0 Qt1�ta(0�ohangD o}ah�Losn S�rvtc��Bortowor wftl bo ph� wrktsn noik,�ol th� I
<br /> . ChJr� !n t�GSt±^n�e rr�t� R�e�h 14�hbve vtl �W'�1� Mw. 7tia noUca wW suts th�namo Fnd a�dn�o o}lh�nvrv LoAn S�vicu �
<br />- �nd tPw�dArs�� to whlch p�ymon4e ahould b�msd�. Th�notkA wIN ako contrh my ettHr Infortnatbn n�utred by aQpNcabM ww.
<br /> s" 20. Hez�dcdrt Su�ut�nc�s. Qatrowrr enar no: c�uso a pwmn �n. pres.na. ua�,. disposa4 atoreao. ur �sae o� eny
<br /> _ ' FI�!rdout SuDstinc�a on a In tha Pro�ty. Baru�r�hall no!do,nw albw enyan�eko to do, anyfhlny n!foathp tho Proporiy lnat Is h
<br /> • vkeWlon of ony Environmw:tal Law. 71w procodfnp hva aontwicse eh�N not apply to the p�s�nc�, use, ar scan�e on ttw Rropwty at amaY
<br />� qw�ntRise of Ilasirdou�Sub�t�nc�e uwt an� p4nara!y reccyn(md to tr� �ppropri�ta to nortnel roatcUntinl uca and to mahbn�nc� of th�
<br />�;�, �, propaty,
<br />� . �� FJ��Wid�iiPH�Yi�i�fryi Q�li LG"1C'i'd V�iw'1 R6iii.�6?b'iy kri:3t�t�11� a�_n�d�rt�ed. ks�rau� or olhrr ection 0y any govemmw�lal or
<br /> � nguytory aplr�cy a prA�t��srty hvoklnp tM Paapacty and eny Haar+�oua blabatance or'Env'QOnmwital taw o}whbh Borower hns aotuN � �� „
<br /> y � . know'�. If 8ortower Narns. ar Is rt�lRMd by ony�ov�mmental or nuguf�tory authorky. thot any rwnoval or othw ran�df�tion et any � :',,
<br /> �,. ' . Hasatdouo �ubsS�nco �ff�cthp tM PeeFu"l�r fe n�c�ssuy. aorrovw► st�a1 prampiry take aU n�cesssry ra'rwd1Q1 actbns h accordanca wRh � .
<br /> ...
<br /> •..
<br /> .�._ F�vlronrne�►td law. L�:- -- ------=.__
<br /> - --- - � - As us�d in lhfo panyrmph 7A� 'Harirdow SLbatancu' ara lhoar aubstinca doih�d w toxb a ha�rdous subst�nca by i . .
<br />� Emriranm�ntal Law and tM toNowinp �ubttanas: patolirt�, k�ro�� oih�r (ftmrrrCw or toxto pefroisum prorl�cU� toxb p�tticlda �d � � .. �
<br />= hKhbldM� voieLYr iaNw�b� maleri�t� contohlnm asb�tos or fortnald�hyd�. and ndlaicGw rtwWdets. Aa usad fn thN puegnWh 20� , `
<br /> 'Envfronmmtal Law' R�Mna f�dw�► kwe ond kws ot tM �urkdictlon wh�ro lha Property Ie iecuted that �ek�to to haalh, satety or �'.;'� "�
<br />; � „ �j�,.
<br />- YnvYdlmental proMCtion. I _ —' ...�
<br /> NONd1NIFOqN COVENMiTB. Bortow�r end I.attd�r fuRhar Covontnt�nd oprM as tolbwr.
<br /> .._ — -. ---.y ai. iat:ia�s.iio.:: �:�.:m.'�.io�. �.�:..'�.� �:oi y::� ..'�'..6.�..�r� .N. �:���,• rrlw fn aHnalplA�{lfl 4n(Inwlnn ---- - - - -
<br /> ._____..._. .
<br /> '-.-` - .. . .. -�r�-..
<br />_ ' Bop�owar's breach o!iny covena�t or e�reemcnt In thfa �urity lnstrument (but nat prior to accelea�tion -----
<br />;� � unde�r par�r�ph 17 untea �ppltcabfa Isw provldaa ertherw(se). The noUce� �II speaN�r: (a) ttte daiwit; �
<br /> j „ (t�) the�ctbn requkesl to enae�s ths detwit; (e) • date� not lea ttuin 30 dey� trom the dete the �a�t�ce I�
<br />� u . @tv�n b 8orrowe� by wf�9cCn t1"r�� defiuit muet be cured; and (d) that f�IBure to cur� the def�0� on ar �
<br /> j j betor� the d�4� �pecltfed in the notice may �a�ult In �c�elerex9�m of tP�e aums stacured !by tH t�t ':ecur lty i .
<br />- j [nstr�msnt�nd �ts of fhe Property. Tf� notic� Null ttsrttsar Intorm Bore�ow�r ot the rl�l�4 ta�slnatate �Rer I .. .l,�.;t�
<br />- . ? �ccNer�tlon �ol 4f� rl�ht to bean� • court eetbn �o wart ths non-�xist��cs ot � de4wlt ar �r+y other �
<br />�� �. - � u�i�� of Borrower Lv �cceler�uon es�� +�ie. ia i�`W �ias�uii � �-�i c::�a�1 o�a�braiu:o S,'�, d6:a r.�erii��� i �
<br />� � In the rtoUc�� Lendaf at Ita �tbn mty requke Immedlate ptyment �ro 1ut1 04 �!1 wma �ecured by tht� , �
<br /> ; ,
<br /> S�curity tnstrum�nt witl�wt turth�r al��d �rtd m�y Invok� tl� pouerer ot s�fe and �ny ot�er remedte� i �
<br /> p�r�(tud by�plle�IbN I�w. l.�ndar �htll bs �nUflad Qo collect QII a�enaas Irecurred In punulrta tlte � ,
<br />;; •�.. remedlM provld�d In thl�para�roph �1, Includlnp, but not Umited to� reaaonabfe attorneya' tmea end cost� � , � ' y,,;-��
<br /> � of t�W�vid�nce. .
