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<br /> __-._� .iiCG9�►&�6�1C a11HZUf� •tl r' "'if":aay r.::���at<<rne�-�J�irJtt�:«i �f't7i 1[�.'�_r,5'i f��j..f� .'•.. . --_."^
<br /> ry r c�,s tnc��ednmFS�a��.tr�cf t�r mts��s�►cj cr�rrug�. �
<br /> _ (tS} �c:�c�wss.�nd itr�6�.+i�,►oun�;Jc�lnt nnd 9+�wr�1 LI�bNffy:.�s�xtlbnr.'tis�covbnants�►ncf.��rusm�nts haroin r,cxi- --
<br /> , taN�d ri►al!bind.�nd fhs rlphte�hoaeur►d�r sft�H inur«Ip,ths r�ep�ective e�KCOtAOra an���sl�ne ot l.�nsf�r�u►d�eu�rlar.Ap.
<br /> COY!?RAt1!S 7ttt4 t!{��9CfitBP19 Gf 7'tu82{�1'qF1i1'!ily f pllFi�ti�'dC'19YflI,�fh0 CllllLIGtt9$iild hP.:d(Sil,n(�li1 iEid r-��IAr�rp�+fl1 t>�`PIIIM[?....1 nt -__-
<br />- o.w.�,a,..K„.:��na�kmca on�y�arra aro nat t�ot�uNCi t�s lntsrprstor.dif�n�lh��rovi�ksn�M�reof..
<br /> (�) �Mi�1�NoMew.Tt�peatlw�Inreby r�qu�t that�copy M an�noHC�at cishiult hen+underr and�cQpy a!eny norice
<br /> af au►►e here+mder be matled to e�ch peirty tc►xt�(e fhtaci ai T�ue*�et tha ac.idresa�W fo�th ebc�ve In the mrnr►�r►p�yeedp�d by
<br /> • appl0cabla law.Excspt fnr any othfv natlae required under�,ppllca�ble Itw W br ptvfn!n�notf►sr minnar,�ny noRk�pro�rki�q
<br /> ta tn thie Oea�c!of Tru3t sh�il txs plvaln by mailln�such rtaHCa by cedltfal mall addr�s�d to tt�e�ther prrtl�,�t Urs acidr��t
<br /> Mrth�bave..Ar�y notice provklAd lor In thi�i3asd o1 Tru�i ehall be eHablve upon ma{I►Ap in�thr n�ann�Y d�lp��t*d hxWn,lf .
<br /> �� Tmatqr ie more ihan one ptlnan,nouc��Nl!t0 t�16 6GGQtOr!!6!1qllh�b�1Y!Ih�ll�11pdCtl tb iA11�tJ6h�Yip�ly, —
<br /> , (!! '..^��:.l.c;:�a:rwy r«�c-r couiu�ia ua m�nds►eawn�bia ent�tN upon n�nd in�p�Ctions o�tt�s Propsrty,provkl�ct •
<br /> th�t I.endK�hall�Ive'0'rui�tor riWir��pr�or to any tuan Inupecdon sp�cltylnp reaYnn�blM oAUSi'Ih�rNar rWrte�t fe L�ndw'e �
<br /> Interest in th�Prapatty.
<br /> (Ql.���►�►aa�,�ipon p�ymQnt�nf�t11 suma aenyred by tf�la Deecl oQ Trufrt,l.�ndw dh�l!r�quY�tTruitM ta rMannwy fhr
<br /> Pro�w�y and ntsaU surr�ndar fhl�pe�d af 7ruat anci All nolp wtcMs�cln31 Intl�tlnsee t�carad by thla dwu!a}1'ru�l W, runtN,
<br /> TruNrak�h�ll rs�:onv�yr th�PropeR�withouR warninty�nd Withouf charw ro t?w psr�qn or parwns N�g�lly�ntiqtd�elp,
<br /> Trwtor ohall p�y NI�c0�1b Of r�sCOrdaNOr1,If hn�r.
<br /> (►►! Me'�!Nrop�rl�ri Maurk�AR�nt.A�additlunsl eeour!ty t�r ths p�ym�nt of!hs Nob,T�uatSu har�,v_►,±�►.
