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<br /> + . TV.. •.. �1� �w..--w:n.- ��.w A �D..Y�i�s�s.afl �RGlAa1�;�:
<br /> TA1&CC()T��1iC6 W11�1h t}]t�CUV1910115�O��LI1C NCIliII9K8�'tllw nvii�ca�rox,�av�w►+�,.t..�., ah:2».........,�__, .._... , _
<br /> G.'i�'EL�rX�nd��.t���n�Rr�w��.�,�u�bxad snd wife, �ria�tc� executit��tho tttuched�eed nf Tsuat
<br /> dated Ml�ry 3, 1'�S, by s�cl be4we�n the ti+nder.sign.ed �nd Z'!�E �'�'l�aE BAF�TI� (D�' CAIR�►; A, Ne�k�a�eluc.
<br />- ]gxnfci�ng C�rporntion,(lurcinail�er refrrr�ed ta as"Ntort,�agc")her�by state and ackreowltdge:
<br /> 1. Th� un�trsigaed stat�s, wanairis and re�r�s�nts that th�ir dweUing house ancf ather buildings subject to at
<br /> h�m:;stead ar�presen3ly lacated upan ihe fallo�ving doscrihed real estate(#�creafter referred to as"Parcel 1")
<br /> The N�ni�erly 83�.69 fe�t mf the Vllesteriy 260.0 fcet nf the Nartb.west Quarter(NW/14j of Sxaon 5,
<br /> a v^L:::sh�g 12 I�?�!*�,�anfte 11,West af tho 6t1h g.Iui.,Hall Coudry, Nebraska. �
<br /> �. T'he uad�rsi�ned acknowledge��'�at they havs a right to make a designation of home.stead�ir�ttr�Mortgage
<br /> or I�ead of Tcusi for the purpi�se of a�Fordin� the apportunaty ta rctain their homesteud iu the c��ent a�
<br /> defaul3;.uit�furecl��r.;u:�t1°r th�N=ott�ade ar t�e�stee's sale under the Deed of Trust. ,, __ _
<br /> �. The undersig�ned acknowledges that the zxecution of this�vaiver constitut�s the complete waivGr of rights
<br /> otherwisa available for the p�a.rQUS�e of a4Fording the opportu��it�ta retain a homestcad in the evc��t af�s
<br /> - default�n�l any foreelosure under the I1�iortgaA�or trustee's sate ur�der the Deecl o�Tcust.
<br /> . _.a _.�.....�....�...��.a_ . .
<br /> �. 'l�ne underzigo�e�i au.�e Q ini:ve�.�..°..�`w�l!��Qon1CJ1=�II�W�IVl� i7 LllllII'KIIII�ims i�s �v�wassn J...,r...-� ,_�-_
<br /> deai A�d!h� undea�!�Igned do hereby willingly nnd valunt�ri3y wAiec,rdinQuish�nd re�iac any��d
<br /> all e�ight to mi�lce a�fesig�adon of homastexd in ti�e 11�ortg�ge or llked of Tirust.
<br /> 5. The undersigna! further tenderstand and agee that this acknowiea::;�aent aad waivec shall be 61ed as a
<br /> Frefac�to and be+come a part of the Moregage or I)eed of Trust. _-
<br /> Dated: Nlay 5,1495 r �,, ��,�/ ., .r._
<br /> :����������..G Eb.'1'Y =
<br /> IVIA --_
<br /> IIYTRL"
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