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<br /> GEJVL:i��I��I J �1C�\!r`.'\`Y�:'�.��'-J y Y
<br /> � ;� i�.,..._.,� ,. � ,��,::, ; �.� �:-r 9u ���c':a r.,ll ��; 'ta'�t;, u:� tha e��i�r:� �t�i�t e:'ic::n duo. iJ��!-c� I�Of'fUl'l:'Y Cit:I I.CflfIC7 r.�rc:� nsfi'.;rr�;�� t.��
<br /> ._.._..�...._..._.� :.�,:------=:';-�--=; s..,_L..:��irc:.: 1'o�rarrCr ur �Y Cnsrn�acr a 6an:,Sii��;II h�r.np;;ad flrc4 ta �.rc,r cnounto Yl�uor:cr�v��i�: Oi1 i�l�LUGU�c��.;.E;2 _
<br /> -- � '� 91::�'ISP,;�OS , �.i.::,��; jn�..;�'"�� C7GQR�fU Itl(;.rest,r.n:!fb�n 4o prlilc�y�I.14 p1•it�a�prc�7y�cnz ra��fija cCLt?�CU lSJUI uG6iiiG fui ai�v i6:_SJi�,ii i::i'i
<br />_ ,. �;. • ca:�a::��:a��.r�;::-:c:;::��7,cc"=rsc��:�F'aV�n�•nt untll tiZO Cocurcd dcb4 la pa:d in�ull.
<br /> -s.,.,.- � .,. " ,. . :
<br /> ✓ � 1, t;i►ln:v Ayee:ut tittar.tis:i�u�i:c�r�vp1 pay ol1 tuxes,a;�e:�smsnro,cnd oth:r chcrao9 qtYributaC'�to tha ro�erty v�hen dun end will dair,r�titlo -.
<br />-'' �^-u.�.*k��r'l�_ to tMProi�rtM H e�n�t �ny cldm�v��iich tvouid Impetr the Iten o}this deod ot 4ruct.4onder may raquira�orrower ta nasl4{n ony riphto,cicio;a or
<br /> ,�,..•.��-�•r;;�°rv defentea whlch�orroiever me�hnve a0simt parttea who euppfy la6or or materlete ta Improve or motnta!n Ueo property. .'�-''''
<br /> __,_.-,;�..,R���a g, i,;N;,;;„;;�,Eu,;o;,..:�.;:1 kt�;�t7t�pro�:rty InC+�red t!n�ltr trrms nr.centsbl3 to Len�tsr nt Rrirrawar's oxponsa and for Lcndcr'o tronafit, All �._„�_
<br /> -- Invunnc�pollcNr�hwi{Inciudl�rtand�rd nrtott9+pe cl�we!n tnvor af Lert�ar.Londer will ba n�med ee losa payEa ar au the Insurad an eny such .Y:;--_-
<br /> Y �� � Ineunnae pailey.Any Encuraaee p�oceydr may 6s eppfled,wlthln Lenda'�diaCretlon,ta either th+s rettoretion or ropair o0 tiie damepe�propnrty
<br /> :_,;,,,U�.T.,-, or tq thw acunsl debt. It lender requirea moitga�e inaurence,k3orro►vor eEreea to meincAin such Inauronca for as lonp as Lender requtrea. o=�
<br /> ��v.:�--
<br /> �--�--�� 4.1'rop«ty.8orrower wlll keap the proporty ir ua;d c�ndition ond make oll ropalro reasunpbfy naceseary. ��-
<br /> -_ .-�ts.;.�Yl�n'� -_°'°-
<br />,��y;�;��s'i���•' 8.Expenu�.Borrowe� epreo�to pay ell Londer'e oxpanses,Inctudinp reasonebto attomeye'tees,ff darrower braaka any covenente fn ihis deod ��=�-
<br /> - �- ,,,���.�,� o!truot or In eny obllpetlon eecured by this daed of trust.Horrcti��or wfl!peythese amounte to Landor ey{�rovided in Covenent 3 of this dead of �{*+�^-
<br /> :.�:S�f�h`��;[-,"�� tru�t. -
<br />-�.:�::�.?�� ---
<br /> --_•.�-a.�.•.. 6, Pdor S�curNy Int�ra�t�. Unlara Borrowar ffrs4 obtelns Lendar's wdtton concent,Borrower w(11 not meke or parmit any thangns to any priar
<br /> _�a�:�� �' security interests, Bunowor witl parform eil ot 8orrower's obiipntions undar any prior mortpepe, deed of trust or other security a$reement, _
<br /> ;�� , InctudlnQ Barrorra�r'e covenenta to make paynienta whan d:ie.
