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<br /> '�E N;l.l��ii tt.Wip��uti�i��,ti�,�nu:�«��•::�t�;n�:lv F�r�:sc:�Q;:v ei:•�i�1 r �t ��.:��L?:�:°,. r. �='� • � �'
<br /> r�„Lf�hf�L� �t"c':.i. -tt iI �+i1i:1.t�, ��, !� �.�..� E:^ c�i:rre E hy tti'�; '.`�'.Ci�riiV m�—
<br /> -- " fttiStli2C IUiW Ul' 1%�3c'.IEiCi :i �.G+II �"� (ili, �'i�k��.11�. (�.�� li j.�. ��i � � .
<br /> y�.-�a li�.sn�;i��nt,a�.��l�it'!iw G�st���lufi iv Kefcrratii lo in Ihis Sewtiiy In4ctwxxut a>Ihe"l'us�;esty." --
<br /> - -- `- .....�„�,rr�����a_���e.e1.�A�p'i 6t:,,�{f.�;�.ir.•c;is l:,�t'6�ttlb.y t::!s-��'Ftf ::c�.i.it.�I':°�ehs e�!���4ye�t:nw€t:ati the i'sKt't to�n��:�rx' _
<br /> tt►it�ey�tte i'rc�+eriy atwl tkt�rt li►e Pt�+�ttrty is une�+:umber�J,ra.cpe f�t�cixtamt+ranccs r; �c���,i,. 5�,���,��, : � -
<br /> � dett�N1 ge��cralty tEti�Ut�e n►ttie!'n*Sx�ty:�gainst all c4aiii�s u�xl d�nasuls. �lt�j�t t��any e�xumbrxr��es uf recr,r�i.
<br /> -�—'� 'i't115 tit:t:[�k!!'k' IN'�►ktUl+i�:NC riiuibi�xn an!fiirtsi ca��cnti:�twflY711:iE1U11JI llti:.:UI[I lit?ll•Wi1���C1Y1�orrnant�nith fimi?c�
<br /> . - _ v�ia.d�v,�s by_µrci�.�licth�n tc►cetiti<.titute�+�:f�ifurm�c«�ity in��n�nticnt c;o�•ering ccai praFertv. .
<br /> �__�_- - !!N�E'�t��t tY)V�NANT�.Fks���nw•er a�t�l[.c�xitr ru��c��;ait arxt ng�ee as fulluw�: . .�,�. �N, n .t�� ehz
<br /> - ---__-_ !. �g�«�ne QS 4'e�r.ci��i a�it� Intcrrst: Yrepw�znrnt rtnd l.s�te Chmrgts. iw�rruw.r :,yal� {��.,;rt,••; �. ; �`'h•=•- _-
<br /> _ princiy�al ufi aixi ii�crest an tkr_�I�bt cviderx�l h�thc N«te urA ar�y pmpa}ment and iatc clu��,���ta�urw.;th;�:rw:.
<br /> '"�""� �, i�'wttLs foY Ta�:�s�r>d ynsurttnte.Selbjcct tu upplEcabtc Isv.or to a w�itten wai�•er by Lcncizr. 6oerr�v:eT sh�I[pa�• tu
<br /> - l.crklc����tl�r d»y monthl�p�c nxn�s arc due uixlcr ths nutc,uniil t�se l�:otc i5�id in I'ull;a�un�("�urKls"D�i�E:(�f 5���(F taxc:
<br /> = a�td assc���rk nts�chich m���attain priority ci�c.r�hi�s Sc�.tirit}�Insirunqcnt:s a licn ati thc['roprtt c'.�l'bp t1c�x1 ir..�urancc�tcmi�n.
