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<br /> -- - [5{wce ADure T61�U:m d+oe RecordLq�DaRA�-
<br /> _—_— � �t1s'o s`r�/ ���
<br />-=-- .�� r±oA���ES7���:ccr��ar,A��a���� aF TR�]5'� ��,u� ,� �ss� � -
<br /> --- P.U.�OX�4Q3
<br />--_� OMANA,�lE 6�103 p � , _—
<br /> – — � ATltd: PHYLI�JENS�t� ��
<br /> THI3�BFA C:°TI:UST(°Sccv:ity[�stramer�.')is���nd�o;� �r- .The t�usicr:s
<br /> -- 64/1919.�
<br /> Jericy L. Skeexz and 5�n�ron K. Skeen, husband and �if�
<br /> .,'_z;.�� . • • ��-
<br /> _--�_ �_.._
<br /> ��°'-��_` ("�3oreo��cr").TLc trustce is Norw�st BaYt�z Nebraskn, Nut3onul Asaoc3ation �
<br /> s�� .
<br /> �--- ("Tn�stee").fhe beneficiary is Noswest Besnk Nebrnska. Na�ional Aesaciation
<br />_...� �
<br /> � �v3�ich is organized and existin�under the la�vs of United Statea u� Asner3ca ,and tivliuse `-_;.
<br />_�-- »��is '�Q2 �e� � �•......, , ,__ �ao � �:i:
<br /> t 't:3r�! ..�..�t GzauQ ]:sZsn3. 2.�brae�, ���0� _^
<br /> __-__ ("Lcnder").Sorrower owcs Lender thc priacipal sun�of
<br /> -----..� .
<br /> -== Tyre►►�y'Thoueand Doll.nrs� and n.o/1U0--�------�-----------0oliws(U.S.$ 20�OOO.O�r-,---__��. -�
<br /> -_ '1'4�is debt is evideaced by @,orrowcr's note datcd di<^;.��svne date as this Secure2y Instrumcnt("Note"). �vh�ia'�provides for -
<br /> -- = r�o�thly payments.�vith the full debt, if riot paid eariier.�dus and payable on 04/19/200U � • --=
<br /> - 'fli�s Security Inst!ument secures to Lender:(a)the repayment of the debt evidenecc!by the s�fote, with interest,nnd�11 cer►Gwals,
<br /> __ , exiensions and :rr,odifications of the Note;(b) the paymene of al! odier sums, with interest, :ielva�u�.ts! undec paragraph 7 to
<br /> -�- protcct the sccuriry of this Security Instrument; aiad(c) the performance of Bortower's covenants and agreements. For this _
<br /> � purpose,Borrower irrevocubly gtants and conveys to'I'rustee, in trust,with po�ver of sale, the following described property 'N`'
<br /> -_= located in Hall County,Ncbraska: ��_
<br /> . i''-�
<br /> ..-.-_ et__
<br /> .__�_.. �'. -
<br /> �_ . Loti 28, Castle B��ates 5ubdiv3eion,, City of Grund Isiand. kIsll County. Nc.b�caslta. �..��_
<br /> -- . .. ;..
<br /> m�:�
<br /> � •
<br /> � ----_ •ZS�hich l�as th�address of �•kQ�§ pslace Dr3ve Grand Yslanut Iscre��,c�ry�, ��
<br /> _= Nebrnska �:g8p3 ' ("Propeity Address"):
<br /> ��-`""" .. �2ip Code)
<br />���„� T(N3ETHER W1TH:ill tite improvements now or hereafter erecte.�on the prnperty,and all easements, ap yurtenunces,and
<br /> -- _ fixtures now or hercaRer a part of the ptoperty. All rcplacements and additions s4at1 also bc covcred �y this 5ccurity
<br />--= 1, Instrumer.t. Alf of the fareguinn is refernaA to in this Sccs�riry Instrument as the"Froperty."
