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<br /> ��Gatird�l t�r matu►iry al 4he Indotisl�dne�s aa+�urnci by thla Oe�ci af`f�uat. 7hf aa+�nants 1u�d�,ir�n�rEls h�raln aa1'
<br /> (c13 d�cCO�RRnht ae�A�l�Ntrld;,lt�Nt!��sd R�+Nr�ll 4IeblNly:CuplbRa.
<br /> e.t�,.«.!•��f!f!!?t!� P.Ii(�Ohg�'I;�tat3 h�raunder shall(nurA to,f�t0 fitSNw9!iyF3 EdlEC�SbOf�:iilll Ef981Lf14��GCEI[�dY fi�tt1 Trt1%fOf A�1 -
<br /> Cov�nanb�nd�ramrnlE 617ru�t+or ah�l!t��oh�i snci wntsr�l.Ttt�Y¢lipttane tnca itiesdingr oi um p.�.n,v�;y,:�e:.:«�«.w..,:..:
<br /> T►w4 Kr�far cmnwnfeir�c�onty an��ro not ta bo ated io Inler�x�t sr ddir�tt�Prov{��a'�hKwt•
<br /> (e= It�qu�ll�r p�lo►�k�s.�'he pe�rtios heraby req��est tl„�t a aogy af any Mot!ci af dei�un herrunclFr�nd s cApy of�ny na1� •
<br /> Qf s�h{s h�rs�andM bs rn�li�tcl to�Ch�+arry to�his Daa�,i o'.Truat�t tho addrwu sa�forth abc�vr In ths m�ftrr�er p�'aocri�ied k,y
<br /> ePp{IcRbir law.Exct�st toa�ny ether r+otfcd req���red undw appUcabl9le�w to b�plwn in srtott►e�r mannN,�ny n+afk�p!'ovlc4�d
<br /> for tn thl��ed of Trust ehslt be plsren by mafllnp auch fnotice by certtli�cl rnali adclreeeed tn the othsr pertl�a,at tho c�ddr�w aa! �
<br /> faih��s.AnK n�a�Drovtdad tar ire thla Ueed ot YrU�t shnll bR�tirciivR u� ma�l(i�y(n iM ms�r�de��trd ha�Mn.i1
<br /> Trustor I�more than one�sroon,r�ouce eent to the�ddrase set forih Mbuv:�aii:ei isa z�.J�e ta�!!:,�::h���. „ -
<br /> (q h+�ctloe.Lsncf�r mey make�-ca�rre to bs mnde re�aau�bta ent�tso upon snd Ins�wctlons o4 tfis P�a�re�rty.providrd
<br /> th�t I.en�ar eh�11 g�va Truator notice prtor ta any euch Inapect�on speclylnp reewnAbis caue�thereria rolato:i ta lende+'o
<br /> Inkxaat{n the Prope�j.
<br /> (q) R�e.vnyay�n��.tJpon payment ol nll euma eecured 6y thls Oaed o'1'��w�,Lenc4ar shaft requ+saitYruwlN to reconwy th�
<br /> Proy�arryandeha�laurrendertht�t?eed.olT�ueter+dailnMea�vider+ctn9lndaF�UdnMOaecur�odb�y�.�IoA7���
<br /> T�ustee rtlali tacom�sy the Fropeety wit�oui warranty end wlthout charQa to ti�e pMSO Y ,.
<br /> Truafar shall pay all caaW ql reco►�datimn,if any.
