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<br /> _______. .�.. ...�._.�.,_ � -�..J'^ a',7Zi:��.:1:LECRII2iidillffiY ^ ' - -- ——.
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<br /> . � [�,��_�.�� C,". 'I)L�,��";�I�:�a�u��� (���u'�����i(..u:i'�r.. .,:�"`�:; " �� �
<br /> � . n �� i:ih �::Y 1�1�... ..,,..-...-.. , . � _�90 �lJ.�E�jf['�i:�i.' :i:,� �:_.--
<br /> ".yt3�lli:Li t1'."•'u:ll::f:.1a tt;:r1�r:.,.r.7 ti; QP�_
<br /> � ��n � Si18YAi1��CY��i;1F�'Y...��a,w vC�ll'�E:'�1.�'+C?k'p �l f�a kla��_._E]�F37rf;()Yl_......--_..._..,.._..._ ...._t�....... .._ . ., c �
<br /> -_-=-+�e. ' i'aa,":
<br />;;--.:�;�;,-,_-'"� 1Mh039 tY99111n�c�ctdre�a I�G;��,d...Dly`3.�.k1£�.�0�....G�7.C�L�`��'�,+--I�lls----. (hereln"Tr�retor;'whMhsr�ne or max�),
<br /> - ,
<br /> �:::
<br />_-- -- ---
<br /> tt�Y�uctea H��k of Ac��n3�;�han _ ....,... --
<br /> �–_� whoae ma.iiln�addr9s�Is P-p• ��� �• p�?�'�-phan. IVI� _.�___ (fjercln"Trustoe"�,and
<br /> ----=m theF3nnsftclary, �anl��..]�.Q2�?h:-n •
<br /> �" �_� whose mallln�c�ddress Is �'•Q� �ox B. Dc�ni�han, Nr (Prereln°�.ondo�'�.
<br /> FOR VALUAE3l.E CAN�iDERATION,(�ctuding Lpndor's extenslon ot credlt IdonUAed�arain t�b �a�y ��� Sahvlei�G�
<br />:„t.�°"- .:" :a sin�le person _ _
<br /> ,,�; ;��.,,�,..,� ,,,�,_„�,,,_.,, (heroln"�►orrpwor",HHether ona.ov r�no��)�nd ths trus4 hereln created,
<br /> '�' � ��• the rec9fpt af whlch is hotoby ecknowl�dg��,Trustor herehy lrrevocably 4rants,transtere,cor.voys eod a�slpna to 7YuartehA,IM1S _
<br /> �� TA1IST,WITHPOWERO��I1LE,torlhebanetltandsecurltyo9Lender,underendsubJecttotlietormsandcondltlanaherolnaRor�et
<br /> rorcn,the roal propc+rty,deaart�ed ns tounwa:I,ot Tvru (2)� 13.l.ock Thirty (3�)� Packor � Ha:•ra s
<br /> _— .-- = 2n3 Addi.tior� to �he Clty c�f G�2nc1. ssland, HaLl County, Nebxaslca,
<br /> ...,,��:,��
<br /> -_��,w"�_+�;�a�.9 _.___
<br /> ,`-__-----�� 'i"opelhY►wltt�dl{bulldlnQY,Irnprovement2,flxturos,ot�eob,etlaya,P��r�pvwraya.aaearnerii�,N{�FU�,�itivil�;a&�id i+�i�rp�w� E.- -
<br />_-�'��'j"�^�����] nunce�IQCated Rhcroon or In anywl��partalr,lnp thereto,end the rentn,fenuee and pr4tlte,revArelone and remelndor�th�rqnl,and
<br /> .-„�..r�ev!�.• -
<br /> oush pesonal prap�rty thet I�otUCh�d to the Improvementr eo os to cont�tltutb 8 flxture,lncfudlno,but no1 Ilmlt o d to,heattpp en
<br /> - - -- _- co�tlrsp equlpment;end topether wfth Ihe home�tostl o►morttdl Interei¢e,If eny,whtah Intereete ero herdby rels�wdend w�lv�f;ell
<br /> ,;,�,s,s��a, o}whlch,ii��iudlnp ropla�c�ment��nd addlUoni thueio,I�haroby claclwred to be a part o1 the re�l e�tat��eoured by tho Ilan o1 thl� _
<br /> -�--- Doecl ol Truet snd ell o!tfls loroyolnp belna�eUPred to h�reln a�the"PropeRy".
<br /> --_��.�,�r�
<br />�� TMIe Deed o!Trunt eheH eecurt�(a)tho peymenl 01 Ihe princlpal aum�nd I�terest evldonced by e�►omlaaory note or oredlt
<br /> a
<br /> -- ru"s�. �� YI tl I'ti_ l:l:ll --
<br /> .---.-�� 8Qf6t1RlEflt QStOd � � 1--s-' � �ituViTiy a�i�diii7H'y�a.o 8= '-��i s.� .