<br /> -- or gr�wnd rcnts��n th:.Fro�,r.y.if auy:lcl y�carly haz.ud�r prupeny ins�rac�c.,preniiums;(d)y ' 9
<br /> -- ii'any: i�)ycarly nwngage iitisurancc pnmiu�ns.if an�:ncx11��r insur�ltcc:DfCt`1 umS.Th�cr�c i�ms:u�caltcd��c o�cr[t mcth
<br /> - -- --= thc pra�isions of par�grapi�o. i�i«a c�tl���Jt::n3 0.n�!xt,,:,... _ -
<br /> --- = Lende� nuy, ut any �inx, �.�ol[ect :aru!hnt�} ��i�u1s in a���nwv►�t not to excecd the mauimurn arnount a Iea�Scr ts�r a fcderafiy
<br /> _ .t-,r,-�L,=r_� [cl:�tt�l muregagC loan n�y �Lquin; Cor Q3urrov'er's esem�v c�ccount uix�eQ tlle tedci'ut Real Estate Sctllemcnt�p ocedurc:s Aet oF �' -
<br /> -- 1974 as anw�xle.9 fcarr�tin2,tc�tintc. !2 U.S.C.Cectiun 2601 ,�•1 se4{.("RESPA").unicss;�-�ath�r la�v that a �es tu tls�Eunds
<br /> _?*a�„� _� sets a lesscr :ultuunt. ff so. Lcndcr may, ut :ui} Iin�c, coltect and hold funds in an amount noi to czci:.0 ti�c«,s;.a �:n'4�r;. ____
<br />-�'"�'�'Y"a'``�'� Lender may ��stimate the:nt�uunt nf Furtds dae on the basis of cumnt data and�e�son:blc est►m:,tes of expcnditurs �f future
<br /> -__-- _�-_� E�r�o�o Iten�s or otE�envise in accuniance���th applicable I;x�v.
<br /> _.�� The Funds shall bc held in an 6nstitution ��hose de�osits an insured by a tedc:ra! aFency. iisscruntee�tality, or cntit} -
<br /> _ -'j"��'--'' (inciuding l.ender,if Lensier is such an inseitueiun)or in any l=�ieral F4ome Loan E�ank•L.ender sh�►8 app�y the Funds to pa}r the
<br />_�'"'�'`y� Esem�v Items.Lender may nat char�e i�orro«�er for ha!ding ansl anplyino the Fun,cis,arutual[y an�lyzinc the e�crow�ccoune,oc _
<br />.,....�;�.,anr� __-
<br /> -��_...�,e x�,.",�.,tc�m� m,less I�nd.er GaNS Borro«'er i�uerest on the Funds and applicubfe!aw permit�l�nder to mzke sach
<br />_-�---'�.��-'-"�`�-"�--� t���� ..� ........---.. . ��....�o��n. --
<br /> `� � b� �_._._...r....: a,R�uPr rn�uy a ur_e-time ctiatge for an►rtdepenaenE r�ni caiuic t:.x..➢,.. �.-�---
<br /> ::=.r,." a ci�at�;e.�iowav�r.ii;uc. ��,o�..,.p..�.........._ _
<br /> �.��,�,�..; �c�d by I.ender in canrtection«�ith ttiis loan. unless applicable la�v provicies othenxise. Un2�s nn agreemem is �e or -
<br />':�.'ty�;,' appli�it�le law mquires inserest to f�.p�id.Leader shall not be required to pay Bo7ro�rer an?inLerest or catnings on thc Fund�. _-
<br />�:'.n�,� �'� Bc�iro�scr and Lender may agnr in�vritin�, ho«cver, that interest shall b��aid on tlrr.Funds. Lender shall gire to Sorrr�w�cr. Y
<br />������y��, «itliout ch�rge, an annua{ accounting of the Funds, sho�sing cmd►u and�'c:�%�r�!o the�Furtds and die �urpose for which cach
<br /> - debi�to the Funds v.as nia�ie.Thz Funds are pledgecl as additlonsl securicp'f�aR a.l�ums secunsd by this�ecurity insinurxut.
<br /> "��.�aor�,.;�� ��the Hunds hetd by Lender exceed the amoanU perrnittezl to 6e hc'��►�,applicable la�v.[xnder stu�il sccount to eomower
<br />'"�������� for tCu�txcess Funds in accocdam��e�rith the requi�mments nf��plicable la�v. If the am�cunt of t.�e Euncls held by Ler.der at any �;
<br /> A'`"= `' t'suie is not sufficient eo pa}•the E�cro�v Items�vhen due.Lcnder may so natify Borro«��:r in�vriting.anci.in such��si:Barrou'er
<br />•-:��rsr��:v:7 �
<br />-.:•������� shall pay to l.ender ths amount necPSSary eo make up dte det'iciency. Borm���er sh�ll maice up the defcieaey in nv �ore chan ��
<br /> �---•
<br />_-�.�:�;��;� tu�rlve monthly payrttenls,at Lcnder s sole discretion. �_ _
<br /> .�.a�s�;.:�,� Po P•Y G F" r - -
<br /> 4J n 1 ment in full of al! sums secur��1 by this Security 6tsttument. Lender sha11 mm �1 arefund to Bo¢row'er any
<br />'�" "' ',��„�y� Funds held by Lerdder.!f,aryder parapraph 21,LeRder si�all acquire or sell the PropectY•I.ender,prior to the acquisition or sale
<br /> .-.-=v e�..?
