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Re-.••-� -. <br /> �_ �" s�''� �.::-.- <br /> =-__�-_�.--�_���� _ I ��o� /���., �:,.�= � <br /> � ,.� CiDVL:.'.RCJPO ' ' <br /> �{� � <br /> 9. ��.:�..:'_:.:]� C':CN'.1'�f;:7 r::7;.�•:i fn 1��1.^.::.'1 C'.) Q:�:�1�1.90 0I1 Sit� C.::CI'iC.fl (i:Ut GiT.. �14�. UiII.".::a CfiiPO:°:?C::1 I.Ci:;�CS C;;iC� Oiil':!t'::::J, L,1� <br /> �� ,r� Q::�'u:..�li.`)(.CIl('::1 f����:1�P(?1d�'::tf0:�"7 L•Y ICt�:'iJO�.:f�0 4°fi°iiZ C:�:��:7 C;i��=[1{u�4 l0 i:�iJ t':�ili::i��0 �;Iiil�Y:T fil:9::) (1D�il� C::L::i�:')1�:.. <br /> � o::.^.!:c::l��n41��f��rc::i er�,�;,:�+;.:1,c::^cad to!�„csc^9�r.rr.f titcn Co prl�iclU::l.lO��:a�l:i ptcf�;,y��r.:t�t n4 tit;�couur,cl d::Z2 aeeura Qne r.ny�e^::;:n�1:r::! I ; , <br /> - -°1 r,r,i rc4uco a:or,v;��e,iy c�.�::>..�:::��_�1•.�;��a�.;�i,1 t�i:�a:curcd�_�3 la pe!d In fa:f. �>-- <br /> _ �• k.Glr��na R�Ttrnt`d►t'r. 4?orro�::t ur��l pctd�t!tpxse,e�seasmonte,Hnd otluit cliarp2o Cf4iIL'Ut4L'10 t0 fitJ¢rapar;y�;:���GIS�Gtt!1 yr�;:i f�PAn:�o�is � <br /> �,�� tO ti:0(:70�?L'iI G'id�I1f!i��7+f1A'.p;9 l•ii11G1S l7tttl�i��fit�_3SC Ctt9���n�,4 th:s d�cd o4 t�irsc.�Cfl�i�r roay rcqu�ro 13G7POL'�:7[0 qSSl��il t:li�fl[;�iS9.C��'.i�t3 C9 <br />='�s-*=��:,. . Aetan�`a whl��wrpw�r hi�y nNVa aqa�t��t Pnt��o w ha euppiy lakror ar met�rlets to ImRrovu or malntein thU proWsrry. <br /> - .�ry�.�...7��__ , u.:_._ <br />...7A"a-.. . .-.. <br /> 9.L�auraitco, �:«oti'!SP 4:111 kee;�ti�a propcfiy tn�ured undct tcrrn�ccceutnCt�to Lor.�er nt fl:�trovaer'o a:cpenso a�id fer lender'b Bnr��fii.Atl <br /> ="r`trt`ly((�-�;,,,^..�. Insurenc��1UIICTt1 Rh1i�ti1t�IJ1��Q 6ipllfiAiQ idi�ii�'�YA V�"rU:7{�{4:.�.+�Q�:11�:7.�.Cf.��!C,ill h�n'�Y:.^r1 e9 lar.y p�ype or r��Iht�Insurnd cn eny such <br /> - --'�5 In�ur�nc�policy,Any Inaurance proq��ds m�Y���R{�Ilad,within L�nd�r'�dlscretian,to elthor Uia rostontlon or�epair af 11ya damtgetl prep�rty �,� <br /> -_.,_w;,;,�e��,� '' r�r to the sacvred dabt, If lender raqulros martgafle Inaurona,Borrower apra�e te m�int�fn such Inauronce tor e�tonp�e L�nder r�pulr��. --� <br /> �'� �"'yr� 4.Rrop�4y.�orrowrar vv{II keeg cho property in pooQ condition end mako ell repairo roeeanebfy nocnvaery. �`�� = <br /> _ ��".;, '� <br /> ��' E.Exp�:ue�.Borrowei epreea to pay ell Lender'e oxponse� Inctudinp reeeonaGte ettorney�'tae�,(f Borrower bronk�eny covenentn In thfy de�d �s . <br /> �,,.g�.�'i of truat or tn any ahligetlan secured by thif daed of tru3t.�ottower�vill pay theaa emounts to Lander ea provided In Covenent 9 of th(s deed of M : <br /> c.i• x-�, irusQ. �--'-` <br /> .. c �.� <br /> �:�r� 8.RAor G�curity IniN��1U.Untess Borrowor firat obtalna LendQYe written cansen4,8orrower wlll no4 naRe or{scrmfi any chanpca to cny pd�r �y '� <br /> �r.-- :,.: <br /> ?±;�n±Fw+�-•c .�.•� �ocur6ty Intereat�. Borraw�r will peMorm al{�of 2orrower'a obitgations under ony prlot mortgage, dt+od o1 trust or othar eacuvity epreoment, _ <br /> �••�•`.`' Irsctudl�p Bonower'o covenante to mike peymente when due. n-y�, <br /> _.-_'-ie�•- ..,..Y ------ <br /> ' 7.A��i9nrt�rt oF R�na wxi ProHto.Borrovrar esdgrta to Lender tho rome and proffts of tho proporty.Untese I3oROwsr en�Lender have egroed ��-�� <br />.'.�sti� .� ..'.