<br /> (hq p�nonat�tpp�elY;B�euril�r Ay�nt.A9 edcilttonal securlty for tha payment at ths Noa,iruucor ixrs6Y a�wr►'►s
<br /> i.�ndl�r under ths NettrmaSce Un�lotm Cornmerclsl Code o sscurit,;Intere�t�n alt tlxteusi,e4ulpmant,�nd ath�r pets�!fxoPw'h
<br /> u�ed in cannecdon wlth the reat eatete or Improve�nenta lacatr:d thereon,e�ud not ofherwlae declered or dtrMnod b b�w P�ut ol
<br /> the real estils eecurpd herob�.7hi31nstmmenl ahall bs conatrued a»e Saeudry Ayreem$nt under eak#CR�i�,nr►d�s�a�dnr
<br /> � shaH hatis w!I fhe:fghts and rem�i�of n ercured�:erty unde��s!!Icl Goda in�ddltian to th�rlphte t��xl rem�i�r.nal�!ur�r ._ ,
<br /> and accorded ths tiorsdar punsuent!o ihta Deed of'iYu��provlded that Le�nder'a dphta a�d remadteei untt9r ihf s(sanpraph shaEt
<br /> be cumulattve with,end In no wey e�Im6tetlon an,Lertder'a rlyhts end romadt�s under�ny otfier sec:udry ayreement alge�by
<br /> eorro�rer or'fr�jstor.
<br /> (q LHno e�nd EnoumbraecN.Truatar hereby warrerrte and represents tiiet there Ia nn default unct�ar the pravielons of�►r►y
<br /> mort9apa,deed of trust,taase ar purnhaee eontract deaorib�ng aIl or eny part af ttie Property,ur other aontract,Ine:rument ar
<br /> egreerrtent conetiiutln�e pen or encumbrance e�at��st a!1 ur any pan of the Propetty(collecN�sly,"Uons"►,exisdnq a�M the
<br /> dete of thla Deed at trueR and thst eny and all exlatlnp Uens rematn urtmrx118ed exeept sa dlsctoserf to tenclur in Truskir's
<br /> wriitOn dlsclosure of ltens and encumbran�e�provlded for herefn.Truatar eha{I tlmely pc�rform e!I ot Trueto�a qbllgetlor��,
<br /> (�.OV�1.��.�.raprea�miai!v�arn;wa.�a.:.��::��;�o;�;o��.:a�vn+r.w�yv v':�..:.�!a+��h��t�....w�Yr,�.fwouarAN►lantlaYf41[llYt. - -
<br /> 01 ell notice�ot detault sent fn cannactton wlth nny end all exiaUng or tuturo Llena,and shall not w(tl�out Ler�d�er's prlor written
<br /> cansant In any manner mudly the provlalAns o1 or allaw any tuture advancd�under any�axlaUng ar tuture Uens.
<br /> Q) Ap,�dlc,tlton at i►arentnq,Unlesa otherwlse requtred by law,sums pald to Lender hereunder,lnciudtn�y without IlmltaUot�
<br /> pnpments of princlpal end Intereat,fnsuranca proceAds,condemrtatlon pracaeds end rents and proflt�,ehell be e�lled bY —
<br /> Lenderto Me amounb due and o+ving irom Trustor end Bo►rawer In such ordersa lender fn t!s sale dlscnftion deema daalrablet p�
<br /> (k)Sa+nraWMty.It eny pro�Iaton ot thts Deed of Trus4 confllcts with appllcsble law or ts dectared invE[Id or olherwiae _
<br /> unantorceabls,such contllct or Invalldiry nhall not affect the other Rrovisor+s o!thle L]eed of Truat or the lJota whtch can ba ___
<br /> giv�n eftect wlthoutthe confllcting provlelon,�tnd to thls end tbe provlalons of thls Oeed ai T►ust end tha Note are declered to be __
<br /> Go1i.�.iu��3l�.,
<br /> p)T�r+n�.The term�"lYustor°nrvd"�arrow�r"shell Inelude bott�singutar end plurnl,a.nd when the Teustor and iiorrov�er �----
<br /> are tlie same per.�on(e),those term�as us�ci In thls Deed.o17�uat shntl be I�ter�hangaabte. _
<br /> (m)Gavsminp L,�w.7hfs Dee�d o!Trust ahAtl be governed Dy the laws ot the State of Nebraska. �
<br /> Yruetor ha�executod thla.9eed of Trust aa o!the date wrttten above.
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