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<br /> r.f ��,ii`ci� 1 t;�n,�:.� . . . ,�,.� '�l `„ ,•i
<br /> ::siC i,:..I:iilt'L�UP U��:��Y4 Uli:''f�Il`.'i]I.fS 7i�1}� �'�f�%:ii�1011'i;:li��_If:,[L::11f l��Uil��'l�l::�°lei�t-,�ij� I'.f,"":....'.'Vl�. ��: n01'.- i !(t;i.•n�4:�"�I`�i,.
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<br /> t���i:G:::_.'.!i�'1'ti15i':i�l;t�CCSlitil'i 113 i:rl'AiQ'13tCC l•:1111 GuvUr�(ni .— -
<br /> !�'i 1191'l�t41 (�lAl j:;liu;!�(�(!j►�1). °��0J.�1'l�(3U';.rsll�l:,t,i11CC:.'�`� t!1'..'liic��>^�+t�b:,!(IRC:.'i ltCflit_lS (!6(UF;IC[li�i'�r;f��f11�I';'dli?:.Li�t�'�'��iiyl �
<br /> @s����it�iu��tcrtal F�.�r� cnid t�ic G�llur�i�;� �.�ib�.i,nc�:r t•t,��oi?nc. �:cr+��s�n;.. otlua• fin��tiuz�bl� ar tt►xic ��U�rzicuiit �r,xRu�t;. tn°ic� 4,,,::-,w=
<br /> ��csticidcs c►izd It;:rl�icldc5,votatilc sulvcf3ts,matcri:ils containorig::�UcStu,or f��r�i�:ddcliy�lC,�r.d a•,.ilio:.s�ivc��e��tr��ul�.. Aa�r.ri� isi �...._.
<br /> tliiy �Tat���1}�i:�p!► �0. "�:nvircm�neuta! l�it;" u�ean, fedcral laws a�tQ lu�vs of 11ic juriuifrtiuu wher�:ti�a Yrcipetty is icKatc�l tttal �-_,.
<br /> la��AIV\U 3ia..w;ltl�:.1f�2�df C�l'JlfiTnll�u+11'�{�lf�{tCi;14111). M ''='�"-_•-
<br /> N'()�f-IINIFORM COVE[HAN'1'S. 9iurrowcr a�ul I.cixltr fafdur cr�veaant mui ngrcc As toliawy: � .�
<br /> 21.Ac�elcratlun;Rcme�llt�s. Lcn�ier shgll�ive�ud�c t� Rorrawer prinr to wc�.�er�tMn Coija�in��4o�n'�wm'R b�cif�► _
<br /> oP cny cof�ensui¢ ar ugrc�ement iu t(►is Sc+��irity fnstrument (but ieot prlpr to stccdcrAtinn ur�dt�r pAri��rAl� �7 �mlrsF _ _
<br /> nppi{cabie law rofl�rg ntherHLse).T�ae notice shal!s��ci�y: (a�)!he detWU11;(b)�he act�on re��ufred to�are tFx de!'sutf;
<br /> (e.)a d�te.not�t5.9 tltsll�IIA3'S f1'011l tliC QIRfC�hC f1Ul�rC(9'p,I�CiI t0 ID07'i'Y)ti1'ei',hy wht�h the clePaulR mu.yt be cureal;knd
<br /> (d) thwt failure to cure!he detau1c Q�i or befai�e ihe datc e�es(fiied in the�►oUce�e�Hy rt��Ei iiw acceleretin��of.(he 5enis �
<br />- ��:��;3�hrF;g�._stly �.Gts��mrnt and sale of the Pro�nc��y.The flotice stiafi Ru�Kher OnCornw Bo�rc►wer o�ti�e right.ta
<br /> rsin�ic�te s►fte�� ac��leraticen and the right tu bring a cour4 action tu a.,sert tl�e non•existexica uf r �fx:�i�u:aa� ���:::
<br /> c�ctense�nF Borrower to stcceieration And sa1e. If the defaul4 fs etut cured��o or before the tl,ste 6pecitled[n !Ix notke,
<br /> Lender, at its opltu��,,niay KcKluire immedinte �aymeut Ia� [utl nf all s�i�secured by tY�fs Secudty Anstrume»t w�lhuut ,
<br /> �u�9}►er drmun�and m�y invoke the pawer of c;aie and any other renxedies perrnitt�d by appllcable fuw. 1.cr�der�1wll be
<br /> er�tiiled to�vdlect all expenses incurred in pur�;ufn�the remecltes�srovided in this parngr�pti 21, tncaudln�,but not Ifvniletl
<br /> to,reASnnablt attorneys'fezs and costs of tiRle evtdeatce.
<br /> U the pawer eP sute is invoked, Trustce �➢���� record a t�otke ot ckfeult Iu es�h couNy in which any prt ot the
<br /> i}r6p4rty is ioc.�ic�I aud s�:1:.:.�::esC:v:�t�'==!!e���t��in Rhc mwner or�srribed bY e+PMOc��e Eaw Su Rorrovrxr�+»d M -
<br /> thc ctirer�ersons prescr'ebe�E by appldcuble law.After the tfiae reyuieed by applicable law,'E'rustee s4�ati Qirt pu�iie noii�.�
<br /> oT saa�ta�he�tsons aud in tt�rnunner E►res�ribe�by appli�tWe�Aw.Tn�stee�without demund on tiorrowrr,siwll seJl
<br />- f;,�E;��,;;�y kp G;;�!�a�.�:il��!�the hinhrst bid$c�nt the time and pluce r�n�l eender th�e terms de.sigru+ted��notkc ot _�
<br /> � sale in�us more pprc.rls anrfl in art9 oede�r Trustee drterin[nes.Trustce may poslgonP sx4c u?�ii a�n�' '�e"E�Pt1i-p
<br /> 1'ro�erly by pub11F unnnuneement et the time and piace of ony �x+evlousiy sehedu�ed saie•i.ende�or its cfesf�aRC��MY —
<br /> �urc4asc Q[�e Prop�y at any suIe.