<br />- � If tfN paw� ot stlo Is Invoked� '�nistee �htl1 record � noUce of det�ult In each countJl In w�9�l��ny
<br />_? . •' part o!the Proporry i� locats� and Wal! m�il coples o!wch notice In !he rr�annar proscribed b�I epPllc�ble
<br /> � . law to Bnrrower end t�o �ih� otlwr p�r�on� praacrlbod bY appltr,able law. Afta�r tl�m tlnio �eq�e{red by �
<br />� ' apPllc�bte law, 'Prusba shall �Iv� publle noUc� of aal� to th� psraono and in th� m�nner pre�crlbed by � _
<br />�:, .. applta�abte taw. T►��:a�� witt�aut domand on BoRaw�r. aha91 aell th� Properiy st p�F�ll� �u��� to ti�e � +.�,.
<br />— htpP�eet blddar�t 4he tlme snd plac� ond undK ths tarrn�daalpnat�d In th� no�lce of s�le In ons or more i „ �
<br />_� � psrceN end In any ader Tr�oata� d�tKmin:a Truate� may postpeno �fa of �I! or ony paec�t of tM � .
<br />�. '� Propwty by publla �nauncssnent ot the tlerne �nd p[ace ot se�y provlou�iy echeduled �ale. L�nder or Ite i
<br /> �� dealpnea may purchsM th� Propaty at any �I�. I �
<br />-- Upa� rsc�lpt of psym�n3 of th� prlce bld. T�ua'ted �tsatl delivsr to 4t�e pu�ctwsor Trustee'� dee� �� �j
<br />- . convsylnp ttao Pccp�rry. T0� realtsls In th� Ttuatee'a dead �I�atl be prlTna hcia �vldertce of �e t�th of �
<br />�-^e , � 1Iw�uan�nt�madm thareln. TrusEee ehell sppty tho proceed�of tta� safe fn the tolbwinp arder: Qm) 40 �II ;
<br />-'� " costs attd ���na�a o4 oxe�Cliin� th� power o! at�, and the aia, Inctudlrap 1l���ym�nt of tMe T�uate�'e �
<br /> y� taea aotually� Inc�rred, esot to �xcaod 3-� �i �!t!» princfpal �mount af ths note at the tlme�f Ub
<br /> .. I declaratjon of dafu�l� ans! rea�orubl� e3�,orney'� tees aw perm(tted by I�w; (b) to oll siams secure� by thl� �
<br />_. 3eca�r��j �n�trumant; �red (c) ��y�xce�4�o th�paraom cor pe�ans lep�lty envtted b IL ' . .
<br />-°*-' ° i �T.�1+�COnvsymao. Upm F`9lmwtt of�1 aumi wCUnd bY thlt Socueky tnsUumm4 L�n�rr shaY roquttt Trustw to r�onwy th�
<br />'�' Propu;y�d ttuA niesren�r thE�S�ceuTy InaWman! mnd a!nota e+rkl�ic�np daM sacursd by thls Securry Inatrumont to Tructoe. TrusM�
<br />` . shatl ceCOnvsy 4Tze PT.�scY�t}��rrittout w�snty and w9��II chuao to th9 petson as pbraone Ofl{yelry anlYckd to R. S.�Ch perevn or pKSw:�RhiY
<br /> aay�+sy r�ordse7on cata.
<br /> ,
<br /> �'� 2�.&�b�tlt�ta Tra�atee. Lendv, et Rs opYlon. mny from tYne to tL�no r�ertwve Trostae and ap�ofnt a auccesaor Ws4eo to any ;
<br /> . .
<br /> � � � Wy� �I
<br /> ._______ ________________-...-- ���_ �__..�. ��r�.��� J _ . .
<br /> i irusi�s ep�ioi+i�o i��md�r oy�n inauur�ti�ocdad n an cauRiy n wiricn mw cwv.w� m�w�..wa v�sw�.�.... ...o�....w...���.,. �-—
<br />- ; � lho 9to�wty�6tiCC8�5J!1l19�ff1 Sh:li SItCC�d t0 Cd thfl tit19,Puvror und dutics con�d tyton Trustae hereh end by eppllcabb Iflw.
<br /> � a�.IZOQt��it 40T N041CQL Borrower�Qquesta that cupMs ai ths noticoe of d�s�R and eeM b�s�nt to Bflrtowu's addr�s whf�h
<br /> b YM 9rQpsrty A�dfeeo.
<br /> j� , � �6.Rlde�e ts thts S�curity Insvument. tt oa� or ma►� �a.rs an sr�cuta0 by Qo+row�r end racadod to�tt�wAh thb
<br /> �s F�euriy Ina4rum�n4 th�cownants �nd apr�n�rob ot�oeh aueh rid�r et►sY bs heorpor�tQd hto ead shan emand cnd e�upplort�nt tha
<br /> �• � � oo�ww�b au�d aprwrant� o}thl�Secufliy InshuaHnt ae M tha rtda{��w�n�put of!hN�curiiy(natrum�nG
<br /> 1
<br /> �
<br /> � Paa�4 ot E irorm 90.^E W00
<br /> t �• F107ALMO(1/Y6)
<br /> 1
<br /> ,� �a � --
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