<br />.--. +-�Vi'Si90�M'A.�S� '
<br /> -�,:�n-.�� 8 P R 1 �0.7n
<br />-_���`�::�I�:' In the ori Inel ►lncl al emount ot a� ,and any and alt modNlcetlona,extenslons end renewat9 __
<br /> :_�:,�,.b���
<br />:_�=,�,�yq�,�2� thereot or thereto and any end ell future advancea end readvancoa to Barrower(or any of them If rnore than one)h�reunder
<br /> -___�-y�,_� purduant to one or inore promissory notes or cred(t agceementa(hereln caUed"Note"►;�b)the payment of other e�ams advanced by _
<br /> .__µ,,;;�,_�� Lender to protect the cecurlty of the Note•(c)the pertormance of ell covenanta end agreoments of Trust�sr set torth horeln;and(�)ell _
<br /> - ----___ presont und tuture Indebtedness a�d obllgationa of Borrower(or any of them I}more Qhan ane)to L+�nder wtiether dfrect,Indirea� _
<br /> __—-..—_�=°:'�! ahaofute ar contingent and whethBr erlsing by note,gueranty,overdraft or othe►wlse.The Noto,thls Deed of Trust and eny and ell __ _
<br />;�;,;y�;,�'- ather doauonYs that secure the Note or otherwlae executed 6n connectlon therowlth,Inaluding wlthou4 Ilmltatlon gua�antees,aecurlty �-
<br /> :":,'��:•=�:� agreemants and nsstgnmenta of leases and rents,ehall be referred to herofn as the"Loan Qocumenta". ra
<br /> ;T��^�y,�� Trostor covonanb and agrees wlth Londer aa toflows: �"�
<br /> "^�u � ..�s �. Paymtnt ol lnd�bt�dn�os.All tndobtedness secured hePeby shall be pald when due. Q;;'`
<br /> '{r�r 'f�� � 2.Titb.Truator la the owner ai tho Properly,has tho rlgh4 and authorlty to convey the Prm��rty,end warrnnts that the llon � -°
<br /> �a'-�_�:.;: r' �`
<br /> .,.,�.,,_,„,,� created hereby la a firat and prlor tlan on 4he F�roporty,except tor Ilens ond oncumbrancea set to�th by Truator In wrlting an�I. ��-.
<br />_�rz:�,�_����"� de!Ivered to Lender betora executlon of thla Daed of Trust,and tho exeautlon and dellvery of thls Deod of Trust does not vlolate any �°.°-
<br /> •��*�m°��•�� c4ntract or ather obllgatto�,to whlch Trustor ts subJeat �r-�-;
<br /> :�_�__��__7
<br /> 3.Taxn.AsNSema�fo.?s►PaY betoro dellnquency all taxes,epeclal a�sessments and aIl other charges agalnst Ne Praparty �'s'
<br /> '�=-�r,��±__.._���� P�`t,.
<br /> -.-�-�..�-:.-,r,,a�: rtow or hereafter I�vled. �� `°�:sr..
<br /> """"""`:"'""°"�-� 4. Inauranco.To kaep the Property Inaured agatnat damuge by tlre,hazard3lncluded wlthln the tsrm"extendod caveraga ,and :{,
<br /> :���>`r-��;u� such other hazards as Lender may requlre,In amounts and wlth companles acceptable to Lender,namlrtg Londer as an additlonal �•%
<br />"- � � ` named Insured,wfth loss payeble to tho Lender.!n caso of loos under euch pollciea,the Lendar Is authorized to adJust,collect and ��, _
<br /> ;��",���>=: ' cvm�romlea,all ctalms thereunder and ahall have tho optlon of epplying ell or part of the Insurance procaeds(i)tp any indebtednsss .,
<br /> ni�,;�x� ' , .
<br /> - -- ,�„_.. secured hereby and In&uch order as Lendor may determine,(tl)tq the Trustor to bo used tor the repetror restoratlon of the Praperty
<br /> -"'�``���+r"' ' or(Itl)fo�any other purposo cr obJec4 sattsfactory to Lender w(thout aNecting the Ilero of thls Daed ot Truat for tho full nmount secured
<br /> �"�:�{�:};;;?-��' hereby bePore such payment over took place.Any appllcaUon of praceads to Indebtddness ahall not extend or postpone the due
<br /> `'°`�'�';.'�'"- � dato o}any pvymenta under the Note,o►�cure any default thoreunder or hereunder.