<br /> 1Jpon recetpt of payment of ttne prflce bid, Tnnstee shati deliver tn the purchaserc T�vstee's de�d caiu•eyfag tlMe _.
<br /> � pra�cty. The irecitals i�the Trustee's deed shnll be grii�a facie cvtdenu of the truth of the statemtnts mr�dt thenln.
<br /> Trustee�tw11 apply the�►roceeds ot W�sale in the fullowing order:(a)to all costs and e:u{renses @f exerclsing the power o[ �
<br /> sQla,aed t6e sale,ic�clud�ng the p�yment of the'[ti�ustee'�iccs actually in�arred,�r.ot to exo�ed tl�le,of �50.00 vr '�b �:
<br /> _ •---
<br /> .�._it_....P�Lo.io..lo.uf�n n*flPfuttlt_Al1tI Y'Pa.�.OIIH�iS�ZW171�}8� feCS!iS(IC[1t114{!d
<br /> - of tlNe princi�►ai amnune oi ina��o,�n<<..�,+���ti o� ••••••«••••��••••••••_ __ _ ___-
<br /> - .. r.....d a,�so..t��:w t.���„ment;an�(cl any exce�s to Uie�erson or pHSOn91c8a�ly entille3 to
<br /> py��qJ W at�awin au..i.w.� ..---__� — -
<br />- �t. �
<br /> 2?. Rezonveyanc+r. [J�on pnyment Af aU sur.rs secured by this Socuriry Iustrument, i..ender sha{I request rustce to
<br /> rceonvey the Prvperty �rnel shall surrender this Sacvrit�• Inscniment a�id nl� notes evidencing debt scxured by this Security
<br /> � insmtmcut to Trustce.'�`nistce st►all reconvey the Property�vicbout�varranty and widiout charg�to the person ur persons le�ally
<br /> entided to it.Such pee:on or persans slanll pay�.ny r�ordadan costs.
<br />-- 23. substltuta 1'rustee. Lender.,�t its optton, nuy frnm dme to time remove Trustec s�r,�d appoint a successar tvustr.e to __
<br /> any Tcustee�ppointed hereunder by an instrument recorded in the wunty in which thir and dutryies ounfe itc�+u r�n T�seee h�min �i'
<br /> conveyant:e of thE Praperty,che successor wstee shzll suocecd tn afl the titie.po P°
<br />_ anci by appl'scablc law. -___.
<br /> ?A. Rerpiest[ar A`ottces. Borrower requests thAt copics oi tne notices oi ueiauit:u►d sale bc seat to Borrowcr's uddress W_
<br /> which is the Property A�fdress. °-_--
<br /> 25.1Rld�rs to tbts Six.�urtty Instramient.[f one or more riders are exc�ut�d by Borrower und recorded togei.her with tltis __
<br />— Secur+ty instr+iment.the�covenants nnd c�greements of each such rider shall be inwrporated into and sh:►11 amend and supplement ,.___
<br /> = thc covec�v�ts and agrcements of.this Security[nstniment as if the ridcr(s)were'a part of t4iis�xurity Insmiment. �i,
<br />-_ [Check�pplicable box{egpj ti;1;.
<br />-� .. •• �-__
<br />— �A�justable Rate Rider �Condar►�lnium Itider L�1-4 Fami{y��der , _ � . ,;�,.
<br /> = �Craduated Payment IZider 0 Planned Unit�evelopment Rider 0 Bi�r•eekly Payment Rider �-=-_
<br /> r-__
<br /> = []Baltoon Fidcr 0 R�tc imprnver�ent Rider 0�cr,ond Home Rider �z,•.
<br /> -- 0 V.A.Rider �X]Otfier(s)(specify] NOti¢x oE Default -j'W
<br /> = Hca� pc���y t,ine Ricler �":
<br /> - ���{
<br /> ,� �.
<br /> BY SIGNCNG YiEIA�i�V,&+rrower a.ecepts an���C'ees to the tern�s and nunts containc:d in this Sec�riry Instniment and n� ,
<br />� ' in any rider(s)executed by 8orrower and reoorded with it. .
<br /> _ \Yimesscs: 1
<br /> L�I
<br /> � ROI�I'� A. M�'}Y �8orrow•cr '
<br /> W, __.�-- , � ,
<br /> �:�
<br /> =_ (Seal)
<br /> :� —�W„._ � _� _� -Sorron•er
<br /> -_I
<br /> :1 . � r.r,.�� (Seal)
<br />' i �.' -Borroc:cr -Qortowcr
<br /> STAi'E UF N�1�43A�KA, Hal� 13��Cou�a ss: �� , 199r
<br /> The foregoin,inslru�nent wnc acknowtedgal btfo�me this y of �P •
<br /> �y Robert A. Meyer
<br /> Vl�'itnr;s my t�and and aotarial seal ut Gsditcl Is31�tc�. I3�b� it3 iu sn.id County,the date aforesaid. �
<br /> ��`�� �1�b19ql�'IJI�fM�i!(�Ot1� C� �(rPX�/
<br /> M17y�oi��missiun Gxpirs: T��V�u — � �
<br /> , �p �(k�Ep,$p61.1�11 NotJy{'abliC
<br /> i
<br /> ,� � or��ao+a Farm 302a 913U i
<br /> � • ----- -------�- •,-_—__I ,
<br /> a .__...___.. ___.__,. ,..,._... .--- -..._ .. ..----......._ ._. .____.�__... .. .....—_ . --- -
<br /> . �-
<br />