�i�� <br /> otherw(5n In evrRing,Borrowur may coliect end retain�ih�ronte as lorta us Borrowor fe not In dofauit.If Borrowor defauite, Lvnder,Londer's <br /> ' .;� ',�• apent,or�court appo[nt�d roeetver maY tuko possesgion end manage the propcvty nnd calloct the ronus.Any ronts Lender cailecta sholt be �,..s;;;; <br /> �- -_�;R,K�,��;,�: , eppilad 9irst to ihs eosU of mmaging tfie property, Including court caste ead atfarnoya foea, comrtdastana to rental epente, artd eny ott�or �-y;�w:_ <br /> ---;, +,a�+r : . necestrry niat�d exponat.Ths remelnlnp amount of rente wfll thcn npp(y to paymonts on the secured debt�s provided in Covanant 7. _- <br /> . .'•�•�;ti"�i "'-�R,_._ <br /> ' �.R=�;::-,,,�,�''•�,;:.��;�;,,-::q�;;r.y!!N_t QeM�t�!ss�e.Bc�rowor a9reas to compfy wlth tho provinion�of nny lease tf this dead of Vust le on <br /> �,�' , ' '�' e loaaehoid.If thl&daed af 4rust is on a unit in a condaminlum or o planned un(t devetopment, Botro�ver wlll porfo�m etl of fsorrower`a duiiee c,«-� <br /> �A� wxfsr the covdrt�nte,by-i��rs,o��opulationa ot the candominium or plonned unit developmont. ��;;�•' <br />--�,•�'r�u��%.. .`� �'_` <br /> `� ` 9,Eluthatty of londsr tn P�rfotm for 8ottaw�r.If Borro�vor foils to�portorm anq of Bortower's dutias undor thle deed of trust,LenQer may <br /> .�� A �, . perFUrm the duties or caute tl�am to bB performed. Lo�dor may si0n 8orrowor'a aamo or pay ony amount If noCnssery for porfarmanca.ff aRy <br /> ,_,�,.._:^�,,; ,�.., GonsVucL'on on thnptopwty lo discontinued or not canled an in a reesonabie menner,londer may do whate�or�s nocessnry to p►oteat Lendur's �•;�:_'-. <br /> c�curity inYCrc;:.t li.lho propci a'y.1'hia m�y Includa co.ptcUnfl tho cooatruction. � - <br /> ,:S •.t <br /> � '�, ,`-,�/4r`�1�°� Lender'a fnliure to pefform wiit not preeludo lendor from exercising any of itn othor flph4s under t0�o�aw or th(s doe�of trua¢: � <br /> � , <br />',�t,'.,•" , : Any amounts peld by Lender to protect Londer's securfty Interest wfll bo svcurod�y thia deed of trust.Such Amounte will bs duo on domsrnd <br /> and wiil baar intarest fram the dnto of the paymont uatil pald in tult 9t tha(niareat rato in offect on the cecurud clobt. -;:�j;�: <br />''``+" - ���`'�••• ' 10. 0�fauft and AceW�nUon.If Borrower feHs to make eny payment when due o► braakn anp covanante under this dead of trust or any ; ;�- <br />,r,., <br /> • ;' ;,��,` � �•�� a b l 3r n t i o n s e c u r s d b y 4 h l s d e e d o f tr u s t o► e n y p r t o r m o r i fl a g n o r d e ed o f tr us4,Lendar ma y occetorete the maturity ot the oocured debt end <br /> '�• demand Immedi�te Deyment and may invoke tho power of selo ancl any ather romedioa perrnittcd Ay opplicable law. � '�'�' <br /> � ry� , J:. <br /> - �.__. S i_n�nu�si irn iiouco 6i vsii"vis.I2 S6,i8io�5�:ayua��sts:t t�F�a4 2l:��'C1�I��q f�f IIA�AII�}anri entn hn son4 to onch peuson who Is a porty � - <br /> ' , �, he►oto,at the eddres��f each such person,as snt fonn norein. <br /> �11 ` c p = <br /> 1R.Powsr of 9ds.11�t�a Lender Invokee tha power of ealo,the Trustee shail first record(n the offtco of th0 vcflieter ot deeda of each cauniy <br /> • '�•���♦�� � ' '�� she11 a�lsohmell coplee ofihe iiom e o deteuet to thar6o�oweti,et each