<br /> �trec�r�:_. r..- :: -
<br /> .�r�. ,. P P rtY. �:
<br />„ -.z .°°n�f+� ri 7.A��lpewn�nt o1 R�n2s�ndProTiU. Borrower asoiqns to l.ondar the renta Qnd profita of the ro e Untess Borrower end Le;��or have apreed
<br />_ •,:,ay;;;,���_,� otharw�sa In writing, Borrower mny eollect en3 retain tho rente es lonp as Borrowe�is not In deTauit,if 8orrowar dufbulta, lonc!�r, Lendar's
<br /> aQent, or e court eppalntnd roceiver mey tnke possasslon end n�anage the proporty end collect the rants.Any rentc Londer co!)aCtc ahall t� t°`
<br /> °-�---�--°� �ppliad firot to the coatc af maneping the property, incfuding court�oets end ettorney�' fees, commissione to rent�l eg_anta, and eny oihel'
<br /> �- naceteary rebted exp�nsea.Tho remetnfnp emount ot rente will the�applM to payments on the setured debt as provided ln Covenent 1. , .�
<br /> --�P.�J�7.�. � 8.LNSeAoida•Condo�nln!umr,Pl�nn�d Uni!flev�lopm�nto.Borrower a(1r9es o cumpty wlth tha provisiana of eny lo+�se if ihia uneu o?fiitat Ia oii i:.-
<br /> — � a le�ashoid. II this daed of vust Is on a unit In o cenaominlum or a planne�unit davetopmnnt, �orro�vor will purform eit of 8orrower'e duUe� �„.__
<br /> -- under ths co�enente,byIswe,ar repulatfons ot the condominfum ar planned unit de4aivN�,�ont. ----�-
<br /> , ��*"'13e'�'�3`° .,._
<br /> -__,;� f!. Authotity of�sndE�to F�rfurm for Borrew�v.ti Eiosrowor 4alla to perfarm any of Eiorrovrr,r'c dut!�a undcr thls desd of trusi, Londor may �'"��°-�
<br /> perforrn the di�t�en or causo them to bo peHormed. Lunder may sign Borr�wer's name or puy any amaunt ft nocesanry Yar pertctmenca.If any
<br /> •����^�t�"�:• construc�lon on t8e property Ia dlacontlnuud or not cnrrind on in a reasonable mannar,Lunder msy do whatever ia neceseory ta protect Landor'c _, _
<br /> ': �'::^�t�<, 'j security intereet in th� property_This mey includo campleting tho construction. -
<br /> - :...s... rirv._
<br /> '" lender's teiAue to perform�vill not prectudo Londer from exereislnp any of ite other righta undar the law or tNls deed af trust. -
<br /> ' ,ti,� �a� . =�--
<br /> J��;�:�'; _ Any amounte pald by Lendar to proteot Lender's security intoroet wfil be r,ecurod by thls deed uf trust.Such emounte will 6z 8uv on demarxi
<br /> ;r�,_„Y'}` end wfil bear tnteroat from tha dnto of tho paymont until paid in full at tho intorost rnto in offoct on the securod debt.
<br /> � "
<br /> _�..�� -
<br /> '�'�'��'� =+ 10. d�ixuit �nd Aec�isniUon. If Boreowor fnlis to mnke eny paymont when due ar 6raake ony covonsnts undor this dpod of trust or atiy. . �_:-
<br /> '�'" ,.►.ro>.:..�cgr{irarl h�r �h:a.I�ncf of!niat or anv nrior mortaeao or deed of VusY, loodar muv aeealetate the mBMlty of the sesured debt and ;;, _.
<br />"°'�`� r:..` domend Immediate paymont end may Invoke 4ho powor of sale end any othor romodiea pnrmittad by epplir.aOte�aw. � __
<br /> � �� �. —
<br /> ���° �W�� 11.R�qu�Yt for Notic�oi O�feult.It is haroby raquested that captas o4 the natices of dofauft and Aate ba sont to eacb percon wno�a a party• '-
<br />""�'^�`�Y,�* �`� h�reto,at the address of oach such porson,es set fonh herefn. -`-'
<br />-.+_�1;�e'"`er'i;� P'Y'-
<br /> ?` �� .