<br /> i.�r6ar unc�r me iv�brasic�Unl[�trm Gamm�rcid Ccx(s a a�curlty Intere�t ir.�!I tlxfura�,equlpment and othsr pwwn�t prnpsrty
<br /> uaod In canneaUon wllh ti�p rw���twU or Improvbm�nf,�IpGated thtr�n,mnd no!oM��wlee d�clarM or de�m�d to bo R p�rt oi
<br /> •• ths rssl eH�etd secursd horeAy,7his ln�trument eh+�ll be conAtrued es d Securiry kgrsement under eaid�odn,and the Le�der
<br /> shal!have n!!u►e rlghte and remqd!ea al p secured psrry un�er r�atdCoJe in eQdttion tolhe rl�ghtaand ramadiae cre�ted under —
<br />__ and Ncoord�the Lender Puuu�n!t�thie D�c!of Trust;prov:��that Lca��r'a riy-7i��nu i e�euQieo urxler thle pa�ap�aph�►taait -
<br /> lx�cumulative�alth,and In na wAy a olmitatfon on,Lender'a rlghte Esnd rem�dle�under any other securlry aqreemmnti eipnad by
<br /> �orrawer or Truator.
<br /> (11 I..I�n�and Encumbrancss.lYuctur hereby warranta and represents that there I�no daiault undnr tt►e provislona ol er�y
<br /> mortflage,dead of truat,deaao o�purahase contract dencribina sll or any pad ot the Property,or other coMract,inatrument or
<br /> 9groement constituting m Iten or oncumbrence agafnat all or any pert o!the Prpperty(coltestively,"Llena"),exlatiny aa of the
<br /> date af this deed oi Truat,and that any and a!I exlating Llens romaln unmodifted except as disclosed to I.onder in Truator's
<br /> wrltten disalosurn of�leng and encumbrances provided for hereln.Truotor ehall time{y pertorm eil of T�uator'a obt:gaUon�,
<br /> covenanta,roptesentatiunsand warrantfes undArany and ell exislting�nd tuture Uans,shall prompliy tonxard En i.ender cr►plee
<br /> ntAu�.aL,e...d.tnfn��u......�........�,,...�.».,.,__ � _
<br /> ---- ••------._�.--..--�.....--�.�.•-�.,,.,•••.�...o��r a�n;aii eniaiing or iuiuro Liena,and anaii not witnout L6ntler'e prlor wrlRSro —
<br /> ,'aonsent(n eny manner modily tf�e provistons of or eliow mny future advances under eny c3xisting or tuture Uens.
<br /> O) wppltc#tlon of Paym�nke.Unleas atlierwise�eqiilr�d.by law,eumapaldtv I.sndor hereunder,Inctuding wfthoutllrraitation
<br /> A�Yments o1_�rinclpal and Interost,Insurance proceeds,condemnaMpn proceeds and rents and profite,ahall ba epplied by
<br /> Lender ta the�mounts duo and owing irom Trustor and Borrower in such orde►es Lend�r In its sotd di3cratir�n deema dealrab!e.,.�,.
<br /> (k) Sev�r:nA�tYty If sny provislon of this DeRd ot T�ust cnniliats with aoplicabtd!nw or Is declared tnval(d dr otherwise.
<br /> unonforce�bfe,such contlict or•invalidlry ehall not affect:hs other provlsors of thie Deed o?Trust or the Noto which can be
<br /> given etfect w[thout the conf!Icting proviston,and to ti�ls ond the provislons of th13 De�d oiTrust nndti�e Note nre deciared to ba
<br /> severable. �
<br /> (I) T�rmi.7he terms"Yruato�"and"Borrower"shall Include hoth singutar and plursl,And when tho Trustor Ansi�orroE+rer �:1'
<br /> are tit�t sama�rsan(e�,those terma as used fn this Deed of Truet ah�ll be Interchengeablo, �:::
<br /> (m) ApVerninp L,�w.Thia Deed ot Trust shall bs governod by tho laws ot the State ot Nebraska. --
<br /> 1Yustor►�as executed thlsaeed olTruet&a ot tho dato vYrfttan e e. a`"°_
<br /> � � �
<br /> - � �.�--.
<br /> r*s:;.--.
<br /> Gary V 9chwei��'mstor " ;:�_.._
<br /> � �__
<br /> Trustor `~-�°
<br /> �•.-___.
<br /> .,:'_-_
<br /> :;,'
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<br /> �-r..�..w,-.:,■..,c_
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