<br />`��''"��-��i�'��m- 5. Escrow.Upon wrltten demond by Lendor,Truator shall pny to Lender,In such manner e�3.�endor may dosl�n�4e,oufticlent .
<br /> .'�Ra«��;�. 1':
<br />-_ =.,-,.H,;-=: tr sums to enable Lender to pay sa they became due one or moro of the tollowing:(q ell taxes,bsseasrr�nte end ott�er charges agatnst
<br />- �::,r��,•-,. •, ihe Proparty.QI)the premlurns on the property Insurance requlrad heraunder,and(III)the premiums ort any moMgago Insurance
<br /> __ ., .�`.��a"��:1 required by Lander.
<br /> • �"��`:�:�� 6. M�In3manc��R�pslro and Compflanco wlth lawa.Truotor shall ke3p the Property in good condftlon end repalr,shall �
<br /> .!`"��':'� - pramptly repalr,or replace eny Improvem�r►4 whlCh may be damnped or deatroyed;ahall no!commlt or'permlt any wasto or
<br /> - �•<�"'�"�a deteNorntlon ot the Proporty;shall not removo,demollsh or eubatentlalty slter any o}the Improvamonts on!ho Proporry;ahal!not
<br /> " `'- cornmlt,sutfer or perml4 any act to he done In or upon tho Proporty In vlolatlon o}any law,ordlnanco,or regulAtton;and ahalt pay and
<br /> _- :"� ."��;;;� ,� prorrsp�,'y dlsaharpe at'fruator's cost and expens�all Itens,encumbranaas and chargea Iavled,Impoaed or assessod apalnst the
<br />=�::�y`��;`:�� Properly or eny part therool. �
<br /> "" -� 7. Er,tinen9 QorrtaU.Landor le hereby naslgnod all compenaetlon,awacda,demngas and othor paymonts or rNlo1(horolnaftor
<br /> "Proceods'�In connactton wfth candemnntlon or othor taklnp o}tho Proporty or part thorool,or for convoyance In Ileu of condamna- �
<br /> tton.l.ondsr shnll bo antltlod nt fte optlon to cemmonCO,aPpear In dnd prosecute In Ite own namo any actlon or pracocdtngo,and
<br /> � ohall otso ba entltlQd t0 mako any compra►nloc�or sottlomont In connocttqn tivllh auch tsking or damafle.In the event any portlon o}
<br /> , � ,__ the Proporry Is so takan or dumegod,Londor ohall havo tho optlon,In Its oole nnd nbsoluto dloarotlon,to apply nll oucN Praceoda,
<br /> .�_ ...� � _
<br /> " �"' ' Ufte�dCduCtitlB t110►01fOm ett Cosc9 ena e�pensas incurroa oy ii in conneciiori wiii�auan Pivcoou'6,uy'v;�5i,j n��.w:wT.voo w.....a.+ -
<br /> � . hflrchy nrtd In ouch ardor na Lender n�ny tlotermino,or to apply nll euCh Proceedo,oitor such dc�ductlona,to tho rosturntlon oi tho
<br /> . Proporty upan such Condfifono as Lender mpy detormine.Any eppll�utlon af Proaocds to Indobtedno3�ahall nat oxtend or poatRono �
<br /> the due clute ot any paymonts und�r tho Nota,or cur�any dotault thoreunder or hereunder.6►ny unappllod funds shall be pald to
<br />::.y,:�.,, ��:� . Trustor.
<br /> �a-:,�.�.� .;�;; 8. Pedormanco by Londer.Upon tha occurrcnco af�n Evont of Dotault herounder,or If any act ie taken or leg�l pr000eding
<br /> ,�?'�� commencod whlch materlatly atfocta Lender's Interest i�the Property.Londor may In Its own dlacrottan,but without obllga4lon to do
<br />°:.�. , �� ` oo,end wlthout notice tn or domend upen Truetor end wlthuut relaaofng Trustor from any obllgatlon,do any a�t whlch Trustor hao
<br /> ��• `� ,.. ogreod but 7alls to do and may also do eny othor aot It deema necossaty to pro4eat tho securlry l��reof.Truetor sE�all,Immoctla4ely
<br /> . upon demand th¢ro4or by 6ender,pay to Londer all coats end oxponaes Incurrod and suma oxpended by Lender In connecUan wlth
<br /> ' the exorclse by Londor of tho(orogoing�Ights,together wlth IntAroatthoreon at tt�o default rate provlrled In!ho N�te,�vhlch ohali be
<br /> • added to tho Indobtednosfl socurod horeby. Londar ehull not Inour any Ilablltty beaause of enythfnU It may do or omit to do
<br /> . horounder.
<br /> ';" 3
<br /> i
<br /> - I; :.
<br />