<br />,x,',��,,, ti..s�_.. 12.PowN ef Sd�.lf tho Lender Invokos the pawer ot ente,the Tructea shail first rocord U the offlce of the robister of deede at each county
<br /> - � `�� •�.. wherein tho trust pruperry ar soma part or parcel thaTOOf is situetod a nottce of default contalMag tho Intorma:ion required by lew.The Trustee f`
<br />- ��� ��,� � shell alaq mall copies o}the notica of dof�ult to tho�3orrowor,to oach porsan who ic e purty hr:roto,and to atAer pnrsons ssproscrlbud by �..�
<br />'>FU�e�=??t� �• . applicabie taw. Not Itace thm one month after the Tr.ustoo recorde the notice of default, ot t�vo months f} 4ha trvst property lo nat in�ny °
<br />-..,.w_�;u,r.-��r. Incorporoted city nr v311eQe and ia usad In tarming opetnttons enrded on by the trustor,the Trustae s ha{I g ive pu b BC not lco of sete to Rhe persons �;A,_
<br /> � ;� , end In atra manr,er prestt(bod hy epUP�icable Ia�v.Trustea,wlthout domand on Borrower,shall suli tho proparty ai public euction to the hipheaf K--
<br /> '°"'"-��--__..�-,� bidder,ii�Aqu(fed by Yhe Farm Homestoad Protection Act,Trustoo shall ofter the property in two soparate eates ae requtred by appUcablo law. ��`=,«:
<br /> - ,�-`°^a� Tru�too e�ey poRtpono eete of eiil or any parcel af 4Ae Qroperty 6y pubtlo ennouncement et the tlme and place of any previout{y aaheduWd s�t�. --
<br /> '""���`��•�" Lender or tca deeignad may purchese the proporty,a�2 any 8aie. '�
<br />_. ,,`�..,_ ��;,'_
<br /> -..:1:�;.____.
<br />*r��;::.:�;""' "" Upon roceipt of pqym�nt of tha priae bid,7rustoo ehalt dolivor ta tho purchaset Trusteo'o deed conveyinfl the property.The recitiale conteioed in � �
<br /> ��� ;, ,,,. Trustao'o dood shal4bnpdma facie evidience of the truth of tho etatomonte contained therbin.TruEteo shall appfy ihe procsods of tha sate In tho ����� �
<br />' � ��,�.,.�;. . .: foliowis�p oTdor. (o) io sll expenses ot the seie, Incfuding, but not Iimitod to, renconablo Trustoa's fnes, reasoneblo ettornay's foos and �.
<br />;a,�%�ib,,_�.�_..._ , rafnstatament feos;lb)to all sume so�ured by thia doed of trost,and(c)thc�balanco,it any,to tho porsons lopnlly antittad to rocotvo it. �
<br /> . ,.-^r.:'c-"�,`y �
<br /> _�.:•�-��•.� 73.Fardcbaurs.At L�nder'e option,thia dee�of truat moy bo foroclosad(n the rtienner provido by epplicable lew for(orecfosure or mortgeges
<br /> ��_,,r_ on reul property.
<br /> �fti`
<br /> A���,��': 14.Insp�cuon. Landei may ontor tho proporty to inspeot k tf Londor gives Borrower notico boforohand. The notica must state ths reasanable
<br /> ..r.�,�,��-; cause 4or Londur'e Inspoctton.
<br /> ,�,r�; , L ,
<br /> �:`3�. 16.CanQlmnttion.Borrower osslflns to Lendor the rocoede oi unv award or clalm tor damagos connected wlth n condemnntlon.or other teking
<br /> `.M� � �' "!} of e1!a��ny part ot tho property.St�ch pror,eoda wiP bo eppliod ea�providad(n Covenant 1.Thfa o;oi�nment Is subJact to tho toems of nny prfor
<br /> -h�=:-�.�' sacurity egreemont. '
<br /> ,Xi�.�f`- _. ,
<br />':�,�,,,��+���,•.� 76.W�Iva.By exorr,esirt�eny romndY uvailabie to Lendor,Londor doea not givo up any rtghte to lator uso eny o2�nor romudy.By not oxorcfalnfl •
<br /> •_:-
<br />