<br />-`-"�`��;-••� of the Property.shall aPP�Y��Y Functs hcld hy Lender�?e'��Rime of acquisition or saie ss a cr�lit against the sums sc�:umd by ����"'
<br /> � '_"t � r-
<br /> - this 5ecurity Insica�.,n�t. �=-
<br /> -- 3.Appltc�tur-n cF�T Pryments.Unlcss a3r,��'lw��':law provides othern•ise.all payments recei�ed by [.ecuier undcr para;rapl�s =-
<br /> t �' � �nd 2 s{t;il�be;�-�}cd: first,t�any prepay.~i�'t chatg��n�under the Nc�te: second.to:unounts pzy:�ble under�ar�graph 2: = �-
<br /> .� ?����•� thirJ.,rto interest due;fourth,to principal due;and last.c,m:.:� late ch�sges due under the Note. ��-"L
<br />- .��>r�,
<br /> :',;,k�,f� .r 4.C6arges; Licns. Borra+��ar shall pay aR ta:tes.s�s��;��.«Jnents,charges.6ttes ar.i�impositions attribatab[e�1�?�Propcny ���'
<br /> =?,�..�--
<br />-_.JL_=:Jf� -.--
<br />__.::,�,_ wliic9�may att:►in priority o�er this Security[nstrumrnt, and Ic,sehotd paymenu oe gmund rents. if miy. 16onue.es shall psy �i�_.-,.
<br /> �=..�•�' -' thcsc obligution�in the manncr provided ie{*��ragraph 2.or if not paid in that manner,Borm�ec str.:...�'�ay thent on time direcdy
<br />_�;;�-., '��
<br /> - to the person u�ti•ed payxnent. 6orrowcr shwT�mmptly fumish to�.cnder alt notices of amoanu to L�:.�•:id under Uiis pua�r�pli. ,
<br /> -"��+�I Y I��a.rrow•er makes these payments directly.6orro«er shall promptly fumish to l.endcr ceceipts e�ic°.eccino die p�ymemt,.
<br /> ��i��`��'��"" �' L3orr�o���er shall promptdy discharee any iicn�vhich�;��s priority ovcr this Security tr,�-trument unless Borra�ver:(a)aprees in
<br /> __,nc;,.��^� , ...�
<br /> •'�`u'�`�� t �vriting to the pa,ament of the obltgatinn secur�b�y the lizn in a manner sccePtable to Lender: (b)contests in gac;rll:zith thC lic:n
<br /><_�_-__:;`'�'�..,
<br /> .;�'_�.��i.:::�'.� by. or defend.::;;;•s:�nst enforcenlent of th�Ys;a� in, tegal procecciin�s�vhich in tRe t.�ttder's upinion operaEe to pmvent dte
<br /> a"�''`�°''g"� enfor�ement oi c!ze lien:or(c)secun:s frorn x:3e holder af the lien an��.��:��ent satis€artory to Lender subardinatinc the iien tu ;
<br />_;';i"�<.'.'�,��+.� tliis Security Insttumen:. If Lender detemtin°s ehat any p:ut of ttle[':y.��'ty is subject to a lien�vi�ich may att�in nriority•ov�:r
<br />��'=•�;�� %�� lhis 5ccurity Instrum�nt, l.ender may�;ive Borro�r'cr a n��t:�:�:: identifying dte lien.I3omotver shall sausfy thc licn or taSe anc or
<br /> y_.,.�'.!-�:.'
<br />`F,�� `�� ,. rnore of thc actions set fonh aba��e�vi�nin iU days of the�:ezn$u�'iu�tiec. II,'``:�.
<br /> ���,'�.'�;':��, � Fmm 3023 8J90 1
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