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<br /> � dehnR�f which�arawrr mry.Y�v�r�eirut put(er who cu�iply lefx�r or niotcrletg to Isnprove or mrinteln lYa ptoperty, �
<br /> �-�A a;:z�,,,�,...,-� .
<br /> n••�•••���-•�• � 3.!rt*_!�ir»ce. l2orrovfs:v�lli i:eap tlia RroR�n,insurod under 4err�ln nucopta�!a to Lor�dor et L'arrvtler'e ox(�en!e ansi for�.or�e�'e bProtit. 4
<br /> ��_ ...,..
<br /> -�_.`:` Irnuranc�policlu�hai!�natud�Y�tmdard morift a��alnuxn In.�uor n0 Lo�w.�.t.���;1;.r e.:l t:ncn_�1 cs f���C^y"°�r e y th�ins�cze�t cs�any cucl 1.:-� -
<br /> =Y- - or�t ilie�ec�urod del�4�If 1 ert�orpaqi�reiDmo�r�gnpe Ins�urAnca�t 8arrowe���pre�ciP u�meinaln iuch Iniurance or ii fn p i�Lendu r qulP�i����Y _
<br /> �
<br /> �� 4.P�opKty.Borrower wlll keop the propetty In poad condiYlan enU muko all repalrA teasonably nflcoasorb. ���
<br />--- 6.IExp�n��.Dorrower a�reos to pay sll Lon9et's o�ct�onco� In:iudin�raaconehtu Mtorneye'ten�,If 8arcower break�any co�onan+te In thia daed
<br /> �°'�•'��� of Vu�t or In eny obitgotlon securod by tfila decd of trunt.�orrower will paY lhe�e emoun2e to Lender es�uovlded in Covenant 0 of th:�deod of --
<br />'_ -_'�?:��� twtt• ----
<br /> tl.�riar 9meudty Int�nte.Unfe�s 8orrower firat obtalne 4aader's writte�i eunsent,Borrower wlll nat myka ar pacmit sny ehsa6=a tn cny prfer --
<br /> .==:.T.,r,��� eecarity intereste.E3urrower wlll Qerfarm ell oi Borrower'n obligations under eny prior marigafle, deBA ot truct or othar aecurity epreemer�L _
<br /> ,,,, fncludlnp Bor�ower'a covenontA to make paymenta when due. ___
<br />���� 7,Nstl�nmmt ot Asnt�end Proftb.Dorrowor essipns to lendor the rents�ncf profite of tho proporty.Uniess Borrowae nnd Lander have aprnad _-
<br /> =-s�i��!�t:.. otharwfae In writinp, Borrower moy colleat end retaln the rente sa long as Borrower le not in dafault. If Borrower dafeul4e.Lander, Lendes'o _ v=
<br /> _J�'w��_7fi.� egmt,o� a cnurt appointed recalvor maY teka posseselun artd monape tho property end cottect tha rente. Any rent�v Lor.der aotle�te ehdf bf
<br /> _,�d aWplied firot to tM caats ot menapin[i the property, Inctuding court coate And eYtornays' feea, commisilons to rental egente, end any other
<br /> -_
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