<br /> BORR0IVER COVENANTS that Borrower is lmvfuliy seised of thc estate i�creby conveyed and has thc right to grant and
<br /> �'��
<br />-- convey th4 Property and that the Property is uttencumbered. except for encumbranecs of record. Borrower w�rrants nnd will
<br />_=;� defend ganei�dly thc:tide to the Proper¢y ngainst all clnims and demar.ds,subject Fo any encutnbrances of r�ord.
<br />-- - 7'd-1[5 SE�CC7RlTY INSTRTJMBNT rnmbines uniforni cnven�nts for nation3l use nnd non-uniform covenants �vith limited
<br /> vc�viations by ju�cisdiction to rnnstitute a uniform seca�rity instrument coveeing real propeny.
<br /> -�' . ilNlEORM COVENANTS.}3arcowcr and C..cndcr covcnant:utd agcce as fol lows:
<br /> �""=" 1. Pwymr�tt of I'rincipsil nn8 Antensi; P�rpAy�nent cittd Lnte �I�zu�cs. Durrower shn!1 promptly pay whcn due the
<br />.'?�r:� rinci 11 oF and intcrest on dic debt cvidcnccd b Qie IYotc mid an r� ti ment and late chsr es duc under the Note.
<br /> p A� Y Y P 'P�)' 8
<br />- - i,:ru�ds iar ivaes aT[a tns�rtnce. �uDlect co applicable la�v o�tc� a w��tten �vaiver by Lender. IIorrower shall pay to --'"
<br /> ���� I.ender on rh.c day uiondily payments nrc duc undcr thc Notc,until thc IVcx.;is paid in i'ull, a suni("Funds")for: (a)ycarly t�uces �
<br /> - ;uiai asscssni,:nts�vliich may attain priuriry �vcr this Sceurity Instrument as a ticn on tiic Prop:rty; (b)ycarly Icaschold paymcnts
<br /> .-;�-, or groun�i rcnts on th�Froperty,iF auy;(c�yearly ha•rard or prvperty insurancc pzemiums; (d)yearly 41ood insurancc premiums,
<br /> "��°•� ' if any; (e)yearly mort�a�e insur,tnr.e pre�niums, if .my; and(� any s�ims paynble by Borro�ser tu i.ender. in accordance with •
<br /> �ii-; ' the pmvisions of paragraph 8. in li�cu of the paynunt of mortIIage i�LSUCance prcrniums.Thesc iten�s a�callcd"Escrow Items."
<br /> ', =T:�� � Q.cnder nu�y. at nny time, rollc�ct ,uid h�ld Fwids in an umount not ro cxceed thc maximum amount a Iendcr for a faierally
<br /> , • • rcfated nwrtgage loan may re�uin: fur Borro���er's escro�v,�ccount under the fedeMl iteal �sta.e Settlement Procedures Act of
<br />. 1�74 as mnandcd from time to tiote, 12 U.S.C. Scction 260t et seq. ("[c�SPA"),unless unother la�v that applies to the Futtds � •
<br /> � se�s� l�sser amount. If so, Lender may, at;�ny �ime,coll�ct�nd hold Punds in m� amount not tu excced Ehc lessce vnnunt.
<br /> Lcndcr may cstimate thc amount uf Cunds duc on the basis of currcnt data and reasonab(c cstimates of expcnditures of futur�
<br /> ;,� ,� Escro�v Itcros or utlt.nvisc in acwrdancc�vith applicablc law.
<br />"�:��'{�'�� NEBRASKA•Sinflto FamilyFonn[e Mae/rreddle Mec UNIFdAh11NSTRUR4'ENT �
<br /> . Farm 3020 3/90 r
<br /> � �N112T9711'iT(� ve+rr.�tlflTGRGEFCRMS �31312030100 18001511•)701 aeJa+o�o ; ' . -Am:ndnd619t �
<br /> _ �. � __'
<br />