perso dwho�laca palrty harehto erd to�othe pereons�uyp escrl6edt�4y - <br /> '� t apptfca4te law.Not lesa then one month efter the 7rwtee recorda tho notice of default,or two montha It 4ho uust prupnrty ls not!n eny ;' <br /> ' �" �z '�' Incerpareted eity or vfllaye end la used tn terming ope rstlone cerrled on by the trus[or,tho Trustee shell pive publlo noYico of e81e to tfiR paraom , <br /> `�.' � � �. �" end in tha�ietx�er proscrlbed by�epppllcabfe law.Truatee,without dsmand on Borro�wer,shall sell tho proaorty ot publtc nuction to the hipMat �` <br /> "'„�'e' �'��'�� •�F bldder.If raQuirad by tha Farm Nomostead Protection Act,T�ustea shell offer the prapertV In two separete ealea es requtred Ey appllc�b:s lew. .�!� <br />��#"�'�'--,_-1_.. Trustee ma1r poctpone sel�04 aI!or eny parcel of the pruperty by pubtle onnouncemsnt at the time and place ot eny prevloGSty scMduTad ade. � y.. <br /> `�'�'"''��"��'����' L6nder or It�deden�e m�y purcheea the proparty a2 arN eale. � <br />�".-•_'.k�-si�l,"�'.�^=C'-06..� - <br /> �.1a.._- <br /> Upon receipt olpavment of the prico bfd,Trustoo shnll dolivar to tho purchasar Trustao'e doatl cunvoyin9 tho property.Ti�a racicfefs wniei��ud i�� <br /> _;'„ �..,;,��.� Trusteo's doed ehall be�rlma facie ovldienco 04 tho truth of tho smtomonte contafnad thoroln.T�ustae shali epply the proceeds of the eete In ths r+�+� <br /> to!Iowlnq order:<a)to sll expen�ea of tho ealo, fncludl�p, but no! Ilmlted to, roasonable Trustea'e fees, reasonable attomey's teea end <br /> �• -�:� retnateteenent feea;lb) to alI sume sacured hy thls deed of trust,and(c)the b�tanco,If nny,to tho porcona IepeUy ontittod to rocelve It. <br /> .:��.�+�r.e r���:�.�k" �3•Fo►�c�cwn.At Lander's optlon,thla daed of trust mey bo faroctosad in the mennor pravlde by applica6le Inw for forecloturo of mortpapea . <br /> _-�' :._.:�,. :.� ' on roal proporty. <br /> '•' -;-_.;...:t..,; 14.I�etp�ctbn.lenEer may enter tho proporty to Inspoct ft Ii Londor gfvos Bonmvor notico boforohand. Tho�otico must etata the roasonobto <br /> '�����. � � Couse Sor lender's Inspectlon. • <br /> jS:._'`,;• .. <br /> _- . ,'_:��� 16.Condw�xiatlon.Aorrowor asslgns to Londer tho procoeds of eny award or claim for dsmag Qs connected with e condomnation or othor tokf�g <br /> of all or e�y part at the propeny.Such procooda will bo eppllod as provlded fn Cavonant 1.7hls nsslgnment Is su6;oct to tho terme of ony prlot <br /> '' securlty agreement. <br /> ?.,.{r�,l '� � 1G.Walv�r.By exercistng nny remody availabto to Londor,Londor does not elve u�eny riphts to lator uso nny othor romody.By not oxorclsing <br /> _ _ .,y,_ t�ny c�medy upon Borrowcr's dofault,Lendor dooa not walvo any rlght to lat9r cons der the ovont a defaul4 if It happons apafn. _ <br /> r "(`�!�� 17. Jdnt �nd S�v�rd U�bllityr• Co•�tgn�ro; Succ�saere and Atslyns Bound. All dutlos undor tfits dood of trust ero Jofnt nnd several. Any <br /> , �... ,fi, :.,. Borrowor who co•slgn�thfs dood ot trust but doos not co-slgn tho undor1ylng dobt InsVurteontts) dona so onty to grant und convoy that <br /> _ :.:� Bortower's Intcrost In t1�o proporty to th�Tnistoo undor tho terms of thls deod of trust.In edditian,such e Boroawer nqroes that tho Londer and <br /> ony other Bor�ower under thla daad of trust moy oxtond,modf�or mako ony other changna tn tho torm�of 4his dood of trust or tfio socurod <br /> � � dobt wlthout thet [lorrower's consent and wfthput roloaslnfl that orrowar from tho tarma of tht3 deod of trust. " <br /> .,:."., <br /> ' •" The dutlea and bonetita ot thla daad of trust shnll bind nnd bonefrt Zhe sur.ceasors and assf8ns of Lo�dor and 8onowar. <br /> ,,,��, - <br /> c.t:�h;�"'r � . k 18:��]otlov.Unloss othorNlse requlrod by luw,any notico to Borrowor ahall bn pivan Gy dofivoring it ot by mniling R by cartlfiad mail addrassed to <br /> ,'..�;1�v; �- , Borrower at tho proporty addross or unV otficr addrmss thot 6orrawsr has givan ta londar.Borrowor wfll plvo any ootice to Londor by cortifiod � <br /> _ • ' • tt; ,.s�; me:l ta Londer'e addresn on papo 1 of tf�ls dood of erust,or to t+ny othor address�Nh(ch Londor hae deslpnatarl.�1ny bthor notico to landur ahall <br />- bo sent Ya Londer's ecidrass os statad on pape 1 of this doed of trust. � <br /> �s,� ,� Any noUcs shall taa doemed to havo boon givon to Borroviror or Lendor whon plven 1n tho mannor sta�tad ubovo. <br /> .•:';l':.r � c <br /> ,��,,;. ' 79.Tnansf�r of t�Prop�rty ar a B�ttei�l Interest tn th�Boreovrar.If all or any part of tho proportY or nny intor¢st(n it Is sold or transferred ' <br /> • without tendnr's prlor written eonsont, landor muy domand immadlato paymont of tho s�curod dubt. Londor moy also domand Imrtsadiato <br /> � � " � , paymaht if tha Borrower l9 nut n nnturul poreon end u GnnoflCtnl Intarost In tho Borrowcr te sotd nr transtarrod. Howovor, Londnr mny not <br /> -� •• domand payment tntho obovo s(tuationa If it is prohibltad by todarol law us of tho dato of thls doad of hust. <br /> 20.RcaomsYaacs.Whon th�obltpntlon cocurad by thts dood of Vust has boon pa.Id nnd Londor has no furthor obligatlon to moka odvancas <br />_ �� under tho InsVUments or aarecrrtanro cecured by thla dund of u�st,tho Truntoo chnl�u�san writton raquast by tho Londar,rocanvoy tho trust f <br /> ,; • ' � prn srty.Tho londer�hall dolivor to tho Borrowcr, or to Borrowor'o cuccoscor In Intotost,tho trust daod ond tho notu or othor ovldonco of tho , <br /> ------- _...�.._•--- ---�-°-� °---._�,Y.._r.-----°-.:.,....,.o.a • <br /> .��: , . .. . �+47mn,.�w aau��rn..w......a,a..o....o.....,._�.__.._..�--• � --. <br /> 2t: '3uca�ssor 3�ustee.Landor, ot Landor'o option, maV ramova Trustao and appolnt a nuccossor trusteo b iret;j'!L��il;*jfl;a copy of tho <br /> • substitutton o9 truste�as roquirad Gy nppllcabto law,nnd than,by filing tho suba4ttutton oT truotno 4or rocord In iho�fficb of tho roptstor of deodn i <br /> of each aoun4y f:�which tho trust property,or como part thoraoi,Is situated.Yt�o succoacor trontoo, without coovoyanco of tho proporty,chall , . <br /> ' succood to ell Ih°.flOWOf�dutlos,nuthortty ond t(tIo of tho Trustoo namod t��tho tiaad oi ttuat and of any cuccussor trustoo. � <br /> ' I <br />_ � <br /> � I <br /> • � <br /> ' i <br />_, ' . Ipage 2 0/2/ � <br /> � QAN%fliS SYSTEId9.INC.,ST.C60UD,6tN BOSOt It•EOP397•23�11 FOtibt OCPJVT(iNE 0114/97 _y � <br /> .2 I <br />�' <br /> . i. <br />� <br /> . �, ., I <br /> ' - - - I-- <br />